// HopperEntity.cpp // Implements the cHopperEntity representing a hopper block entity #include "Globals.h" #include "HopperEntity.h" #include "../Chunk.h" #include "../Entities/Player.h" #include "../Entities/Pickup.h" #include "../Bindings/PluginManager.h" #include "ChestEntity.h" #include "DropSpenserEntity.h" #include "FurnaceEntity.h" #include "../BoundingBox.h" cHopperEntity::cHopperEntity(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, cWorld * a_World) : super(E_BLOCK_HOPPER, a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ, ContentsWidth, ContentsHeight, a_World), m_LastMoveItemsInTick(0), m_LastMoveItemsOutTick(0) { } /** Returns the block coords of the block receiving the output items, based on the meta Returns false if unattached */ bool cHopperEntity::GetOutputBlockPos(NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta, int & a_OutputX, int & a_OutputY, int & a_OutputZ) { a_OutputX = m_PosX; a_OutputY = m_PosY; a_OutputZ = m_PosZ; switch (a_BlockMeta) { case E_META_HOPPER_FACING_XM: a_OutputX--; return true; case E_META_HOPPER_FACING_XP: a_OutputX++; return true; case E_META_HOPPER_FACING_YM: a_OutputY--; return true; case E_META_HOPPER_FACING_ZM: a_OutputZ--; return true; case E_META_HOPPER_FACING_ZP: a_OutputZ++; return true; default: { // Not attached return false; } } } bool cHopperEntity::Tick(float a_Dt, cChunk & a_Chunk) { Int64 CurrentTick = a_Chunk.GetWorld()->GetWorldAge(); bool res = false; res = MoveItemsIn (a_Chunk, CurrentTick) || res; res = MovePickupsIn(a_Chunk, CurrentTick) || res; res = MoveItemsOut (a_Chunk, CurrentTick) || res; return res; } void cHopperEntity::SaveToJson(Json::Value & a_Value) { // TODO LOGWARNING("%s: Not implemented yet", __FUNCTION__); } void cHopperEntity::SendTo(cClientHandle & a_Client) { // The hopper entity doesn't need anything sent to the client when it's created / gets in the viewdistance // All the actual handling is in the cWindow UI code that gets called when the hopper is rclked UNUSED(a_Client); } void cHopperEntity::UsedBy(cPlayer * a_Player) { // If the window is not created, open it anew: cWindow * Window = GetWindow(); if (Window == NULL) { OpenNewWindow(); Window = GetWindow(); } // Open the window for the player: if (Window != NULL) { if (a_Player->GetWindow() != Window) { a_Player->OpenWindow(Window); } } // This is rather a hack // Instead of marking the chunk as dirty upon chest contents change, we mark it dirty now // We cannot properly detect contents change, but such a change doesn't happen without a player opening the chest first. // The few false positives aren't much to worry about int ChunkX, ChunkZ; cChunkDef::BlockToChunk(m_PosX, m_PosZ, ChunkX, ChunkZ); m_World->MarkChunkDirty(ChunkX, ChunkZ); } /// Opens a new window UI for this hopper void cHopperEntity::OpenNewWindow(void) { OpenWindow(new cHopperWindow(m_PosX, m_PosY, m_PosZ, this)); } /// Moves items from the container above it into this hopper. Returns true if the contents have changed. bool cHopperEntity::MoveItemsIn(cChunk & a_Chunk, Int64 a_CurrentTick) { if (m_PosY >= cChunkDef::Height) { // This hopper is at the top of the world, no more blocks above return false; } if (a_CurrentTick - m_LastMoveItemsInTick < TICKS_PER_TRANSFER) { // Too early after the previous transfer return false; } // Try moving an item in: bool res = false; switch (a_Chunk.GetBlock(m_RelX, m_PosY + 1, m_RelZ)) { case E_BLOCK_CHEST: { // Chests have special handling because of double-chests res = MoveItemsFromChest(a_Chunk); break; } case E_BLOCK_LIT_FURNACE: case E_BLOCK_FURNACE: { // Furnaces