path: root/src/Generating/BioGen.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Generating/BioGen.cpp')
1 files changed, 260 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/src/Generating/BioGen.cpp b/src/Generating/BioGen.cpp
index 8b2b227a8..a0407a145 100644
--- a/src/Generating/BioGen.cpp
+++ b/src/Generating/BioGen.cpp
@@ -13,6 +13,72 @@
+// cBiomeGen:
+cBiomeGen * cBiomeGen::CreateBiomeGen(cIniFile & a_IniFile, int a_Seed, bool & a_CacheOffByDefault)
+ AString BiomeGenName = a_IniFile.GetValueSet("Generator", "BiomeGen", "");
+ if (BiomeGenName.empty())
+ {
+ LOGWARN("[Generator] BiomeGen value not set in world.ini, using \"MultiStepMap\".");
+ BiomeGenName = "MultiStepMap";
+ }
+ cBiomeGen * res = NULL;
+ a_CacheOffByDefault = false;
+ if (NoCaseCompare(BiomeGenName, "constant") == 0)
+ {
+ res = new cBioGenConstant;
+ a_CacheOffByDefault = true; // we're generating faster than a cache would retrieve data :)
+ }
+ else if (NoCaseCompare(BiomeGenName, "checkerboard") == 0)
+ {
+ res = new cBioGenCheckerboard;
+ a_CacheOffByDefault = true; // we're (probably) generating faster than a cache would retrieve data
+ }
+ else if (NoCaseCompare(BiomeGenName, "voronoi") == 0)
+ {
+ res = new cBioGenVoronoi(a_Seed);
+ }
+ else if (NoCaseCompare(BiomeGenName, "distortedvoronoi") == 0)
+ {
+ res = new cBioGenDistortedVoronoi(a_Seed);
+ }
+ else if (NoCaseCompare(BiomeGenName, "twolevel") == 0)
+ {
+ res = new cBioGenTwoLevel(a_Seed);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (NoCaseCompare(BiomeGenName, "multistepmap") != 0)
+ {
+ LOGWARNING("Unknown BiomeGen \"%s\", using \"MultiStepMap\" instead.", BiomeGenName.c_str());
+ }
+ res = new cBioGenMultiStepMap(a_Seed);
+ /*
+ // Performance-testing:
+ LOGINFO("Measuring performance of cBioGenMultiStepMap...");
+ clock_t BeginTick = clock();
+ for (int x = 0; x < 5000; x++)
+ {
+ cChunkDef::BiomeMap Biomes;
+ res->GenBiomes(x * 5, x * 5, Biomes);
+ }
+ clock_t Duration = clock() - BeginTick;
+ LOGINFO("cBioGenMultiStepMap for 5000 chunks took %d ticks (%.02f sec)", Duration, (double)Duration / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
+ //*/
+ }
+ res->InitializeBiomeGen(a_IniFile);
+ return res;
// cBioGenConstant:
void cBioGenConstant::GenBiomes(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, cChunkDef::BiomeMap & a_BiomeMap)
@@ -229,11 +295,12 @@ void cBioGenCheckerboard::GenBiomes(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, cChunkDef::Biome
for (int z = 0; z < cChunkDef::Width; z++)
- int Base = cChunkDef::Width * a_ChunkZ + z;
+ int Base = (cChunkDef::Width * a_ChunkZ + z) / m_BiomeSize;
for (int x = 0; x < cChunkDef::Width; x++)
int Add = cChunkDef::Width * a_ChunkX + x;
- a_BiomeMap[x + cChunkDef::Width * z] = m_Biomes[(Base / m_BiomeSize + Add / m_BiomeSize) % m_BiomesCount];
+ int BiomeIdx = (((Base + Add / m_BiomeSize) % m_BiomesCount) + m_BiomesCount) % m_BiomesCount; // Need to add and modulo twice because of negative numbers
