path: root/src/OSSupport
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
3 files changed, 1027 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/OSSupport/CMakeLists.txt b/src/OSSupport/CMakeLists.txt
index e943ceb18..8454279fe 100644
--- a/src/OSSupport/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/OSSupport/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ SET (SRCS
+ Network.cpp
@@ -26,6 +27,7 @@ SET (HDRS
+ Network.h
diff --git a/src/OSSupport/Network.cpp b/src/OSSupport/Network.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d947bfa90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/OSSupport/Network.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,837 @@
+// Network.cpp
+// Implements the classes used for the Network API
+#include "Globals.h"
+#include "Network.h"
+#include <event2/event.h>
+#include <event2/thread.h>
+#include <event2/bufferevent.h>
+#include <event2/dns.h>
+// Self-test:
+class cNetworkTest
+ /** cTCPLink callbacks that dump everything it received to the log. */
+ class cDumpCallbacks:
+ public cTCPLink::cCallbacks
+ {
+ cEvent & m_Event;
+ virtual void OnReceivedData(cTCPLink & a_Link, const char * a_Data, size_t a_Size) override
+ {
+ // Log the incoming data size:
+ AString Hex;
+ CreateHexDump(Hex, a_Data, a_Size, 16);
+ LOGD("Incoming data: %u bytes:\n%s", static_cast<unsigned>(a_Size), Hex.c_str());
+ }
+ virtual void OnRemoteClosed(cTCPLink & a_Link) override
+ {
+ LOGD("Remote has closed the connection.");
+ m_Event.Set();
+ }
+ virtual void OnError(cTCPLink & a_Link, int a_ErrorCode) override
+ {
+ LOGD("Error in the cDumpCallbacks.");
+ m_Event.Set();
+ }
+ public:
+ cDumpCallbacks(cEvent & a_Event):
+ m_Event(a_Event)
+ {
+ }
+ };
+ /** cTCPLink callbacks that echo everything they receive back to the remote peer. */
+ class cEchoCallbacks:
+ public cTCPLink::cCallbacks
+ {
+ cEvent & m_Event;
+ virtual void OnReceivedData(cTCPLink & a_Link, const char * a_Data, size_t a_Size) override
+ {
+ // Echo the incoming data back to outgoing data:
+ LOGD("Data received (%u bytes), echoing back.", static_cast<unsigned>(a_Size));
+ a_Link.Send(a_Data, a_Size);
+ LOGD("Echo queued");
+ }
+ virtual void OnRemoteClosed(cTCPLink & a_Link) override
+ {
+ LOGD("Remote has closed the connection.");
+ m_Event.Set();
+ }
+ virtual void OnError(cTCPLink & a_Link, int a_ErrorCode) override
+ {
+ LOGD("Error in the cEchoCallbacks.");
+ m_Event.Set();
+ }
+ public:
+ cEchoCallbacks(cEvent & a_Event):
+ m_Event(a_Event)
+ {
+ }
+ };
+ /** Connect callbacks that send a simple test message when connected. */
+ class cConnectCallbacks:
+ public cNetwork::cConnectCallbacks
+ {
+ cEvent & m_Event;
+ virtual void OnSuccess(cTCPLink & a_Link) override
+ {
+ LOGD("Connected, sending test message");
+ a_Link.Send("test message");
+ LOGD("Message queued.");
+ }
+ virtual void OnError(int a_ErrorCode) override
+ {
+ LOGD("Error while connecting: %d", a_ErrorCode);
+ m_Event.Set();
+ }
+ public:
+ cConnectCallbacks(cEvent & a_Event):
+ m_Event(a_Event)
+ {
+ }
+ };
+ /** Connect callbacks that send a HTTP GET request for when connected. */
