// cFile.h // Interfaces to the cFile class providing an OS-independent abstraction of a file. /* The object is optimized towards binary reads. The object has no multithreading locks, don't use from multiple threads! Usage: 1, Construct a cFile instance (no-param constructor) 2, Open a file using Open(), check return value for success 3, Read / write 4, Destroy the instance -- OR -- 1, Construct a cFile instance opening the file (filename-param constructor) 2, Check if the file was opened using IsOpen() 3, Read / write 4, Destroy the instance For reading entire files into memory, just use the static cFile::ReadWholeFile() */ #pragma once #ifndef _WIN32 #define USE_STDIO_FILE #endif // _WIN32 // DEBUG: #define USE_STDIO_FILE // tolua_begin class cFile { public: // tolua_end #ifdef _WIN32 static const char PathSeparator = '\\'; #else static const char PathSeparator = '/'; #endif /** The mode in which to open the file */ enum eMode { fmRead, // Read-only. If the file doesn't exist, object will not be valid fmWrite, // Write-only. If the file already exists, it will be overwritten fmReadWrite // Read/write. If the file already exists, it will be left intact; writing will overwrite the data from the beginning } ; /** Simple constructor - creates an unopened file object, use Open() to open / create a real file */ cFile(void); /** Constructs and opens / creates the file specified, use IsOpen() to check for success */ cFile(const AString & iFileName, eMode iMode); /** Auto-closes the file, if open */ ~cFile(); bool Open(const AString & iFileName, eMode iMode); void Close(void); bool IsOpen(void) const; bool IsEOF(void) const; /** Reads up to iNumBytes bytes into iBuffer, returns the number of bytes actually read, or -1 on failure; asserts if not open */ int Read (void * iBuffer, int iNumBytes); /** Writes up to iNumBytes bytes from iBuffer, returns the number of bytes actually written, or -1 on failure; asserts if not open */ int Write(const void * iBuffer, int iNumBytes); /** Seeks to iPosition bytes from file start, returns old position or -1 for failure; asserts if not open */ int Seek (int iPosition); /** Returns the current position (bytes from file start) or -1 for failure; asserts if not open */ int Tell (void) const; /** Returns the size of file, in bytes, or -1 for failure; asserts if not open */ int GetSize(void) const; /** Reads the file from current position till EOF into an AString; returns the number of bytes read or -1 for error */ int ReadRestOfFile(AString & a_Contents); // tolua_begin /** Returns true if the file specified exists */ static bool Exists(const AString & a_FileName); /** Deletes a file, returns true if successful */ static bool Delete(const AString & a_FileName); /** Renames a file or folder, returns true if successful. May fail if dest already exists (libc-dependant)! */ static bool Rename(const AString & a_OrigPath, const AString & a_NewPath); /** Copies a file, returns true if successful. */ static bool Copy(const AString & a_SrcFileName, const AString & a_DstFileName); /** Returns true if the specified path is a folder */ static bool IsFolder(const AString & a_Path); /** Returns true if the specified path is a regular file */ static bool IsFile(const AString & a_Path); /** Returns the size of the file, or a negative number on error */ static int GetSize(const AString & a_FileName); /** Creates a new folder with the specified name. Returns true if successful. Path may be relative or absolute */ static bool CreateFolder(const AString & a_FolderPath); /** Returns the entire contents of the specified file as a string. Returns empty string on error. */ static AString ReadWholeFile(const AString & a_FileName); // tolua_end /** Returns the list of all items in the specified folder (files, folders, nix pipes, whatever's there). */ static AStringVector GetFolderContents(const AString & a_Folder); // Exported in ManualBindings.cpp int Printf(const char * a_Fmt, ...) FORMATSTRING(2,3); /** Flushes all the bufferef output into the file (only when writing) */ void Flush(void); private: #ifdef USE_STDIO_FILE FILE * m_File; #else HANDLE m_File; #endif } ; // tolua_export