function HandleTPCommand( Split, Player ) if( #Split ~= 2 ) then Player:SendMessage( cChatColor.Green .. "Usage: /tp [PlayerName]" ) return true end local World = Player:GetWorld() local OtherPlayer = World:GetPlayer( Split[2] ) if( OtherPlayer == nil ) then Player:SendMessage( cChatColor.Green .. "Can't find player " .. Split[2] ) elseif( OtherPlayer == Player ) then Player:SendMessage( cChatColor.Green .. "Already there :)" ) else Player:TeleportToEntity( OtherPlayer ) Player:SendMessage( cChatColor.Green .. "You teleported to "..OtherPlayer:GetName().."!" ) OtherPlayer:SendMessage( cChatColor.Green .. Player:GetName().." teleported to you!" ) end return true end