#pragma once #include "cAuthenticator.h" class cThread; class cMonsterConfig; class cGroupManager; class cRecipeChecker; class cFurnaceRecipe; class cWebAdmin; class cPluginManager; class cServer; class cWorld; class cPlayer; typedef cItemCallback<cPlayer> cPlayerListCallback; class cRoot //tolua_export { //tolua_export public: static cRoot* Get() { return s_Root; } //tolua_export cRoot(); ~cRoot(); void Start(); cServer* GetServer() { return m_Server; } //tolua_export OBSOLETE cWorld* GetWorld(); //tolua_export cWorld* GetDefaultWorld(); //tolua_export cWorld* GetWorld( const AString & a_WorldName ); //tolua_export cMonsterConfig *GetMonsterConfig() { return m_MonsterConfig;} cGroupManager* GetGroupManager() { return m_GroupManager; } //tolua_export cRecipeChecker* GetRecipeChecker() { return m_RecipeChecker; } //tolua_export cFurnaceRecipe* GetFurnaceRecipe() { return m_FurnaceRecipe; } //tolua_export cWebAdmin* GetWebAdmin() { return m_WebAdmin; } //tolua_export cPluginManager* GetPluginManager() { return m_PluginManager; } //tolua_export cAuthenticator & GetAuthenticator() {return m_Authenticator; } void ServerCommand(const char* a_Cmd ); //tolua_export void KickUser(int a_ClientID, const AString & a_Reason); // Kicks the user, no matter in what world they are. Used from cAuthenticator void AuthenticateUser(int a_ClientID); // Called by cAuthenticator to auth the specified user void TickWorlds( float a_Dt ); int GetTotalChunkCount(void); // tolua_export /// Saves all chunks in all worlds void SaveAllChunks(void); /// Calls the callback for each player in all worlds bool ForEachPlayer(cPlayerListCallback & a_Callback); private: void LoadGlobalSettings(); void LoadWorlds(); void UnloadWorlds(); cServer * m_Server; cMonsterConfig * m_MonsterConfig; cGroupManager * m_GroupManager; cRecipeChecker * m_RecipeChecker; cFurnaceRecipe * m_FurnaceRecipe; cWebAdmin * m_WebAdmin; cPluginManager * m_PluginManager; cAuthenticator m_Authenticator; cMCLogger * m_Log; bool m_bStop; bool m_bRestart; struct sRootState; sRootState* m_pState; cThread* m_InputThread; static void InputThread(void* a_Params); static cRoot* s_Root; }; //tolua_export