#include "Globals.h" // NOTE: MSVC stupidness requires this to be the same across all modules #include "Entity.h" #include "../World.h" #include "../Server.h" #include "../Root.h" #include "../Vector3d.h" #include "../Matrix4f.h" #include "../ReferenceManager.h" #include "../ClientHandle.h" #include "../Chunk.h" #include "../Simulator/FluidSimulator.h" #include "../PluginManager.h" #include "../Tracer.h" #include "Minecart.h" int cEntity::m_EntityCount = 0; cCriticalSection cEntity::m_CSCount; cEntity::cEntity(eEntityType a_EntityType, double a_X, double a_Y, double a_Z, double a_Width, double a_Height) : m_UniqueID(0) , m_Health(1) , m_MaxHealth(1) , m_AttachedTo(NULL) , m_Attachee(NULL) , m_Referencers(new cReferenceManager(cReferenceManager::RFMNGR_REFERENCERS)) , m_References(new cReferenceManager(cReferenceManager::RFMNGR_REFERENCES)) , m_HeadYaw( 0.0 ) , m_Rot(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) , m_Pos(a_X, a_Y, a_Z) , m_Mass (0.001) //Default 1g , m_bDirtyHead(true) , m_bDirtyOrientation(true) , m_bDirtyPosition(true) , m_bDirtySpeed(true) , m_bOnGround( false ) , m_Gravity( -9.81f ) , m_IsInitialized(false) , m_LastPosX( 0.0 ) , m_LastPosY( 0.0 ) , m_LastPosZ( 0.0 ) , m_TimeLastTeleportPacket(0) , m_TimeLastMoveReltPacket(0) , m_TimeLastSpeedPacket(0) , m_EntityType(a_EntityType) , m_World(NULL) , m_TicksSinceLastBurnDamage(0) , m_TicksSinceLastLavaDamage(0) , m_TicksSinceLastFireDamage(0) , m_TicksLeftBurning(0) , m_WaterSpeed(0, 0, 0) , m_Width(a_Width) , m_Height(a_Height) { cCSLock Lock(m_CSCount); m_EntityCount++; m_UniqueID = m_EntityCount; } cEntity::~cEntity() { ASSERT(!m_World->HasEntity(m_UniqueID)); // Before deleting, the entity needs to have been removed from the world LOGD("Deleting entity %d at pos {%.2f, %.2f, %.2f} ~ [%d, %d]; ptr %p", m_UniqueID, m_Pos.x, m_Pos.y, m_Pos.z, (int)(m_Pos.x / cChunkDef::Width), (int)(m_Pos.z / cChunkDef::Width), this ); if (m_AttachedTo != NULL) { Detach(); } if (m_Attachee != NULL) { m_Attachee->Detach(); } if (m_IsInitialized) { LOGWARNING("ERROR: Entity deallocated without being destroyed"); ASSERT(!"Entity deallocated without being destroyed or unlinked"); } delete m_Referencers; delete m_References; } const char * cEntity::GetClass(void) const { return "cEntity"; } const char * cEntity::GetClassStatic(void) { return "cEntity"; } const char * cEntity::GetParentClass(void) const { return ""; } bool cEntity::Initialize(cWorld * a_World) { if (cPluginManager::Get()->CallHookSpawningEntity(*a_World, *this)) { return false; } LOGD("Initializing entity #%d (%s) at {%.02f, %.02f, %.02f}", m_UniqueID, GetClass(), m_Pos.x, m_Pos.y, m_Pos.z ); m_IsInitialized = true; m_World = a_World; m_World->AddEntity(this); cPluginManager::Get()->CallHookSpawnedEntity(*a_World, *this); // Spawn the entity on the clients: a_World->BroadcastSpawnEntity(*this); return true; } void cEntity::WrapHeadYaw(void) { while (m_HeadYaw > 180.f) m_HeadYaw -= 360.f; // Wrap it while (m_HeadYaw < -180.f) m_HeadYaw += 360.f; } void cEntity::WrapRotation(void) { while (m_Rot.x > 180.f) m_Rot.x -= 360.f; // Wrap it while (m_Rot.x < -180.f) m_Rot.x += 360.f; while (m_Rot.y > 180.f) m_Rot.y -= 360.f; while (m_Rot.y < -180.f) m_Rot.y += 360.f; } void cEntity::WrapSpeed(void) { // There shoudn't be a need for flipping the flag on because this function is called // after any update, so the flag is already turned on if (m_Speed.x > 78.0f) m_Speed.x = 78.0f; else if (m_Speed.x < -78.0f) m_Speed.x = -78.0f; if (m_Speed.y > 78.0f) m_Speed.y = 78.0f; else if (m_Speed.y < -78.0f) m_Speed.y = -78.0f; if (m_Speed.z > 78.0f) m_Speed.z = 78.0f; else if (m_Speed.z < -78.0f) m_Speed.z = -78.0f; } void cEntity::Destroy(bool a_ShouldBroadcast) { if (!m_IsInitialized) { return; } if (a_ShouldBroadcast) { m_World->BroadcastDestroyEntity(*this); } m_IsInitialized = false; Destroyed(); } void cEntity::TakeDamage(cEntity & a_Attacker) { int RawDamage = a_Attacker.GetRawDamageAgainst(*this); TakeDamage(dtAttack, &a_Attacker, RawDamage, a_Attacker.GetKnockbackAmountAgainst(*this)); } void cEntity::TakeDamage(eDamageType a_DamageType, cEntity * a_Attacker, int a_RawDamage, double a_KnockbackAmount) { int FinalDamage = a_RawDamage - GetArmorCoverAgainst(a_Attacker, a_DamageType, a_RawDamage); cEntity::TakeDamage(a_DamageType, a_Attacker, a_RawDamage, FinalDamage, a_KnockbackAmount); } void cEntity::TakeDamage(eDamageType a_DamageType, cEntity * a_Attacker, int a_RawDamage, int a_FinalDamage, double a_KnockbackAmount) { TakeDamageInfo TDI; TDI.DamageType = a_DamageType; TDI.Attacker = a_Attacker; TDI.RawDamage = a_RawDamage; TDI.FinalDamage = a_FinalDamage; Vector3d Heading; Heading.x = sin(GetRotation()); Heading.y = 0.4; // TODO: adjust the amount of "up" knockback when testing Heading.z = cos(GetRotation()); TDI.Knockback = Heading * a_KnockbackAmount; DoTakeDamage(TDI); } void cEntity::DoTakeDamage(TakeDamageInfo & a_TDI) { if (cRoot::Get()->GetPluginManager()->CallHookTakeDamage(*this, a_TDI)) { return; } if (m_Health <= 0) { // Can't take damage if already dead return; } m_Health -= (short)a_TDI.FinalDamage; // TODO: Apply damage to armor if (m_Health < 0) { m_Health = 0; } m_World->BroadcastEntityStatus(*this, ENTITY_STATUS_HURT); if (m_Health <= 0) { KilledBy(a_TDI.Attacker); } } int cEntity::GetRawDamageAgainst(const cEntity & a_Receiver) { // Returns the hitpoints that this pawn can deal to a_Receiver using its equipped items // Ref: http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Damage#Dealing_damage as of 2012_12_20 switch (this->GetEquippedWeapon().m_ItemType) { case E_ITEM_WOODEN_SWORD: return 4; case E_ITEM_GOLD_SWORD: return 4; case E_ITEM_STONE_SWORD: return 5; case E_ITEM_IRON_SWORD: return 6; case E_ITEM_DIAMOND_SWORD: return 7; case E_ITEM_WOODEN_AXE: return 3; case E_ITEM_GOLD_AXE: return 3; case E_ITEM_STONE_AXE: return 4; case E_ITEM_IRON_AXE: return 5; case E_ITEM_DIAMOND_AXE: return 6; case E_ITEM_WOODEN_PICKAXE: return 2; case E_ITEM_GOLD_PICKAXE: return 2; case E_ITEM_STONE_PICKAXE: return 3; case E_ITEM_IRON_PICKAXE: return 4; case E_ITEM_DIAMOND_PICKAXE: return 5; case E_ITEM_WOODEN_SHOVEL: return 1; case E_ITEM_GOLD_SHOVEL: return 1; case E_ITEM_STONE_SHOVEL: return 2; case E_ITEM_IRON_SHOVEL: return 3; case E_ITEM_DIAMOND_SHOVEL: return 4; } // All other equipped items give a damage of 1: return 1; } int cEntity::GetArmorCoverAgainst(const