diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
21 files changed, 919 insertions, 513 deletions
diff --git a/.github/workflows/build-cmake-conan.yml b/.github/workflows/build-cmake-conan.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..04bca81f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/build-cmake-conan.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+name: reLCS conan+cmake
+ pull_request:
+ push:
+ release:
+ types: published
+ build-cmake:
+ strategy:
+ matrix:
+ include:
+ - os: 'windows-latest'
+ platform: 'gl3'
+ gl3_gfxlib: 'glfw'
+ audio: 'openal'
+# - os: 'windows-latest'
+# platform: 'gl3'
+# gl3_gfxlib: 'sdl2'
+# audio: 'openal'
+ - os: 'windows-latest'
+ platform: 'd3d9'
+ audio: 'openal'
+# - os: 'windows-latest'
+# platform: 'd3d9'
+# audio: 'miles'
+ - os: 'ubuntu-latest'
+ platform: 'gl3'
+ gl3_gfxlib: 'glfw'
+ audio: 'openal'
+# - os: 'ubuntu-latest'
+# platform: 'gl3'
+# gl3_gfxlib: 'sdl2'
+# audio: 'openal'
+ - os: 'macos-latest'
+ platform: 'gl3'
+ gl3_gfxlib: 'glfw'
+ audio: 'openal'
+# - os: 'macos-latest'
+# platform: 'gl3'
+# gl3_gfxlib: 'sdl2'
+# audio: 'openal'
+ runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
+ continue-on-error: ${{ matrix.platform == 'ps2' || matrix.gl3_gfxlib == 'sdl2' || == 'miles' }}
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v2
+ with:
+ submodules: true
+ - name: "Checkout Miles SDK Import Library project"
+ uses: actions/checkout@v2
+ if: ${{ == 'miles' }}
+ with:
+ repository: 'withmorten/re3mss'
+ path: 're3mss'
+ - uses: actions/setup-python@v2
+ with:
+ python-version: '3.x'
+ - name: "Use XCode 11 as default (conan-center-index does not provide XCode 12 binaries at the moment)"
+ if: startsWith(matrix.os, 'macos')
+ run: |
+ sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/
+ - name: "Setup conan"
+ run: |
+ python -m pip install conan
+ conan config init
+ conan config set log.print_run_commands=True
+ conan remote add bincrafters
+ conan remote add madebr_ps2dev
+ - name: "Add os=playstation2 + gcc.version=3.2 to .conan/settings.yml"
+ shell: python
+ run: |
+ import os, yaml
+ settings_path = os.path.expanduser("~/.conan/settings.yml")
+ yml = yaml.safe_load(open(settings_path))
+ yml["os"]["playstation2"] = None
+ yml["compiler"]["gcc"]["version"].append("3.2")
+ yml["compiler"]["gcc"]["version"].sort()
+ yaml.safe_dump(yml, open(settings_path, "w"))
+ - name: "Create host profile"
+ shell: bash
+ run: |
+ if test "${{ matrix.platform }}" = "ps2"; then
+ cp vendor/librw/conan/playstation2 host_profile
+ else
+ cp ~/.conan/profiles/default host_profile
+ fi
+ - name: "Export Playstation 2 CMake toolchain conan recipe"
+ run: |
+ conan export vendor/librw/cmake/ps2toolchain ps2dev-cmaketoolchain/master@
+ - name: "Export librw conan recipe"
+ run: |
+ conan export vendor/librw librw/master@
+ - name: "Export Miles SDK conan recipe"
+ if: ${{ == 'miles' }}
+ run: |
+ conan export re3mss miles-sdk/master@
+ - name: "Download/build dependencies (conan install)"
+ run: |
+ conan install ${{ github.workspace }} reLCS/master@ -if build -o reLCS:audio=${{ }} -o librw:platform=${{ matrix.platform }} -o librw:gl3_gfxlib=${{ matrix.gl3_gfxlib || 'glfw' }} --build missing -pr:h ./host_profile -pr:b default -s reLCS:build_type=RelWithDebInfo -s librw:build_type=RelWithDebInfo
+ env:
+ - name: "Build reLCS (conan build)"
+ run: |
+ conan build ${{ github.workspace }} -if build -bf build -pf package
+ - name: "Package reLCS (conan package)"
+ run: |
+ conan package ${{ github.workspace }} -if build -bf build -pf package
+ - name: "Create binary package (cpack)"
+ working-directory: ./build
+ run: |
+ cpack -C RelWithDebInfo
+ - name: "Archive binary package (github artifacts)"
+ uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
+ with:
+ name: "${{ matrix.os }}-${{ matrix.platform }}"
+ path: build/*.tar.xz
+ if-no-files-found: error
