-- Global variables PLUGIN = {}; -- Reference to own plugin object ShouldDumpFunctions = true; -- If set to true, all available functions are logged upon plugin initialization function Initialize(Plugin) PLUGIN = Plugin Plugin:SetName("Debuggers") Plugin:SetVersion(1) PluginManager = cRoot:Get():GetPluginManager() PluginManager:AddHook(Plugin, cPluginManager.HOOK_PLAYER_USING_ITEM); PluginManager:AddHook(Plugin, cPluginManager.HOOK_TAKE_DAMAGE); PluginManager:BindCommand("/le", "debuggers", HandleListEntitiesCmd, " - Shows a list of all the loaded entities"); PluginManager:BindCommand("/ke", "debuggers", HandleKillEntitiesCmd, " - Kills all the loaded entities"); -- Enable the following line for BlockArea / Generator interface testing: -- PluginManager:AddHook(Plugin, cPluginManager.HOOK_CHUNK_GENERATED); LOG("Initialized " .. Plugin:GetName() .. " v." .. Plugin:GetVersion()) -- dump all available API functions and objects: if (ShouldDumpFunctions) then DumpAPI(); end -- TestBlockAreas(); -- TestSQLiteBindings(); -- TestExpatBindings(); return true end; function DumpAPI() LOG("Dumping all available functions to API.txt..."); function dump (prefix, a, Output) for i, v in pairs (a) do if (type(v) == "table") then if (GetChar(i, 1) ~= ".") then if (v == _G) then LOG(prefix .. i .. " == _G, CYCLE, ignoring"); elseif (v == _G.package) then LOG(prefix .. i .. " == _G.package, ignoring"); else dump(prefix .. i .. ".", v, Output) end end elseif (type(v) == "function") then if (string.sub(i, 1, 2) ~= "__") then table.insert(Output, prefix .. i .. "()"); end end end end local Output = {}; dump("", _G, Output); table.sort(Output); local f = io.open("API.txt", "w"); for i, n in ipairs(Output) do f:write(n, "\n"); end f:close(); LOG("API.txt written."); end function TestBlockAreas() LOG("Testing block areas..."); -- Debug block area merging: local BA1 = cBlockArea(); local BA2 = cBlockArea(); if (BA1:LoadFromSchematicFile("schematics/test.schematic")) then if (BA2:LoadFromSchematicFile("schematics/fountain.schematic")) then BA2:SetRelBlockType(0, 0, 0, E_BLOCK_LAPIS_BLOCK); BA2:SetRelBlockType(1, 0, 0, E_BLOCK_LAPIS_BLOCK); BA2:SetRelBlockType(2, 0, 0, E_BLOCK_LAPIS_BLOCK); BA1:Merge(BA2, 1, 10, 1, cBlockArea.msImprint); BA1:SaveToSchematicFile("schematics/merge.schematic"); end else BA1:Create(16, 16, 16); end -- Debug block area cuboid filling: BA1:FillRelCuboid(2, 9, 2, 8, 2, 8, cBlockArea.baTypes, E_BLOCK_GOLD_BLOCK); BA1:RelLine(2, 2, 2, 9, 8, 8, cBlockArea.baTypes or cBlockArea.baMetas, E_BLOCK_SAPLING, E_META_SAPLING_BIRCH); BA1:SaveToSchematicFile("schematics/fillrel.schematic"); -- Debug block area mirroring: if (BA1:LoadFromSchematicFile("schematics/lt.schematic")) then BA1:MirrorXYNoMeta(); BA1:SaveToSchematicFile("schematics/lt_XY.schematic"); BA1:MirrorXYNoMeta(); BA1:SaveToSchematicFile("schematics/lt_XY2.schematic"); BA1:MirrorXZNoMeta(); BA1:SaveToSchematicFile("schematics/lt_XZ.schematic"); BA1:MirrorXZNoMeta(); BA1:SaveToSchematicFile("schematics/lt_XZ2.schematic"); BA1:MirrorYZNoMeta(); BA1:SaveToSchematicFile("schematics/lt_YZ.schematic"); BA1:MirrorYZNoMeta(); BA1:SaveToSchematicFile("schematics/lt_YZ2.schematic"); end -- Debug block area