diff options
authorSimone Bortolin <>2022-08-04 15:30:40 +0200
committerSimone Bortolin <>2022-12-19 22:48:05 +0100
commit0df87a53ed7f7620b0ae7f5b0859427a93b1d1ad (patch)
Diffstat (limited to '')
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+### Jekyll ###
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+layout: default
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+search_exclude: true
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Binary files differ
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Binary files differ
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+if (window.matchMedia && window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').matches) {
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+ } else { jtd.setTheme('dark');
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+exec_type = ARGV[0]
+if exec_type == 'rake' then
+ require 'rake'
+ require 'pp'
+ pwd=Dir.pwd
+ Dir.chdir(gem_dir) # We'll load rakefile from the gem's dir.
+ Rake.application.init
+ Rake.application.load_rakefile
+ Dir.chdir(pwd) # Revert to original pwd for any path args passed to task.
+ Rake.application.invoke_task(ARGV[1])
+end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+title: Hack Gpon
+has_children: false
+nav_order: 1
+description: Worldwide wiki for to access, change and edit ONT
+# Worldwide wiki for to access, change and edit ONT
+resources to access and modify ONTs \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/just-the-docs.gemspec b/just-the-docs.gemspec
new file mode 100644
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+ do |spec|
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+ = [""]
+ spec.summary = %q{A modern, highly customizable, and responsive Jekyll theme for documention with built-in search.}
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+ spec.license = "MIT"
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+ spec.add_runtime_dependency "rake", ">= 12.3.1", "< 13.1.0"
+end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54b8bdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+title: Alcatel G-010S-A
+has_children: false
+parent: ONT
+# Alcatel G-010S-A
+## Hardware Specifications
+| | |
+| Vendor | Alcatel |
+| Model | G-010S-A |
+| Alias | Nokia G-010S-A |
+| Chipset | Lantiq PEB98035 |
+| Flash | 16 MB |
+| RAM | 64 MB |
+| System | OpenWRT |
+| HSGMII | Yes |
+| Optics | SC/UPC |
+| IP address | |
+| Web Gui | ✅ user `adminadmin`, password `ALC#FGU` |
+| SSH | ✅ user `ONTUSER`, password `SUGAR2A041` |
+| Form Factor | miniONT SFP |
+### Interchangeable firmware with
+Is it possibile to turn a Nokia G-010S-P into an Alcatel G-010S-A
+### List of software version
+- [](
+### List of partition
+### List of firmware and files
+## HW Mod
+- [Nokia G-010S-A Pin 6 Iusse -](
+## Miscellaneous Links
+- [](
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b56435a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+title: CarlitoxxPro CPGOS03-0490 v2
+has_children: false
+parent: ONT
+# CarlitoxxPro CPGOS03-0490 v2
+## Hardware Specifications
+| | |
+| Vendor | CarlitoxxPro |
+| Model | CPGOS03-0490 v2 |
+| Alias | |
+| Chipset | Realtek RTL9601CI |
+| Flash | 8 MB |
+| RAM | 64 MB |
+| System | Linux (Luna SDK) |
+| HSGMII | No |
+| Optics | SC/APC |
+| IP address | |
+| Web Gui | ✅ |
+| SSH | ✅ |
+| Form Factor | miniONT SFP |
+### Interchangeable firmware with
+- [ODI DFP-34X-C2C](ont-ODI-DFP-34X-C2C)
+- [VSOL V2801F](ont-vsol-V2801F)
+- [TWCGPON657](ont-TWCGPON657)
+- [UFiber UF-Instant](ont-UFiber-UF-Instant) can be used as universal GPON stick with V2801F rootfs, but only with stock UF kernel (4.3.1) - needed for Laser controller
