// ManualBindings_Network.cpp // Implements the cNetwork-related API bindings for Lua #include "Globals.h" #include "LuaTCPLink.h" #include "ManualBindings.h" #include "tolua++/include/tolua++.h" #include "LuaState.h" #include "LuaTCPLink.h" #include "LuaNameLookup.h" #include "LuaServerHandle.h" #include "LuaUDPEndpoint.h" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // cNetwork API functions: /** Binds cNetwork::Connect */ static int tolua_cNetwork_Connect(lua_State * L) { // Function signature: // cNetwork:Connect(Host, Port, Callbacks) -> bool cLuaState S(L); if ( !S.CheckParamUserTable(1, "cNetwork") || !S.CheckParamString(2) || !S.CheckParamNumber(3) || !S.CheckParamTable(4) || !S.CheckParamEnd(5) ) { return 0; } // Get the plugin instance: cPluginLua * Plugin = GetLuaPlugin(L); if (Plugin == nullptr) { // An error message has been already printed in GetLuaPlugin() S.Push(false); return 1; } // Read the params: AString Host; int Port; S.GetStackValues(2, Host, Port); // Check validity: if ((Port < 0) || (Port > 65535)) { LOGWARNING("cNetwork:Connect() called with invalid port (%d), failing the request.", Port); S.Push(false); return 1; } // Create the LuaTCPLink glue class: auto Link = std::make_shared(*Plugin, 4); // Try to connect: bool res = cNetwork::Connect(Host, static_cast(Port), Link, Link); S.Push(res); return 1; } /** Binds cNetwork::CreateUDPEndpoint */ static int tolua_cNetwork_CreateUDPEndpoint(lua_State * L) { // Function signature: // cNetwork:CreateUDPEndpoint(Port, Callbacks) -> cUDPEndpoint cLuaState S(L); if ( !S.CheckParamUserTable(1, "cNetwork") || !S.CheckParamNumber(2) || !S.CheckParamTable(3) || !S.CheckParamEnd(4) ) { return 0; } // Get the plugin instance: cPluginLua * Plugin = GetLuaPlugin(L); if (Plugin == nullptr) { // An error message has been already printed in GetLuaPlugin() S.Push(false); return 1; } // Read the params: int Port; S.GetStackValues(2, Port); // Check validity: if ((Port < 0) || (Port > 65535)) { LOGWARNING("cNetwork:CreateUDPEndpoint() called with invalid port (%d), failing the request.", Port); S.Push(false); return 1; } // Create the LuaUDPEndpoint glue class: auto Endpoint = std::make_shared(*Plugin, 3); Endpoint->Open(Port, Endpoint); // Register the endpoint to be garbage-collected by Lua: tolua_pushusertype(L, Endpoint.get(), "cUDPEndpoint"); tolua_register_gc(L, lua_gettop(L)); // Return the endpoint object: S.Push(Endpoint.get()); return 1; } /** Binds cNetwork::HostnameToIP */ static int tolua_cNetwork_HostnameToIP(lua_State * L) { // Function signature: // cNetwork:HostnameToIP(Host, Callbacks) -> bool cLuaState S(L); if ( !S.CheckParamUserTable(1, "cNetwork") || !S.CheckParamString(2) || !S.CheckParamTable(3) || !S.CheckParamEnd(4) ) { return 0; } // Get the plugin instance: cPluginLua * Plugin = GetLuaPlugin(L); if (Plugin == nullptr) { // An error message has been already printed in GetLuaPlugin() S.Push(false); return 1; } // Read the params: AString Host; S.GetStackValue(2, Host); // Try to look up: bool res = cNetwork::HostnameToIP(Host, std::make_shared(Host, *Plugin, 3)); S.Push(res); return 1; } /** Binds cNetwork::IPToHostname */ static int tolua_cNetwork_IPToHostname(lua_State * L) { // Function signature: // cNetwork:IPToHostname(IP, Callbacks) -> bool cLuaState S(L); if ( !S.CheckParamUserTable(1, "cNetwork") || !S.CheckParamString(2) || !S.CheckParamTable(3) || !S.CheckParamEnd(4) ) { return 0; } // Get the plugin instance: cPluginLua * Plugin = GetLuaPlugin(L); if (Plugin == nullptr) { // An error message has been already