diff --git a/.github/workflows/reLCS_msvc_amd64.yml b/.github/workflows/reLCS_msvc_amd64.yml
index 012051a9..f79df578 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/reLCS_msvc_amd64.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/reLCS_msvc_amd64.yml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-name: reLCS_msvc_amd64
+name: reLCS premake amd64
diff --git a/.github/workflows/reLCS_msvc_x86.yml b/.github/workflows/reLCS_msvc_x86.yml
index bffd545f..324f0754 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/reLCS_msvc_x86.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/reLCS_msvc_x86.yml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-name: reLCS_msvc_x86
+name: reLCS premake x86
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index c124a9f0..00000000
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-language: cpp
-dist: focal
-os: linux
- include:
- - env: TARGET=release_linux-amd64-librw_gl3_glfw-oal
- os: linux
- - env: TARGET=debug_linux-amd64-librw_gl3_glfw-oal
- os: linux
- - env: TARGET=release_macosx-amd64-librw_gl3_glfw-oal PREMAKE5=premake-5.0.0-alpha15
- compiler: clang
- os: osx
- osx_image: xcode12u
- - env: TARGET=debug_macosx-amd64-librw_gl3_glfw-oal PREMAKE5=premake-5.0.0-alpha15
- compiler: clang
- os: osx
- osx_image: xcode12u
- apt:
- update: true
- packages:
- - linux-libc-dev
- - libopenal-dev
- - libglew-dev
- - libglfw3-dev
- - libsndfile1-dev
- - libmpg123-dev
- - gcc-8-multilib
- - g++-8-multilib
- homebrew:
- packages:
- - libsndfile
- - mpg123
- - glew
- - glfw
- - openal-soft
- - mkdir -p "$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/build"
- - if [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" = linux ]; then ./premake5Linux --with-librw gmake2; fi
- - if [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" = osx ]; then curl -L -o "${PREMAKE5}.zip" "${PREMAKE5}" && unzip -q "${PREMAKE5}.zip" && cd "$PREMAKE5" && make -f Bootstrap.mak osx && cd .. && "./${PREMAKE5}/bin/release/premake5" --with-librw gmake2; fi
- - cd build
- - if [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" = linux ]; then env CC=gcc-8 CXX=g++-8 make config=$TARGET -j4 verbose=1; fi
- - if [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" = osx ]; then make config=$TARGET -j4 verbose=1; fi
diff --git a/cmake/FindMilesSDK.cmake b/cmake/FindMilesSDK.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..57da3a6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmake/FindMilesSDK.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# - Find Miles SDK
+# Find the Miles SDK header + import library
+# MilesSDK_INCLUDE_DIR - Where to find mss.h
+# MilesSDK_LIBRARIES - List of libraries when using MilesSDK.
+# MilesSDK_FOUND - True if Miles SDK found.
+# MilesSDK::MilesSDK - Imported library of Miles SDK
+find_path(MilesSDK_INCLUDE_DIR mss.h
+ PATHS "${MilesSDK_DIR}"
+ set(_miles_sdk_libname mss64)
+ set(_miles_sdk_libname mss32)
+find_library(MilesSDK_LIBRARIES NAMES ${_miles_sdk_libname}
+ PATHS "${MilesSDK_DIR}"
+find_package_handle_standard_args(MilesSDK DEFAULT_MSG MilesSDK_LIBRARIES MilesSDK_INCLUDE_DIR)
+if(NOT TARGET MilesSDK::MilesSDK)
+ add_library(MilesSDK::MilesSDK UNKNOWN IMPORTED)
+ set_target_properties(MilesSDK::MilesSDK PROPERTIES
+ )
diff --git a/cmake/Findopusfile.cmake b/cmake/Findopusfile.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..faae7645
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmake/Findopusfile.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# - Try to find opusfile
+# Once done this will define
+# OPUSFILE_FOUND - system has opusfile
+# OPUSFILE_INCLUDE_DIRS - the opusfile include directories
+# OPUSFILE_LIBRARIES - Link these to use opusfile
+# OPUSFILE_CFLAGS - Compile options to use opusfile
+# opusfile::opusfile - Imported library of opusfile
+# FIXME: opusfile does not ship an official opusfile cmake script,
+# rename this file/variables/target when/if it has.
