#pragma once #include #include #include "BlockState.h" /** Holds a palette that maps between block type + state and numbers. Used primarily by PalettedBlockArea to map from stringular block representation to numeric, and by protocols to map from stringular block representation to protocol-numeric. The object itself provides no thread safety, users of this class need to handle locking, if required. Note that the palette itself doesn't support erasing; to erase, create a new instance and re-add only the wanted items. Internally, the object uses two synced maps, one for each translation direction. */ class BlockTypePalette { public: /** Exception that is thrown if requiesting an index not present in the palette. */ class NoSuchIndexException: public std::runtime_error { using Super = std::runtime_error; public: NoSuchIndexException(UInt32 aIndex): Super(Printf("No such palette index: %u", aIndex)) { } }; /** Exception that is thrown when loading the palette fails hard (bad format). */ class LoadFailedException: public std::runtime_error { using Super = std::runtime_error; public: LoadFailedException(const AString & aReason): Super(aReason) { } }; /** Create a new empty instance. */ BlockTypePalette(); /** Returns the index of the specified block type name and state. If the combination is not found, it is added to the palette and the new index is returned. */ UInt32 index(const AString & aBlockTypeName, const BlockState & aBlockState); /** Returns the of the specified block type name and state, if it exists. If the combination is not found, returns . */ std::pair maybeIndex(const AString & aBlockTypeName, const BlockState & aBlockState) const; /** Returns the total number of entries in the palette. */ UInt32 count() const; /** Returns the blockspec represented by the specified palette index. If the index is not valid, throws a NoSuchIndexException. */ const std::pair & entry(UInt32 aIndex) const; /** Returns an index-transform map from aFrom to this (this.entry(idx) == aFrom.entry(res[idx])). Entries from aFrom that are not present in this are added. Used when pasting two areas, to transform the src palette to dst palette. */ std::map createTransformMapAddMissing(const BlockTypePalette & aFrom); /** Returns an index-transform map from aFrom to this (this.entry(idx) == aFrom.entry(res[idx])). Entries from aFrom that are not present in this are assigned the fallback index. Used for protocol block type mapping. */ std::map createTransformMapWithFallback(const BlockTypePalette & aFrom, UInt32 aFallbackIndex) const; /** Loads the palette from the string representation. Throws a LoadFailedException if the loading fails hard (bad string format). If the string specifies duplicate entries (either to already existing entries, or to itself), the duplicates replace the current values silently (this allows us to chain multiple files as "overrides". Currently handles only JSON representation, expected to handle also Lua representation in the future. */ void loadFromString(const AString & aString); protected: /** The mapping from numeric to stringular representation. mNumberToBlock[index] = {"blockTypeName", blockState}. */ std::map> mNumberToBlock; /** The mapping from stringular to numeric representation. mStringToNumber["blockTypeName"][blockState] = index. */ std::unordered_map> mBlockToNumber; /** The maximum index ever used in the maps. Used when adding new entries through the index() call. */ UInt32 mMaxIndex; /** Loads the palette from the JSON representation. Throws a LoadFailedException if the loading fails hard (bad string format). If the string specifies duplicate entries (either to already existing entries, or to itself), the duplicates replace the current values silently (this allows us to chain multiple files as "overrides". */ void loadFromJsonString(const AString & aJsonPalette); };