function OnPlayerJoined(Player) --if( BannedPlayersIni:GetValueB("Banned", Player:GetName(), false) == true ) then -- LOGINFO( Player:GetName() .. " tried to join, but is banned!" ) -- KickPlayer(Player:GetName(), cChatColor.Red .. "You are banned!" ) -- return true --elseif( WhiteListIni:GetValueB("WhiteListSettings", "WhiteListOn", false ) == true ) then -- if( WhiteListIni:GetValueB("WhiteList", Player:GetName(), false ) == false ) then -- LOGINFO( Player:GetName() .. " tried to join, but is not whitelisted!" ) -- KickPlayer(Player:GetName(), cChatColor.Red .. "You are not whitelisted!" ) -- end --else ShowMOTDTo( Player ) local Server = cRoot:Get():GetServer() Server:SendMessage(cChatColor.Yellow .. "[JOIN] " .. cChatColor.White .. Player:GetName() .. " has joined the game" ) return false --end end function OnDisconnect(Player, Reason) local Server = cRoot:Get():GetServer() Server:SendMessage(cChatColor.Yellow .. "[LEAVE] " .. cChatColor.White .. Player:GetName() .. " has left the game" ) LOG("Player " .. Player .. " has left the game." return false end