#include "Globals.h" // NOTE: MSVC stupidness requires this to be the same across all modules #include "Authenticator.h" #include "OSSupport/BlockingTCPLink.h" #include "Root.h" #include "Server.h" #include "inifile/iniFile.h" #include <sstream> #define DEFAULT_AUTH_SERVER "session.minecraft.net" #define DEFAULT_AUTH_ADDRESS "/game/checkserver.jsp?user=%USERNAME%&serverId=%SERVERID%" #define MAX_REDIRECTS 10 cAuthenticator::cAuthenticator(void) : super("cAuthenticator"), m_Server(DEFAULT_AUTH_SERVER), m_Address(DEFAULT_AUTH_ADDRESS), m_ShouldAuthenticate(true) { } cAuthenticator::~cAuthenticator() { Stop(); } void cAuthenticator::ReadINI(cIniFile & IniFile) { m_Server = IniFile.GetValueSet("Authentication", "Server", DEFAULT_AUTH_SERVER); m_Address = IniFile.GetValueSet("Authentication", "Address", DEFAULT_AUTH_ADDRESS); m_ShouldAuthenticate = IniFile.GetValueSetB("Authentication", "Authenticate", true); } void cAuthenticator::Authenticate(int a_ClientID, const AString & a_UserName, const AString & a_ServerHash) { if (!m_ShouldAuthenticate) { cRoot::Get()->AuthenticateUser(a_ClientID); return; } cCSLock Lock(m_CS); m_Queue.push_back(cUser(a_ClientID, a_UserName, a_ServerHash)); m_QueueNonempty.Set(); } void cAuthenticator::Start(cIniFile & IniFile) { ReadINI(IniFile); m_ShouldTerminate = false; super::Start(); } void cAuthenticator::Stop(void) { m_ShouldTerminate = true; m_QueueNonempty.Set(); Wait(); } void cAuthenticator::Execute(void) { for (;;) { cCSLock Lock(m_CS); while (!m_ShouldTerminate && (m_Queue.size() == 0)) { cCSUnlock Unlock(Lock); m_QueueNonempty.Wait(); } if (m_ShouldTerminate) { return; } ASSERT(!m_Queue.empty()); int ClientID = m_Queue.front().m_ClientID; AString UserName = m_Queue.front().m_Name; AString ActualAddress = m_Address; ReplaceString(ActualAddress, "%USERNAME%", UserName); ReplaceString(ActualAddress, "%SERVERID%", m_Queue.front().m_ServerID); m_Queue.pop_front(); Lock.Unlock(); if (!AuthFromAddress(m_Server, ActualAddress, UserName)) { cRoot::Get()->KickUser(ClientID, "Failed to authenticate account!"); } else { cRoot::Get()->AuthenticateUser(ClientID); } } // for (-ever) } bool cAuthenticator::AuthFromAddress(const AString & a_Server, const AString & a_Address, const AString & a_UserName, int a_Level /* = 1 */) { // Returns true if the user authenticated okay, false on error; iLevel is the recursion deptht (bails out if too deep) cBlockingTCPLink Link; if (!Link.Connect(a_Server.c_str(), 80)) { LOGWARNING("%s: cannot connect to auth server \"%s\", kicking user \"%s\"", __FUNCTION__, a_Server.c_str(), a_UserName.c_str() ); return false; } Link.SendMessage( AString( "GET " + a_Address + " HTTP/1.1\r\n" ).c_str()); Link.SendMessage( AString( "User-Agent: MCServer\r\n" ).c_str()); Link.SendMessage( AString( "Host: " + a_Server + "\r\n" ).c_str()); //Link.SendMessage( AString( "Host: session.minecraft.net\r\n" ).c_str()); Link.SendMessage( AString( "Accept: */*\r\n" ).c_str()); Link.SendMessage( AString( "Connection: close\r\n" ).c_str()); //Close so we don�t have to mess with the Content-Length :) Link.SendMessage( AString( "\r\n" ).c_str()); AString DataRecvd; Link.ReceiveData(DataRecvd); Link.CloseSocket(); std::stringstream ss(DataRecvd); // Parse the data received: std::string temp; ss >> temp; bool bRedirect = false; bool bOK = false; if ((temp.compare("HTTP/1.1") == 0) || (temp.compare("HTTP/1.0") == 0)) { int code; ss >> code; if (code == 302) { // redirect blabla LOGD("%s: Need to redirect, current level %d!", __FUNCTION__, a_Level); if (a_Level > MAX_REDIRECTS) { LOGERROR("cAuthenticator: received too many levels of redirection from auth server \"%s\" for user \"%s\", bailing out and kicking the user", a_Server.c_str(), a_UserName.c_str()); return false; } bRedirect = true; } else if (code == 200) { LOGD("cAuthenticator: Received status 200 OK! :D"); bOK = true; } } else { LOGERROR("cAuthenticator: cannot parse auth reply from server \"%s\" for user \"%s\", kicking the user.", a_Server.c_str(), a_UserName.c_str()); return false; } if( bRedirect ) { AString Location; // Search for "Location:" bool bFoundLocation = false; while( !bFoundLocation && ss.good() ) { char c = 0; while( c != '\n' ) { ss.get( c ); } AString Name; ss >> Name; if (Name.compare("Location:") == 0) { bFoundLocation = true; ss >> Location; } } if (!bFoundLocation) { LOGERROR("cAuthenticator: received invalid redirection from auth server \"%s\" for user \"%s\", kicking user.", a_Server.c_str(), a_UserName.c_str()); return false; } Location = Location.substr(strlen("http://"), std::string::npos); // Strip http:// std::string Server = Location.substr( 0, Location.find( "/" ) ); // Only leave server address Location = Location.substr( Server.length(), std::string::npos); return AuthFromAddress(Server, Location, a_UserName, a_Level + 1); } if (!bOK) { LOGERROR("cAuthenticator: received an error from auth server \"%s\" for user \"%s\", kicking user.", a_Server.c_str(), a_UserName.c_str()); return false; } // Header says OK, so receive the rest. // Go past header, double \n means end of headers char c = 0; while (ss.good()) { while (c != '\n') { ss.get(c); } ss.get(c); if( c == '\n' || c == '\r' || ss.peek() == '\r' || ss.peek() == '\n' ) break; } if (!ss.good()) { LOGERROR("cAuthenticator: error while parsing response body from auth server \"%s\" for user \"%s\", kicking user.", a_Server.c_str(), a_UserName.c_str()); return false; } std::string Result; ss >> Result; LOGD("cAuthenticator: Authentication result was %s", Result.c_str()); if (Result.compare("YES") == 0) //Works well { LOGINFO("Authentication result \"YES\", player authentication success!"); return true; } LOGINFO("Authentication result was \"%s\", player authentication failure!", Result.c_str()); return false; }