#include "Globals.h" #include "ItemHandler.h" #include "../Item.h" #include "../World.h" #include "../Entities/Player.h" #include "../FastRandom.h" #include "../BlockInServerPluginInterface.h" // Handlers: #include "ItemArmor.h" #include "ItemBed.h" #include "ItemBoat.h" #include "ItemBow.h" #include "ItemBrewingStand.h" #include "ItemBucket.h" #include "ItemCake.h" #include "ItemCauldron.h" #include "ItemCloth.h" #include "ItemComparator.h" #include "ItemDoor.h" #include "ItemMilk.h" #include "ItemDye.h" #include "ItemEmptyMap.h" #include "ItemFishingRod.h" #include "ItemFlowerPot.h" #include "ItemFood.h" #include "ItemItemFrame.h" #include "ItemHoe.h" #include "ItemLeaves.h" #include "ItemLighter.h" #include "ItemLilypad.h" #include "ItemMap.h" #include "ItemMinecart.h" #include "ItemNetherWart.h" #include "ItemPainting.h" #include "ItemPickaxe.h" #include "ItemPotion.h" #include "ItemThrowable.h" #include "ItemRedstoneDust.h" #include "ItemRedstoneRepeater.h" #include "ItemSapling.h" #include "ItemSeeds.h" #include "ItemShears.h" #include "ItemShovel.h" #include "ItemSign.h" #include "ItemMobHead.h" #include "ItemSpawnEgg.h" #include "ItemString.h" #include "ItemSugarcane.h" #include "ItemSword.h" #include "../Blocks/BlockHandler.h" bool cItemHandler::m_HandlerInitialized = false; cItemHandler * cItemHandler::m_ItemHandler[2268]; cItemHandler * cItemHandler::GetItemHandler(int a_ItemType) { if ((a_ItemType < 0) || ((unsigned long)a_ItemType >= ARRAYCOUNT(m_ItemHandler))) { // Either nothing (-1), or bad value, both cases should return the air handler if (a_ItemType < -1) { ASSERT(!"Bad item type"); } a_ItemType = 0; } if (!m_HandlerInitialized) { // We need to initialize memset(m_ItemHandler, 0, sizeof(m_ItemHandler)); m_HandlerInitialized = true; } if (m_ItemHandler[a_ItemType] == NULL) { m_ItemHandler[a_ItemType] = CreateItemHandler(a_ItemType); } return m_ItemHandler[a_ItemType]; } cItemHandler *cItemHandler::CreateItemHandler(int a_ItemType) { switch (a_ItemType) { default: return new cItemHandler(a_ItemType); // Single item per handler, alphabetically sorted: case E_BLOCK_LEAVES: return new cItemLeavesHandler(a_ItemType); case E_BLOCK_NEW_LEAVES: return new cItemLeavesHandler(a_ItemType); case E_BLOCK_SAPLING: return new cItemSaplingHandler(a_ItemType); case E_BLOCK_WOOL: return new cItemClothHandler(a_ItemType); case E_ITEM_BED: return new cItemBedHandler(a_ItemType); case E_ITEM_BOAT: return new cItemBoatHandler(a_ItemType); case E_ITEM_BOTTLE_O_ENCHANTING: return new cItemBottleOEnchantingHandler(); case E_ITEM_BOW: return new cItemBowHandler; case E_ITEM_BREWING_STAND: return new cItemBrewingStandHandler(a_ItemType); case E_ITEM_CAKE: return new cItemCakeHandler(a_ItemType); case E_ITEM_CAULDRON: return new cItemCauldronHandler(a_ItemType); case E_ITEM_COMPARATOR: return new cItemComparatorHandler(a_ItemType); case E_ITEM_DYE: return new cItemDyeHandler(a_ItemType); case