+- [DFP-34X-2C2](ont-DFP-34X-2C2)
+- [CarlitoxxPro CPGOS03-0490 v2](ont-CarlitoxxPro-CPGOS03-0490-v2)
+### List of software version
+### List of partition
+### List of firmware and files
+## Miscellaneous Links
+- [Hacking RTL960x](
+## Bugs
+VLAN swap issue (MEID 171), auto-sensing mode to switch between SGMII/HiSGMII
+use VID/VLAN from command "omcicli mib get 84" via telnet to bring up PPPoE
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..469baf7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+title: D-LINK DPN-100 Rev A
+has_children: false
+parent: ONT
+# D-LINK DPN-100 Rev A
+## Hardware Specifications
+| | |
+| Vendor | D-LINK |
+| Model | DPN-100 Rev A |
+| Alias | |
+| Chipset | Lantiq PEB98035 |
+| Flash | 8 MB |
+| RAM | 64 MB |
+| System | |
+| HSGMII | |
+| Optics | SC/APC |
+| IP address | |
+| Web Gui | |
+| SSH | |
+| Form Factor | miniONT SFP |
+### Interchangeable firmware with
+- [Zyxel PMG3000-D20B](ont-Zyxel-PMG3000-D20B)
+- [Halny HL-GSFP](ont-Halny-HL-GSFP)
+- [D-LINK DPN-100-Rev-A](ont-D-LINK-DPN-100-Rev-A)
+### List of software version
+### List of partition
+### List of firmware and files
+## Miscellaneous Links
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ac4ff1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+title: DFP-34X-2C2
+has_children: false
+parent: ONT
+# DFP-34X-2C2
+## Hardware Specifications
+| | |
+| Vendor | |
+| Model | DFP-34X-2C2 |
+| Alias | |
+| Chipset | Realtek RTL9601CI |
+| Flash | 8 MB |
+| RAM | 64 MB |
+| System | Linux (Luna SDK) |
+| HSGMII | No |
+| Optics | SC/APC |
+| IP address | |
+| Web Gui | ✅ |
+| SSH | ✅ |
+| Form Factor | miniONT SFP |
+### Interchangeable firmware with
+- [ODI DFP-34X-C2C](ont-ODI-DFP-34X-C2C)
+- [VSOL V2801F](ont-vsol-V2801F)
+- [TWCGPON657](ont-TWCGPON657)
+- [UFiber UF-Instant](ont-UFiber-UF-Instant) can be used as universal GPON stick with V2801F rootfs, but only with stock UF kernel (4.3.1) - needed for Laser controller
+- [DFP-34X-2C2](ont-DFP-34X-2C2)
+- [CarlitoxxPro CPGOS03-0490 v2](ont-CarlitoxxPro-CPGOS03-0490-v2)
+### List of software version
+### List of partition
+### List of firmware and files
+## Miscellaneous Links
+- [Hacking RTL960x](
+## Bugs
+VLAN swap issue (MEID 171), auto-sensing mode to switch between SGMII/HiSGMII
+use VID/VLAN from command "omcicli mib get 84" via telnet to bring up PPPoE
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d03976
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+title: Halny HL-GSFP
+has_children: false
+parent: ONT
+# Halny HL-GSFP
+## Hardware Specifications
+| | |
+| Vendor | Halny |
+| Model | MA5671A |
+| Alias | |
+| Chipset | Lantiq PEB98035 |
+| Flash | 8 MB |
+| RAM | 64 MB |
+| System | eCOS |
+| HSGMII | Yes |
+| Optics | SC/APC |
+| IP address | |
+| Web Gui | |
+| SSH | |
+| Form Factor | miniONT SFP |
+### Interchangeable firmware with
+- [Zyxel PMG3000-D20B](ont-Zyxel-PMG3000-D20B)
+- [Halny HL-GSFP](ont-Halny-HL-GSFP)
+- [D-LINK DPN-100-Rev-A](ont-D-LINK-DPN-100-Rev-A)
+### List of software version
+### List of partition
+### List of firmware and files
+## Miscellaneous Links
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..477e701
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+title: Hilink HL23446
+has_children: false
+parent: ONT
+# Hilink HL23446
+## Hardware Specifications
+| | |
+| Vendor | Hilink |
+| Model | HL23446 |
+| Alias | CarlitoxxPro CPGOS03-0490 v1 |
+| Chipset | Lantiq PEB98035 |
+| Flash | 16 MB |
+| RAM | 64 MB |
+| System | OpenWRT |
+| HSGMII | Yes |
+| Optics | SC/APC |
+| IP address | |
+| Web Gui | ✅ |
+| SSH | |
+| Form Factor | miniONT SFP |