+ class cHTTPConnectCallbacks:
+ public cNetwork::cConnectCallbacks
+ {
+ cEvent & m_Event;
+ virtual void OnSuccess(cTCPLink & a_Link) override
+ {
+ LOGD("Connected, sending HTTP GET");
+ if (!a_Link.Send("GET / HTTP/1.0\r\\r\n\r\n"))
+ {
+ LOGWARNING("Sending HTTP GET failed");
+ }
+ LOGD("HTTP GET queued.");
+ }
+ virtual void OnError(int a_ErrorCode) override
+ {
+ LOGD("Error while connecting HTTP: %d", a_ErrorCode);
+ m_Event.Set();
+ }
+ public:
+ cHTTPConnectCallbacks(cEvent & a_Event):
+ m_Event(a_Event)
+ {
+ }
+ };
+ /** Listen callbacks that send a simple welcome message to all connecting peers. */
+ class cListenCallbacks:
+ public cNetwork::cListenCallbacks
+ {
+ virtual void OnAccepted(cTCPLink & a_Link) override
+ {
+ // Send some trivial data:
+ a_Link.Send("Welcome to echo server\n");
+ }
+ };
+ cNetworkTest(void)
+ {
+ cEvent evtFinish;
+ LOGD("Network test: Connecting to, reading front page via HTTP.");
+ if (!cNetwork::Connect("", 80, std::make_shared<cHTTPConnectCallbacks>(evtFinish), std::make_shared<cDumpCallbacks>(evtFinish)))
+ {
+ LOGWARNING("Cannot queue connection to");
+ abort();
+ }
+ LOGD("Connect request has been queued.");
+ /*
+ LOGD("Creating a server on port 33033");
+ auto Server = cNetwork::Listen(33033, std::make_shared<cListenCallbacks>(), std::make_shared<cEchoCallbacks>());
+ LOGD("Test server created.");
+ LOGD("Connecting to test server");
+ cNetwork::Connect("localhost", 33033, std::make_shared<cConnectCallbacks>(), std::make_shared<cDumpCallbacks>());
+ LOGD("Waiting for network operations to finish.");
+ evtFinish.Wait();
+ LOGD("Terminating test server.");
+ Server->Close();
+ */
+ evtFinish.Wait();
+ LOGD("Network test finished");
+ }
+} g_NetworkTest;
+// Class definitions:
+/** Implements the cTCPLink details so that it can represent the single connection between two endpoints. */
+class cTCPLinkImpl:
+ public cTCPLink
+ typedef cTCPLink super;
+ /** Creates a new link to be queued to connect to a specified host:port.
+ Used for outgoing connections created using cNetwork::Connect().
+ Call Connect() first, before using the link. */
+ cTCPLinkImpl(const cCallbacksPtr a_LinkCallbacks);
+ /** Creates a new link based on the given socket.
+ Used for connections accepted in a server using cNetwork::Listen(). */
+ cTCPLinkImpl(evutil_socket_t a_Socket, cCallbacksPtr a_LinkCallbacks);
+ /** Queues a connection request to the specified host.
+ a_ConnectCallbacks must be valid.
+ The object must have been constructed by the right constructor (without the Socket param). */
+ bool Connect(const AString & a_Host, UInt16 a_Port, cNetwork::cConnectCallbacksPtr a_ConnectCallbacks);
+ // cTCPLink overrides:
+ virtual bool Send(const void * a_Data, size_t a_Length) override;
+ virtual AString GetLocalIP(void) const override;
+ virtual UInt16 GetLocalPort(void) const override;
+ virtual AString GetRemoteIP(void) const override;
+ virtual UInt16 GetRemotePort(void) const override;
+ virtual void Close(void) override;
+ virtual void Drop(void) override;
+ /** Callbacks to call when the connection is established.
+ May be NULL if not used. Only used for outgoing connections (cNetwork::Connect()). */
+ cNetwork::cConnectCallbacksPtr m_ConnectCallbacks;
+ /** The LibEvent handle representing this connection. */
+ bufferevent * m_BufferEvent;
+ /** Callback that LibEvent calls when there's data available from the remote peer. */
+ static void ReadCallback(bufferevent * a_BufferEvent, void * a_Self);
+ /** Callback that LibEvent calls when there's a non-data-related event on the socket. */
+ static void EventCallback(bufferevent * a_BufferEvent, short a_What, void * a_Self);
+typedef SharedPtr<cTCPLinkImpl> cTCPLinkImplPtr;
+typedef std::vector<cTCPLinkImplPtr> cTCPLinkImplPtrs;
+/** Implements the cServerHandle details so that it can represent a real server socket, with a list of clients. */
+class cServerHandleImpl:
+ public cServerHandle
+ /** Creates a new instance with the specified callbacks.
+ Initializes the internals, but doesn't start listening yet. */
+ cServerHandleImpl(
+ cNetwork::cListenCallbacksPtr a_ListenCallbacks,
+ cTCPLink::cCallbacksPtr a_LinkCallbacks
+ );
+ /** Starts listening on the specified port.
+ Both IPv4 and IPv6 interfaces are used, if possible. */
+ bool Listen(UInt16 a_Port);
+ // cServerHandle overrides:
+ virtual void Close(void) override;
+ virtual bool IsListening(void) const override { return m_IsListening; }
+ /** The callbacks used to notify about incoming connections. */
+ cNetwork::cListenCallbacksPtr m_ListenCallbacks;
+ /** The callbacks used to create new cTCPLink instances for incoming connections. */
+ cTCPLink::cCallbacksPtr m_LinkCallbacks;
+ /** Set to true when the server is initialized successfully and is listening for incoming connections. */
+ bool m_IsListening;
+typedef SharedPtr<cServerHandleImpl> cServerHandleImplPtr;
+typedef std::vector<cServerHandleImplPtr> cServerHandleImplPtrs;
+class cNetworkSingleton
+ friend class cTCPLinkImpl;
+ /** Returns the singleton instance of this class */
+ static cNetworkSingleton & Get(void);
+ // The following functions are implementations for the cNetwork class
+ /** Queues a TCP connection to be made to the specified host.
+ Calls one the connection callbacks (success, error) when the connection is successfully established, or upon failure.
+ The a_LinkCallbacks is passed to the newly created cTCPLink.
+ Returns true if queueing was successful, false on failure to queue.
+ Note that the return value doesn't report the success of the actual connection; the connection is established asynchronously in the background. */
+ bool Connect(
+ const AString & a_Host,
+ const UInt16 a_Port,
+ cNetwork::cConnectCallbacksPtr a_ConnectCallbacks,
+ cTCPLink::cCallbacksPtr a_LinkCallbacks
+ );
+ /** Opens up the specified port for incoming connections.
+ Calls an OnAccepted callback for each incoming connection.
+ A cTCPLink with the specified link callbacks is created for each connection.
+ Returns a cServerHandle that can be used to query the operation status and close the server. */
+ cServerHandlePtr Listen(
+ const UInt16 a_Port,
+ cNetwork::cListenCallbacksPtr a_ListenCallbacks,
+ cTCPLink::cCallbacksPtr a_LinkCallbacks
+ );
+ /** Queues a DNS query to resolve the specified hostname to IP address.
+ Calls one of the callbacks when the resolving succeeds, or when it fails.
+ Returns true if queueing was successful, false if not.
+ Note that the return value doesn't report the success of the actual lookup; the lookup happens asynchronously on the background. */
+ bool HostnameToIP(
+ const AString & a_Hostname,
+ cNetwork::cResolveNameCallbacksPtr a_Callbacks
+ );
+ /** Queues a DNS query to resolve the specified IP address to a hostname.
+ Calls one of the callbacks when the resolving succeeds, or when it fails.
+ Returns true if queueing was successful, false if not.
