local PlayerHTML = "" local PlayerNum = 0 function HandleRequest_PlayerList( Request ) local World = cRoot:Get():GetWorld() local Content = "" if( Request.Params["playerlist-kick"] ~= nil ) then local KickPlayerName = Request.Params["playerlist-kick"] local Player = World:GetPlayer( KickPlayerName ) if( Player == nil ) then Content = Content .. "

Could not find player " .. KickPlayerName .. " !

" elseif( Player:GetName() == KickPlayerName ) then Player:GetClientHandle():Kick("You were kicked from the game!") Content = Content .. "

" .. KickPlayerName .. " has been kicked from the game!

" end end Content = Content .. "

Connected Players: " .. World:GetNumPlayers() .. "

" Content = Content .. "" PlayerNum = 0 PlayerHTML = "" World:ForEachPlayer( CreatePlayerList ) if( PlayerHTML ~= "" ) then Content = Content .. PlayerHTML else Content = Content .. "" end Content = Content .. "
" Content = Content .. "
" return Content end function CreatePlayerList( Player, Data ) PlayerNum = PlayerNum + 1 PlayerHTML = PlayerHTML .. "" PlayerHTML = PlayerHTML .. "" .. PlayerNum .. "." PlayerHTML = PlayerHTML .. "" .. Player:GetName() .. "" PlayerHTML = PlayerHTML .. "Kick" PlayerHTML = PlayerHTML .. "" end