#include "Globals.h" // NOTE: MSVC stupidness requires this to be the same across all modules #include "Root.h" #include "tclap/CmdLine.h" #include #include #include #ifdef ANDROID // Workaround for Android NDK builds that do not support std::to_string namespace std { template std::string to_string(T Value) { std::ostringstream TempStream; TempStream << Value; return TempStream.str(); } } #endif #ifdef _MSC_VER #include #endif // _MSC_VER #include "OSSupport/NetworkSingleton.h" #include "BuildInfo.h" #include "Logger.h" #include "MemorySettingsRepository.h" // Forward declarations to satisfy Clang's -Wmissing-variable-declarations: extern bool g_ShouldLogCommIn; extern bool g_ShouldLogCommOut; /** If something has told the server to stop; checked periodically in cRoot */ bool cRoot::m_TerminateEventRaised = false; /** If set to true, the protocols will log each player's incoming (C->S) communication to a per-connection logfile */ bool g_ShouldLogCommIn; /** If set to true, the protocols will log each player's outgoing (S->C) communication to a per-connection logfile */ bool g_ShouldLogCommOut; /** If set to true, binary will attempt to run as a service on Windows */ bool cRoot::m_RunAsService = false; #if defined(_WIN32) SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE g_StatusHandle = nullptr; HANDLE g_ServiceThread = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; #define SERVICE_NAME L"CuberiteService" #endif #ifndef _DEBUG // Because SIG_DFL or SIG_IGN could be NULL instead of nullptr, we need to disable the Clang warning here #ifdef __clang__ #pragma clang diagnostic push #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunknown-warning-option" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunknown-pragmas" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant" #endif // __clang__ static void NonCtrlHandler(int a_Signal) { LOGD("Terminate event raised from std::signal"); cRoot::Get()->QueueExecuteConsoleCommand("stop"); switch (a_Signal) { case SIGSEGV: { std::signal(SIGSEGV, SIG_DFL); LOGERROR(" D: | Cuberite has encountered an error and needs to close"); LOGERROR("Details | SIGSEGV: Segmentation fault"); #ifdef BUILD_ID LOGERROR("Cuberite " BUILD_SERIES_NAME " build id: " BUILD_ID); LOGERROR("from commit id: " BUILD_COMMIT_ID " built at: " BUILD_DATETIME); #endif PrintStackTrace(); abort(); } case SIGABRT: #ifdef SIGABRT_COMPAT case SIGABRT_COMPAT: #endif { std::signal(a_Signal, SIG_DFL); LOGERROR(" D: | Cuberite has encountered an error and needs to close"); LOGERROR("Details | SIGABRT: Server self-terminated due to an internal fault"); #ifdef BUILD_ID LOGERROR("Cuberite " BUILD_SERIES_NAME " build id: " BUILD_ID); LOGERROR("from commit id: " BUILD_COMMIT_ID " built at: " BUILD_DATETIME); #endif PrintStackTrace(); abort(); } case SIGINT: case SIGTERM: { std::signal(a_Signal, SIG_IGN); // Server is shutting down, wait for it... break; } default: break; } } #ifdef __clang__ #pragma clang diagnostic pop #endif // __clang__ #endif // _DEBUG #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_WIN64) && defined(_MSC_VER) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Windows 32-bit stuff: when the server crashes, create a "dump file" containing the callstack of each thread and some variables; let the user send us that crash file for analysis typedef BOOL (WINAPI *pMiniDumpWriteDump)( HANDLE hProcess, DWORD ProcessId, HANDLE hFile, MINIDUMP_TYPE DumpType, PMINIDUMP_EXCEPTION_INFORMATION ExceptionParam, PMINIDUMP_USER_STREAM_INFORMATION UserStreamParam, PMINIDUMP_CALLBACK_INFORMATION CallbackParam ); static pMiniDumpWriteDump g_WriteMiniDump; // The function in dbghlp DLL that creates dump files static wchar_t g_DumpFileName[MAX_PATH]; // Filename of the dump file; hes to be created before the dump handler kicks in static char