+ Note that the return value doesn't report the success of the actual lookup; the lookup happens asynchronously on the background. */
+ bool IPToHostName(
+ const AString & a_IP,
+ cNetwork::cResolveNameCallbacksPtr a_Callbacks
+ );
+ /** The main LibEvent container for driving the event loop. */
+ event_base * m_EventBase;
+ /** The LibEvent handle for doing DNS lookups. */
+ evdns_base * m_DNSBase;
+ /** Container for all client connections, including ones with pending-connect. */
+ cTCPLinkImplPtrs m_Connections;
+ /** Container for all servers that are currently active. */
+ cServerHandleImplPtrs m_Servers;
+ /** Initializes the LibEvent internals. */
+ cNetworkSingleton(void);
+ /** Converts LibEvent-generated log events into log messages in MCS log. */
+ static void LogCallback(int a_Severity, const char * a_Msg);
+ /** Runs the thread that LibEvent uses to dispatch event. */
+ static void EventLoopThread(cNetworkSingleton * a_Self);
+// cTCPLinkImpl:
+cTCPLinkImpl::cTCPLinkImpl(cTCPLink::cCallbacksPtr a_LinkCallbacks):
+ super(a_LinkCallbacks),
+ m_BufferEvent(bufferevent_socket_new(cNetworkSingleton::Get().m_EventBase, -1, BEV_OPT_CLOSE_ON_FREE))
+ bufferevent_setcb(m_BufferEvent, ReadCallback, nullptr, EventCallback, this);
+ bufferevent_enable(m_BufferEvent, EV_READ | EV_WRITE);
+cTCPLinkImpl::cTCPLinkImpl(evutil_socket_t a_Socket, cTCPLink::cCallbacksPtr a_LinkCallbacks):
+ super(a_LinkCallbacks),
+ m_BufferEvent(bufferevent_socket_new(cNetworkSingleton::Get().m_EventBase, a_Socket, BEV_OPT_CLOSE_ON_FREE))
+ bufferevent_setcb(m_BufferEvent, ReadCallback, nullptr, EventCallback, this);
+ bufferevent_enable(m_BufferEvent, EV_READ | EV_WRITE);
+/** Schedules the actual connection request.
+Returns true on success, false on failure. */
+bool cTCPLinkImpl::Connect(const AString & a_Host, UInt16 a_Port, cNetwork::cConnectCallbacksPtr a_ConnectCallbacks)
+ ASSERT(bufferevent_getfd(m_BufferEvent) == -1); // Did you create this object using the right constructor (the one without the Socket param)?
+ ASSERT(a_ConnectCallbacks != nullptr);
+ m_ConnectCallbacks = a_ConnectCallbacks;
+ // If a_Host is an IP address, schedule a connection immediately:
+ sockaddr_storage sa;
+ int salen = static_cast<int>(sizeof(sa));
+ if (evutil_parse_sockaddr_port(a_Host.c_str(), reinterpret_cast<sockaddr *>(&sa), &salen) == 0)
+ {
+ // Insert the correct port:
+ if (sa.ss_family == AF_INET6)
+ {
+ reinterpret_cast<sockaddr_in6 *>(&sa)->sin6_port = htons(a_Port);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ reinterpret_cast<sockaddr_in *>(&sa)->sin_port = htons(a_Port);
+ }
+ if (bufferevent_socket_connect(m_BufferEvent, reinterpret_cast<sockaddr *>(&sa), salen) == 0)
+ {
+ // Success
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Failure
+ return false;
+ }
+ // a_Host is a hostname, connect after a lookup:
+ if (bufferevent_socket_connect_hostname(m_BufferEvent, cNetworkSingleton::Get().m_DNSBase, AF_UNSPEC, a_Host.c_str(), a_Port) == 0)
+ {
+ // Success
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Failure
+ return false;