printed in GetLuaPlugin() S.Push(false); return 1; } // Read the params: AString Host; S.GetStackValue(2, Host); // Try to look up: bool res = cNetwork::IPToHostName(Host, std::make_shared(Host, *Plugin, 3)); S.Push(res); return 1; } /** Binds cNetwork::Listen */ static int tolua_cNetwork_Listen(lua_State * L) { // Function signature: // cNetwork:Listen(Port, Callbacks) -> cServerHandle cLuaState S(L); if ( !S.CheckParamUserTable(1, "cNetwork") || !S.CheckParamNumber(2) || !S.CheckParamTable(3) || !S.CheckParamEnd(4) ) { return 0; } // Get the plugin instance: cPluginLua * Plugin = GetLuaPlugin(L); if (Plugin == nullptr) { // An error message has been already printed in GetLuaPlugin() S.Push(false); return 1; } // Read the params: int Port; S.GetStackValues(2, Port); if ((Port < 0) || (Port > 65535)) { LOGWARNING("cNetwork:Listen() called with invalid port (%d), failing the request.", Port); S.Push(false); return 1; } UInt16 Port16 = static_cast(Port); // Create the LuaTCPLink glue class: auto Srv = std::make_shared(Port16, *Plugin, 3); // Listen: Srv->SetServerHandle(cNetwork::Listen(Port16, Srv), Srv); // Register the server to be garbage-collected by Lua: tolua_pushusertype(L, Srv.get(), "cServerHandle"); tolua_register_gc(L, lua_gettop(L)); // Return the server handle wrapper: S.Push(Srv.get()); return 1; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // cServerHandle bindings (routed through cLuaServerHandle): /** Called when Lua destroys the object instance. Close the server and let it deallocate on its own (it's in a SharedPtr). */ static int tolua_collect_cServerHandle(lua_State * L) { cLuaServerHandle * Srv = static_cast(tolua_tousertype(L, 1, nullptr)); Srv->Release(); return 0; } /** Binds cLuaServerHandle::Close */ static int tolua_cServerHandle_Close(lua_State * L) { // Function signature: // ServerInstance:Close() cLuaState S(L); if ( !S.CheckParamUserType(1, "cServerHandle") || !S.CheckParamEnd(2) ) { return 0; } // Get the server handle: cLuaServerHandle * Srv; if (lua_isnil(L, 1)) { LOGWARNING("cServerHandle:Close(): invalid server handle object. Stack trace:"); S.LogStackTrace(); return 0; } Srv = *static_cast(lua_touserdata(L, 1)); // Close it: Srv->Close(); return 0; } /** Binds cLuaServerHandle::IsListening */ static int tolua_cServerHandle_IsListening(lua_State * L) { // Function signature: // ServerInstance:IsListening() -> bool cLuaState S(L); if ( !S.CheckParamUserType(1, "cServerHandle") || !S.CheckParamEnd(2) ) { return 0; } // Get the server handle: cLuaServerHandle * Srv; if (lua_isnil(L, 1)) { LOGWARNING("cServerHandle:IsListening(): invalid server handle object. Stack trace:"); S.LogStackTrace(); return 0; } Srv = *static_cast(lua_touserdata(L, 1)); // Close it: S.Push(Srv->IsListening()); return 1; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // cTCPLink bindings (routed through cLuaTCPLink): /** Binds cLuaTCPLink::Close */ static int tolua_cTCPLink_Close(lua_State * L) { // Function signature: // LinkInstance:Close() cLuaState S(L); if ( !S.CheckParamUserType(1, "cTCPLink") || !S.CheckParamEnd(2) ) { return 0; } // Get the link: cLuaTCPLink * Link; if (lua_isnil(L, 1)) { LOGWARNING("cTCPLink:Close(): invalid link object. Stack trace:"); S.LogStackTrace(); return 0; } Link = *static_cast(lua_touserdata(L, 1)); // CLose the link: Link->Close(); return 0; } /** Binds cLuaTCPLink::GetLocalIP */ static int tolua_cTCPLink_GetLocalIP(lua_State * L) { // Function signature: // LinkInstance:GetLocalIP() -> string cLuaState S(L); if ( !S.CheckParamUserType(1, "cTCPLink") || !S.CheckParamEnd(2) ) { return 