@echo off :: This script is run in the Appveyor CI builds to pack up the artifacts :: It is expected to be run with the Server folder as the current working dir @echo on del Cuberite.zip del PDBs.zip del ManualAPI.zip del AutoAPI.zip rd /q /s Plugins\ManualApiDump 7z a -tzip -y Cuberite.zip -scsWIN -i@Install\WindowsExecutables.list -xr!*.git* 7z a -tzip -y PDBs.zip -scsWIN -i@Install/WindowsPDBs.list -xr!*.git* git clone https://github.com/madmaxoft/ManualApiDump Plugins/ManualApiDump echo load ManualApiDump 1>cmds.txt echo manualapi 1>>cmds.txt echo load APIDump 1>>cmds.txt echo api 1>>cmds.txt echo stop 1>>cmds.txt Cuberite --port 32767 0