-- TestLuaRocks.lua -- This is a mockup plugin that does a quick test of LuaRocks capability in Cuberite -- "Success" is when the plugin loads, downloads the forum webpage and displays the headers and length and then displays both libs as loaded. -- "Failure" usually manifests as one of the "require" lines failing, although you have the luarock installed. -- Note that the plugin deliberately never fully loads, so that it can be reloaded fast by pressing its Enable button in the webadmin's plugin list. local log30 = require("30log"); local socket = require("socket"); local http = require("socket.http"); LOGINFO("Trying to download a webpage...") local body, code, headers = http.request('https://forum.cuberite.org/') LOG("code: " .. tostring(code)) LOG("headers: ") for k, v in pairs(headers or {}) do LOG(" " .. k .. ": " .. v) end LOG("body length: " .. string.len(body)) function Initialize(a_Plugin) if (socket == nil) then LOGWARNING("LuaSocket not found") else LOG("LuaSocket loaded") end if (log30 == nil) then LOGWARNING("30log not found") else LOG("30log loaded") end LOGINFO("Reload plugin from console or webadmin to rerun tests.") return false end