g_ExceptionStack[128 * 1024]; // Substitute stack, just in case the handler kicks in because of "insufficient stack space" static MINIDUMP_TYPE g_DumpFlags = MiniDumpNormal; // By default dump only the stack and some helpers /** This function gets called just before the "program executed an illegal instruction and will be terminated" or similar. Its purpose is to create the crashdump using the dbghlp DLLs */ static LONG WINAPI LastChanceExceptionFilter(__in struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS * a_ExceptionInfo) { char * newStack = &g_ExceptionStack[sizeof(g_ExceptionStack) - 1]; char * oldStack; // Use the substitute stack: // This code is the reason why we don't support 64-bit (yet) _asm { mov oldStack, esp mov esp, newStack } MINIDUMP_EXCEPTION_INFORMATION ExcInformation; ExcInformation.ThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId(); ExcInformation.ExceptionPointers = a_ExceptionInfo; ExcInformation.ClientPointers = 0; // Write the dump file: HANDLE dumpFile = CreateFile(g_DumpFileName, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, nullptr, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, nullptr); g_WriteMiniDump(GetCurrentProcess(), GetCurrentProcessId(), dumpFile, g_DumpFlags, (a_ExceptionInfo) ? &ExcInformation : nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); CloseHandle(dumpFile); // Print the stack trace for the basic debugging: PrintStackTrace(); // Revert to old stack: _asm { mov esp, oldStack } return 0; } #endif // _WIN32 && !_WIN64 #ifdef _WIN32 // Handle CTRL events in windows, including console window close static BOOL CtrlHandler(DWORD fdwCtrlType) { cRoot::Get()->QueueExecuteConsoleCommand("stop"); LOGD("Terminate event raised from the Windows CtrlHandler"); std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(10)); // Delay as much as possible to try to get the server to shut down cleanly - 10 seconds given by Windows // Returning from main() automatically aborts this handler thread return TRUE; } #endif //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // UniversalMain - Main startup logic for both standard running and as a service static void UniversalMain(std::unique_ptr a_OverridesRepo) { // Initialize logging subsystem: cLogger::InitiateMultithreading(); // Initialize LibEvent: cNetworkSingleton::Get().Initialise(); try { cRoot Root; Root.Start(std::move(a_OverridesRepo)); } catch (const fmt::FormatError & exc) { cRoot::m_TerminateEventRaised = true; FLOGERROR("Formatting exception: {0}", exc.what()); } catch (const std::exception & exc) { cRoot::m_TerminateEventRaised = true; LOGERROR("Standard exception: %s", exc.what()); } catch (...) { cRoot::m_TerminateEventRaised = true; LOGERROR("Unknown exception!"); } // Shutdown all of LibEvent: cNetworkSingleton::Get().Terminate(); } #if defined(_WIN32) // Windows service support. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // serviceWorkerThread: Keep the service alive static DWORD WINAPI serviceWorkerThread(LPVOID lpParam) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(lpParam); while (!cRoot::m_TerminateEventRaised) { // Do the normal startup UniversalMain(cpp14::make_unique()); } return ERROR_SUCCESS; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // serviceSetState: Set the internal status of the service static void serviceSetState(DWORD acceptedControls, DWORD newState, DWORD exitCode) { SERVICE_STATUS serviceStatus = {}; serviceStatus.dwCheckPoint = 0; serviceStatus.dwControlsAccepted = acceptedControls; serviceStatus.dwCurrentState = newState; serviceStatus.dwServiceSpecificExitCode = 0; serviceStatus.dwServiceType = SERVICE_WIN32; serviceStatus.dwWaitHint = 0; serviceStatus.dwWin32ExitCode = exitCode; if (SetServiceStatus(g_StatusHandle, &serviceStatus) == FALSE) { LOGERROR("SetServiceStatus() failed\n"); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // serviceCtrlHandler: Handle stop events from the Service Control Manager static void WINAPI serviceCtrlHandler(DWORD CtrlCode) { switch (CtrlCode) { case SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP: { cRoot::Get()->QueueExecuteConsoleCommand("stop"); serviceSetState(0, SERVICE_STOP_PENDING, 0); break; } default: { break; } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // serviceMain: Startup logic for running as a service static void WINAPI serviceMain(DWORD argc, TCHAR *argv[]) { wchar_t applicationFilename[MAX_PATH]; wchar_t applicationDirectory[MAX_PATH]; GetModuleFileName(nullptr, applicationFilename, sizeof(applicationFilename)); // This binary's file path. // Strip off the filename, keep only the path: wcsncpy_s(applicationDirectory, sizeof(applicationDirectory), applicationFilename, (wcsrchr(applicationFilename, '\\') - applicationFilename)); applicationDirectory[wcslen(applicationDirectory)] = '\0'; // Make sure new path is null terminated // Services are run by the SCM, and inherit its working directory - usually System32. // Set the working directory to the same location as the binary. SetCurrentDirectory(applicationDirectory); g_StatusHandle = RegisterServiceCtrlHandler(SERVICE_NAME, serviceCtrlHandler); if (g_StatusHandle == nullptr) { OutputDebugStringA("RegisterServiceCtrlHandler() failed\n"); serviceSetState(0, SERVICE_STOPPED, GetLastError()); return; } serviceSetState(SERVICE_ACCEPT_STOP, SERVICE_RUNNING, 0); DWORD ThreadID; g_ServiceThread = CreateThread(nullptr, 0, serviceWorkerThread, nullptr, 0, &ThreadID); if (g_ServiceThread == nullptr) { OutputDebugStringA("CreateThread() failed\n"); serviceSetState(0, SERVICE_STOPPED, GetLastError()); return; } WaitForSingleObject(g_ServiceThread, INFINITE); // Wait here for a stop signal. CloseHandle(g_ServiceThread); serviceSetState(0, SERVICE_STOPPED, 0); } #endif // Windows service support. static std::unique_ptr ParseArguments(int argc, char ** argv) { try { // Parse the comand line args: TCLAP::CmdLine cmd("Cuberite"); TCLAP::ValueArg slotsArg ("s", "max-players", "Maximum number of slots for the server to use, overrides setting in setting.ini", false, -1, "number", cmd); TCLAP::ValueArg confArg ("c", "config-file", "Config file to use", false, "settings.ini", "string", cmd); TCLAP::MultiArg portsArg ("p", "port", "The port number the server should listen to", false, "port", cmd); TCLAP::SwitchArg commLogArg ("", "log-comm", "Log server client communications to file", cmd); TCLAP::SwitchArg commLogInArg ("", "log-comm-in", "Log inbound server client communications to file", cmd); TCLAP::SwitchArg commLogOutArg ("", "log-comm-out", "Log outbound server client communications to file", cmd); TCLAP::SwitchArg crashDumpFull ("", "crash-dump-full", "Crashdumps created by the server will contain full server memory", cmd); TCLAP::SwitchArg crashDumpGlobals("", "crash-dump-globals", "Crashdumps created by the server will contain the global variables' values", cmd); TCLAP::SwitchArg noBufArg ("", "no-output-buffering", "Disable output buffering", cmd); TCLAP::SwitchArg noFileLogArg ("", "no-log-file", "Disable logging to file", cmd); TCLAP::SwitchArg runAsServiceArg ("d", "service", "Run as a service on Windows, or daemon on UNIX like systems", cmd); cmd.parse(argc, argv); // Copy the parsed args' values into a settings repository: auto repo = cpp14::make_unique(); if (confArg.isSet()) { AString conf_file = confArg.getValue(); repo->AddValue("Server", "ConfigFile", conf_file); } if (slotsArg.isSet()) { int slots = slotsArg.getValue(); repo->AddValue("Server", "MaxPlayers", static_cast(slots)); } if (portsArg.isSet()) { for (auto port: portsArg.getValue()) { repo->AddValue("Server", "Ports", std::to_string(port)); } } if (noFileLogArg.getValue()) { repo->AddValue("Server", "DisableLogFile", true); } if (commLogArg.getValue()) { g_ShouldLogCommIn = true; g_ShouldLogCommOut = true; } else { g_ShouldLogCommIn = commLogInArg.getValue(); g_ShouldLogCommOut = commLogOutArg.getValue(); } if (noBufArg.getValue()) { setvbuf(stdout, nullptr, _IONBF, 0); } repo->SetReadOnly(); // Set the service flag directly to cRoot: if (runAsServiceArg.getValue()) { cRoot::m_RunAsService = true; } // Apply the CrashDump flags for platforms that support them: #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_WIN64) && defined(_MSC_VER) // 32-bit Windows app compiled in MSVC if (crashDumpGlobals.getValue()) { g_DumpFlags = static_cast(g_DumpFlags | MiniDumpWithDataSegs); } if (crashDumpFull.getValue()) { g_DumpFlags = static_cast(g_DumpFlags | MiniDumpWithFullMemory); } #endif // 32-bit Windows app compiled in MSVC return repo; } catch (const TCLAP::ArgException & exc) { fmt::print("Error reading command line {0} for arg {1}", exc.error(), exc.argId()); return cpp14::make_unique(); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // main: int main(int argc, char ** argv) { // Magic code to produce dump-files on Windows if the server crashes: #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_WIN64) && defined(_MSC_VER) // 32-bit Windows app compiled in MSVC HINSTANCE hDbgHelp = LoadLibrary(L"DBGHELP.DLL"); g_WriteMiniDump = (pMiniDumpWriteDump)GetProcAddress(hDbgHelp, "MiniDumpWriteDump"); if (g_WriteMiniDump != nullptr) { _snwprintf_s(g_DumpFileName, ARRAYCOUNT(g_DumpFileName), _TRUNCATE, L"crash_mcs_%x.dmp", GetCurrentProcessId()); SetUnhandledExceptionFilter(LastChanceExceptionFilter); } #endif // 32-bit Windows app compiled in MSVC // End of dump-file magic #if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_MSC_VER) _CrtSetDbgFlag ( _CRTDBG_ALLOC_MEM_DF | _CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF); // _X: The simple built-in CRT leak finder - simply break when allocating the Nth block ({N} is listed in the leak output) // Only useful when the leak is in the same sequence all the time // _CrtSetBreakAlloc(85950); #endif // _DEBUG && _MSC_VER #ifndef _DEBUG std::signal(SIGSEGV, NonCtrlHandler); std::signal(SIGTERM, NonCtrlHandler); std::signal(SIGINT, NonCtrlHandler); std::signal(SIGABRT, NonCtrlHandler); #ifdef SIGABRT_COMPAT std::signal(SIGABRT_COMPAT, NonCtrlHandler); #endif // SIGABRT_COMPAT #endif #ifdef __unix__ std::signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); #endif #ifdef _WIN32 if (!SetConsoleCtrlHandler((PHANDLER_ROUTINE)CtrlHandler, TRUE)) { LOGERROR("Could not install the Windows CTRL handler!"); } #endif // Make sure m_RunAsService is set correctly before checking it's value ParseArguments(argc, argv); // Attempt to run as a service if (cRoot::m_RunAsService) { #if defined(_WIN32) // Windows service. SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRY ServiceTable[] = { { SERVICE_NAME, (LPSERVICE_MAIN_FUNCTION)serviceMain }, { nullptr, nullptr } }; if (StartServiceCtrlDispatcher(ServiceTable) == FALSE) { LOGERROR("Attempted, but failed, service startup."); return GetLastError(); } #else // UNIX daemon. pid_t pid = fork(); // fork() returns a negative value on error. if (pid < 0) { LOGERROR("Could not fork process."); return EXIT_FAILURE; } // Check if we are the parent or child process. Parent stops here. if (pid > 0) { return EXIT_SUCCESS; } // Child process now goes quiet, running in the background. close(STDIN_FILENO); close(STDOUT_FILENO); close(STDERR_FILENO); while (!cRoot::m_TerminateEventRaised) { UniversalMain(ParseArguments(argc, argv)); } #endif } else { while (!cRoot::m_TerminateEventRaised) { // Not running as a service, do normal startup UniversalMain(ParseArguments(argc, argv)); } } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }