#include "Globals.h" // NOTE: MSVC stupidness requires this to be the same across all modules #include "GroupManager.h" #include "Group.h" #include "../iniFile/iniFile.h" #include "ChatColor.h" #include "Root.h" typedef std::map< AString, cGroup* > GroupMap; struct cGroupManager::sGroupManagerState { GroupMap Groups; }; cGroupManager* cGroupManager::GetGroupManager() { LOGWARN("WARNING: Using deprecated function cGroupManager::GetGroupManager() use cRoot::Get()->GetGroupManager() instead!"); return cRoot::Get()->GetGroupManager(); } cGroupManager::~cGroupManager() { for( GroupMap::iterator itr = m_pState->Groups.begin(); itr != m_pState->Groups.end(); ++itr ) { delete itr->second; } m_pState->Groups.clear(); delete m_pState; } cGroupManager::cGroupManager() : m_pState( new sGroupManagerState ) { LOG("-- Loading Groups --"); cIniFile IniFile("groups.ini"); if( IniFile.ReadFile() ) { unsigned int NumKeys = IniFile.GetNumKeys(); for( unsigned int i = 0; i < NumKeys; i++ ) { std::string KeyName = IniFile.GetKeyName( i ); cGroup* Group = GetGroup( KeyName.c_str() ); LOG("Loading group: %s", KeyName.c_str() ); Group->SetName( KeyName ); char Color = IniFile.GetValue( KeyName, "Color", "-" )[0]; if( Color != '-' ) Group->SetColor( cChatColor::MakeColor(Color) ); else Group->SetColor( cChatColor::White ); std::string Commands = IniFile.GetValue( KeyName, "Commands", "" ); if( Commands.size() > 0 ) { AStringVector Split = StringSplit( Commands, "," ); for( unsigned int i = 0; i < Split.size(); i++) { Group->AddCommand( Split[i] ); //LOG("%s", Split[i].c_str() ); } } std::string Permissions = IniFile.GetValue( KeyName, "Permissions", "" ); if( Permissions.size() > 0 ) { AStringVector Split = StringSplit( Permissions, "," ); for( unsigned int i = 0; i < Split.size(); i++) { Group->AddPermission( Split[i] ); LOGINFO("Permission: %s", Split[i].c_str() ); } } std::string Groups = IniFile.GetValue( KeyName, "Inherits", "" ); if( Groups.size() > 0 ) { AStringVector Split = StringSplit( Groups, "," ); for( unsigned int i = 0; i < Split.size(); i++) { Group->InheritFrom( GetGroup( Split[i].c_str() ) ); } } } } LOG("-- Done Loading Groups --"); } cGroup* cGroupManager::GetGroup( const AString & a_Name ) { GroupMap::iterator itr = m_pState->Groups.find( a_Name ); if( itr != m_pState->Groups.end() ) { return itr->second; } cGroup* Group = new cGroup(); m_pState->Groups[a_Name] = Group; return Group; }