+find_package(PkgConfig QUIET)
+ pkg_search_module(PKG_OPUSFILE "opusfile")
+ opusfile.h
+ opusfile
+ /usr/include
+ /usr/local/include
+ /opt/local/include
+ /sw/include
+ )
+ opusfile
+ /usr/lib
+ /usr/local/lib
+ /opt/local/lib
+ /sw/lib
+find_package_handle_standard_args(opusfile DEFAULT_MSG OPUSFILE_INCLUDE_DIRS OPUSFILE_LIBRARIES)
+if(NOT TARGET opusfile::opusfile)
+ add_library(__opusfile INTERFACE)
+ target_compile_options(__opusfile INTERFACE ${OPUSFILE_CFLAGS})
+ target_include_directories(__opusfile INTERFACE ${OPUSFILE_INCLUDE_DIRS})
+ target_link_libraries(__opusfile INTERFACE ${OPUSFILE_LIBRARIES})
+ add_library(opusfile::opusfile ALIAS __opusfile)
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..69a77503
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+from conans import ConanFile, CMake, tools
+from conans.errors import ConanException, ConanInvalidConfiguration
+import os
+import shutil
+import textwrap
+class ReLCSConan(ConanFile):
+ name = "reLCS"
+ version = "master"
+ license = "???" # FIXME:
+ settings = "os", "arch", "compiler", "build_type"
+ generators = "cmake", "cmake_find_package"
+ options = {
+ "audio": ["openal", "miles"],
+ "with_libsndfile": [True, False],
+ "with_opus": [True, False],
+ }
+ default_options = {
+ "audio": "openal",
+ "with_libsndfile": False,
+ "with_opus": False,
+ # "libsndfile:with_external_libs": False,
+ # "mpg123:flexible_resampling": False,
+ # "mpg123:network": False,
+ # "mpg123:icy": False,
+ # "mpg123:id3v2": False,
+ # "mpg123:ieeefloat": False,
+ # "mpg123:layer1": False,
+ # "mpg123:layer2": False,
+ # "mpg123:layer3": False,
+ # "mpg123:moreinfo": False,
+ # "sdl2:vulkan": False,
+ # "sdl2:opengl": True,
+ # "sdl2:sdl2main": True,
+ }
+ no_copy_source = True
+ @property
+ def _os_is_playstation2(self):
+ try:
+ return self.settings.os == "Playstation2"
+ except ConanException:
+ return False
+ def configure(self):
+ if != "openal":
+ self.options.with_libsndfile = False
+ def requirements(self):
+ self.requires("librw/{}".format(self.version))
+ self.requires("mpg123/1.26.4")
+ if == "openal":
+ self.requires("openal/1.21.0")
+ elif == "miles":
+ self.requires("miles-sdk/{}".format(self.version))
+ if self.options.with_libsndfile:
+ self.requires("libsndfile/1.0.30")
+ if self.options.with_opus:
+ self.requires("opusfile/0.12")
+ def export_sources(self):
+ for d in ("cmake", "src"):
+ shutil.copytree(src=d, dst=os.path.join(self.export_sources_folder, d))
+ self.copy("CMakeLists.txt")
+ def validate(self):
+ if self.options["librw"].platform == "gl3" and self.options["librw"].gl3_gfxlib != "glfw":
+ raise ConanInvalidConfiguration("Only `glfw` is supported as gl3_gfxlib.")
+ #if not self.options.with_opus:
+ # if not self.options["libsndfile"].with_external_libs:
+ # raise ConanInvalidConfiguration("reLCS with opus support requires a libsndfile built with external libs (=ogg/flac/opus/vorbis)")
+ @property
+ def _reLCS_audio(self):
+ return {
+ "miles": "MSS",
+ "openal": "OAL",
+ }[str(]
+ def build(self):
+ if self.source_folder == self.build_folder:
+ raise Exception("cannot build with source_folder == build_folder")
+ try:
+ os.unlink(os.path.join(self.install_folder, "Findlibrw.cmake"))
+ textwrap.dedent(
+ """
+ """), append=True)
+ if self.options["librw"].platform == "gl3" and self.options["librw"].gl3_gfxlib == "glfw":
+ textwrap.dedent(
+ """
+ if(NOT TARGET glfw)
+ message(STATUS "Creating glfw TARGET")
+ add_library(glfw INTERFACE IMPORTED)
+ set_target_properties(glfw PROPERTIES
+ endif()
+ """), append=True)
+ textwrap.dedent(
+ """
+ cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0)
+ project(cmake_wrapper)
+ include("{}/conanbuildinfo.cmake")
+ conan_basic_setup(TARGETS NO_OUTPUT_DIRS)
+ add_subdirectory("{}" reLCS)
