#include "Globals.h" // NOTE: MSVC stupidness requires this to be the same across all modules #include "Color.h" #define COLOR_RED_BITS 0x00FF0000 #define COLOR_GREEN_BITS 0x0000FF00 #define COLOR_BLUE_BITS 0x000000FF #define COLOR_RED_OFFSET 16 #define COLOR_GREEN_OFFSET 8 void cColor::SetColor(unsigned char a_Red, unsigned char a_Green, unsigned char a_Blue) { m_Color = (static_cast<unsigned int>(a_Red) << COLOR_RED_OFFSET) + (static_cast<unsigned int>(a_Green) << COLOR_GREEN_OFFSET) + (static_cast<unsigned int>(a_Blue)); } void cColor::SetRed(unsigned char a_Red) { m_Color = (static_cast<unsigned int>(a_Red) << COLOR_RED_OFFSET) + ((COLOR_GREEN_BITS | COLOR_BLUE_BITS) & m_Color); } void cColor::SetGreen(unsigned char a_Green) { m_Color = (static_cast<unsigned int>(a_Green) << COLOR_GREEN_OFFSET) + ((COLOR_RED_BITS | COLOR_BLUE_BITS) & m_Color); } void cColor::SetBlue(unsigned char a_Blue) { m_Color = static_cast<unsigned int>(a_Blue) + ((COLOR_RED_BITS | COLOR_GREEN_BITS) & m_Color); } unsigned char cColor::GetRed() const { return (m_Color & COLOR_RED_BITS) >> COLOR_RED_OFFSET; } unsigned char cColor::GetGreen() const { return (m_Color & COLOR_GREEN_BITS) >> COLOR_GREEN_OFFSET; } unsigned char cColor::GetBlue() const { return m_Color & COLOR_BLUE_BITS; }