0; } // Get the link: cLuaTCPLink * Link; if (lua_isnil(L, 1)) { LOGWARNING("cTCPLink:GetLocalIP(): invalid link object. Stack trace:"); S.LogStackTrace(); return 0; } Link = *static_cast(lua_touserdata(L, 1)); // Get the IP: S.Push(Link->GetLocalIP()); return 1; } /** Binds cLuaTCPLink::GetLocalPort */ static int tolua_cTCPLink_GetLocalPort(lua_State * L) { // Function signature: // LinkInstance:GetLocalPort() -> number cLuaState S(L); if ( !S.CheckParamUserType(1, "cTCPLink") || !S.CheckParamEnd(2) ) { return 0; } // Get the link: cLuaTCPLink * Link; if (lua_isnil(L, 1)) { LOGWARNING("cTCPLink:GetLocalPort(): invalid link object. Stack trace:"); S.LogStackTrace(); return 0; } Link = *static_cast(lua_touserdata(L, 1)); // Get the Port: S.Push(Link->GetLocalPort()); return 1; } /** Binds cLuaTCPLink::GetRemoteIP */ static int tolua_cTCPLink_GetRemoteIP(lua_State * L) { // Function signature: // LinkInstance:GetRemoteIP() -> string cLuaState S(L); if ( !S.CheckParamUserType(1, "cTCPLink") || !S.CheckParamEnd(2) ) { return 0; } // Get the link: cLuaTCPLink * Link; if (lua_isnil(L, 1)) { LOGWARNING("cTCPLink:GetRemoteIP(): invalid link object. Stack trace:"); S.LogStackTrace(); return 0; } Link = *static_cast(lua_touserdata(L, 1)); // Get the IP: S.Push(Link->GetRemoteIP()); return 1; } /** Binds cLuaTCPLink::GetRemotePort */ static int tolua_cTCPLink_GetRemotePort(lua_State * L) { // Function signature: // LinkInstance:GetRemotePort() -> number cLuaState S(L); if ( !S.CheckParamUserType(1, "cTCPLink") || !S.CheckParamEnd(2) ) { return 0; } // Get the link: cLuaTCPLink * Link; if (lua_isnil(L, 1)) { LOGWARNING("cTCPLink:GetRemotePort(): invalid link object. Stack trace:"); S.LogStackTrace(); return 0; } Link = *static_cast(lua_touserdata(L, 1)); // Get the Port: S.Push(Link->GetRemotePort()); return 1; } /** Binds cLuaTCPLink::Send */ static int tolua_cTCPLink_Send(lua_State * L) { // Function signature: // LinkInstance:Send(DataString) cLuaState S(L); if ( !S.CheckParamUserType(1, "cTCPLink") || !S.CheckParamString(2) || !S.CheckParamEnd(3) ) { return 0; } // Get the link: cLuaTCPLink * Link; if (lua_isnil(L, 1)) { LOGWARNING("cTCPLink:Send(): invalid link object. Stack trace:"); S.LogStackTrace(); return 0; } Link = *static_cast(lua_touserdata(L, 1)); // Get the data to send: AString Data; S.GetStackValues(2, Data); // Send the data: Link->Send(Data); return 0; } /** Binds cLuaTCPLink::Shutdown */ static int tolua_cTCPLink_Shutdown(lua_State * L) { // Function signature: // LinkInstance:Shutdown() cLuaState S(L); if ( !S.CheckParamUserType(1, "cTCPLink") || !S.CheckParamEnd(2) ) { return 0; } // Get the link: cLuaTCPLink * Link; if (lua_isnil(L, 1)) { LOGWARNING("cTCPLink:Shutdown(): invalid link object. Stack trace:"); S.LogStackTrace(); return 0; } Link = *static_cast(lua_touserdata(L, 1)); // Shutdown the link: Link->Shutdown(); return 0; } /** Binds cLuaTCPLink::StartTLSClient */ static int tolua_cTCPLink_StartTLSClient(lua_State * L) { // Function signature: // LinkInstance:StartTLSClient(OwnCert, OwnPrivKey, OwnPrivKeyPassword) -> [true] or [nil, ErrMsg] cLuaState S(L); if ( !S.CheckParamUserType(1, "cTCPLink") || !S.CheckParamString(2, 4) || !S.CheckParamEnd(5) ) { return 0; } // Get the link: cLuaTCPLink * Link; if (lua_isnil(L, 1)) { LOGWARNING("cTCPLink:StartTLSClient(): invalid link object. Stack trace:"); S.LogStackTrace(); return 0; } Link = *static_cast(lua_touserdata(L, 1)); // Read the params: AString