+ """).format(self.install_folder.replace("\\", "/"),
+ self.source_folder.replace("\\", "/")))
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ pass
+ cmake = CMake(self)
+ cmake.definitions["RELCS_AUDIO"] = self._reLCS_audio
+ cmake.definitions["RELCS_WITH_OPUS"] = self.options.with_opus
+ cmake.definitions["RELCS_INSTALL"] = True
+ cmake.definitions["RELCS_VENDORED_LIBRW"] = False
+ env = {}
+ if self._os_is_playstation2:
+ cmake.definitions["CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE"] = self.deps_user_info["ps2dev-cmaketoolchain"].cmake_toolchain_file
+ env["PS2SDK"] = self.deps_cpp_info["ps2dev-ps2sdk"].rootpath
+ with tools.environment_append(env):
+ cmake.configure(source_folder=self.build_folder)
+ def package(self):
+ cmake = CMake(self)
+ cmake.install()
diff --git a/premake5.lua b/premake5.lua
index 11a0bbbd..128f3cae 100644
--- a/premake5.lua
+++ b/premake5.lua
@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ project "reLCS"
filter {}
if(os.getenv("GTA_LCS_RE_DIR")) then
- setpaths("$(GTA_LCS_RE_DIR)/", "%(", "")
+ setpaths("$(GTA_LCS_RE_DIR)/", "%(")
filter "platforms:win*"
diff --git a/src/CMakeLists.txt b/src/CMakeLists.txt
index dc204d17..ad72eb56 100644
--- a/src/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ target_compile_definitions(${EXECUTABLE}
diff --git a/src/audio/AudioLogic.cpp b/src/audio/AudioLogic.cpp
index cd341eac..1f32890c 100644
--- a/src/audio/AudioLogic.cpp
+++ b/src/audio/AudioLogic.cpp
@@ -4106,6 +4106,7 @@ cAudioManager::SetupJumboFlySound(uint8 emittingVol)
m_sQueueSample.m_nLoopEnd = SampleManager.GetSampleLoopEndOffset(m_sQueueSample.m_nSampleIndex);
m_sQueueSample.m_fSpeedMultiplier = 4.0f;
m_sQueueSample.m_fSoundIntensity = SOUND_INTENSITY;
+ m_sQueueSample.m_bReleasingSoundFlag = false;
m_sQueueSample.m_nReleasingVolumeDivider = 5;
m_sQueueSample.m_bReverbFlag = true;
m_sQueueSample.m_bRequireReflection = false; // todo port fix to re3
diff --git a/src/audio/oal/stream.cpp b/src/audio/oal/stream.cpp
index 81a78381..19fa4ec4 100644
--- a/src/audio/oal/stream.cpp
+++ b/src/audio/oal/stream.cpp
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
#include "stream.h"
#include "sampman.h"
-#ifdef _WIN32
+#if defined _MSC_VER && !defined CMAKE_NO_AUTOLINK
#pragma comment( lib, "libsndfile-1.lib" )
diff --git a/src/audio/sampman_oal.cpp b/src/audio/sampman_oal.cpp
index ef070825..ec85fc43 100644
--- a/src/audio/sampman_oal.cpp
+++ b/src/audio/sampman_oal.cpp
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
//TODO: max channels
//TODO: loop count
-#ifdef _WIN32
+#if defined _MSC_VER && !defined CMAKE_NO_AUTOLINK
#pragma comment( lib, "OpenAL32.lib" )
@@ -996,12 +996,14 @@ cSampleManager::Initialise(void)
FILE *cacheFile = fcaseopen("audio\\sound.cache", "rb");
if (cacheFile) {
+ debug("Loadind audio cache (If game crashes around here, then your cache is corrupted, remove audio/sound.cache)\n");
fread(nStreamLength, sizeof(uint32), TOTAL_STREAMED_SOUNDS, cacheFile);
} else
+ debug("Cannot load audio cache\n");
for ( int32 i = 0; i < TOTAL_STREAMED_SOUNDS; i++ )
aStream[0] = new CStream(StreamedNameTable[i], ALStreamSources[0], ALStreamBuffers[0], IsThisTrackAt16KHz(i) ? 16000 : 32000);
@@ -1019,10 +1021,15 @@ cSampleManager::Initialise(void)
cacheFile = fcaseopen("audio\\sound.cache", "wb");
- fwrite(nStreamLength, sizeof(uint32), TOTAL_STREAMED_SOUNDS, cacheFile);
- fclose(cacheFile);
+ if(cacheFile) {
+ debug("Saving audio cache\n");
+ fwrite(nStreamLength, sizeof(uint32), TOTAL_STREAMED_SOUNDS, cacheFile);
+ fclose(cacheFile);
+ } else {
+ debug("Cannot save audio cache\n");
+ }
if ( !InitialiseSampleBanks() )
diff --git a/src/collision/Collision.cpp b/src/collision/Collision.cpp
index c90390c4..703804d9 100644
