// EndGen.cpp // Implements the cEndGen class representing the generator for the End, both as a HeightGen and CompositionGen #include "Globals.h" #include "EndGen.h" #include "../lib/inifile/iniFile.h" #include "../LinearUpscale.h" enum { // Interpolation cell size: INTERPOL_X = 4, INTERPOL_Y = 4, INTERPOL_Z = 4, // Size of chunk data, downscaled before interpolation: DIM_X = 16 / INTERPOL_X + 1, DIM_Y = 256 / INTERPOL_Y + 1, DIM_Z = 16 / INTERPOL_Z + 1, } ; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // cEndGen: cEndGen::cEndGen(int a_Seed) : m_Seed(a_Seed), m_IslandSizeX(256), m_IslandSizeY(96), m_IslandSizeZ(256), m_FrequencyX(80), m_FrequencyY(80), m_FrequencyZ(80) { m_Perlin.AddOctave(1, 1); m_Perlin.AddOctave(2, 0.5); m_Perlin.AddOctave(4, 0.25); } void cEndGen::Initialize(cIniFile & a_IniFile) { m_IslandSizeX = a_IniFile.GetValueSetI("Generator", "EndGenIslandSizeX", m_IslandSizeX); m_IslandSizeY = a_IniFile.GetValueSetI("Generator", "EndGenIslandSizeY", m_IslandSizeY); m_IslandSizeZ = a_IniFile.GetValueSetI("Generator", "EndGenIslandSizeZ", m_IslandSizeZ); m_FrequencyX = (NOISE_DATATYPE)a_IniFile.GetValueSetF("Generator", "EndGenFrequencyX", m_FrequencyX); m_FrequencyY = (NOISE_DATATYPE)a_IniFile.GetValueSetF("Generator", "EndGenFrequencyY", m_FrequencyY); m_FrequencyZ = (NOISE_DATATYPE)a_IniFile.GetValueSetF("Generator", "EndGenFrequencyZ", m_FrequencyZ); // Recalculate the min and max chunk coords of the island m_MaxChunkX = (m_IslandSizeX + cChunkDef::Width - 1) / cChunkDef::Width; m_MinChunkX = -m_MaxChunkX; m_MaxChunkZ = (m_IslandSizeZ + cChunkDef::Width - 1) / cChunkDef::Width; m_MinChunkZ = -m_MaxChunkZ; } /// Unless the LastChunk coords are equal to coords given, prepares the internal state (noise array) void cEndGen::PrepareState(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ) { ASSERT(!IsChunkOutsideRange(a_ChunkX, a_ChunkZ)); // Should be filtered before calling this function if ((m_LastChunkX == a_ChunkX) && (m_LastChunkZ == a_ChunkZ)) { return; } m_LastChunkX = a_ChunkX; m_LastChunkZ = a_ChunkZ; GenerateNoiseArray(); } /// Generates the m_NoiseArray array for the current chunk void cEndGen::GenerateNoiseArray(void) { NOISE_DATATYPE NoiseData[DIM_X * DIM_Y * DIM_Z]; // [x + DIM_X * z + DIM_X * DIM_Z * y] NOISE_DATATYPE Workspace[DIM_X * DIM_Y * DIM_Z]; // [x + DIM_X * z + DIM_X * DIM_Z * y] // Generate the downscaled noise: NOISE_DATATYPE StartX = ((NOISE_DATATYPE)(m_LastChunkX * cChunkDef::Width)) / m_FrequencyX; NOISE_DATATYPE EndX = ((NOISE_DATATYPE)((m_LastChunkX + 1) * cChunkDef::Width)) / m_FrequencyX; NOISE_DATATYPE StartZ = ((NOISE_DATATYPE)(m_LastChunkZ * cChunkDef::Width)) / m_FrequencyZ; NOISE_DATATYPE EndZ = ((NOISE_DATATYPE)((m_LastChunkZ + 1) * cChunkDef::Width)) / m_FrequencyZ; NOISE_DATATYPE StartY = 0; NOISE_DATATYPE EndY = ((NOISE_DATATYPE)257) / m_FrequencyY; m_Perlin.Generate3D(NoiseData, DIM_X, DIM_Z, DIM_Y, StartX, EndX, StartZ, EndZ, StartY, EndY, Workspace); // Add distance: int idx = 0; for (int y = 0; y < DIM_Y; y++) { NOISE_DATATYPE ValY = (NOISE_DATATYPE)(2 * INTERPOL_Y * y - m_IslandSizeY) / m_IslandSizeY; ValY = ValY * ValY; for (int z = 0; z < DIM_Z; z++) { NOISE_DATATYPE ValZ = (NOISE_DATATYPE)(m_LastChunkZ * cChunkDef::Width + (z * cChunkDef::Width / (DIM_Z - 1))) / m_IslandSizeZ; ValZ = ValZ * ValZ; for (int x = 0; x < DIM_X; x++) { // NOISE_DATATYPE ValX = StartX + (EndX - StartX) * x / (DIM_X - 1); NOISE_DATATYPE ValX = (NOISE_DATATYPE)(m_LastChunkX * cChunkDef::Width + (x * cChunkDef::Width / (DIM_X - 1))) / m_IslandSizeX; ValX = ValX * ValX; NoiseData[idx++] += ValX + ValZ + ValY; } // for x } // for z } // for y // Upscale into real chunk size: LinearUpscale3DArray(NoiseData, DIM_X, DIM_Z, DIM_Y, m_NoiseArray, INTERPOL_X, INTERPOL_Z, INTERPOL_Y); } /// Returns true if the chunk is outside of the island's dimensions bool cEndGen::IsChunkOutsideRange(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ) { return ( (a_ChunkX < m_MinChunkX) || (a_ChunkX > m_MaxChunkX) || (a_ChunkZ < m_MinChunkZ) || (a_ChunkZ > m_MaxChunkZ) ); } void cEndGen::GenHeightMap(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, cChunkDef::HeightMap & a_HeightMap) { if (IsChunkOutsideRange(a_ChunkX, a_ChunkZ)) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ARRAYCOUNT(a_HeightMap); i++) { a_HeightMap[i] = 0; } return; } PrepareState(a_ChunkX, a_ChunkZ); int MaxY = std::min((int)(1.75 * m_IslandSizeY + 1), cChunkDef::Height - 1); for (int z = 0; z < cChunkDef::Width; z++) { for (int x = 0; x < cChunkDef::Width; x++) { cChunkDef::SetHeight(a_HeightMap, x, z, MaxY); for (int y = MaxY; y > 0; y--) { if (m_NoiseArray[y * 17 * 17 + z * 17 + x] <= 0) { cChunkDef::SetHeight(a_HeightMap, x, z, y); break; } } // for y } // for x } // for z } void cEndGen::ComposeTerrain(cChunkDesc & a_ChunkDesc) { if (IsChunkOutsideRange(a_ChunkDesc.GetChunkX(), a_ChunkDesc.GetChunkZ())) { a_ChunkDesc.FillBlocks(E_BLOCK_AIR, 0); return; } PrepareState(a_ChunkDesc.GetChunkX(), a_ChunkDesc.GetChunkZ()); int MaxY = std::min((int)(1.75 * m_IslandSizeY + 1), cChunkDef::Height - 1); for (int z = 0; z < cChunkDef::Width; z++) { for (int x = 0; x < cChunkDef::Width; x++) { for (int y = MaxY; y > 0; y--) { if (m_NoiseArray[y * 17 * 17 + z * 17 + x] <= 0) { a_ChunkDesc.SetBlockTypeMeta(x, y, z, E_BLOCK_END_STONE, 0); } else { a_ChunkDesc.SetBlockTypeMeta(x, y, z, E_BLOCK_AIR, 0); } } // for y } // for x } // for z }