OwnCert, OwnPrivKey, OwnPrivKeyPassword; S.GetStackValues(2, OwnCert, OwnPrivKey, OwnPrivKeyPassword); // Start the TLS handshake: AString res = Link->StartTLSClient(OwnCert, OwnPrivKey, OwnPrivKeyPassword); if (!res.empty()) { S.PushNil(); S.Push(Printf("Cannot start TLS on link to %s:%d: %s", Link->GetRemoteIP().c_str(), Link->GetRemotePort(), res.c_str())); return 2; } return 1; } /** Binds cLuaTCPLink::StartTLSServer */ static int tolua_cTCPLink_StartTLSServer(lua_State * L) { // Function signature: // LinkInstance:StartTLSServer(OwnCert, OwnPrivKey, OwnPrivKeyPassword, StartTLSData) -> [true] or [nil, ErrMsg] cLuaState S(L); if ( !S.CheckParamUserType(1, "cTCPLink") || !S.CheckParamString(2, 4) || // Param 5 is optional, don't check !S.CheckParamEnd(6) ) { return 0; } // Get the link: cLuaTCPLink * Link; if (lua_isnil(L, 1)) { LOGWARNING("cTCPLink:StartTLSServer(): invalid link object. Stack trace:"); S.LogStackTrace(); return 0; } Link = *static_cast(lua_touserdata(L, 1)); // Read the params: AString OwnCert, OwnPrivKey, OwnPrivKeyPassword, StartTLSData; S.GetStackValues(2, OwnCert, OwnPrivKey, OwnPrivKeyPassword, StartTLSData); // Start the TLS handshake: AString res = Link->StartTLSServer(OwnCert, OwnPrivKey, OwnPrivKeyPassword, StartTLSData); if (!res.empty()) { S.PushNil(); S.Push(Printf("Cannot start TLS on link to %s:%d: %s", Link->GetRemoteIP().c_str(), Link->GetRemotePort(), res.c_str())); return 2; } return 1; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // cUDPEndpoint bindings (routed through cLuaUDPEndpoint): /** Called when Lua destroys the object instance. Close the endpoint and let it deallocate on its own (it's in a SharedPtr). */ static int tolua_collect_cUDPEndpoint(lua_State * L) { LOGD("Lua: Collecting cUDPEndpoint"); cLuaUDPEndpoint * Endpoint = static_cast(tolua_tousertype(L, 1, nullptr)); Endpoint->Release(); return 0; } /** Binds cLuaUDPEndpoint::Close */ static int tolua_cUDPEndpoint_Close(lua_State * L) { // Function signature: // EndpointInstance:Close() cLuaState S(L); if ( !S.CheckParamUserType(1, "cUDPEndpoint") || !S.CheckParamEnd(2) ) { return 0; } // Get the endpoint: if (lua_isnil(L, 1)) { LOGWARNING("cUDPEndpoint:Close(): invalid endpoint object. Stack trace:"); S.LogStackTrace(); return 0; } auto Endpoint = *static_cast(lua_touserdata(L, 1)); // Close it: Endpoint->Close(); return 0; } /** Binds cLuaUDPEndpoint::EnableBroadcasts */ static int tolua_cUDPEndpoint_EnableBroadcasts(lua_State * L) { // Function signature: // EndpointInstance:EnableBroadcasts() cLuaState S(L); if ( !S.CheckParamUserType(1, "cUDPEndpoint") || !S.CheckParamEnd(2) ) { return 0; } // Get the endpoint: if (lua_isnil(L, 1)) { LOGWARNING("cUDPEndpoint:EnableBroadcasts(): invalid endpoint object. Stack trace:"); S.LogStackTrace(); return 0; } auto Endpoint = *static_cast(lua_touserdata(L, 1)); // Enable the broadcasts: Endpoint->EnableBroadcasts(); return 0; } /** Binds cLuaUDPEndpoint::GetPort */ static int tolua_cUDPEndpoint_GetPort(lua_State * L) { // Function signature: // Endpoint:GetPort() -> number cLuaState S(L); if ( !S.CheckParamUserType(1, "cUDPEndpoint") || !S.CheckParamEnd(2) ) { return 0; } // Get the endpoint: if (lua_isnil(L, 1)) { LOGWARNING("cUDPEndpoint:GetPort(): invalid endpoint object. Stack trace:"); S.LogStackTrace(); return 0; } auto Endpoint = *static_cast(lua_touserdata(L, 1)); // Get the Port: S.Push(Endpoint->GetPort()); return 1; } /** Binds cLuaUDPEndpoint::IsOpen */ static int tolua_cUDPEndpoint_IsOpen(lua_State * L) { // Function signature: // Endpoint:IsOpen() -> bool cLuaState S(L); if ( !S.CheckParamUserType(1, "cUDPEndpoint") || !S.CheckParamEnd(2) ) { return 0; } // Get the endpoint: if (lua_isnil(L, 1)) { LOGWARNING("cUDPEndpoint:IsListening(): invalid server handle object. Stack trace:"); S.LogStackTrace(); return 0; } auto Endpoint = *static_cast(lua_touserdata(L, 1)); // Close it: S.Push(Endpoint->IsOpen()); return 1; } /** Binds cLuaUDPEndpoint::Send */ static int tolua_cUDPEndpoint_Send(lua_State * L) { // Function signature: // LinkInstance:Send(DataString) cLuaState S(L); if ( !S.CheckParamUserType(1, "cUDPEndpoint") || !S.CheckParamString(2, 3) || !S.CheckParamNumber(4) || !S.CheckParamEnd(5) ) { return 0; } // Get the link: if (lua_isnil(L, 1)) { LOGWARNING("cUDPEndpoint:Send(): invalid endpoint object. Stack trace:"); S.LogStackTrace(); return 0; } auto Endpoint = *static_cast(lua_touserdata(L, 1)); // Get the data to send: AString Data, RemotePeer; int RemotePort; S.GetStackValues(2, Data, RemotePeer, RemotePort); // Check the port: if ((RemotePort < 0) || (RemotePort > USHRT_MAX)) { LOGWARNING("cUDPEndpoint:Send() called with invalid port (%d), failing.", RemotePort); S.LogStackTrace(); S.Push(false); return 1; } // Send the data: S.Push(Endpoint->Send(Data, RemotePeer, static_cast(RemotePort))); return 1; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Register the bindings: void ManualBindings::BindNetwork(lua_State * tolua_S) { // Create the cNetwork API classes: tolua_usertype(tolua_S, "cNetwork"); tolua_cclass(tolua_S, "cNetwork", "cNetwork", "", nullptr); tolua_usertype(tolua_S, "cTCPLink"); tolua_cclass(tolua_S, "cTCPLink", "cTCPLink", "", nullptr); tolua_usertype(tolua_S, "cServerHandle"); tolua_cclass(tolua_S, "cServerHandle", "cServerHandle", "", tolua_collect_cServerHandle); tolua_usertype(tolua_S, "cUDPEndpoint"); tolua_cclass(tolua_S, "cUDPEndpoint", "cUDPEndpoint", "", tolua_collect_cUDPEndpoint); // Fill in the functions (alpha-sorted): tolua_beginmodule(tolua_S, "cNetwork"); tolua_function(tolua_S, "Connect", tolua_cNetwork_Connect); tolua_function(tolua_S, "CreateUDPEndpoint", tolua_cNetwork_CreateUDPEndpoint); tolua_function(tolua_S, "HostnameToIP", tolua_cNetwork_HostnameToIP); tolua_function(tolua_S, "IPToHostname", tolua_cNetwork_IPToHostname); tolua_function(tolua_S, "Listen", tolua_cNetwork_Listen); tolua_endmodule(tolua_S); tolua_beginmodule(tolua_S, "cServerHandle"); tolua_function(tolua_S, "Close", tolua_cServerHandle_Close); tolua_function(tolua_S, "IsListening", tolua_cServerHandle_IsListening); tolua_endmodule(tolua_S); tolua_beginmodule(tolua_S, "cTCPLink"); tolua_function(tolua_S, "Close", tolua_cTCPLink_Close); tolua_function(tolua_S, "GetLocalIP", tolua_cTCPLink_GetLocalIP); tolua_function(tolua_S, "GetLocalPort", tolua_cTCPLink_GetLocalPort); tolua_function(tolua_S, "GetRemoteIP", tolua_cTCPLink_GetRemoteIP); tolua_function(tolua_S, "GetRemotePort", tolua_cTCPLink_GetRemotePort); tolua_function(tolua_S, "Send", tolua_cTCPLink_Send); tolua_function(tolua_S, "Shutdown", tolua_cTCPLink_Shutdown); tolua_function(tolua_S, "StartTLSClient", tolua_cTCPLink_StartTLSClient); tolua_function(tolua_S, "StartTLSServer", tolua_cTCPLink_StartTLSServer); tolua_endmodule(tolua_S); tolua_beginmodule(tolua_S, "cUDPEndpoint"); tolua_function(tolua_S, "Close", tolua_cUDPEndpoint_Close); tolua_function(tolua_S, "EnableBroadcasts", tolua_cUDPEndpoint_EnableBroadcasts); tolua_function(tolua_S, "GetPort", tolua_cUDPEndpoint_GetPort); tolua_function(tolua_S, "IsOpen", tolua_cUDPEndpoint_IsOpen); tolua_function(tolua_S, "Send", tolua_cUDPEndpoint_Send); tolua_endmodule(tolua_S); }