--- a/src/collision/Collision.cpp
+++ b/src/collision/Collision.cpp
@@ -507,12 +507,14 @@ CCollision::TestLineOfSight(const CColLine &line, const CMatrix &matrix, CColMod
for(i = 0; i < model.numSpheres; i++){
if(ignoreSeeThrough && IsSeeThrough(model.spheres[i].surface)) continue;
+ if(ignoreShootThrough && IsShootThrough(model.spheres[i].surface)) continue;
if(TestLineSphere(*(CColLine*)newline, model.spheres[i]))
return true;
for(i = 0; i < model.numBoxes; i++){
if(ignoreSeeThrough && IsSeeThrough(model.boxes[i].surface)) continue;
+ if(ignoreShootThrough && IsShootThrough(model.boxes[i].surface)) continue;
if(TestLineBox(*(CColLine*)newline, model.boxes[i]))
return true;
@@ -522,6 +524,7 @@ CCollision::TestLineOfSight(const CColLine &line, const CMatrix &matrix, CColMod
VuTriangle vutri;
for(i = 0; i < model.numTriangles; i++){
if(ignoreSeeThrough && IsSeeThrough(model.triangles[i].surface)) continue;
+ if(ignoreShootThrough && IsShootThrough(model.triangles[i].surface)) continue;
CColTriangle *tri = &model.triangles[i];
@@ -539,6 +542,7 @@ CCollision::TestLineOfSight(const CColLine &line, const CMatrix &matrix, CColMod
for(; i < model.numTriangles; i++){
if(ignoreSeeThrough && IsSeeThrough(model.triangles[i].surface)) continue;
+ if(ignoreShootThrough && IsShootThrough(model.triangles[i].surface)) continue;
CColTriangle *tri = &model.triangles[i];
@@ -1333,6 +1337,7 @@ CCollision::ProcessLineOfSight(const CColLine &line,
float coldist = 1.0f;
for(i = 0; i < model.numSpheres; i++){
if(ignoreSeeThrough && IsSeeThrough(model.spheres[i].surface)) continue;
+ if(ignoreShootThrough && IsShootThrough(model.spheres[i].surface)) continue;
if(ProcessLineSphere(*(CColLine*)newline, model.spheres[i], point, coldist))
point.Set(0, 0, model.spheres[i].surface, model.spheres[i].piece);
@@ -1348,6 +1353,7 @@ CCollision::ProcessLineOfSight(const CColLine &line,
CColTriangle *lasttri = nil;
for(i = 0; i < model.numTriangles; i++){
if(ignoreSeeThrough && IsSeeThrough(model.triangles[i].surface)) continue;
+ if(ignoreShootThrough && IsShootThrough(model.triangles[i].surface)) continue;
CColTriangle *tri = &model.triangles[i];
@@ -1367,6 +1373,7 @@ CCollision::ProcessLineOfSight(const CColLine &line,
float dist;
for(; i < model.numTriangles; i++){
if(ignoreSeeThrough && IsSeeThrough(model.triangles[i].surface)) continue;
+ if(ignoreShootThrough && IsShootThrough(model.triangles[i].surface)) continue;
CColTriangle *tri = &model.triangles[i];
@@ -1466,13 +1473,13 @@ CCollision::ProcessVerticalLine(const CColLine &line,
float coldist = 1.0f;
for(i = 0; i < model.numSpheres; i++){
- if(ignoreSeeThrough && IsSeeThrough(model.spheres[i].surface)) continue;
+ if(ignoreSeeThrough && IsSeeThroughVertical(model.spheres[i].surface)) continue;
if(ProcessLineSphere(*(CColLine*)newline, model.spheres[i], point, coldist))
point.Set(0, 0, model.spheres[i].surface, model.spheres[i].piece);
for(i = 0; i < model.numBoxes; i++){
- if(ignoreSeeThrough && IsSeeThrough(model.boxes[i].surface)) continue;
+ if(ignoreSeeThrough && IsSeeThroughVertical(model.boxes[i].surface)) continue;
if(ProcessLineBox(*(CColLine*)newline, model.boxes[i], point, coldist))
point.Set(0, 0, model.boxes[i].surface, model.boxes[i].piece);
@@ -1484,7 +1491,7 @@ CCollision::ProcessVerticalLine(const CColLine &line,
CColTriangle *lasttri = nil;
VuTriangle vutri;
for(i = 0; i < model.numTriangles; i++){
- if(ignoreSeeThrough && IsSeeThrough(model.triangles[i].surface)) continue;
+ if(ignoreSeeThrough && IsSeeThroughVertical(model.triangles[i].surface)) continue;
CColTriangle *tri = &model.triangles[i];
@@ -1503,7 +1510,7 @@ CCollision::ProcessVerticalLine(const CColLine &line,
CVuVector pnt, normal;
float dist;
for(; i < model.numTriangles; i++){