cEntity * a_Attacker, eDamageType a_DamageType, int a_Damage) { // Returns the hitpoints out of a_RawDamage that the currently equipped armor would cover // Filter out damage types that are not protected by armor: // Ref.: http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Armor#Effects as of 2012_12_20 switch (a_DamageType) { case dtOnFire: case dtSuffocating: case dtDrowning: // TODO: This one could be a special case - in various MC versions (PC vs XBox) it is and isn't armor-protected case dtStarving: case dtInVoid: case dtPoisoning: case dtPotionOfHarming: case dtFalling: case dtLightning: { return 0; } } // Add up all armor points: // Ref.: http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Armor#Defense_points as of 2012_12_20 int ArmorValue = 0; switch (GetEquippedHelmet().m_ItemType) { case E_ITEM_LEATHER_CAP: ArmorValue += 1; break; case E_ITEM_GOLD_HELMET: ArmorValue += 2; break; case E_ITEM_CHAIN_HELMET: ArmorValue += 2; break; case E_ITEM_IRON_HELMET: ArmorValue += 2; break; case E_ITEM_DIAMOND_HELMET: ArmorValue += 3; break; } switch (GetEquippedChestplate().m_ItemType) { case E_ITEM_LEATHER_TUNIC: ArmorValue += 3; break; case E_ITEM_GOLD_CHESTPLATE: ArmorValue += 5; break; case E_ITEM_CHAIN_CHESTPLATE: ArmorValue += 5; break; case E_ITEM_IRON_CHESTPLATE: ArmorValue += 6; break; case E_ITEM_DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE: ArmorValue += 8; break; } switch (GetEquippedLeggings().m_ItemType) { case E_ITEM_LEATHER_PANTS: ArmorValue += 2; break; case E_ITEM_GOLD_LEGGINGS: ArmorValue += 3; break; case E_ITEM_CHAIN_LEGGINGS: ArmorValue += 4; break; case E_ITEM_IRON_LEGGINGS: ArmorValue += 5; break; case E_ITEM_DIAMOND_LEGGINGS: ArmorValue += 6; break; } switch (GetEquippedBoots().m_ItemType) { case E_ITEM_LEATHER_BOOTS: ArmorValue += 1; break; case E_ITEM_GOLD_BOOTS: ArmorValue += 1; break; case E_ITEM_CHAIN_BOOTS: ArmorValue += 1; break; case E_ITEM_IRON_BOOTS: ArmorValue += 2; break; case E_ITEM_DIAMOND_BOOTS: ArmorValue += 3; break; } // TODO: Special armor cases, such as wool, saddles, dog's collar // Ref.: http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Armor#Mob_armor as of 2012_12_20 // Now ArmorValue is in [0, 20] range, which corresponds to [0, 80%] protection. Calculate the hitpoints from that: return a_Damage * (ArmorValue * 4) / 100; } double cEntity::GetKnockbackAmountAgainst(const cEntity & a_Receiver) { // Returns the knockback amount that the currently equipped items would cause to a_Receiver on a hit // TODO: Enchantments return 1; } void cEntity::KilledBy(cEntity * a_Killer) { m_Health = 0; cRoot::Get()->GetPluginManager()->CallHookKilling(*this, a_Killer); if (m_Health > 0) { // Plugin wants to 'unkill' the pawn. Abort return; } // Drop loot: cItems Drops; GetDrops(Drops, a_Killer); m_World->SpawnItemPickups(Drops, GetPosX(), GetPosY(), GetPosZ()); m_World->BroadcastEntityStatus(*this, ENTITY_STATUS_DEAD); } void cEntity::Heal(int a_HitPoints) { m_Health += a_HitPoints; if (m_Health > m_MaxHealth) { m_Health = m_MaxHealth; } } void cEntity::SetHealth(int a_Health) { m_Health = std::max(0, std::min(m_MaxHealth, a_Health)); } void cEntity::Tick(float