+bool cTCPLinkImpl::Send(const void * a_Data, size_t a_Length)
+ return (bufferevent_write(m_BufferEvent, a_Data, a_Length) == 0);
+AString cTCPLinkImpl::GetLocalIP(void) const
+ // TODO
+ ASSERT(!"cTCPLinkImpl::GetLocalIP: Not implemented yet");
+ return "";
+UInt16 cTCPLinkImpl::GetLocalPort(void) const
+ // TODO
+ ASSERT(!"cTCPLinkImpl::GetLocalPort(): Not implemented yet");
+ return 0;
+AString cTCPLinkImpl::GetRemoteIP(void) const
+ // TODO
+ ASSERT(!"cTCPLinkImpl::GetRemoteIP(): Not implemented yet");
+ return "";
+UInt16 cTCPLinkImpl::GetRemotePort(void) const
+ // TODO
+ ASSERT(!"cTCPLinkImpl::GetRemotePort(): Not implemented yet");
+ return 0;
+void cTCPLinkImpl::Close(void)
+ // TODO
+ ASSERT(!"cTCPLinkImpl::Close(): Not implemented yet");
+void cTCPLinkImpl::Drop(void)
+ // TODO
+ ASSERT(!"cTCPLinkImpl::Drop(): Not implemented yet");
+void cTCPLinkImpl::ReadCallback(bufferevent * a_BufferEvent, void * a_Self)
+ ASSERT(a_Self != nullptr);
+ cTCPLinkImpl * Self = static_cast<cTCPLinkImpl *>(a_Self);
+ ASSERT(Self->m_Callbacks != nullptr);
+ // Read all the incoming data, in 1024-byte chunks:
+ char data[1024];
+ size_t length;
+ while ((length = bufferevent_read(a_BufferEvent, data, sizeof(data))) > 0)
+ {
+ Self->m_Callbacks->OnReceivedData(*Self, data, length);
+ }
+void cTCPLinkImpl::EventCallback(bufferevent * a_BufferEvent, short a_What, void * a_Self)
+ ASSERT(a_Self != nullptr);
+ cTCPLinkImpl * Self = static_cast<cTCPLinkImpl *>(a_Self);
+ // If an error is reported, call the error callback:
+ if (a_What & BEV_EVENT_ERROR)
+ {
+ // Choose the proper callback to call based on whether we were waiting for connection or not:
+ if (Self->m_ConnectCallbacks != nullptr)
+ {
+ Self->m_ConnectCallbacks->OnError(EVUTIL_SOCKET_ERROR());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Self->m_Callbacks->OnError(*Self, EVUTIL_SOCKET_ERROR());
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // Pending connection succeeded, call the connection callback:
+ {
+ if (Self->m_ConnectCallbacks != nullptr)
+ {
+ Self->m_ConnectCallbacks->OnSuccess(*Self);
+ // Reset the connect callbacks so that later errors get reported through the link callbacks:
+ Self->m_ConnectCallbacks.reset();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // If the connectino has been closed, call the link callback:
+ if (a_What & BEV_EVENT_EOF)
+ {
+ Self->m_Callbacks->OnRemoteClosed(*Self);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Unknown event, report it:
+ LOGWARNING("cTCPLinkImpl: Unhandled LibEvent event %d (0x%x)", a_What, a_What);
+ ASSERT(!"cTCPLinkImpl: Unhandled LibEvent event");
+// cServerHandleImpl:
+cServerHandleImpl::cServerHandleImpl(cNetwork::cListenCallbacksPtr a_ListenCallbacks, cTCPLink::cCallbacksPtr a_LinkCallbacks):
+ m_ListenCallbacks(a_ListenCallbacks),
+ m_LinkCallbacks(a_LinkCallbacks)
+ // TODO
+ ASSERT(!"Not implemented yet!");
+void cServerHandleImpl::Close(void)
+ // TODO
+ ASSERT(!"Not implemented yet!");
+bool cServerHandleImpl::Listen(UInt16 a_Port)
+ // TODO
+ ASSERT(!"Not implemented yet!");
+ return false;
+// cNetwork:
+bool cNetwork::Connect(
