// Scoreboard.h // Implementation of a scoreboard that keeps track of specified objectives #pragma once class cObjective; class cWorld; typedef cItemCallback cObjectiveCallback; // tolua_begin class cObjective { public: typedef int Score; enum eType { E_TYPE_DUMMY, E_TYPE_DEATH_COUNT, E_TYPE_PLAYER_KILL_COUNT, E_TYPE_TOTAL_KILL_COUNT, E_TYPE_HEALTH, E_TYPE_ACHIEVEMENT, E_TYPE_STAT, E_TYPE_STAT_ITEM_CRAFT, E_TYPE_STAT_ITEM_USE, E_TYPE_STAT_ITEM_BREAK, E_TYPE_STAT_BLOCK_MINE, E_TYPE_STAT_ENTITY_KILL, E_TYPE_STAT_ENTITY_KILLED_BY }; // tolua_end static AString TypeToString(eType a_Type); static eType StringToType(const AString & a_Name); public: cObjective(const AString & a_Name, const AString & a_DisplayName, eType a_Type, cWorld * a_World); // tolua_begin eType GetType(void) const { return m_Type; } const AString & GetName(void) const { return m_Name; } const AString & GetDisplayName(void) const { return m_DisplayName; } /** Resets the objective */ void Reset(void); /** Returns the score of the specified player */ Score GetScore(const AString & a_Name) const; /** Sets the score of the specified player */ void SetScore(const AString & a_Name, Score a_Score); /** Resets the score of the specified player */ void ResetScore(const AString & a_Name); /** Adds a_Delta and returns the new score */ Score AddScore(const AString & a_Name, Score a_Delta); /** Subtracts a_Delta and returns the new score */ Score SubScore(const AString & a_Name, Score a_Delta); void SetDisplayName(const AString & a_Name); // tolua_end /** Send this objective to the specified client */ void SendTo(cClientHandle & a_Client); static const char * GetClassStatic(void) // Needed for ManualBindings's ForEach templates { return "cObjective"; } private: typedef std::pair cTrackedPlayer; typedef std::map cScoreMap; cScoreMap m_Scores; AString m_DisplayName; AString m_Name; eType m_Type; cWorld * m_World; friend class cScoreboardSerializer; }; // tolua_export // tolua_begin class cTeam { public: // tolua_end cTeam( const AString & a_Name, const AString & a_DisplayName, const AString & a_Prefix, const AString & a_Suffix ); // tolua_begin /** Adds a new player to the team */ bool AddPlayer(const AString & a_Name); /** Removes a player from the team */ bool RemovePlayer(const AString & a_Name); /** Returns whether the specified player is in this team */ bool HasPlayer(const AString & a_Name) const; /** Removes all registered players */ void Reset(void); /** Returns the number of registered players */ unsigned int GetNumPlayers(void) const; bool AllowsFriendlyFire(void) const { return m_AllowsFriendlyFire; } bool CanSeeFriendlyInvisible(void) const { return m_CanSeeFriendlyInvisible; } const AString & GetDisplayName(void) const { return m_DisplayName; } const AString & GetName(void) const { return m_DisplayName; } const AString & GetPrefix(void) const { return m_Prefix; } const AString & GetSuffix(void) const { return m_Suffix; } void SetFriendlyFire(bool a_Flag) { m_AllowsFriendlyFire = a_Flag; } void SetCanSeeFriendlyInvisible(bool a_Flag) { m_CanSeeFriendlyInvisible = a_Flag; } void SetDisplayName(const AString & a_Name); void SetPrefix(const AString & a_Prefix) { m_Prefix = a_Prefix; } void SetSuffix(const AString & a_Suffix) { m_Suffix = a_Suffix; } // tolua_end private: typedef std::set cPlayerNameSet; bool m_AllowsFriendlyFire; bool m_CanSeeFriendlyInvisible; AString m_DisplayName; AString m_Name; AString m_Prefix; AString m_Suffix; cPlayerNameSet m_Players; friend class cScoreboardSerializer; }; // tolua_export // tolua_begin class cScoreboard { public: enum eDisplaySlot { E_DISPLAY_SLOT_LIST = 0, E_DISPLAY_SLOT_SIDEBAR, E_DISPLAY_SLOT_NAME, E_DISPLAY_SLOT_COUNT }; // tolua_end public: cScoreboard(cWorld * a_World); // tolua_begin /** Registers a new scoreboard objective, returns the cObjective instance, NULL on name collision */ cObjective * RegisterObjective(const AString & a_Name, const AString & a_DisplayName, cObjective::eType a_Type); /** Removes a registered objective, returns true if operation was successful */ bool RemoveObjective(const AString & a_Name); /** Retrieves the objective with the specified name, NULL if not found */ cObjective * GetObjective(const AString & a_Name); /** Registers a new team, returns the cTeam instance, NULL on name collision */ cTeam * RegisterTeam(const AString & a_Name, const AString & a_DisplayName, const AString & a_Prefix, const AString & a_Suffix); /** Removes a registered team, returns true if operation was successful */ bool RemoveTeam(const AString & a_Name); /** Retrieves the team with the specified name, NULL if not found */ cTeam * GetTeam(const AString & a_Name); void SetDisplay(const AString & a_Objective, eDisplaySlot a_Slot); cObjective * GetObjectiveIn(eDisplaySlot a_Slot); unsigned int GetNumObjectives(void) const; unsigned int GetNumTeams(void) const; void AddPlayerScore(const AString & a_Name, cObjective::eType a_Type, cObjective::Score a_Value = 1); // tolua_end /** Send this scoreboard to the specified client */ void SendTo(cClientHandle & a_Client); cTeam * QueryPlayerTeam(const AString & a_Name); // WARNING: O(n logn) /** Execute callback for each objective with the specified type * * Returns true if all objectives processed, false if the callback aborted by returning true. */ bool ForEachObjectiveWith(cObjective::eType a_Type, cObjectiveCallback& a_Callback); /** Execute callback for each objective. * * Returns true if all objectives processed, false if the callback aborted by returning true. */ bool ForEachObjective(cObjectiveCallback& a_Callback); // Exported in ManualBindings.cpp void SetDisplay(cObjective * a_Objective, eDisplaySlot a_Slot); private: typedef std::pair cNamedObjective; typedef std::pair cNamedTeam; typedef std::map cObjectiveMap; typedef std::map cTeamMap; // TODO 2014-01-19 xdot: Potential optimization - Sort objectives based on type cCriticalSection m_CSObjectives; cObjectiveMap m_Objectives; cCriticalSection m_CSTeams; cTeamMap m_Teams; cWorld * m_World; cObjective* m_Display[E_DISPLAY_SLOT_COUNT]; friend class cScoreboardSerializer; }; // tolua_export