have special handling because only the output and leftover fuel buckets shall be moved res = MoveItemsFromFurnace(a_Chunk); break; } case E_BLOCK_DISPENSER: case E_BLOCK_DROPPER: case E_BLOCK_HOPPER: { res = MoveItemsFromGrid(*(cBlockEntityWithItems *)a_Chunk.GetBlockEntity(m_PosX, m_PosY + 1, m_PosZ)); break; } } // If the item has been moved, reset the last tick: if (res) { m_LastMoveItemsInTick = a_CurrentTick; } return res; } /// Moves pickups from above this hopper into it. Returns true if the contents have changed. bool cHopperEntity::MovePickupsIn(cChunk & a_Chunk, Int64 a_CurrentTick) { UNUSED(a_CurrentTick); class cHopperPickupSearchCallback : public cEntityCallback { public: cHopperPickupSearchCallback(const Vector3i & a_Pos, cItemGrid & a_Contents) : m_Pos(a_Pos), m_bFoundPickupsAbove(false), m_Contents(a_Contents) { } virtual bool Item(cEntity * a_Entity) override { ASSERT(a_Entity != NULL); if (!a_Entity->IsPickup() || a_Entity->IsDestroyed()) { return false; } Vector3f EntityPos = a_Entity->GetPosition(); Vector3f BlockPos(m_Pos.x + 0.5f, (float)m_Pos.y + 1, m_Pos.z + 0.5f); // One block above hopper, and search from center outwards float Distance = (EntityPos - BlockPos).Length(); if (Distance < 0.5) { if (TrySuckPickupIn((cPickup *)a_Entity)) { return false; } } return false; } bool TrySuckPickupIn(cPickup * a_Pickup) { for (int i = 0; i < ContentsWidth * ContentsHeight; i++) { if (m_Contents.IsSlotEmpty(i)) { m_bFoundPickupsAbove = true; m_Contents.SetSlot(i, a_Pickup->GetItem()); a_Pickup->Destroy(); // Kill pickup LOGD("Hopper sucking pickup into an empty slot"); return true; } else if (m_Contents.GetSlot(i).IsEqual(a_Pickup->GetItem()) && !m_Contents.GetSlot(i).IsFullStack()) { m_bFoundPickupsAbove = true; LOGD("Hopper sucking pickup; previous counts, pickup: %i, hopper: %i", (int)a_Pickup->GetItem().m_ItemCount, (int)m_Contents.GetSlot(i).m_ItemCount); int PreviousCount = m_Contents.GetSlot(i).m_ItemCount; a_Pickup->GetItem().m_ItemCount -= m_Contents.ChangeSlotCount(i, a_Pickup->GetItem().m_ItemCount) - PreviousCount; // Set count to however many items were added LOGD("Hopper sucking pickup; after counts, pickup: %i, hopper: %i", (int)a_Pickup->GetItem().m_ItemCount, (int)m_Contents.GetSlot(i).m_ItemCount); if (a_Pickup->GetItem().IsEmpty()) { a_Pickup->Destroy(); // Kill pickup if all items were added } return true; } } return false; } bool FoundPickupsAbove(void) const { return m_bFoundPickupsAbove; } protected: Vector3i m_Pos; bool m_bFoundPickupsAbove; cItemGrid & m_Contents; }; cHopperPickupSearchCallback HopperPickupSearchCallback(Vector3i(GetPosX(), GetPosY(), GetPosZ()), m_Contents); a_Chunk.ForEachEntity(HopperPickupSearchCallback); return HopperPickupSearchCallback.FoundPickupsAbove(); } /// Moves items out from this hopper into the destination. Returns true if the contents have changed. bool cHopperEntity::MoveItemsOut(cChunk & a_Chunk, Int64 a_CurrentTick) { if (a_CurrentTick - m_LastMoveItemsOutTick < TICKS_PER_TRANSFER) { // Too early after the previous transfer return false; } int bx, by, bz; NIBBLETYPE Meta = a_Chunk.GetMeta(m_RelX, m_PosY, m_RelZ); if (!GetOutputBlockPos(Meta, bx, by, bz)) { // Not attached to another container return false; } if (by < 0) { // Cannot output below the zero-th block level return false; } // Convert coords to relative: int rx = bx - a_Chunk.GetPosX() * cChunkDef::Width; int rz = bz - a_Chunk.GetPosZ() * cChunkDef::Width; cChunk * DestChunk = a_Chunk.GetRelNeighborChunkAdjustCoords(rx, rz); if (DestChunk == NULL) { // The destination chunk has been unloaded, don't