+### Interchangeable firmware with
+- [Huawei MA5671A](ont-huawei-ma5671a)
+- [Nokia G-010S-P](ont-nokia-g-s010s-p)
+- [SourcePhotonics SPS-34-24T-HP-TDFO](ont-SourcePhotonics-SPS-34-24T-HP-TDFO)
+- [Hilink HL23446](ont-Hilink-HL23446)
+### List of software version
+### List of partition
+### List of firmware and files
+## Miscellaneous Links
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5c94a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+title: Huawei HG8010H
+has_children: false
+parent: ONT
+# Huawei HG8010H
+## Hardware Specifications
+| | |
+| Vendor | Huawei |
+| Model | HG8010H |
+| Alias | |
+| Chipset | Realtek |
+| Flash | |
+| RAM | |
+| System | |
+| HSGMII | No |
+| Optics | SC/APC and SC/UPC |
+| IP address | |
+| Web Gui | ✅, user `telecomadmin`, password `admintelecom` |
+| SSH | |
+| Form Factor | ONT |
+### Hardware revision
+- v1: port pon horizontal
+- v2: port pon horizontal
+- v3: port pon vertical
+- v4: port pon vertical
+- v5: port pon vertical
+- v6: port pon vertical
+### List of software version
+### List of partition
+### List of firmware and files
+## Miscellaneous Links
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb84f8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+title: Nokia G-010S-Q
+has_children: false
+parent: ONT
+# Nokia G-010S-Q
+## Hardware Specifications
+| | |
+| Vendor | Nokia |
+| Model | RTL9601CI |
+| Alias | |
+| Chipset | |
+| Flash | |
+| RAM | |
+| System | |
+| HSGMII | |
+| Optics | |
+| IP address | |
+| Web Gui | |
+| SSH | |
+| Form Factor | miniONT SFP |
+### Interchangeable firmware with
+### List of software version
+### List of partition
+### List of firmware and files
+## Miscellaneous Links
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02256f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+title: Nokia G-010G-Q
+has_children: false
+parent: ONT
+# ZTE F601
+## Hardware Specifications
+| | |
+| Vendor | Nokia |
+| Model | G-010G-Q |
+| Alias | |
+| Chipset | Realtek |
+| Flash | |
+| RAM | |
+| System | |
+| HSGMII | No |
+| Optics | SC/APC |
+| IP address | |
+| Web Gui | ✅ |
+| SSH | |
+| Form Factor | ONT |
+### Hardware revision
+### List of software version
+### List of partition
+### List of firmware and files
+## Miscellaneous Links
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2bf6300
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+title: ODI DFP-34X-C2C
+has_children: false
+parent: ONT
+# ODI DFP-34X-C2C
+## Hardware Specifications
+| | |
+| Vendor | ODI |
+| Model | DFP-34X-C2C |
+| Alias | |
+| Chipset | Realtek RTL9601D |
+| Flash | 8 MB |
+| RAM | 64 MB |
+| System | Linux (Luna SDK) |
+| HSGMII | Yes |
+| Optics | SC/APC |
+| IP address | |
+| Web Gui | ✅ |
+| SSH | ✅ |
+| Form Factor | miniONT SFP |
+### Interchangeable firmware with
+- [ODI DFP-34X-C2C](ont-ODI-DFP-34X-C2C)
+- [VSOL V2801F](ont-vsol-V2801F)
+- [TWCGPON657](ont-TWCGPON657)
+- [UFiber UF-Instant](ont-UFiber-UF-Instant) can be used as universal GPON stick with V2801F rootfs, but only with stock UF kernel (4.3.1) - needed for Laser controller
+- [DFP-34X-2C2](ont-DFP-34X-2C2)
+- [CarlitoxxPro CPGOS03-0490 v2](ont-CarlitoxxPro-CPGOS03-0490-v2)
+### List of software version
+### List of partition
+### List of firmware and files
+## Miscellaneous Links
+- [Hacking RTL960x](
+## Bugs
+VLAN swap issue (MEID 171), auto-sensing mode to switch between SGMII/HiSGMII
+use VID/VLAN from command "omcicli mib get 84" via telnet to bring up PPPoE
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6606192
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+title: Sercomm FGS202
+has_children: false
+parent: ONT
