# Uploads ADS-B data from dump1090 to the Kraken Pro Mapping server. # Must run dump1090 with "--write-json" and have it write aircraft.json to the same directory as this script # e.g. ~/dump1090/package-bullseye/dump1090 --interactive --write-json . import requests import json import time API_SERVER = 'https://kraken.tynet.eu:8842' # Your Kraken Pro Cloud username and password login = {'username': 'username', 'password': 'password'} x = requests.post(API_SERVER + '/login', json = login) token = x.text print(x.text) while True: f = open('aircraft.json') data = json.load(f) beaconData = [] for aircraft in data['aircraft']: try: beaconData.append({'id': str(aircraft['flight']), 'lat': aircraft['lat'], 'lon': aircraft['lon'], 'speed': int(aircraft['gs']), 'height': aircraft['alt_geom'], 'heading': aircraft['mag_heading']}) #print (aircraft['flight']) #print (aircraft['lat']) #print (aircraft['lon']) #print (aircraft['gs']) #print (aircraft['alt_geom']) except: #print('excepted') pass # probably lat/lon missing x = requests.post(API_SERVER + '/beacons', json = beaconData, headers = {'Authorization': token}) time.sleep(1)