+ const AString & a_Host,
+ const UInt16 a_Port,
+ cNetwork::cConnectCallbacksPtr a_ConnectCallbacks,
+ cTCPLink::cCallbacksPtr a_LinkCallbacks
+ return cNetworkSingleton::Get().Connect(a_Host, a_Port, a_ConnectCallbacks, a_LinkCallbacks);
+cServerHandlePtr cNetwork::Listen(
+ const UInt16 a_Port,
+ cNetwork::cListenCallbacksPtr a_ListenCallbacks,
+ cTCPLink::cCallbacksPtr a_LinkCallbacks
+ return cNetworkSingleton::Get().Listen(a_Port, a_ListenCallbacks, a_LinkCallbacks);
+bool cNetwork::HostnameToIP(
+ const AString & a_Hostname,
+ cNetwork::cResolveNameCallbacksPtr a_Callbacks
+ return cNetworkSingleton::Get().HostnameToIP(a_Hostname, a_Callbacks);
+bool cNetwork::IPToHostName(
+ const AString & a_IP,
+ cNetwork::cResolveNameCallbacksPtr a_Callbacks
+ return cNetworkSingleton::Get().IPToHostName(a_IP, a_Callbacks);
+// cTCPLink:
+cTCPLink::cTCPLink(cCallbacksPtr a_Callbacks):
+ m_Callbacks(a_Callbacks)
+// cNetworkSingleton:
+ // Windows: initialize networking:
+ #ifdef _WIN32
+ WSADATA wsaData;
+ memset(&wsaData, 0, sizeof(wsaData));
+ WSAStartup (MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsaData);
+ #endif // _WIN32
+ // Initialize LibEvent logging:
+ event_set_log_callback(LogCallback);
+ // Initialize threading:
+ evthread_use_windows_threads();
+ evthread_use_pthreads();
+ #else
+ #error No threading implemented for EVTHREAD
+ #endif
+ // Create the main event_base:
+ m_EventBase = event_base_new();
+ if (m_EventBase == nullptr)
+ {
+ LOGERROR("Failed to initialize LibEvent. The server will now terminate.");
+ abort();
+ }
+ // Create the DNS lookup helper:
+ m_DNSBase = evdns_base_new(m_EventBase, 1);
+ if (m_DNSBase == nullptr)
+ {
+ LOGERROR("Failed to initialize LibEvent's DNS subsystem. The server will now terminate.");
+ abort();
+ }
+ // Create the event loop thread:
+ std::thread::thread(EventLoopThread, this).detach();
+cNetworkSingleton & cNetworkSingleton::Get(void)
+ static cNetworkSingleton Instance;
+ return Instance;
+bool cNetworkSingleton::Connect(
+ const AString & a_Host,
+ const UInt16 a_Port,
+ cNetwork::cConnectCallbacksPtr a_ConnectCallbacks,
+ cTCPLink::cCallbacksPtr a_LinkCallbacks
+ // Add a connection request to the queue:
+ cTCPLinkImplPtr ConnRequest = std::make_shared<cTCPLinkImpl>(a_LinkCallbacks);
+ m_Connections.push_back(ConnRequest);
+ // Queue the connection:
+ if (!ConnRequest->Connect(a_Host, a_Port, a_ConnectCallbacks))
+ {
+ // TODO: m_Connections.remove(ConnRequest);
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Everything successful, return success:
+ return true;
+cServerHandlePtr cNetworkSingleton::Listen(
+ const UInt16 a_Port,
+ cNetwork::cListenCallbacksPtr a_ListenCallbacks,
+ cTCPLink::cCallbacksPtr a_LinkCallbacks
+ cServerHandleImplPtr res = std::make_shared<cServerHandleImpl>(a_ListenCallbacks, a_LinkCallbacks);
+ if (!res->Listen(a_Port))
+ {
+ return res;
+ }
+ m_Servers.push_back(res);
+ return res;
+bool cNetworkSingleton::HostnameToIP(
+ const AString & a_Hostname,
+ cNetwork::cResolveNameCallbacksPtr a_Callbacks
+ // TODO
+ ASSERT(!"Not implemented yet!");