a_Dt, cChunk & a_Chunk) { if (m_AttachedTo != NULL) { if ((m_Pos - m_AttachedTo->GetPosition()).Length() > 0.5) { SetPosition(m_AttachedTo->GetPosition()); } } else { if (a_Chunk.IsValid()) { HandlePhysics(a_Dt, a_Chunk); } } if (a_Chunk.IsValid()) { TickBurning(a_Chunk); } } void cEntity::HandlePhysics(float a_Dt, cChunk & a_Chunk) { // TODO Add collision detection with entities. a_Dt /= 1000; // Convert from msec to sec Vector3d NextPos = Vector3d(GetPosX(),GetPosY(),GetPosZ()); Vector3d NextSpeed = Vector3d(GetSpeedX(),GetSpeedY(),GetSpeedZ()); int BlockX = (int) floor(NextPos.x); int BlockY = (int) floor(NextPos.y); int BlockZ = (int) floor(NextPos.z); if ((BlockY >= cChunkDef::Height) || (BlockY < 0)) { // Outside of the world // TODO: Current speed should still be added to the entity position // Otherwise TNT explosions in the void will still effect the bottommost layers of the world return; } // Make sure we got the correct chunk and a valid one. No one ever knows... cChunk * NextChunk = a_Chunk.GetNeighborChunk(BlockX, BlockZ); if (NextChunk != NULL) { int RelBlockX = BlockX - (NextChunk->GetPosX() * cChunkDef::Width); int RelBlockZ = BlockZ - (NextChunk->GetPosZ() * cChunkDef::Width); BLOCKTYPE BlockIn = NextChunk->GetBlock( RelBlockX, BlockY, RelBlockZ ); BLOCKTYPE BlockBelow = NextChunk->GetBlock( RelBlockX, BlockY - 1, RelBlockZ ); if (!g_BlockIsSolid[BlockIn]) // Making sure we are not inside a solid block { if (m_bOnGround) // check if it's still on the ground { BLOCKTYPE BlockBelow = NextChunk->GetBlock( RelBlockX, BlockY - 1, RelBlockZ ); if (!g_BlockIsSolid[BlockBelow]) // Check if block below is air or water. { m_bOnGround = false; } } } else { // Push out entity. BLOCKTYPE GotBlock; static const Vector3i CrossCoords[] = { Vector3i(1, 0, 0), Vector3i(-1, 0, 0), Vector3i(0, 0, 1), Vector3i(0, 0, -1), } ; Vector3i PushDirection(0, 1, 0); for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYCOUNT(CrossCoords); i++) { NextChunk->UnboundedRelGetBlockType(RelBlockX + CrossCoords[i].x, BlockY, RelBlockZ + CrossCoords[i].z, GotBlock); if (!g_BlockIsSolid[GotBlock]) { PushDirection = CrossCoords[i]; break; } } // for i - CrossCoords[] NextPos += Vector3d(PushDirection) * 0.2; m_bOnGround = true; LOGD("Entity #%d (%s) is inside a block at {%d,%d,%d}", m_UniqueID, GetClass(), BlockX, BlockY, ); } if (!m_bOnGround) { float fallspeed; if (IsBlockWater(BlockIn)) { fallspeed = m_Gravity * a_Dt / 3; // Fall 3x slower in water. } else if ((IsBlockRail(BlockBelow)) && (IsMinecart())) // Rails aren't solid, except for Minecarts { fallspeed = 0; m_bOnGround = true; } else if (BlockIn == E_BLOCK_COBWEB) { NextSpeed.y *= 0.05; // Reduce overall falling speed fallspeed = 0; // No falling. } else { // Normal gravity fallspeed = m_Gravity * a_Dt; } NextSpeed.y += fallspeed; } else { if (IsMinecart()) { if (!IsBlockRail(BlockBelow)) { // Friction if minecart is off track, otherwise, Minecart.cpp handles this if (NextSpeed.SqrLength() > 0.0004f) { NextSpeed.x *= 0.7f / (1 + a_Dt); if (fabs(NextSpeed.x) < 0.05) { NextSpeed.x = 0; } NextSpeed.z *= 0.7f / (1 + a_Dt); if (fabs(NextSpeed.z) < 0.05) { NextSpeed.z = 0; } } } else { // Friction if (NextSpeed.SqrLength() > 0.0004f) { NextSpeed.x *= 0.7f / (1 + a_Dt); if (fabs(NextSpeed.x) < 0.05) { NextSpeed.x = 0; } NextSpeed.z *= 0.7f / (1 + a_Dt); if (fabs(NextSpeed.z) < 0.05) { NextSpeed.z = 0; } } } } } // Adjust X and Z speed for COBWEB temporary. This speed modification should be handled inside block handlers since we // might have different speed modifiers according to terrain. if (BlockIn == E_BLOCK_COBWEB) { NextSpeed.x *= 0.25; NextSpeed.z *= 0.25; } //Get water direction Direction WaterDir = m_World->GetWaterSimulator()->GetFlowingDirection(BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ); m_WaterSpeed *= 0.9f; //Reduce speed each tick switch(WaterDir) { case X_PLUS: m_WaterSpeed.x = 0.2f; m_bOnGround = false; break; case X_MINUS: m_WaterSpeed.x = -0.2f; m_bOnGround = false; break; case Z_PLUS: m_WaterSpeed.z = 0.2f; m_bOnGround = false; break; case Z_MINUS: m_WaterSpeed.z = -0.2f; m_bOnGround = false; break; default: break; } if (fabs(m_WaterSpeed.x) < 0.05) { m_WaterSpeed.x = 0; } if (fabs(m_WaterSpeed.z) < 0.05) { m_WaterSpeed.z = 0; } NextSpeed += m_WaterSpeed; if( NextSpeed.SqrLength() > 0.f ) { cTracer Tracer( GetWorld() ); int Ret = Tracer.Trace( NextPos, NextSpeed, 2 ); if( Ret ) // Oh noez! we hit something { // Set to hit position if( (Tracer.RealHit - NextPos).SqrLength() <= ( NextSpeed * a_Dt ).SqrLength() ) { if( Ret == 1 ) { if( Tracer.HitNormal.x != 0.f ) NextSpeed.x = 0.f; if( Tracer.HitNormal.y != 0.f ) NextSpeed.y = 0.f; if( Tracer.HitNormal.z != 0.f ) NextSpeed.z = 0.f; if( Tracer.HitNormal.y > 0 ) // means on ground { m_bOnGround = true; } } NextPos.Set(Tracer.RealHit.x,Tracer.RealHit.y,Tracer.RealHit.z); NextPos.x += Tracer.HitNormal.x * 0.3f; NextPos.y += Tracer.HitNormal.y * 0.05f; // Any larger produces entity vibration-upon-the-spot NextPos.z += Tracer.HitNormal.z * 0.3f; } else { NextPos += (NextSpeed * a_Dt); } } else { // We didn't hit anything, so move =] NextPos += (NextSpeed * a_Dt); } } BlockX = (int) floor(NextPos.x); BlockZ = (int) floor(NextPos.z); NextChunk = NextChunk->GetNeighborChunk(BlockX,BlockZ); // See if we can commit our changes. If not, we will discard them. if (NextChunk != NULL) { if (NextPos.x != GetPosX()) SetPosX(NextPos.x); if (NextPos.y != GetPosY()) SetPosY(NextPos.y); if (NextPos.z != GetPosZ()) SetPosZ(NextPos.z); if (NextSpeed.x != GetSpeedX()) SetSpeedX(NextSpeed.x); if (NextSpeed.y != GetSpeedY()) SetSpeedY(NextSpeed.y); if (NextSpeed.z != GetSpeedZ()) SetSpeedZ(NextSpeed.z); } } } void cEntity::TickBurning(cChunk & a_Chunk) { // Remember the current burning state: bool HasBeenBurning = (m_TicksLeftBurning > 0); // Do the burning damage: if (m_TicksLeftBurning > 0) { m_TicksSinceLastBurnDamage++; if (m_TicksSinceLastBurnDamage >= BURN_TICKS_PER_DAMAGE) { TakeDamage(dtOnFire, NULL, BURN_DAMAGE, 0); m_TicksSinceLastBurnDamage = 0; } m_TicksLeftBurning--; } // Update the burning times, based on surroundings: int MinRelX = (int)floor(GetPosX() - m_Width / 2) - a_Chunk.GetPosX() * cChunkDef::Width; int MaxRelX = (int)floor(GetPosX() + m_Width / 2) - a_Chunk.GetPosX() * cChunkDef::Width; int MinRelZ = (int)floor(GetPosZ() - m_Width / 2) - a_Chunk.GetPosZ() * cChunkDef::Width; int