+# Sercomm FGS202
+## Hardware Specifications
+| | |
+| Vendor | Sercomm |
+| Model | FGS202 |
+| Alias | |
+| Chipset | Lantiq PEB98036 |
+| Flash | 8 MB |
+| RAM | 32 MB |
+| System | eCos |
+| HSGMII | Yes |
+| Optics | SC/APC |
+| IP address | |
+| Web Gui | NO |
+| SSH | NO |
+| Form Factor | miniONT SFP |
+### Interchangeable firmware with
+- [Huawei MA5671A](ont-huawei-ma5671a)
+- [Nokia G-010S-P](ont-nokia-g-s010s-p)
+- [SourcePhotonics SPS-34-24T-HP-TDFO](ont-SourcePhotonics-SPS-34-24T-HP-TDFO)
+- [Hilink HL23446](ont-Hilink-HL23446)
+### List of software version
+### List of partition
+### List of firmware and files
+## HW Mod
+- Pin 7 GND -> VCC [](
+- Only for Ubiquiti [](
+## Miscellaneous Links
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc628e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+title: SourcePhotonics SPS-34-24T-HP-TDFO
+has_children: false
+parent: ONT
+# SourcePhotonics SPS-34-24T-HP-TDFO
+## Hardware Specifications
+| | |
+| Vendor | SourcePhotonics |
+| Model | SPS-34-24T-HP-TDFO |
+| Alias | Stick GPON |
+| Chipset | Lantiq PEB98035 |
+| Flash | 16 MB |
+| RAM | 64 MB |
+| System | OpenWRT |
+| HSGMII | Yes |
+| Optics | SC/APC |
+| IP address | |
+| Web Gui | |
+| SSH | ✅, user `ONTUSER`, password `7sp!lwUBz1.` |
+| Form Factor | miniONT SFP |
+### Interchangeable firmware with
+- [Huawei MA5671A](ont-huawei-ma5671a)
+- [Nokia G-010S-P](ont-nokia-g-s010s-p)
+- [SourcePhotonics SPS-34-24T-HP-TDFO](ont-SourcePhotonics-SPS-34-24T-HP-TDFO)
+- [Hilink HL23446](ont-Hilink-HL23446)
+### List of software version
+### List of partition
+### List of firmware and files
+## Miscellaneous Links
+- [](
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5fb3803
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+title: TWCGPON657
+has_children: false
+parent: ONT
+## Hardware Specifications
+| | |
+| Vendor | |
+| Model | TWCGPON657 |
+| Alias | |
+| Chipset | Realtek RTL9601CI |
+| Flash | 16 MB |
+| RAM | 64 MB |
+| System | Linux (Luna SDK) |
+| HSGMII | Yes |
+| Optics | SC/APC |
+| IP address | |
+| Web Gui | ✅ |
+| SSH | ✅ |
+| Form Factor | miniONT SFP |
+### Interchangeable firmware with
+- [ODI DFP-34X-C2C](ont-ODI-DFP-34X-C2C)
+- [VSOL V2801F](ont-vsol-V2801F)
+- [TWCGPON657](ont-TWCGPON657)
+- [UFiber UF-Instant](ont-UFiber-UF-Instant) can be used as universal GPON stick with V2801F rootfs, but only with stock UF kernel (4.3.1) - needed for Laser controller
+- [DFP-34X-2C2](ont-DFP-34X-2C2)
+- [CarlitoxxPro CPGOS03-0490 v2](ont-CarlitoxxPro-CPGOS03-0490-v2)
+### List of software version
+### List of partition
+### List of firmware and files
+## Miscellaneous Links
+- [Hacking RTL960x](
+## Bugs
+VLAN swap issue (MEID 171), auto-sensing mode to switch between SGMII/HiSGMII
+use VID/VLAN from command "omcicli mib get 84" via telnet to bring up PPPoE
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c97ec7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+title: UFiber UF-Instant
+has_children: false
+parent: ONT
+# UFiber UF-Instant
+## Hardware Specifications
+| | |
+| Vendor | UFiber |
+| Model | UFiber UF-Instant |
+| Alias | |
+| Chipset | Realtek RTL9601CI |
+| Flash | 16 MB |
+| RAM | 64 MB |
+| System | Linux (Luna SDK) |
+| HSGMII | No |
+| Optics | SC/APC |
+| IP address | |
+| Web Gui | ✅ |
+| SSH | ✅ |
+| Form Factor | miniONT SFP |
+### Interchangeable firmware with
+N.B. can be used as universal GPON stick with V2801F rootfs, but only with stock UF kernel (4.3.1) - needed for Laser controller
+- [ODI DFP-34X-C2C](ont-ODI-DFP-34X-C2C)
+- [VSOL V2801F](ont-vsol-V2801F)
+- [TWCGPON657](ont-TWCGPON657)