+ return false;
+bool cNetworkSingleton::IPToHostName(
+ const AString & a_IP,
+ cNetwork::cResolveNameCallbacksPtr a_Callbacks
+ // TODO
+ ASSERT(!"Not implemented yet!");
+ return false;
+void cNetworkSingleton::LogCallback(int a_Severity, const char * a_Msg)
+ switch (a_Severity)
+ {
+ case _EVENT_LOG_DEBUG: LOGD ("LibEvent: %s", a_Msg); break;
+ case _EVENT_LOG_MSG: LOG ("LibEvent: %s", a_Msg); break;
+ case _EVENT_LOG_WARN: LOGWARNING("LibEvent: %s", a_Msg); break;
+ case _EVENT_LOG_ERR: LOGERROR ("LibEvent: %s", a_Msg); break;
+ default:
+ {
+ printf("LibEvent: %s", a_Msg);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void cNetworkSingleton::EventLoopThread(cNetworkSingleton * a_Self)
+ event_base_loop(a_Self->m_EventBase, EVLOOP_NO_EXIT_ON_EMPTY);
diff --git a/src/OSSupport/Network.h b/src/OSSupport/Network.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..447cd457b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/OSSupport/Network.h
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+// Network.h
+// Declares the classes used for the Network API
+#pragma once
+/** Interface that provides the methods available on a single TCP connection. */
+class cTCPLink
+ friend class cNetwork;
+ class cCallbacks
+ {
+ public:
+ /** Called when there's data incoming from the remote peer. */
+ virtual void OnReceivedData(cTCPLink & a_Link, const char * a_Data, size_t a_Length) = 0;
+ /** Called when the remote end closes the connection.
+ The link is still available for connection information query (IP / port).
+ Sending data on the link is not an error, but the data won't be delivered. */
+ virtual void OnRemoteClosed(cTCPLink & a_Link) = 0;
+ /** Called when an error is detected on the connection. */
+ virtual void OnError(cTCPLink & a_Link, int a_ErrorCode) = 0;
+ };
+ typedef SharedPtr<cCallbacks> cCallbacksPtr;
+ /** Queues the specified data for sending to the remote peer.
+ Returns true on success, false on failure. Note that this success or failure only reports the queue status, not the actual data delivery. */
+ virtual bool Send(const void * a_Data, size_t a_Length) = 0;
+ /** Queues the specified data for sending to the remote peer.
+ Returns true on success, false on failure. Note that this success or failure only reports the queue status, not the actual data delivery. */
+ bool Send(const AString & a_Data)
+ {
+ return Send(, a_Data.size());
+ }
+ /** Returns the IP address of the local endpoint of the connection. */
+ virtual AString GetLocalIP(void) const = 0;
+ /** Returns the port used by the local endpoint of the connection. */
+ virtual UInt16 GetLocalPort(void) const = 0;
+ /** Returns the IP address of the remote endpoint of the connection. */
+ virtual AString GetRemoteIP(void) const = 0;
+ /** Returns the port used by the remote endpoint of the connection. */
+ virtual UInt16 GetRemotePort(void) const = 0;
+ /** Closes the link gracefully.
+ The link will keep trying to send the queued data, then it will send the FIN packet. */
+ virtual void Close(void) = 0;
+ /** Drops the connection without any more processing.