- if(ignoreSeeThrough && IsSeeThrough(model.triangles[i].surface)) continue;
+ if(ignoreSeeThrough && IsSeeThroughVertical(model.triangles[i].surface)) continue;
CColTriangle *tri = &model.triangles[i];
diff --git a/src/control/Script7.cpp b/src/control/Script7.cpp
index b3f16106..a5c8e717 100644
--- a/src/control/Script7.cpp
+++ b/src/control/Script7.cpp
@@ -95,8 +95,8 @@ int8 CRunningScript::ProcessCommands1200To1299(int32 command)
CollectParameters(&m_nIp, 2);
CPed* pPed = CPools::GetPedPool()->GetAt(ScriptParams[0]);
- ScriptParams[0] = pPed->GetWeapon(ScriptParams[1]).m_eWeaponType;
- ScriptParams[1] = pPed->GetWeapon(ScriptParams[1]).m_nAmmoTotal;
+ ScriptParams[0] = pPed->GetWeapon(ScriptParams[1] - 1).m_eWeaponType;
+ ScriptParams[1] = pPed->GetWeapon(ScriptParams[1] - 1).m_nAmmoTotal;
ScriptParams[2] = CPickups::ModelForWeapon((eWeaponType)ScriptParams[0]);
StoreParameters(&m_nIp, 3);
return 0;
diff --git a/src/control/Script8.cpp b/src/control/Script8.cpp
index 2f52b150..afa213f2 100644
--- a/src/control/Script8.cpp
+++ b/src/control/Script8.cpp
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ int8 CRunningScript::ProcessCommands1400To1499(int32 command)
return 0;
- CWanted *pWanted = CWorld::Players[CWorld::PlayerInFocus].m_pPed->m_pWanted;
+ CWanted* pWanted = CWorld::Players[CWorld::PlayerInFocus].m_pPed->m_pWanted;
UpdateCompareFlag(pWanted->m_nMinWantedLevel - pWanted->m_nWantedLevel > 0);
return 0;
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ int8 CRunningScript::ProcessCommands1400To1499(int32 command)
CTheScripts::ReadTextLabelFromScript(&m_nIp, key);
CVector pos = pPlayerInfo->GetPos();
- CZone *infoZone = CTheZones::FindInformationZoneForPosition(&pos);
+ CZone* infoZone = CTheZones::FindInformationZoneForPosition(&pos);
UpdateCompareFlag(strncmp(key, infoZone->name, 8) == 0); // original code doesn't seem to be using strncmp in here and compare 2 ints instead
return 0;
@@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ int8 CRunningScript::ProcessCommands1400To1499(int32 command)
CollectParameters(&m_nIp, 3);
- CObject *pHeli = CPools::GetObjectPool()->GetAt(ScriptParams[0]);
+ CObject* pHeli = CPools::GetObjectPool()->GetAt(ScriptParams[0]);
bool found = false;
float waterLevel = -1000.0f;
CVector pos = pHeli->GetPosition();
diff --git a/src/core/Cam.cpp b/src/core/Cam.cpp
index 581e219a..bb3a0fbe 100644
--- a/src/core/Cam.cpp
+++ b/src/core/Cam.cpp
@@ -4350,7 +4350,7 @@ CCam::ProcessArrestCamOne(void)
((CPed*)TheCamera.pTargetEntity)->m_pedIK.GetComponentPosition(TargetPos, PED_MID);
if(FindPlayerPed() && FindPlayerPed()->m_pArrestingCop)
cop = FindPlayerPed()->m_pArrestingCop;
- if(cop && CGeneral::GetRandomNumberInRange(0.0f, 0.1f) > 0.5f){
+ if(cop && CGeneral::GetRandomNumberInRange(0.0f, 1.0f) > 0.5f){
@@ -4372,7 +4372,7 @@ CCam::ProcessArrestCamOne(void)
if(FindPlayerPed() && FindPlayerPed()->m_pArrestingCop)
cop = FindPlayerPed()->m_pArrestingCop;
- if(cop && CGeneral::GetRandomNumberInRange(0.0f, 0.1f) > 0.65f){
+ if(cop && CGeneral::GetRandomNumberInRange(0.0f, 1.0f) > 0.65f){
@@ -4442,6 +4442,7 @@ CCam::ProcessArrestCamOne(void)
pStoredCopPed = nil;
+ Source = CamSource;
CVector OrigSource = Source;
TheCamera.AvoidTheGeometry(OrigSource, TargetPos, Source, FOV);
Front = TargetPos - Source;
@@ -4468,8 +4469,9 @@ CCam::ProcessArrestCamOne(void)
if(nUsingWhichCamera == ARRESTCAM_OVERSHOULDER && pStoredCopPed){
foundPos = GetLookOverShoulderPos(TheCamera.pTargetEntity, pStoredCopPed, TargetPos, CamSource);
- if(CamSource.z > Source.z + ARRESTCAM_S_ROTATION_UP*CTimer::GetTimeStep())
- CamSource.z = Source.z + ARRESTCAM_S_ROTATION_UP*CTimer::GetTimeStep();
+ float newZ = Source.z + ARRESTCAM_S_ROTATION_UP*CTimer::GetTimeStep();
+ if(CamSource.z > newZ)
+ CamSource.z = newZ;
CamSource = Source;
