# This is the top-level CMakeLists.txt file for the Cuberite project # # Use CMake to generate the build files for your platform # # This script supports some configuration through CMake arguments (-Dparam=val syntax): # BUILD_TOOLS=1 sets up additional executables to be built along with the server (ProtoProxy, GrownBiomeGenVisualiser, MCADefrag) # BUILD_UNSTABLE_TOOLS=1 sets up yet more executables to be built, these can be broken and generally are obsolete (GeneratorPerformanceTest) # NO_NATIVE_OPTIMIZATION=1 disables CPU-specific optimisations for the current machine, allows use on other CPUs of the same platform # DISABLE_SYSTEM_LUA=1 disables the use of system Lua interpreter; the tolua executable will be built and used instead. Incompatible with cross-compiling # SELF_TEST=1 enables testing code to be built # UNITY_BUILDS=OFF disables unity builds # PRECOMPILE_HEADERS=OFF disables precompiled headers # WHOLE_PROGRAM_OPTIMISATION=OFF disables link time optimisation cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.13) cmake_policy(VERSION 3.13...3.17.2) project( Cuberite DESCRIPTION "A lightweight, fast and extensible game server for Minecraft" HOMEPAGE_URL "https://cuberite.org" LANGUAGES C CXX ) option(BUILD_TOOLS "Sets up additional executables to be built along with the server" OFF) option(WHOLE_PROGRAM_OPTIMISATION "Enables link time optimisation for Release" ON) option(PRECOMPILE_HEADERS "Enable precompiled headers for faster builds" ON) option(SELF_TEST "Enables testing code to be built" OFF) option(UNITY_BUILDS "Enables source aggregation for faster builds" ON) include("CMake/AddDependencies.cmake") include("CMake/Fixups.cmake") include("CMake/GenerateBindings.cmake") include("CMake/GroupSources.cmake") include("SetFlags.cmake") # Add build timestamp and details: include("CMake/StampBuild.cmake") # We need C++17 features: set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 17) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED ON) set(CMAKE_CXX_EXTENSIONS OFF) # TODO: use standard NDEBUG in place of _DEBUG if("${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}" MATCHES "DEBUG") add_definitions(-D_DEBUG) endif() # The need for speed (in Release): if(WHOLE_PROGRAM_OPTIMISATION) include(CheckIPOSupported) check_ipo_supported(RESULT IPO_SUPPORTED) set(CMAKE_INTERPROCEDURAL_OPTIMIZATION_RELEASE ${IPO_SUPPORTED}) endif() # Static CRT: set(CMAKE_MSVC_RUNTIME_LIBRARY "MultiThreaded$<$:Debug>") # TODO: set_build_stamp() set_global_flags() build_dependencies() add_executable(${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME}) add_subdirectory(src) set_exe_flags(${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME}) link_dependencies(${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME}) # Set the startup project to Cuberite, and the debugger dir: set_property(DIRECTORY PROPERTY VS_STARTUP_PROJECT ${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME}) set_target_properties(${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME} PROPERTIES VS_DEBUGGER_WORKING_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/Server") # Enable PCH and jumbo builds on supporting CMake: if (CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL "3.16") if (PRECOMPILE_HEADERS) target_precompile_headers(${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE src/Globals.h) endif() set_target_properties(${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME} PROPERTIES UNITY_BUILD ${UNITY_BUILDS}) else() message(WARNING "Precompiled headers for FASTER BUILDS not enabled, upgrade to CMake 1.16 or newer!") endif() # Selectively disable warnings in the level where the target is created: if(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "Clang") # Generated file has old-style casts, missing prototypes, and deprecated declarations set_source_files_properties("${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src/Bindings/Bindings.cpp" PROPERTIES COMPILE_OPTIONS -Wno-everything) # File failed to follow NHS guidelines on handwashing and has not maintained good hygiene set_source_files_properties("${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src/IniFile.cpp" PROPERTIES COMPILE_OPTIONS -Wno-header-hygiene) endif() if(${BUILD_TOOLS}) message("Building tools") add_subdirectory(Tools/GrownBiomeGenVisualiser/) add_subdirectory(Tools/MCADefrag/) add_subdirectory(Tools/NoiseSpeedTest/) add_subdirectory(Tools/ProtoProxy/) endif() if(${BUILD_UNSTABLE_TOOLS}) message("Building unstable tools") add_subdirectory(Tools/GeneratorPerformanceTest/) endif() # Self Test Mode enables extra checks at startup if(${SELF_TEST}) message("Tests enabled") enable_testing() add_subdirectory(tests) endif() emit_fixups() group_sources() enable_bindings_generation()