MaxRelZ = (int)floor(GetPosZ() + m_Width / 2) - a_Chunk.GetPosZ() * cChunkDef::Width; int MinY = std::max(0, std::min(cChunkDef::Height - 1, (int)floor(GetPosY()))); int MaxY = std::max(0, std::min(cChunkDef::Height - 1, (int)ceil (GetPosY() + m_Height))); bool HasWater = false; bool HasLava = false; bool HasFire = false; for (int x = MinRelX; x <= MaxRelX; x++) { for (int z = MinRelZ; z <= MaxRelZ; z++) { int RelX = x; int RelZ = z; cChunk * CurChunk = a_Chunk.GetRelNeighborChunkAdjustCoords(RelX, RelZ); if (CurChunk == NULL) { continue; } for (int y = MinY; y <= MaxY; y++) { switch (CurChunk->GetBlock(RelX, y, RelZ)) { case E_BLOCK_FIRE: { HasFire = true; break; } case E_BLOCK_LAVA: case E_BLOCK_STATIONARY_LAVA: { HasLava = true; break; } case E_BLOCK_STATIONARY_WATER: case E_BLOCK_WATER: { HasWater = true; break; } } // switch (BlockType) } // for y } // for z } // for x if (HasWater) { // Extinguish the fire m_TicksLeftBurning = 0; } if (HasLava) { // Burn: m_TicksLeftBurning = BURN_TICKS; // Periodically damage: m_TicksSinceLastLavaDamage++; if (m_TicksSinceLastLavaDamage >= LAVA_TICKS_PER_DAMAGE) { TakeDamage(dtLavaContact, NULL, LAVA_DAMAGE, 0); m_TicksSinceLastLavaDamage = 0; } } else { m_TicksSinceLastLavaDamage = 0; } if (HasFire) { // Burn: m_TicksLeftBurning = BURN_TICKS; // Periodically damage: m_TicksSinceLastFireDamage++; if (m_TicksSinceLastFireDamage >= FIRE_TICKS_PER_DAMAGE) { TakeDamage(dtFireContact, NULL, FIRE_DAMAGE, 0); m_TicksSinceLastFireDamage = 0; } } else { m_TicksSinceLastFireDamage = 0; } // If just started / finished burning, notify descendants: if ((m_TicksLeftBurning > 0) && !HasBeenBurning) { OnStartedBurning(); } else if ((m_TicksLeftBurning <= 0) && HasBeenBurning) { OnFinishedBurning(); } } /// Called when the entity starts burning void cEntity::OnStartedBurning(void) { // Broadcast the change: m_World->BroadcastEntityMetadata(*this); } /// Called when the entity finishes burning void cEntity::OnFinishedBurning(void) { // Broadcast the change: m_World->BroadcastEntityMetadata(*this); } /// Sets the maximum value for the health void cEntity::SetMaxHealth(int a_MaxHealth) { m_MaxHealth = a_MaxHealth; // Reset health, if too high: if (m_Health > a_MaxHealth) { m_Health = a_MaxHealth; } } /// Puts the entity on fire for the specified amount of ticks void cEntity::StartBurning(int a_TicksLeftBurning) { if (m_TicksLeftBurning > 0) { // Already burning, top up the ticks left burning and bail out: m_TicksLeftBurning = std::max(m_TicksLeftBurning, a_TicksLeftBurning); return; } m_TicksLeftBurning = a_TicksLeftBurning; OnStartedBurning(); } /// Stops the entity from burning, resets all burning timers void cEntity::StopBurning(void) { bool HasBeenBurning = (m_TicksLeftBurning > 0); m_TicksLeftBurning = 0; m_TicksSinceLastBurnDamage = 0; m_TicksSinceLastFireDamage = 0; m_TicksSinceLastLavaDamage = 0; // Notify if the entity has stopped burning if (HasBeenBurning) { OnFinishedBurning(); } } void cEntity::TeleportToEntity(cEntity & a_Entity) { TeleportToCoords(a_Entity.GetPosX(), a_Entity.GetPosY(), a_Entity.GetPosZ()); } void cEntity::TeleportToCoords(double a_PosX, double a_PosY, double