Front = TargetPos - CamSource;
diff --git a/src/core/SurfaceTable.h b/src/core/SurfaceTable.h
index cd08c843..8ff43106 100644
--- a/src/core/SurfaceTable.h
+++ b/src/core/SurfaceTable.h
@@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ inline bool
IsShootThrough(uint8 surfType)
diff --git a/src/render/Font.cpp b/src/render/Font.cpp
index d15dc7d3..3798c5f2 100644
--- a/src/render/Font.cpp
+++ b/src/render/Font.cpp
@@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ CFont::InitPerFrame(void)
Details.anonymous_25 = 0;
FontRenderStatePointer.pRenderState = (CFontRenderState*)FontRenderStateBuf;
- NewLine = 0;
+ NewLine = false;
@@ -543,6 +543,210 @@ bool CFont::IsAnsiCharacter(wchar *s)
+ if (FontRenderStatePointer.pRenderState == (CFontRenderState*)FontRenderStateBuf) return;
+ float textPosX;
+ float textPosY;
+ CRGBA color;
+ bool bBold = false;
+ bool bFlash = false;
+ Sprite[].SetRenderState();
+ RenderState = *(CFontRenderState*)&FontRenderStateBuf[0];
+ textPosX = RenderState.fTextPosX;
+ textPosY = RenderState.fTextPosY;
+ color = RenderState.color;
+ tFontRenderStatePointer pRenderStateBufPointer;
+ pRenderStateBufPointer.pRenderState = (CFontRenderState*)&FontRenderStateBuf[0];
+ for (++pRenderStateBufPointer.pRenderState; pRenderStateBufPointer.pStr < FontRenderStatePointer.pStr; pRenderStateBufPointer.pStr++) {
+ if (*pRenderStateBufPointer.pStr == '\0') {
+ tFontRenderStatePointer tmpPointer = pRenderStateBufPointer;
+ tmpPointer.pStr++;
+ tmpPointer.Align();
+ if (tmpPointer.pStr >= FontRenderStatePointer.pStr)
+ break;
+ RenderState = *(tmpPointer.pRenderState++);
+ pRenderStateBufPointer = tmpPointer;
+ textPosX = RenderState.fTextPosX;
+ textPosY = RenderState.fTextPosY;
+ color = RenderState.color;
+ }
+ if (*pRenderStateBufPointer.pStr == '~') {
+ PS2Symbol = BUTTON_NONE;
+ pRenderStateBufPointer.pStr = ParseToken(pRenderStateBufPointer.pStr, color, bFlash, bBold);
+ if(PS2Symbol != BUTTON_NONE) {
+ DrawButton(textPosX, textPosY);
+ textPosX += Details.scaleY * 17.0f;
+ PS2Symbol = BUTTON_NONE;
+ }
+ if (bFlash) {
+ if (CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds() - Details.nFlashTimer > 300) {
+ Details.bFlashState = !Details.bFlashState;
+ Details.nFlashTimer = CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds();
+ }
+ Details.color.alpha = Details.bFlashState ? 0 : 255;
+ }
+ if (!RenderState.bIsShadow)
+ RenderState.color = color;
+ }
+ wchar c = *pRenderStateBufPointer.pStr;
+ c -= ' ';
+ if (RenderState.bFontHalfTexture)
+ c = FindNewCharacter(c);
+ else if (c > 155)
+ c = '\0';
+ if (RenderState.slant != 0.0f)
+ textPosY = (RenderState.slantRefX - textPosX) * RenderState.slant + RenderState.slantRefY;
+ PrintChar(textPosX, textPosY, c);
+ if (bBold) {
+ PrintChar(textPosX + 1.0f, textPosY, c);
+ PrintChar(textPosX + 2.0f, textPosY, c);
+ textPosX += 2.0f;
+ }
+#ifdef FIX_BUGS
+ // PS2 uses different chars for some symbols
+ if (!RenderState.bFontHalfTexture && c == 30) c = 61; // wanted star
+ textPosX += RenderState.scaleX * GetCharacterWidth(c);
+ if (c == '\0')
+ textPosX += RenderState.fExtraSpace;
+ }
+ CSprite2d::RenderVertexBuffer();
+ FontRenderStatePointer.pRenderState = (CFontRenderState*)FontRenderStateBuf;
+CFont::PrintString(float x, float y, wchar *start, wchar *&end, float spwidth, float japX)
+ wchar *s, c, unused;
+ if (IsJapanese()) {
+ float jx = 0.0f;
+ for (s = start; s < end; s++) {
+ if (*s == JAP_TERMINATION || *s == '~')
+ s = ParseToken(s, &unused, true);
+ if (NewLine) {
+ NewLine = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ jx += GetCharacterSize(*s - ' ');
+ }
+ s = start;
+ if (Details.centre)
+ x = japX - jx / 2.0f;
+ else if (Details.rightJustify)
+ x = japX - jx;
+ }
+ for (s = start; s < end; s++) {