E_ITEM_EGG: return new cItemEggHandler(); case E_ITEM_EMPTY_MAP: return new cItemEmptyMapHandler(); case E_ITEM_ENDER_PEARL: return new cItemEnderPearlHandler(); case E_ITEM_FIRE_CHARGE: return new cItemLighterHandler(a_ItemType); case E_ITEM_FIREWORK_ROCKET: return new cItemFireworkHandler(); case E_ITEM_FISHING_ROD: return new cItemFishingRodHandler(a_ItemType); case E_ITEM_FLINT_AND_STEEL: return new cItemLighterHandler(a_ItemType); case E_ITEM_FLOWER_POT: return new cItemFlowerPotHandler(a_ItemType); case E_BLOCK_LILY_PAD: return new cItemLilypadHandler(a_ItemType); case E_ITEM_MAP: return new cItemMapHandler(); case E_ITEM_MILK: return new cItemMilkHandler(); case E_ITEM_ITEM_FRAME: return new cItemItemFrameHandler(a_ItemType); case E_ITEM_NETHER_WART: return new cItemNetherWartHandler(a_ItemType); case E_ITEM_PAINTING: return new cItemPaintingHandler(a_ItemType); case E_ITEM_POTIONS: return new cItemPotionHandler(); case E_ITEM_REDSTONE_DUST: return new cItemRedstoneDustHandler(a_ItemType); case E_ITEM_REDSTONE_REPEATER: return new cItemRedstoneRepeaterHandler(a_ItemType); case E_ITEM_SHEARS: return new cItemShearsHandler(a_ItemType); case E_ITEM_SIGN: return new cItemSignHandler(a_ItemType); case E_ITEM_HEAD: return new cItemMobHeadHandler(a_ItemType); case E_ITEM_SNOWBALL: return new cItemSnowballHandler(); case E_ITEM_SPAWN_EGG: return new cItemSpawnEggHandler(a_ItemType); case E_ITEM_STRING: return new cItemStringHandler(a_ItemType); case E_ITEM_SUGARCANE: return new cItemSugarcaneHandler(a_ItemType); case E_ITEM_WOODEN_HOE: case E_ITEM_STONE_HOE: case E_ITEM_IRON_HOE: case E_ITEM_GOLD_HOE: case E_ITEM_DIAMOND_HOE: { return new cItemHoeHandler(a_ItemType); } case E_ITEM_WOODEN_PICKAXE: case E_ITEM_STONE_PICKAXE: case E_ITEM_IRON_PICKAXE: case E_ITEM_GOLD_PICKAXE: case E_ITEM_DIAMOND_PICKAXE: { return new cItemPickaxeHandler(a_ItemType); } case E_ITEM_WOODEN_SHOVEL: case E_ITEM_STONE_SHOVEL: case E_ITEM_IRON_SHOVEL: case E_ITEM_GOLD_SHOVEL: case E_ITEM_DIAMOND_SHOVEL: { return new cItemShovelHandler(a_ItemType); } case E_ITEM_WOODEN_SWORD: case E_ITEM_STONE_SWORD: case E_ITEM_IRON_SWORD: case E_ITEM_GOLD_SWORD: case E_ITEM_DIAMOND_SWORD: { return new cItemSwordHandler(a_ItemType); } case E_ITEM_BUCKET: case E_ITEM_WATER_BUCKET: case E_ITEM_LAVA_BUCKET: { return new cItemBucketHandler(a_ItemType); } case E_ITEM_CARROT: case E_ITEM_MELON_SEEDS: case E_ITEM_POTATO: case E_ITEM_PUMPKIN_SEEDS: case E_ITEM_SEEDS: { return new cItemSeedsHandler(a_ItemType); } case E_ITEM_IRON_DOOR: case E_ITEM_WOODEN_DOOR: { return new cItemDoorHandler(a_ItemType); } case E_ITEM_MINECART: case E_ITEM_CHEST_MINECART: case E_ITEM_FURNACE_MINECART: case E_ITEM_MINECART_WITH_TNT: case E_ITEM_MINECART_WITH_HOPPER: { return new cItemMinecartHandler(a_ItemType); } // Food (please keep alpha-sorted): // (carrots and potatoes handled in SeedHandler as both seed and food case