tick return false; } // Call proper moving function, based on the blocktype present at the coords: bool res = false; switch (DestChunk->GetBlock(rx, by, rz)) { case E_BLOCK_CHEST: { // Chests have special handling because of double-chests res = MoveItemsToChest(*DestChunk, bx, by, bz); break; } case E_BLOCK_LIT_FURNACE: case E_BLOCK_FURNACE: { // Furnaces have special handling because of the direction-to-slot relation res = MoveItemsToFurnace(*DestChunk, bx, by, bz, Meta); break; } case E_BLOCK_DISPENSER: case E_BLOCK_DROPPER: case E_BLOCK_HOPPER: { res = MoveItemsToGrid(*(cBlockEntityWithItems *)DestChunk->GetBlockEntity(bx, by, bz)); break; } } // If the item has been moved, reset the last tick: if (res) { m_LastMoveItemsOutTick = a_CurrentTick; } return res; } /// Moves items from a chest (dblchest) above the hopper into this hopper. Returns true if contents have changed. bool cHopperEntity::MoveItemsFromChest(cChunk & a_Chunk) { if (MoveItemsFromGrid(*(cChestEntity *)a_Chunk.GetBlockEntity(m_PosX, m_PosY + 1, m_PosZ))) { // Moved the item from the chest directly above the hopper return true; } // Check if the chest is a double-chest, if so, try to move from there: static const struct { int x, z; } Coords [] = { {1, 0}, {-1, 0}, {0, 1}, {0, -1}, } ; for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYCOUNT(Coords); i++) { int x = m_RelX + Coords[i].x; int z = m_RelZ + Coords[i].z; cChunk * Neighbor = a_Chunk.GetRelNeighborChunkAdjustCoords(x, z); if ( (Neighbor == NULL) || (Neighbor->GetBlock(x, m_PosY + 1, z) != E_BLOCK_CHEST) ) { continue; } if (MoveItemsFromGrid(*(cChestEntity *)Neighbor->GetBlockEntity(x, m_PosY, z))) { return true; } return false; } // The chest was single and nothing could be moved return false; } /// Moves items from a furnace above the hopper into this hopper. Returns true if contents have changed. bool cHopperEntity::MoveItemsFromFurnace(cChunk & a_Chunk) { cFurnaceEntity * Furnace = (cFurnaceEntity *)a_Chunk.GetBlockEntity(m_PosX, m_PosY + 1, m_PosZ); ASSERT(Furnace != NULL); // Try move from the output slot: if (MoveItemsFromSlot(*Furnace, cFurnaceEntity::fsOutput, true)) { cItem NewOutput(Furnace->GetOutputSlot()); Furnace->SetOutputSlot(NewOutput.AddCount(-1)); return true; } // No output moved, check if we can move an empty bucket out of the fuel slot: if (Furnace->GetFuelSlot().m_ItemType == E_ITEM_BUCKET) { if (MoveItemsFromSlot(*Furnace, cFurnaceEntity::fsFuel, true)) { Furnace->SetFuelSlot(cItem()); return true; } } // Nothing can be moved return false; } bool cHopperEntity::MoveItemsFromGrid(cBlockEntityWithItems & a_Entity) { cItemGrid & Grid = a_Entity.GetContents(); int NumSlots = Grid.GetNumSlots(); // First try adding items of types already in the hopper: for (int i = 0; i < NumSlots; i++) { if (Grid.IsSlotEmpty(i)) { continue; } if (MoveItemsFromSlot(a_Entity, i, false)) { Grid.ChangeSlotCount(i, -1); return true; } } // No already existing stack can be topped up, try again with allowing new stacks: for (int i = 0; i < NumSlots; i++) { if (Grid.IsSlotEmpty(i)) { continue; } if (MoveItemsFromSlot(a_Entity, i, true)) { Grid.ChangeSlotCount(i, -1); return true; } } return false; } /// Moves one piece of the specified a_Entity's slot itemstack into this hopper. Returns true if contents have changed. Doesn't change the itemstack. bool cHopperEntity::MoveItemsFromSlot(cBlockEntityWithItems & a_Entity, int a_SlotNum, bool a_AllowNewStacks) { cItem One(a_Entity.GetSlot(a_SlotNum).CopyOne()); for (int i = 0; i < ContentsWidth * ContentsHeight; i++) { if (m_Contents.IsSlotEmpty(i)) { if (a_AllowNewStacks) { if (cPluginManager::Get()->CallHookHopperPullingItem(*m_World, *this, i, a_Entity, a_SlotNum)) { // Plugin disagrees with the move continue; } } m_Contents.SetSlot(i, One); return true; } else if (m_Contents.GetSlot(i).IsEqual(One)) { if (cPluginManager::Get()->CallHookHopperPullingItem(*m_World, *this, i, a_Entity, a_SlotNum)) { // Plugin disagrees with the move continue; } m_Contents.ChangeSlotCount(i, 1); return true; } } return false; } /// Moves items to the chest at the specified coords. Returns true if contents have changed bool cHopperEntity::MoveItemsToChest(cChunk & a_Chunk, int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ) { // Try the chest directly connected to the hopper: if (MoveItemsToGrid(*(cChestEntity *)a_Chunk.GetBlockEntity(a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ))) { return true; } // Check if the chest is a double-chest, if so, try to move into the other half: static const struct { int x, z; } Coords [] = { {1, 0}, {-1, 0}, {0, 1}, {0, -1}, } ; for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYCOUNT(Coords); i++) { int x = m_RelX + Coords[i].x; int z = m_RelZ + Coords[i].z; cChunk * Neighbor = a_Chunk.GetRelNeighborChunkAdjustCoords(x, z); if ( (Neighbor == NULL) || (Neighbor->GetBlock(x, m_PosY + 1, z) != E_BLOCK_CHEST) ) { continue; } if (MoveItemsToGrid(*(cChestEntity *)Neighbor->GetBlockEntity(a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ))) { return true; } return false; } // The chest was single and nothing could be moved return false; } /// Moves items to the furnace at the specified coords. Returns true if contents have changed bool cHopperEntity::MoveItemsToFurnace(cChunk & a_Chunk, int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, NIBBLETYPE a_HopperMeta) { cFurnaceEntity * Furnace = (cFurnaceEntity *)a_Chunk.GetBlockEntity(a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ); if (a_HopperMeta == E_META_HOPPER_FACING_YM) { // Feed the input slot of the furnace return MoveItemsToSlot(*Furnace, cFurnaceEntity::fsInput); } else { // Feed the fuel slot of the furnace return MoveItemsToSlot(*Furnace, cFurnaceEntity::fsFuel); } } bool cHopperEntity::MoveItemsToGrid(cBlockEntityWithItems & a_Entity) { // Iterate through our slots, try to move from each one: int NumSlots = a_Entity.GetContents().GetNumSlots(); for (int i = 0; i < NumSlots; i++) { if (MoveItemsToSlot(a_Entity, i)) { return true; } } return false; } bool cHopperEntity::MoveItemsToSlot(cBlockEntityWithItems & a_Entity, int a_DstSlotNum) { cItemGrid & Grid = a_Entity.GetContents(); if (Grid.IsSlotEmpty(a_DstSlotNum)) { // The slot is empty, move the first non-empty slot from our contents: for (int i = 0; i < ContentsWidth * ContentsHeight; i++) { if (!m_Contents.IsSlotEmpty(i)) { if (cPluginManager::Get()->CallHookHopperPushingItem(*m_World, *this, i, a_Entity, a_DstSlotNum)) { // A plugin disagrees with the move continue; } Grid.SetSlot(a_DstSlotNum, m_Contents.GetSlot(i).CopyOne()); m_Contents.ChangeSlotCount(i, -1); return true; } } return false; } else { // The slot is taken, try to top it up: const cItem & DestSlot = Grid.GetSlot(a_DstSlotNum); if (DestSlot.IsFullStack()) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < ContentsWidth * ContentsHeight; i++) { if (m_Contents.GetSlot(i).IsEqual(DestSlot)) { if (cPluginManager::Get()->CallHookHopperPushingItem(*m_World, *this, i, a_Entity, a_DstSlotNum)) { // A plugin disagrees with the move continue; } Grid.ChangeSlotCount(a_DstSlotNum, 1); m_Contents.ChangeSlotCount(i, -1); return true; } } return false; } }