// HTTPRequestParser.cpp // Implements the cHTTPRequestParser class representing the parser for incoming HTTP requests #include "Globals.h" #include "HTTPRequestParser.h" cHTTPRequestParser::cHTTPRequestParser(void) : super(mkRequest), m_EnvelopeParser(*this), m_IsValid(true), m_UserData(nullptr), m_HasAuth(false), m_AllowKeepAlive(false) { } size_t cHTTPRequestParser::ParseHeaders(const char * a_Data, size_t a_Size) { if (!m_IsValid) { return AString::npos; } if (m_Method.empty()) { // The first line hasn't been processed yet size_t res = ParseRequestLine(a_Data, a_Size); if ((res == AString::npos) || (res == a_Size)) { return res; } size_t res2 = m_EnvelopeParser.Parse(a_Data + res, a_Size - res); if (res2 == AString::npos) { m_IsValid = false; return res2; } return res2 + res; } if (m_EnvelopeParser.IsInHeaders()) { size_t res = m_EnvelopeParser.Parse(a_Data, a_Size); if (res == AString::npos) { m_IsValid = false; } return res; } return 0; } AString cHTTPRequestParser::GetBareURL(void) const { size_t idxQM = m_URL.find('?'); if (idxQM != AString::npos) { return m_URL.substr(0, idxQM); } else { return m_URL; } } size_t cHTTPRequestParser::ParseRequestLine(const char * a_Data, size_t a_Size) { m_IncomingHeaderData.append(a_Data, a_Size); size_t IdxEnd = m_IncomingHeaderData.size(); // Ignore the initial CRLFs (HTTP spec's "should") size_t LineStart = 0; while ( (LineStart < IdxEnd) && ( (m_IncomingHeaderData[LineStart] == '\r') || (m_IncomingHeaderData[LineStart] == '\n') ) ) { LineStart++; } if (LineStart >= IdxEnd) { m_IsValid = false; return AString::npos; } int NumSpaces = 0; size_t MethodEnd = 0; size_t URLEnd = 0; for (size_t i = LineStart; i < IdxEnd; i++) { switch (m_IncomingHeaderData[i]) { case ' ': { switch (NumSpaces) { case 0: { MethodEnd = i; break; } case 1: { URLEnd = i; break; } default: { // Too many spaces in the request m_IsValid = false; return AString::npos; } } NumSpaces += 1; break; } case '\n': { if ((i == 0) || (m_IncomingHeaderData[i - 1] != '\r') || (NumSpaces != 2) || (i < URLEnd + 7)) { // LF too early, without a CR, without two preceeding spaces or too soon after the second space m_IsValid = false; return AString::npos; } // Check that there's HTTP / version at the end if (strncmp(m_IncomingHeaderData.c_str() + URLEnd + 1, "HTTP/1.", 7) != 0) { m_IsValid = false; return AString::npos; } m_Method = m_IncomingHeaderData.substr(LineStart, MethodEnd - LineStart); m_URL = m_IncomingHeaderData.substr(MethodEnd + 1, URLEnd - MethodEnd - 1); return i + 1; } } // switch (m_IncomingHeaderData[i]) } // for i - m_IncomingHeaderData[] // CRLF hasn't been encountered yet, consider all data consumed return a_Size; } void cHTTPRequestParser::OnHeaderLine(const AString & a_Key, const AString & a_Value) { if ( (NoCaseCompare(a_Key, "Authorization") == 0) && (strncmp(a_Value.c_str(), "Basic ", 6) == 0) ) { AString UserPass = Base64Decode(a_Value.substr(6)); size_t idxCol = UserPass.find(':'); if (idxCol != AString::npos) { m_AuthUsername = UserPass.substr(0, idxCol); m_AuthPassword = UserPass.substr(idxCol + 1); m_HasAuth = true; } } if ((a_Key == "Connection") && (NoCaseCompare(a_Value, "keep-alive") == 0)) { m_AllowKeepAlive = true; } AddHeader(a_Key, a_Value); }