rotation: if (BA1:LoadFromSchematicFile("schematics/rot.schematic")) then BA1:RotateCWNoMeta(); BA1:SaveToSchematicFile("schematics/rot1.schematic"); BA1:RotateCWNoMeta(); BA1:SaveToSchematicFile("schematics/rot2.schematic"); BA1:RotateCWNoMeta(); BA1:SaveToSchematicFile("schematics/rot3.schematic"); BA1:RotateCWNoMeta(); BA1:SaveToSchematicFile("schematics/rot4.schematic"); end -- Debug block area rotation: if (BA1:LoadFromSchematicFile("schematics/rotm.schematic")) then BA1:RotateCCW(); BA1:SaveToSchematicFile("schematics/rotm1.schematic"); BA1:RotateCCW(); BA1:SaveToSchematicFile("schematics/rotm2.schematic"); BA1:RotateCCW(); BA1:SaveToSchematicFile("schematics/rotm3.schematic"); BA1:RotateCCW(); BA1:SaveToSchematicFile("schematics/rotm4.schematic"); end -- Debug block area mirroring: if (BA1:LoadFromSchematicFile("schematics/ltm.schematic")) then BA1:MirrorXY(); BA1:SaveToSchematicFile("schematics/ltm_XY.schematic"); BA1:MirrorXY(); BA1:SaveToSchematicFile("schematics/ltm_XY2.schematic"); BA1:MirrorXZ(); BA1:SaveToSchematicFile("schematics/ltm_XZ.schematic"); BA1:MirrorXZ(); BA1:SaveToSchematicFile("schematics/ltm_XZ2.schematic"); BA1:MirrorYZ(); BA1:SaveToSchematicFile("schematics/ltm_YZ.schematic"); BA1:MirrorYZ(); BA1:SaveToSchematicFile("schematics/ltm_YZ2.schematic"); end LOG("Block areas test ended"); end function TestSQLiteBindings() LOG("Testing SQLite bindings..."); -- Debug SQLite binding local TestDB, ErrCode, ErrMsg = sqlite3.open("test.sqlite"); if (TestDB ~= nil) then local function ShowRow(UserData, NumCols, Values, Names) assert(UserData == 'UserData'); LOG("New row"); for i = 1, NumCols do LOG(" " .. Names[i] .. " = " .. Values[i]); end return 0; end local sql = [=[ CREATE TABLE numbers(num1,num2,str); INSERT INTO numbers VALUES(1, 11, "ABC"); INSERT INTO numbers VALUES(2, 22, "DEF"); INSERT INTO numbers VALUES(3, 33, "UVW"); INSERT INTO numbers VALUES(4, 44, "XYZ"); SELECT * FROM numbers; ]=] local Res = TestDB:exec(sql, ShowRow, 'UserData'); if (Res ~= sqlite3.OK) then LOG("TestDB:exec() failed: " .. Res .. " (" .. TestDB:errmsg() .. ")"); end; TestDB:close(); else -- This happens if for example SQLite cannot open the file (eg. a folder with the same name exists) LOG("SQLite3 failed to open DB! (" .. ErrCode .. ", " .. ErrMsg ..")"); end LOG("SQLite bindings test ended"); end function TestExpatBindings() LOG("Testing Expat bindings..."); -- Debug LuaExpat bindings: local count = 0 callbacks = { StartElement = function (parser, name) LOG("+ " .. string.rep(" ", count) .. name); count = count + 1; end, EndElement = function (parser, name) count = count - 1; LOG("- " .. string.rep(" ", count) .. name); end } local p = lxp.new(callbacks); p:parse("\nnext line\nanother line"); p:parse("text\n"); p:parse("\n"); p:parse("more text"); p:parse(""); p:parse("\n"); p:parse(); -- finishes the document p:close(); -- closes the parser LOG("Expat bindings test ended"); end function OnPlayerUsingItem(Player, BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ, BlockFace, CursorX, CursorY, CursorZ) -- dont check if the direction is in the air if (BlockFace == BLOCK_FACE_NONE) then return false end local HeldItem = Player:GetEquippedItem(); if (HeldItem.m_ItemType == E_ITEM_STICK) then -- Magic sTick of ticking: set the pointed block for ticking at the next tick Player:SendMessage(cChatColor.LightGray .. "Setting next block tick to {" .. BlockX .. ", " .. BlockY .. ", " .. BlockZ .. "}") Player:GetWorld():SetNextBlockTick(BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ); return true end if (HeldItem.m_ItemType == E_ITEM_BLAZE_ROD) then -- Magic rod of query: show block types and metas for both neighbors of the pointed face local Type = 0; local Meta = 0; local Valid = false; Valid, Type, Meta = Player:GetWorld():GetBlockTypeMeta(BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ, Type, Meta); if (Type == E_BLOCK_AIR) then Player:SendMessage(cChatColor.LightGray .. "Block {" .. BlockX .. ", " .. BlockY .. ", " .. BlockZ .. "}: air:" .. Meta); else local TempItem = cItem(Type, 1, Meta); Player:SendMessage(cChatColor.LightGray .. "Block {" .. BlockX .. ", " .. BlockY .. ", " .. BlockZ .. "}: " .. ItemToFullString(TempItem) .. " (" .. Type .. ":" .. Meta .. ")"); end local X = BlockX; local Y = BlockY; local Z = BlockZ; X, Y, Z = AddFaceDirection(BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ, BlockFace); Valid, Type, Meta = Player:GetWorld():GetBlockTypeMeta(X, Y, Z, Type, Meta); if (Type == E_BLOCK_AIR) then Player:SendMessage(cChatColor.LightGray .. "Block {" .. X .. ", " .. Y .. ", " .. Z .. "}: air:" .. Meta); else local TempItem = cItem(Type, 1, Meta); Player:SendMessage(cChatColor.LightGray .. "Block {" .. X .. ", " .. Y .. ", " .. Z .. "}: " .. ItemToFullString(TempItem) .. " (" .. Type .. ":" .. Meta .. ")"); return true; end end -- Rclk with a diamond to test block area cropping and expanding if (Player:GetEquippedItem().m_ItemType == E_ITEM_DIAMOND) then local Area = cBlockArea(); Area:Read(Player:GetWorld(), BlockX - 19, BlockX + 19, BlockY - 7, BlockY + 7, BlockZ - 19, BlockZ + 19 ); LOG("Size before cropping: " .. Area:GetSizeX() .. " x " .. Area:GetSizeY() .. " x " .. Area:GetSizeZ()); Area:DumpToRawFile("crop0.dat"); Area:Crop(2, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0); LOG("Size after cropping 1: " .. Area:GetSizeX() .. " x " .. Area:GetSizeY() .. " x " .. Area:GetSizeZ()); Area:DumpToRawFile("crop1.dat"); Area:Crop(2, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0); LOG("Size after cropping 2: " .. Area:GetSizeX() .. " x " .. Area:GetSizeY() .. " x " .. Area:GetSizeZ()); Area:DumpToRawFile("crop2.dat"); Area:Expand(2, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0); LOG("Size after expanding 1: " .. Area:GetSizeX() .. " x " .. Area:GetSizeY() .. " x " .. Area:GetSizeZ()); Area:DumpToRawFile("expand1.dat"); Area:Expand(3, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0); LOG("Size after expanding 2: " .. Area:GetSizeX() .. " x " .. Area:GetSizeY() .. " x " .. Area:GetSizeZ()); Area:DumpToRawFile("expand2.dat"); Area:Crop(0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 2); LOG("Size after cropping 3: " .. Area:GetSizeX() .. " x " .. Area:GetSizeY() .. " x " .. Area:GetSizeZ()); Area:DumpToRawFile("crop3.dat"); Area:Crop(0, 0, 3, 2, 0, 0); LOG("Size after cropping 4: " .. Area:GetSizeX() .. " x " .. Area:GetSizeY() .. " x " .. Area:GetSizeZ()); Area:DumpToRawFile("crop4.dat"); LOG("Crop test done"); Player:SendMessage("Crop / expand test done."); return false; end -- Rclk with an eye of ender places a predefined schematic at the cursor if (Player:GetEquippedItem().m_ItemType == E_ITEM_EYE_OF_ENDER) then local Area = cBlockArea(); if not(Area:LoadFromSchematicFile("schematics/test.schematic")) then LOG("Loading failed"); return false; end LOG("Schematic loaded, placing now."); Area:Write(Player:GetWorld(), BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ); LOG("Done."); return false; end -- Rclk with an ender pearl saves a predefined area around the cursor into a .schematic file. Also tests area copying if (Player:GetEquippedItem().m_ItemType == E_ITEM_ENDER_PEARL) then local Area = cBlockArea(); if not(Area:Read(Player:GetWorld(), BlockX - 8, BlockX + 8, BlockY - 8, BlockY + 8, BlockZ - 8, BlockZ + 8) ) then LOG("LUA: Area couldn't be read"); return false; end LOG("LUA: Area read, copying now."); local Area2 = cBlockArea(); Area2:CopyFrom(Area); LOG("LUA: Copied, now saving."); if not(Area2:SaveToSchematicFile("schematics/test.schematic")) then LOG("LUA: Cannot save schematic file."); return false; end LOG("LUA: Done."); return false; end end function OnTakeDamage(Receiver, TDI) -- Receiver is cPawn -- TDI is TakeDamageInfo LOG(Receiver:GetClass() .. " was dealt RawDamage " .. TDI.RawDamage .. ", FinalDamage " .. TDI.FinalDamage .. " (that is, " .. (TDI.RawDamage - TDI.FinalDamage) .. " HPs covered by armor)"); end function OnChunkGenerated(World, ChunkX, ChunkZ, ChunkDesc) -- Test ChunkDesc / BlockArea interaction local BlockArea = cBlockArea(); ChunkDesc:ReadBlockArea(BlockArea, 0, 15, 50, 70, 0, 15); -- BlockArea:SaveToSchematicFile("ChunkBlocks_" .. ChunkX .. "_" .. ChunkZ .. ".schematic"); ChunkDesc:WriteBlockArea(BlockArea, 5, 115, 5); return false; end -- Function "round" copied from http://lua-users.org/wiki/SimpleRound function round(num, idp) local mult = 10^(idp or 0) if num >= 0 then return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult else return math.ceil(num * mult - 0.5) / mult end end function HandleListEntitiesCmd(Split, Player) local NumEntities = 0; local ListEntity = function(Entity) if (Entity:IsDestroyed()) then -- The entity has already been destroyed, don't list it return false; end; Player:SendMessage(" " .. Entity:GetUniqueID() .. ": " .. Entity:GetClass() .. " {" .. round(Entity:GetPosX(), 2) .. ", " .. round(Entity:GetPosY(), 2) .. ", " .. round(Entity:GetPosZ(), 2) .."}"); NumEntities = NumEntities + 1; end Player:SendMessage("Listing all entities..."); Player:GetWorld():ForEachEntity(ListEntity); Player:SendMessage("List finished, " .. NumEntities .. " entities listed"); return true; end function HandleKillEntitiesCmd(Split, Player) local NumEntities = 0; local KillEntity = function(Entity) -- kill everything except for players: if (Entity:GetEntityType() ~= cEntity.etPlayer) then Entity:Destroy(); NumEntities = NumEntities + 1; end; end Player:SendMessage("Killing all entities..."); Player:GetWorld():ForEachEntity(KillEntity); Player:SendMessage("Killed " .. NumEntities .. " entities."); return true; end