E_ITEM_BAKED_POTATO: case E_ITEM_BREAD: case E_ITEM_COOKED_CHICKEN: case E_ITEM_COOKED_FISH: case E_ITEM_COOKED_PORKCHOP: case E_ITEM_COOKIE: case E_ITEM_GOLDEN_APPLE: case E_ITEM_GOLDEN_CARROT: case E_ITEM_MELON_SLICE: case E_ITEM_MUSHROOM_SOUP: case E_ITEM_POISONOUS_POTATO: case E_ITEM_PUMPKIN_PIE: case E_ITEM_RAW_BEEF: case E_ITEM_RAW_CHICKEN: case E_ITEM_RAW_FISH: case E_ITEM_RAW_PORKCHOP: case E_ITEM_RED_APPLE: case E_ITEM_ROTTEN_FLESH: case E_ITEM_SPIDER_EYE: case E_ITEM_STEAK: { return new cItemFoodHandler(a_ItemType); } // Armor: case E_ITEM_LEATHER_CAP: case E_ITEM_GOLD_HELMET: case E_ITEM_CHAIN_HELMET: case E_ITEM_IRON_HELMET: case E_ITEM_DIAMOND_HELMET: case E_ITEM_LEATHER_TUNIC: case E_ITEM_GOLD_CHESTPLATE: case E_ITEM_CHAIN_CHESTPLATE: case E_ITEM_IRON_CHESTPLATE: case E_ITEM_DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE: case E_ITEM_LEATHER_PANTS: case E_ITEM_GOLD_LEGGINGS: case E_ITEM_CHAIN_LEGGINGS: case E_ITEM_IRON_LEGGINGS: case E_ITEM_DIAMOND_LEGGINGS: case E_ITEM_LEATHER_BOOTS: case E_ITEM_GOLD_BOOTS: case E_ITEM_CHAIN_BOOTS: case E_ITEM_IRON_BOOTS: case E_ITEM_DIAMOND_BOOTS: { return new cItemArmorHandler(a_ItemType); } } } void cItemHandler::Deinit() { for (int i = 0; i < 2267; i++) { delete m_ItemHandler[i]; m_ItemHandler[i] = NULL; } memset(m_ItemHandler, 0, sizeof(m_ItemHandler)); // Don't leave any dangling pointers around, just in case m_HandlerInitialized = false; } cItemHandler::cItemHandler(int a_ItemType) { m_ItemType = a_ItemType; } bool cItemHandler::OnItemUse(cWorld * a_World, cPlayer * a_Player, const cItem & a_Item, int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, eBlockFace a_Dir) { UNUSED(a_World); UNUSED(a_Player); UNUSED(a_Item); UNUSED(a_BlockX); UNUSED(a_BlockY); UNUSED(a_BlockZ); UNUSED(a_Dir); return false; } bool cItemHandler::OnDiggingBlock(cWorld * a_World, cPlayer * a_Player, const cItem & a_Item, int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, eBlockFace a_Dir) { UNUSED(a_World); UNUSED(a_Player); UNUSED(a_Item); UNUSED(a_BlockX); UNUSED(a_BlockY); UNUSED(a_BlockZ); UNUSED(a_Dir); return false; } void cItemHandler::OnBlockDestroyed(cWorld * a_World, cPlayer * a_Player, const cItem & a_Item, int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ) { UNUSED(a_Item); BLOCKTYPE Block = a_World->GetBlock(a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ); cBlockHandler * Handler = cBlockInfo::GetHandler(Block); if (a_Player->IsGameModeSurvival()) { if (!BlockRequiresSpecialTool(Block) || CanHarvestBlock(Block)) { cChunkInterface ChunkInterface(a_World->GetChunkMap()); cBlockInServerPluginInterface PluginInterface(*a_World); Handler->DropBlock(ChunkInterface, *a_World, PluginInterface, a_Player, a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ); } } if (!cBlockInfo::IsOneHitDig(Block)) { a_Player->UseEquippedItem(GetDurabilityLostWithThatAction(dlaBreakBlock)); } } void cItemHandler::OnEntityAttack(cPlayer * a_Attacker, cEntity * a_AttackedEntity) { UNUSED(a_AttackedEntity); a_Attacker->UseEquippedItem(GetDurabilityLostWithThatAction(dlaAttackEntity)); } void cItemHandler::OnFoodEaten(cWorld * a_World, cPlayer * a_Player, cItem * a_Item) { UNUSED(a_World); UNUSED(a_Player); UNUSED(a_Item); } short cItemHandler::GetDurabilityLostWithThatAction(eDurabilityLostAction a_Action) { switch (a_Action) { case dlaAttackEntity: return 2; case dlaBreakBlock: return 1; } return 0; } char cItemHandler::GetMaxStackSize(void) { if (m_ItemType < 256) { // All blocks can stack up to 64 return 64; } switch (m_ItemType) { case E_ITEM_ARROW: return 64; case E_ITEM_BAKED_POTATO: return 64; case E_ITEM_BLAZE_POWDER: return 64; case E_ITEM_BLAZE_ROD: return 64; case E_ITEM_BONE: return 64; case E_ITEM_BOOK: return 64; case E_ITEM_BOTTLE_O_ENCHANTING: return 64; case E_ITEM_BOWL: return 64; case E_ITEM_BREAD: return 64; case E_ITEM_BREWING_STAND: return 64; case E_ITEM_BUCKET: return 16; case E_ITEM_CARROT: return 64; case E_ITEM_CAKE: return 1; case E_ITEM_CAULDRON: return 64; case E_ITEM_CLAY: return 64; case E_ITEM_CLAY_BRICK: return 64; case E_ITEM_CLOCK: return 64; case E_ITEM_COAL: return 64; case E_ITEM_COMPARATOR: return 64; case E_ITEM_COMPASS: return 64; case E_ITEM_COOKED_CHICKEN: return 64; case E_ITEM_COOKED_FISH: return 64; case E_ITEM_COOKED_PORKCHOP: return 64; case E_ITEM_COOKIE: return 64; case E_ITEM_DIAMOND: return 64; case E_ITEM_DYE: return 64; case E_ITEM_EGG: return 16; case E_ITEM_EMERALD: return 64; case E_ITEM_ENDER_PEARL: return 16; case E_ITEM_EYE_OF_ENDER: return 64; case E_ITEM_FEATHER: return 64; case E_ITEM_FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE: return 64; case E_ITEM_FIRE_CHARGE: return 64; case E_ITEM_FIREWORK_ROCKET: return 64; case E_ITEM_FIREWORK_STAR: return 64; case E_ITEM_FLINT: return 64; case E_ITEM_FLOWER_POT: return 64; case E_ITEM_GHAST_TEAR: return 64; case E_ITEM_GLASS_BOTTLE: return 64; case E_ITEM_GLISTERING_MELON: return 64; case E_ITEM_GLOWSTONE_DUST: return 64; case E_ITEM_GOLD: return 64; case E_ITEM_GOLDEN_APPLE: return 64; case E_ITEM_GOLDEN_CARROT: return 64; case E_ITEM_GOLD_NUGGET: return 64; case E_ITEM_GUNPOWDER: return 64; case E_ITEM_HEAD: return 64; case E_ITEM_IRON: return 64; case E_ITEM_ITEM_FRAME: return 64; case E_ITEM_LEATHER: return 64; case E_ITEM_MAGMA_CREAM: return 64; case E_ITEM_MAP: return 64; case E_ITEM_MELON_SEEDS: return 64; case E_ITEM_MELON_SLICE: return 64; case E_ITEM_NETHER_BRICK: return 64; case E_ITEM_NETHER_WART: return 64; case E_ITEM_PAINTING: return 64; case E_ITEM_PAPER: return 64; case E_ITEM_POISONOUS_POTATO: return 64; case E_ITEM_POTATO: return 64; case E_ITEM_PUMPKIN_PIE: return 64; case E_ITEM_PUMPKIN_SEEDS: return 64; case E_ITEM_RAW_BEEF: return 64; case E_ITEM_RAW_CHICKEN: return 64; case E_ITEM_RAW_FISH: return 64; case E_ITEM_RAW_PORKCHOP: return 64; case E_ITEM_RED_APPLE: return 64; case E_ITEM_REDSTONE_DUST: return 64; case E_ITEM_REDSTONE_REPEATER: return 64; case E_ITEM_ROTTEN_FLESH: return 64; case E_ITEM_SEEDS: return 64; case E_ITEM_SIGN: return 16; case E_ITEM_SLIMEBALL: return 64; case E_ITEM_SNOWBALL: return 16; case E_ITEM_SPAWN_EGG: return 64; case E_ITEM_SPIDER_EYE: return 64; case E_ITEM_STEAK: return 64; case E_ITEM_STICK: return 64; case E_ITEM_STRING: return 64; case E_ITEM_SUGAR: return 64; case E_ITEM_SUGAR_CANE: return 64; case E_ITEM_WHEAT: return 64; } // By default items don't stack: return 1; } bool cItemHandler::IsTool() { // TODO: Rewrite this to list all tools specifically return ((m_ItemType >= 256) && (m_ItemType <= 259)) || (m_ItemType == 261) || ((m_ItemType >= 267) && (m_ItemType <= 279)) || ((m_ItemType >= 283) && (m_ItemType <= 286)) || ((m_ItemType >= 290) && (m_ItemType <= 294)) || (m_ItemType == 325) || (m_ItemType == 346); } bool cItemHandler::IsFood(void) { return false; } bool cItemHandler::IsDrinkable(short a_ItemDamage) { UNUSED(a_ItemDamage); return false; } bool cItemHandler::IsPlaceable(void) { // We can place any block that has a corresponding E_BLOCK_TYPE: return (m_ItemType >= 1) && (m_ItemType <= E_BLOCK_MAX_TYPE_ID); } bool cItemHandler::CanRepairWithRawMaterial(short a_ItemType) { UNUSED(a_ItemType); return false; } bool cItemHandler::CanHarvestBlock(BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType) { UNUSED(a_BlockType); return false; } bool cItemHandler::GetPlacementBlockTypeMeta( cWorld * a_World, cPlayer * a_Player, int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, eBlockFace a_BlockFace, int a_CursorX, int a_CursorY, int a_CursorZ, BLOCKTYPE & a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE & a_BlockMeta ) { ASSERT(m_ItemType < 256); // Items with IDs above 255 should all be handled by specific handlers if (m_ItemType >= 256) { LOGERROR("%s: Item %d is not eligible for direct block placement!", __FUNCTION__, m_ItemType); return false; } cBlockHandler * BlockH = BlockHandler((BLOCKTYPE)m_ItemType); cChunkInterface ChunkInterface(a_World->GetChunkMap()); return BlockH->GetPlacementBlockTypeMeta( ChunkInterface, a_Player, a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ, a_BlockFace, a_CursorX, a_CursorY, a_CursorZ, a_BlockType, a_BlockMeta ); } bool cItemHandler::EatItem(cPlayer * a_Player, cItem * a_Item) { UNUSED(a_Item); FoodInfo Info = GetFoodInfo(); if ((Info.FoodLevel > 0) || (Info.Saturation > 0.f)) { bool Success = a_Player->Feed(Info.FoodLevel, Info.Saturation); // If consumed and there's chance of foodpoisoning, do it: if (Success && (Info.PoisonChance > 0)) { cFastRandom r1; if ((r1.NextInt(100, a_Player->GetUniqueID()) - Info.PoisonChance) <= 0) { a_Player->FoodPoison(600); // Give the player food poisoning for 30 seconds. } } return Success; } return false; } cItemHandler::FoodInfo cItemHandler::GetFoodInfo() { return FoodInfo(0, 0); }