+ a_BiomeMap[x + cChunkDef::Width * z] = m_Biomes[BiomeIdx];
@@ -669,3 +736,194 @@ void cBioGenMultiStepMap::FreezeWaterBiomes(cChunkDef::BiomeMap & a_BiomeMap, co
+// cBioGenTwoLevel:
+cBioGenTwoLevel::cBioGenTwoLevel(int a_Seed) :
+ m_VoronoiLarge(a_Seed + 1000),
+ m_VoronoiSmall(a_Seed + 2000),
+ m_DistortX(a_Seed + 3000),
+ m_DistortZ(a_Seed + 4000),
+ m_Noise(a_Seed + 5000)
+void cBioGenTwoLevel::GenBiomes(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, cChunkDef::BiomeMap & a_BiomeMap)
+ int BaseZ = cChunkDef::Width * a_ChunkZ;
+ int BaseX = cChunkDef::Width * a_ChunkX;
+ // Distortions for linear interpolation:
+ int DistortX[cChunkDef::Width + 1][cChunkDef::Width + 1];
+ int DistortZ[cChunkDef::Width + 1][cChunkDef::Width + 1];
+ for (int x = 0; x <= 4; x++) for (int z = 0; z <= 4; z++)
+ {
+ int BlockX = BaseX + x * 4;
+ int BlockZ = BaseZ + z * 4;
+ float BlockXF = (float)(16 * BlockX) / 128;
+ float BlockZF = (float)(16 * BlockZ) / 128;
+ double NoiseX = m_Noise.CubicNoise3D(BlockXF / 16, BlockZF / 16, 1000);
+ NoiseX += 0.5 * m_Noise.CubicNoise3D(BlockXF / 8, BlockZF / 8, 2000);
+ NoiseX += 0.08 * m_Noise.CubicNoise3D(BlockXF, BlockZF, 3000);
+ double NoiseZ = m_Noise.CubicNoise3D(BlockXF / 16, BlockZF / 16, 4000);
+ NoiseZ += 0.5 * m_Noise.CubicNoise3D(BlockXF / 8, BlockZF / 8, 5000);
+ NoiseZ += 0.08 * m_Noise.CubicNoise3D(BlockXF, BlockZF, 6000);
+ DistortX[4 * x][4 * z] = BlockX + (int)(64 * NoiseX);
+ DistortZ[4 * x][4 * z] = BlockZ + (int)(64 * NoiseZ);
+ }
+ LinearUpscale2DArrayInPlace(&DistortX[0][0], cChunkDef::Width + 1, cChunkDef::Width + 1, 4, 4);
+ LinearUpscale2DArrayInPlace(&DistortZ[0][0], cChunkDef::Width + 1, cChunkDef::Width + 1, 4, 4);
+ // Apply distortion to each block coord, then query the voronoi maps for biome group and biome index and choose biome based on that:
+ for (int z = 0; z < cChunkDef::Width; z++)
+ {
+ for (int x = 0; x < cChunkDef::Width; x++)
+ {
+ int BiomeGroup = m_VoronoiLarge.GetValueAt(DistortX[x][z], DistortZ[x][z]) / 7;
+ int MinDist1, MinDist2;
+ int BiomeIdx = m_VoronoiSmall.GetValueAt(DistortX[x][z], DistortZ[x][z], MinDist1, MinDist2) / 11;
+ cChunkDef::SetBiome(a_BiomeMap, x, z, SelectBiome(BiomeGroup, BiomeIdx, (MinDist1 < MinDist2 / 4) ? 0 : 1));
+ }
+ }
+EMCSBiome cBioGenTwoLevel::SelectBiome(int a_BiomeGroup, int a_BiomeIdx, int a_DistLevel)
+ // TODO: Move this into settings
+ struct BiomeLevels
+ {
+ EMCSBiome InnerBiome;
+ EMCSBiome OuterBiome;
+ } ;
+ static BiomeLevels bgOcean[] =
+ {
+ { biOcean, biOcean, },
+ { biOcean, biOcean, },
+ { biOcean, biOcean, },
+ { biOcean, biOcean, },
+ { biOcean, biDeepOcean, },
+ { biOcean, biDeepOcean, },
+ { biDeepOcean, biDeepOcean, },
+ { biDeepOcean, biDeepOcean, },
+ { biDeepOcean, biDeepOcean, },
+ { biDeepOcean, biDeepOcean, },
+ { biMushroomIsland, biMushroomShore, }
+ } ;
+ static BiomeLevels bgFrozen[] =
+ {
+ { biIcePlains, biIcePlains, },
