#define LUA_USE_POSIX #include "cPlugin_NewLua.h" #include "cMCLogger.h" extern "C" { #include "lualib.h" } #include "tolua++.h" #include "Bindings.h" #include "ManualBindings.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #include "wdirent.h" #else #include #endif extern bool report_errors(lua_State* lua, int status); cPlugin_NewLua::cPlugin_NewLua( const char* a_PluginName ) : m_LuaState( 0 ) { m_Directory = a_PluginName; } cPlugin_NewLua::~cPlugin_NewLua() { if( m_LuaState ) { lua_close( m_LuaState ); m_LuaState = 0; } } bool cPlugin_NewLua::Initialize() { if( !m_LuaState ) { m_LuaState = lua_open(); luaL_openlibs( m_LuaState ); tolua_AllToLua_open(m_LuaState); ManualBindings::Bind( m_LuaState ); } std::string PluginPath = std::string("Plugins/") + m_Directory + "/"; // Load all files for this plugin, and execute them DIR* dp; struct dirent *entry; if(dp = opendir( PluginPath.c_str() )) { while(entry = readdir(dp)) { std::string FileName = entry->d_name; if( FileName.find(".lua") != std::string::npos ) { std::string Path = PluginPath + FileName; int s = luaL_loadfile(m_LuaState, Path.c_str() ); if( report_errors( m_LuaState, s ) ) { LOGERROR("Can't load plugin %s because of an error in file %s", m_Directory.c_str(), Path.c_str() ); lua_close( m_LuaState ); m_LuaState = 0; return false; } s = lua_pcall(m_LuaState, 0, LUA_MULTRET, 0); if( report_errors( m_LuaState, s ) ) { LOGERROR("Error in plugin %s in file %s", m_Directory.c_str(), Path.c_str() ); lua_close( m_LuaState ); m_LuaState = 0; return false; } } } } // Call intialize function lua_getglobal(m_LuaState, "Initialize"); if(!lua_isfunction(m_LuaState,-1)) { LOGWARN("Error in plugin %s: Could not find function Initialize()", m_Directory.c_str() ); lua_pop(m_LuaState,1); lua_close( m_LuaState ); m_LuaState = 0; return false; } tolua_pushusertype(m_LuaState, this, "cPlugin_NewLua"); // do the call (1 arguments, 1 result) int s = lua_pcall(m_LuaState, 1, 1, 0); if( report_errors( m_LuaState, s ) ) { LOGWARN("Error in plugin %s calling function Initialize()", m_Directory.c_str() ); lua_close( m_LuaState ); m_LuaState = 0; return false; } if( !lua_isboolean( m_LuaState, -1 ) ) { LOGWARN("Error in plugin %s Initialize() must return a boolean value!", m_Directory.c_str() ); lua_close( m_LuaState ); m_LuaState = 0; return false; } bool bSuccess = (tolua_toboolean( m_LuaState, -1, 0) > 0); return bSuccess; } void cPlugin_NewLua::Tick(float a_Dt) { lua_getglobal(m_LuaState, "Tick"); if(!lua_isfunction(m_LuaState,-1)) { LOGWARN("Error in plugin %s: Could not find function Tick()", m_Directory.c_str() ); lua_pop(m_LuaState,1); return; } tolua_pushnumber( m_LuaState, a_Dt ); // do the call (1 arguments, 0 result)/ int s = lua_pcall(m_LuaState, 1, 0, 0); if( report_errors( m_LuaState, s ) ) { LOGWARN("Error in plugin %s calling function Tick()", m_Directory.c_str() ); } }