a_PosZ) { SetPosition(a_PosX, a_PosY, a_PosZ); m_World->BroadcastTeleportEntity(*this); } void cEntity::BroadcastMovementUpdate(const cClientHandle * a_Exclude) { //We need to keep updating the clients when there is movement or if there was a change in speed and after 2 ticks if( (m_Speed.SqrLength() > 0.0004f || m_bDirtySpeed) && (m_World->GetWorldAge() - m_TimeLastSpeedPacket >= 2)) { m_World->BroadcastEntityVelocity(*this,a_Exclude); m_bDirtySpeed = false; m_TimeLastSpeedPacket = m_World->GetWorldAge(); } //Have to process position related packets this every two ticks if (m_World->GetWorldAge() % 2 == 0) { int DiffX = (int) (floor(GetPosX() * 32.0) - floor(m_LastPosX * 32.0)); int DiffY = (int) (floor(GetPosY() * 32.0) - floor(m_LastPosY * 32.0)); int DiffZ = (int) (floor(GetPosZ() * 32.0) - floor(m_LastPosZ * 32.0)); Int64 DiffTeleportPacket = m_World->GetWorldAge() - m_TimeLastTeleportPacket; // 4 blocks is max Relative So if the Diff is greater than 127 or. Send an absolute position every 20 seconds if (DiffTeleportPacket >= 400 || ((DiffX > 127) || (DiffX < -128) || (DiffY > 127) || (DiffY < -128) || (DiffZ > 127) || (DiffZ < -128))) { // m_World->BroadcastTeleportEntity(*this,a_Exclude); m_TimeLastTeleportPacket = m_World->GetWorldAge(); m_TimeLastMoveReltPacket = m_TimeLastTeleportPacket; //Must synchronize. m_LastPosX = GetPosX(); m_LastPosY = GetPosY(); m_LastPosZ = GetPosZ(); m_bDirtyPosition = false; m_bDirtyOrientation = false; } else { Int64 DiffMoveRelPacket = m_World->GetWorldAge() - m_TimeLastMoveReltPacket; //if the change is big enough. if ((abs(DiffX) >= 4 || abs(DiffY) >= 4 || abs(DiffZ) >= 4 || DiffMoveRelPacket >= 60) && m_bDirtyPosition) { if (m_bDirtyOrientation) { m_World->BroadcastEntityRelMoveLook(*this, (char)DiffX, (char)DiffY, (char)DiffZ,a_Exclude); m_bDirtyOrientation = false; } else { m_World->BroadcastEntityRelMove(*this, (char)DiffX, (char)DiffY, (char)DiffZ,a_Exclude); } m_LastPosX = GetPosX(); m_LastPosY = GetPosY(); m_LastPosZ = GetPosZ(); m_bDirtyPosition = false; m_TimeLastMoveReltPacket = m_World->GetWorldAge(); } else { if (m_bDirtyOrientation) { m_World->BroadcastEntityLook(*this,a_Exclude); m_bDirtyOrientation = false; } } } if (m_bDirtyHead) { m_World->BroadcastEntityHeadLook(*this,a_Exclude); m_bDirtyHead = false; } } } void cEntity::AttachTo(cEntity * a_AttachTo) { if (m_AttachedTo == a_AttachTo) { // Already attached to that entity, nothing to do here return; } // Detach from any previous entity: Detach(); // Attach to the new entity: m_AttachedTo = a_AttachTo; a_AttachTo->m_Attachee = this; m_World->BroadcastAttachEntity(*this, a_AttachTo); } void cEntity::Detach(void) { if (m_AttachedTo == NULL) { // Attached to no entity, our work is done return; } m_AttachedTo->m_Attachee = NULL; m_AttachedTo = NULL; m_World->BroadcastAttachEntity(*this, NULL); } bool cEntity::IsA(const char * a_ClassName) const { return (strcmp(a_ClassName, "cEntity") == 0); } void cEntity::SetRot(const Vector3f & a_Rot) { m_Rot = a_Rot; m_bDirtyOrientation = true; } void cEntity::SetHeadYaw(double a_HeadYaw) { m_HeadYaw = a_HeadYaw; m_bDirtyHead = true; WrapHeadYaw(); } void cEntity::SetHeight(double a_Height) { m_Height = a_Height; } void