+ { biIceMountains, biIceMountains, },
+ { biFrozenOcean, biFrozenRiver, },
+ { biColdTaiga, biColdTaiga, },
+ { biColdTaigaHills, biColdTaigaHills, },
+ { biColdTaigaM, biColdTaigaM, },
+ { biIcePlainsSpikes, biIcePlainsSpikes, },
+ { biExtremeHills, biExtremeHillsEdge, },
+ { biExtremeHillsPlus, biExtremeHillsEdge, },
+ { biExtremeHillsPlusM, biExtremeHillsPlusM, },
+ } ;
+ static BiomeLevels bgTemperate[] =
+ {
+ { biBirchForestHills, biBirchForest, },
+ { biBirchForest, biBirchForest, },
+ { biBirchForestHillsM, biBirchForestM, },
+ { biBirchForestM, biBirchForestM, },
+ { biForest, biForestHills, },
+ { biFlowerForest, biFlowerForest, },
+ { biRoofedForest, biForest, },
+ { biRoofedForest, biRoofedForest, },
+ { biRoofedForestM, biForest, },
+ { biPlains, biPlains, },
+ { biSunflowerPlains, biSunflowerPlains, },
+ { biSwampland, biSwampland, },
+ { biSwamplandM, biSwamplandM, },
+ } ;
+ static BiomeLevels bgWarm[] =
+ {
+ { biDesertHills, biDesert, },
+ { biDesert, biDesert, },
+ { biDesertM, biDesertM, },
+ { biSavannaPlateau, biSavanna, },
+ { biSavanna, biSavanna, },
+ { biSavannaM, biSavannaM, },
+ } ;
+ static BiomeLevels bgMesa[] =
+ {
+ { biMesaPlateau, biMesa, },
+ { biMesaPlateauF, biMesa, },
+ { biMesaPlateauFM, biMesa, },
+ { biMesaPlateauM, biMesa, },
+ { biMesaBryce, biMesaBryce, },
+ { biSavanna, biSavanna, },
+ { biSavannaPlateau, biSavanna, },
+ } ;
+ static BiomeLevels bgConifers[] =
+ {
+ { biTaiga, biTaiga, },
+ { biTaigaM, biTaigaM, },
+ { biMegaTaiga, biMegaTaiga, },
+ { biMegaSpruceTaiga, biMegaSpruceTaiga, },
+ { biMegaSpruceTaigaHills, biMegaSpruceTaiga, }
+ } ;
+ static BiomeLevels bgDenseTrees[] =
+ {
+ { biJungleHills, biJungle, },
+ { biJungle, biJungleEdge, },
+ { biJungleM, biJungleEdgeM, },
+ } ;
+ static struct
+ {
+ BiomeLevels * Biomes;
+ size_t Count;
+ } BiomeGroups[] =
+ {
+ { bgOcean, ARRAYCOUNT(bgOcean), },
+ { bgOcean, ARRAYCOUNT(bgOcean), },
+ { bgFrozen, ARRAYCOUNT(bgFrozen), },
+ { bgFrozen, ARRAYCOUNT(bgFrozen), },
+ { bgTemperate, ARRAYCOUNT(bgTemperate), },
+ { bgTemperate, ARRAYCOUNT(bgTemperate), },
+ { bgConifers, ARRAYCOUNT(bgConifers), },
+ { bgConifers, ARRAYCOUNT(bgConifers), },
+ { bgWarm, ARRAYCOUNT(bgWarm), },
+ { bgWarm, ARRAYCOUNT(bgWarm), },
+ { bgMesa, ARRAYCOUNT(bgMesa), },
+ { bgDenseTrees, ARRAYCOUNT(bgDenseTrees), },
+ } ;
+ size_t Group = a_BiomeGroup % ARRAYCOUNT(BiomeGroups);
+ size_t Index = a_BiomeIdx % BiomeGroups[Group].Count;
+ return (a_DistLevel > 0) ? BiomeGroups[Group].Biomes[Index].InnerBiome : BiomeGroups[Group].Biomes[Index].OuterBiome;
+void cBioGenTwoLevel::InitializeBiomeGen(cIniFile & a_IniFile)
+ // TODO: Read these from a file
+ m_VoronoiLarge.SetCellSize(1024);
+ m_VoronoiSmall.SetCellSize(128);
+ m_DistortX.AddOctave(0.01f, 16);
+ m_DistortX.AddOctave(0.005f, 8);
+ m_DistortX.AddOctave(0.0025f, 4);
+ m_DistortZ.AddOctave(0.01f, 16);
+ m_DistortZ.AddOctave(0.005f, 8);
+ m_DistortZ.AddOctave(0.0025f, 4);