function HandleRequest_ManageServer( Request ) local Content = "" if( Request.PostParams["RestartServer"] ~= nil ) then cRoot:Get():ExecuteConsoleCommand("restart") elseif( Request.PostParams["ReloadServer"] ~= nil ) then cRoot:Get():GetPluginManager():ReloadPlugins() elseif( Request.PostParams["StopServer"] ~= nil ) then cRoot:Get():ExecuteConsoleCommand("stop") elseif( Request.PostParams["WorldSaveAllChunks"] ~= nil ) then cRoot:Get():GetWorld(Request.PostParams["WorldSaveAllChunks"]):SaveAllChunks() end Content = Content .. [[

Manage Server
restart the server
reload the server
stop the server
]] local LoopWorlds = function( World ) Content = Content .. [[
]] end cRoot:Get():ForEachWorld( LoopWorlds ) Content = Content .. "
Manage Worlds
Save all the chunks of world ]] .. World:GetName() .. [[
" return Content end