+- [UFiber UF-Instant](ont-UFiber-UF-Instant) can be used as universal GPON stick with V2801F rootfs, but only with stock UF kernel (4.3.1) - needed for Laser controller
+- [DFP-34X-2C2](ont-DFP-34X-2C2)
+- [CarlitoxxPro CPGOS03-0490 v2](ont-CarlitoxxPro-CPGOS03-0490-v2)
+### List of software version
+### List of partition
+### List of firmware and files
+## Miscellaneous Links
+- [Hacking RTL960x](
+## Bugs
+VLAN swap issue (MEID 171), auto-sensing mode to switch between SGMII/HiSGMII
+use VID/VLAN from command "omcicli mib get 84" via telnet to bring up PPPoE
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a85dbca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+title: ZTE F6005
+has_children: false
+parent: ONT
+# ZTE F6005
+## Hardware Specifications
+| | |
+| Vendor | ZTE |
+| Model | F6005 |
+| Alias | |
+| Chipset | Realtek |
+| Flash | |
+| RAM | |
+| System | Linux (ZTE custom SDK) |
+| HSGMII | Yes |
+| Optics | SC/APC |
+| IP address | |
+| Web Gui | ✅ |
+| SSH | |
+| Form Factor | ONT |
+### List of software version
+### List of partition
+### List of firmware and files
+## Miscellaneous Links
+## Bugs
+buffers are not optimally created and therefore there are problems with uploads if the server is far away. no problem with multiple connections
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47bfabf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+title: ZTE F601
+has_children: false
+parent: ONT
+# ZTE F601
+## Hardware Specifications
+| | |
+| Vendor | ZTE |
+| Model | F601 |
+| Alias | |
+| Chipset | Realtek |
+| Flash | |
+| RAM | |
+| System | |
+| HSGMII | No |
+| Optics | SC/APC |
+| IP address | |
+| Web Gui | ✅ |
+| SSH | |
+| Form Factor | ONT |
+### Hardware revision
+- v1: big
+- v2: small, simil huawei, self-destructs
+- v3: small, simil huawei
+### List of software version
+### List of partition
+### List of firmware and files
+## Miscellaneous Links
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9352e1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+title: Zyxel PMG3000-D20B
+has_children: false
+parent: ONT
+# Zyxel PMG3000-D20B
+## Hardware Specifications
+| | |
+| Vendor | Zyxel |
+| Model | PMG3000-D20B |
+| Alias | |
+| Chipset | Lantiq PEB98035 |
+| Flash | 8 MB |
+| RAM | 64 MB |
+| System | OpenWRT |
+| HSGMII | Yes |
+| Optics | SC/APC |
+| IP address | |
+| Web Gui | ✅ username `admin`, password `1234` |
+| SSH | ✅ username `admin`, password `1234` |
+| Form Factor | miniONT SFP |
+### Interchangeable firmware with
+- [Zyxel PMG3000-D20B](ont-Zyxel-PMG3000-D20B)
+- [Halny HL-GSFP](ont-Halny-HL-GSFP)
+- [D-LINK DPN-100-Rev-A](ont-D-LINK-DPN-100-Rev-A)
+### List of software version
+### List of partition
+### List of firmware and files
+## Miscellaneous Links
+- [](
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..402a74c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+title: Huawei MA5671A
+has_children: false
+parent: ONT
+# Huawei MA5671A
+## Hardware Specifications
+| | |
+| Vendor | Huawei |
+| Model | MA5671A |
+| Alias | |
+| Chipset | Lantiq PEB98035 |
+| Flash | 16 MB |
+| RAM | 64 MB |
+| System | OpenWRT |
+| HSGMII | Yes |
+| Optics | SC/APC |
+| IP address | |
+| Web Gui | After root |
+| SSH | |
+| Form Factor | miniONT SFP |
+### Interchangeable firmware with
+- [Huawei MA5671A](ont-huawei-ma5671a)
+- [Nokia G-010S-P](ont-nokia-g-s010s-p)
+- [SourcePhotonics SPS-34-24T-HP-TDFO](ont-SourcePhotonics-SPS-34-24T-HP-TDFO)
+- [Hilink HL23446](ont-Hilink-HL23446)
+### List of software version
+### List of partition
+- mtd2
+- mtd5
+### List of firmware and files
+- [Carlito MTD2]({: .btn } md5hash: d3cb6f7efec201b37931139feb4bb23b