+ Sends the RST packet, queued outgoing and incoming data is lost. */
+ virtual void Drop(void) = 0;
+ /** Callbacks to be used for the various situations. */
+ cCallbacksPtr m_Callbacks;
+ /** Creates a new link, with the specified callbacks. */
+ cTCPLink(cCallbacksPtr a_Callbacks);
+/** Interface that provides the methods available on a listening server socket. */
+class cServerHandle
+ friend class cNetwork;
+ /** Stops the server, no more incoming connections will be accepted. */
+ virtual void Close(void) = 0;
+ /** Returns true if the server has been started correctly and is currently listening for incoming connections. */
+ virtual bool IsListening(void) const = 0;
+typedef SharedPtr<cServerHandle> cServerHandlePtr;
+class cNetwork
+ /** Callbacks used for connecting to other servers as a client. */
+ class cConnectCallbacks
+ {
+ public:
+ /** Called when the Connect call succeeds.
+ Provides the newly created link that can be used for communication. */
+ virtual void OnSuccess(cTCPLink & a_Link) = 0;
+ /** Called when the Connect call fails. */
+ virtual void OnError(int a_ErrorCode) = 0;
+ };
+ typedef SharedPtr<cConnectCallbacks> cConnectCallbacksPtr;
+ /** Callbacks used when listening for incoming connections as a server. */
+ class cListenCallbacks
+ {
+ public:
+ /** Called when the TCP server created with Listen() accepts an incoming connection.
+ Provides the newly created Link that can be used for communication. */
+ virtual void OnAccepted(cTCPLink & a_Link) = 0;
+ };
+ typedef SharedPtr<cListenCallbacks> cListenCallbacksPtr;
+ /** Callbacks used when resolving names to IPs. */
+ class cResolveNameCallbacks
+ {
+ public:
+ /** Called when the hostname is successfully resolved into an IP address. */
+ virtual void OnNameResolved(const AString & a_Name, const AString & a_IP) = 0;
+ /** Called when an error is encountered while resolving. */
+ virtual void OnError(int a_ErrorCode) = 0;
+ };
+ typedef SharedPtr<cResolveNameCallbacks> cResolveNameCallbacksPtr;
+ /** Queues a TCP connection to be made to the specified host.
+ Calls one the connection callbacks (success, error) when the connection is successfully established, or upon failure.
+ The a_LinkCallbacks is passed to the newly created cTCPLink.
+ Returns true if queueing was successful, false on failure to queue.
+ Note that the return value doesn't report the success of the actual connection; the connection is established asynchronously in the background. */
+ static bool Connect(
+ const AString & a_Host,
+ const UInt16 a_Port,
+ cConnectCallbacksPtr a_ConnectCallbacks,
+ cTCPLink::cCallbacksPtr a_LinkCallbacks
+ );
+ /** Opens up the specified port for incoming connections.
+ Calls an OnAccepted callback for each incoming connection.
+ A cTCPLink with the specified link callbacks is created for each connection.
+ Returns a cServerHandle that can be used to query the operation status and close the server. */
+ static cServerHandlePtr Listen(
+ const UInt16 a_Port,
+ cListenCallbacksPtr a_ListenCallbacks,
+ cTCPLink::cCallbacksPtr a_LinkCallbacks
+ );
+ /** Queues a DNS query to resolve the specified hostname to IP address.
+ Calls one of the callbacks when the resolving succeeds, or when it fails.
+ Returns true if queueing was successful, false if not.
+ Note that the return value doesn't report the success of the actual lookup; the lookup happens asynchronously on the background. */
+ static bool HostnameToIP(
+ const AString & a_Hostname,
+ cResolveNameCallbacksPtr a_Callbacks
+ );
+ /** Queues a DNS query to resolve the specified IP address to a hostname.
+ Calls one of the callbacks when the resolving succeeds, or when it fails.
+ Returns true if queueing was successful, false if not.
+ Note that the return value doesn't report the success of the actual lookup; the lookup happens asynchronously on the background. */
+ static bool IPToHostName(
+ const AString & a_IP,
+ cResolveNameCallbacksPtr a_Callbacks
+ );