function HandleBanCommand( Split, Player ) if( #Split < 2 ) then Player:SendMessage(cChatColor.Yellow .. "[INFO] " .. cChatColor.White .. "Usage: /ban [Player] " ) return true end local Reason = "You have been banned" if( #Split > 2 ) then Reason = table.concat(Split, " ", 3) end if( BanPlayer(Split[2], Reason) == false ) then Player:SendMessage(cChatColor.Rose .. "[INFO] " .. cChatColor.White .. "Could not find player " .. Split[2] ) return true end return true end function BanPlayer(PlayerName, Reason) -- Ban the player in the banned.ini: BannedPlayersIni:SetValueB("Banned", PlayerName, true) BannedPlayersIni:WriteFile() -- Kick the player: if (Reason == nil) then Reason = "You have been banned" end local Success = KickPlayer(PlayerName, Reason) if (not(Success)) then return false; end LOGINFO("'" .. PlayerName .. "' has been banned (\"" .. Reason .. "\") "); local Server = cRoot:Get():GetServer(); Server:SendMessage("Banned " .. PlayerName); return true end function HandleUnbanCommand( Split, Player ) if( #Split < 2 ) then Player:SendMessage(cChatColor.Yellow .. "[INFO] " .. cChatColor.White .. "Usage: /unban [Player]" ) return true end if( BannedPlayersIni:GetValueB("Banned", Split[2], false) == false ) then Player:SendMessage(cChatColor.Rose .. "[INFO] " .. cChatColor.White .. " is not banned!" ) return true end BannedPlayersIni:SetValueB("Banned", Split[2], false, false) BannedPlayersIni:WriteFile() local Server = cRoot:Get():GetServer() LOGINFO( Player:GetName() .. " is unbanning " .. Split[2] ) Server:SendMessage( "Unbanning " .. Split[2] ) return true end