+- [Huawei Rooted MTD2]({: .btn } md5hash: 3138d2dd06a32bb92bc63610fec6fcd6
+- [Carlito MTD5]({: .btn } md5hash > 59d2dc15227d6f693a38131eca89b29e
+- [Huawei Rooted MTD5]({: .btn } md5hash: 0e4cfdc1b96be6581869b26b48789556
+- [1224abort.bin]({: .btn } md5hash: 10e94a4b4acdc82dec20c7904b69e5c0
+## Miscellaneous Links
+- [Support MA5671A SFP GPON | OpenWRT forum](
+- [u boot lantiq falcon | GitHub](
+- [Custom Firmware |](
+- [Come avere i 2.5 Gbps su un unico dispositivo senza il Fastgate | Forum]( \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7ea316
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+title: Nokia G-010S-P
+has_children: false
+parent: ONT
+# Nokia G-010S-P
+## Hardware Specifications
+| | |
+| Vendor | Nokia |
+| Model | G-010S-P |
+| Alias | Alcatel G-010S-P |
+| Chipset | Lantiq PEB98035 |
+| Flash | 16 MB |
+| RAM | 64 MB |
+| System | OpenWRT |
+| HSGMII | Yes |
+| Optics | SC/APC |
+| IP address | |
+| Web Gui | ✅ |
+| SSH | |
+| Form Factor | miniONT SFP |
+### Interchangeable firmware with
+- [Huawei MA5671A](ont-huawei-ma5671a)
+- [Nokia G-010S-P](ont-nokia-g-s010s-p)
+- [SourcePhotonics SPS-34-24T-HP-TDFO](ont-SourcePhotonics-SPS-34-24T-HP-TDFO)
+- [Hilink HL23446](ont-Hilink-HL23446)
+### List of software version
+### List of partition
+### List of firmware and files
+## Miscellaneous Links
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28ae87c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+title: Technicolor AFM0002
+has_children: false
+parent: ONT
+# Technicolor AFM0002TIM/FWB/WND
+## Hardware Specifications
+| | |
+| Vendor | Technicolor |
+| Model | AFM0002TIM/FWB/WND |
+| Alias | |
+| Chipset | Realtek RTL9601B |
+| Flash | |
+| RAM | |
+| System | Linux (Luna SDK) |
+| HSGMII | NO |
+| Optics | |
+| IP address | |
+| Web Gui | |
+| SSH | |
+| Form Factor | miniONT SFP |
+### Interchangeable firmware with
+### List of software version
+- V1_7_8_210928
+- V1_7_8_210412
+### List of partition
+### List of firmware and files
+## Miscellaneous Links
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..077c84d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+title: VSOL V2801F
+has_children: false
+parent: ONT
+# VSOL V2801F
+## Hardware Specifications
+| | |
+| Vendor | VSOL |
+| Model | V2801F |
+| Alias | |
+| Chipset | Realtek RTL9601CI |
+| Flash | 8 MB |
+| RAM | 64 MB |
+| System | Linux (Luna SDK) |
+| HSGMII | No |
+| Optics | SC/APC |
+| IP address | |
+| Web Gui | ✅ |
+| SSH | ✅ |
+| Form Factor | miniONT SFP |
+### Interchangeable firmware with
+- [ODI DFP-34X-C2C](ont-ODI-DFP-34X-C2C)
+- [VSOL V2801F](ont-vsol-V2801F)
+- [TWCGPON657](ont-TWCGPON657)
+- [UFiber UF-Instant](ont-UFiber-UF-Instant) can be used as universal GPON stick with V2801F rootfs, but only with stock UF kernel (4.3.1) - needed for Laser controller
+- [DFP-34X-2C2](ont-DFP-34X-2C2)
+- [CarlitoxxPro CPGOS03-0490 v2](ont-CarlitoxxPro-CPGOS03-0490-v2)
+### List of software version
+### List of partition
+### List of firmware and files
+## Miscellaneous Links
+- [Hacking RTL960x](
+## Bugs
+VLAN swap issue (MEID 171), auto-sensing mode to switch between SGMII/HiSGMII
+use VID/VLAN from command "omcicli mib get 84" via telnet to bring up PPPoE
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10d50d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+title: ONT
+has_children: true
+nav_order: 2
+# ONT \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/rakefile b/rakefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8b42c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rakefile
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Dir.glob('lib/tasks/*.rake').each {|r| import r}