cEntity::SetMass(double a_Mass) { if (a_Mass > 0) { m_Mass = a_Mass; } else { // Make sure that mass is not zero. 1g is the default because we // have to choose a number. It's perfectly legal to have a mass // less than 1g as long as is NOT equal or less than zero. m_Mass = 0.001; } } void cEntity::SetRotation(double a_Rotation) { m_Rot.x = a_Rotation; m_bDirtyOrientation = true; WrapRotation(); } void cEntity::SetPitch(double a_Pitch) { m_Rot.y = a_Pitch; m_bDirtyOrientation = true; WrapRotation(); } void cEntity::SetRoll(double a_Roll) { m_Rot.z = a_Roll; m_bDirtyOrientation = true; } void cEntity::SetSpeed(double a_SpeedX, double a_SpeedY, double a_SpeedZ) { m_Speed.Set(a_SpeedX, a_SpeedY, a_SpeedZ); m_bDirtySpeed = true; WrapSpeed(); } void cEntity::SetSpeedX(double a_SpeedX) { m_Speed.x = a_SpeedX; m_bDirtySpeed = true; WrapSpeed(); } void cEntity::SetSpeedY(double a_SpeedY) { m_Speed.y = a_SpeedY; m_bDirtySpeed = true; WrapSpeed(); } void cEntity::SetSpeedZ(double a_SpeedZ) { m_Speed.z = a_SpeedZ; m_bDirtySpeed = true; WrapSpeed(); } void cEntity::SetWidth(double a_Width) { m_Width = a_Width; } void cEntity::AddPosX(double a_AddPosX) { m_Pos.x += a_AddPosX; m_bDirtyPosition = true; } void cEntity::AddPosY(double a_AddPosY) { m_Pos.y += a_AddPosY; m_bDirtyPosition = true; } void cEntity::AddPosZ(double a_AddPosZ) { m_Pos.z += a_AddPosZ; m_bDirtyPosition = true; } void cEntity::AddPosition(double a_AddPosX, double a_AddPosY, double a_AddPosZ) { m_Pos.x += a_AddPosX; m_Pos.y += a_AddPosY; m_Pos.z += a_AddPosZ; m_bDirtyPosition = true; } void cEntity::AddSpeed(double a_AddSpeedX, double a_AddSpeedY, double a_AddSpeedZ) { m_Speed.x += a_AddSpeedX; m_Speed.y += a_AddSpeedY; m_Speed.z += a_AddSpeedZ; m_bDirtySpeed = true; WrapSpeed(); } void cEntity::AddSpeedX(double a_AddSpeedX) { m_Speed.x += a_AddSpeedX; m_bDirtySpeed = true; WrapSpeed(); } void cEntity::AddSpeedY(double a_AddSpeedY) { m_Speed.y += a_AddSpeedY; m_bDirtySpeed = true; WrapSpeed(); } void cEntity::AddSpeedZ(double a_AddSpeedZ) { m_Speed.z += a_AddSpeedZ; m_bDirtySpeed = true; WrapSpeed(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Get look vector (this is NOT a rotation!) Vector3d cEntity::GetLookVector(void) const { Matrix4d m; m.Init(Vector3f(), 0, m_Rot.x, -m_Rot.y); Vector3d Look = m.Transform(Vector3d(0, 0, 1)); return Look; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Set position void cEntity::SetPosition(double a_PosX, double a_PosY, double a_PosZ) { m_Pos.Set(a_PosX, a_PosY, a_PosZ); m_bDirtyPosition = true; } void cEntity::SetPosX(double a_PosX) { m_Pos.x = a_PosX; m_bDirtyPosition = true; } void cEntity::SetPosY(double a_PosY) { m_Pos.y = a_PosY; m_bDirtyPosition = true; } void cEntity::SetPosZ(double a_PosZ) { m_Pos.z = a_PosZ; m_bDirtyPosition = true; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Reference stuffs void cEntity::AddReference(cEntity * & a_EntityPtr) { m_References->AddReference(a_EntityPtr); a_EntityPtr->ReferencedBy(a_EntityPtr); } void cEntity::ReferencedBy(cEntity * & a_EntityPtr) { m_Referencers->AddReference(a_EntityPtr); } void cEntity::Dereference(cEntity * & a_EntityPtr) { m_Referencers->Dereference(a_EntityPtr); }