+ if (*s == '~' || (IsJapanese() && *s == JAP_TERMINATION))
+ s = ParseToken(s, &unused);
+ if (NewLine && IsJapanese()) {
+ NewLine = false;
+ end = s;
+ return true;
+ }
+ c = *s - ' ';
+ if (Details.slant != 0.0f && !IsJapanese())
+ y = (Details.slantRefX - x) * Details.slant + Details.slantRefY;
+ PrintChar(x, y, c);
+ x += GetCharacterSize(c);
+ if (c == 0 && (!NewLine || !IsJapanese())) // space
+ x += spwidth;
+ }
+ return false;
+CFont::PrintString(float x, float y, uint32, wchar *start, wchar *end, float spwidth)
+ wchar *s;
+ if ( != {
+ RenderFontBuffer();
+ =;
+ }
+ float dropShadowPosition = Details.dropShadowPosition;
+ if (dropShadowPosition != 0.0f && ( == FONT_BANK || == FONT_STANDARD)) {
+ CRGBA color = Details.color;
+ Details.color = Details.dropColor;
+ Details.dropShadowPosition = 0;
+ Details.bIsShadow = true;
+ if (Details.slant != 0.0f) {
+ Details.slantRefX += SCREEN_SCALE_X(dropShadowPosition);
+ Details.slantRefY += SCREEN_SCALE_Y(dropShadowPosition);
+ PrintString(SCREEN_SCALE_X(dropShadowPosition) + x, SCREEN_SCALE_Y(dropShadowPosition) + y, Details.anonymous_25, start, end, spwidth);
+ Details.slantRefX -= SCREEN_SCALE_X(dropShadowPosition);
+ Details.slantRefY -= SCREEN_SCALE_Y(dropShadowPosition);
+ } else {
+ PrintString(SCREEN_SCALE_X(dropShadowPosition) + x, SCREEN_SCALE_Y(dropShadowPosition) + y, Details.anonymous_25, start, end, spwidth);
+ }
+ Details.color = color;
+ Details.dropShadowPosition = dropShadowPosition;
+ Details.bIsShadow = false;
+ }
+ if (FontRenderStatePointer.pStr >= (wchar*)&FontRenderStateBuf[ARRAY_SIZE(FontRenderStateBuf)] - (end - start + 26)) // why 26?
+ RenderFontBuffer();
+ CFontRenderState *pRenderState = FontRenderStatePointer.pRenderState;
+ pRenderState->fTextPosX = x;
+ pRenderState->fTextPosY = y;
+ pRenderState->scaleX = Details.scaleX;
+ pRenderState->scaleY = Details.scaleY;
+ pRenderState->color = Details.color;
+ pRenderState->fExtraSpace = spwidth;
+ pRenderState->slant = Details.slant;
+ pRenderState->slantRefX = Details.slantRefX;
+ pRenderState->slantRefY = Details.slantRefY;
+ pRenderState->bFontHalfTexture = Details.bFontHalfTexture;
+ pRenderState->proportional = Details.proportional;
+ pRenderState->style =;
+ pRenderState->bIsShadow = Details.bIsShadow;
+ FontRenderStatePointer.pRenderState++;
+ for(s = start; s < end;){
+ if (*s == '~') {
+ for (wchar *i = ParseToken(s); s != i; FontRenderStatePointer.pStr++) {
+ *FontRenderStatePointer.pStr = *(s++);
+ }
+ if (Details.bFlash) {
+ if (CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds() - Details.nFlashTimer > 300) {
+ Details.bFlashState = !Details.bFlashState;
+ Details.nFlashTimer = CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds();
+ }
+ Details.color.a = Details.bFlashState ? 0 : 255;
+ }
+ } else
+ *(FontRenderStatePointer.pStr++) = *(s++);
+ }
+ *(FontRenderStatePointer.pStr++) = '\0';
+ FontRenderStatePointer.Align();
+CFont::PrintStringFromBottom(float x, float y, wchar *str)
+ y -= (32.0f * Details.scaleY / 2.0f + 2.0f * Details.scaleY) * GetNumberLines(x, y, str);
+ if (Details.slant == 0.0f)
+ y -= ((Details.slantRefX - x) * Details.slant + Details.slantRefY);
+ PrintString(x, y, str);
CFont::PrintString(float xstart, float ystart, wchar *s)
CRect rect;
@@ -893,126 +1097,6 @@ CFont::GetTextRect(CRect *rect, float xstart, float ystart, wchar *s)
-CFont::PrintString(float x, float y, wchar *start, wchar *&end, float spwidth, float japX)
- wchar *s, c, unused;
- if (IsJapanese()) {
- float jx = 0.0f;
- for (s = start; s < end; s++) {
- if (*s == JAP_TERMINATION || *s == '~')
- s = ParseToken(s, &unused, true);
- if (NewLine) {
- NewLine = false;
- break;
- }
- jx += GetCharacterSize(*s - ' ');
- }
- s = start;
- if (Details.centre)
- x = japX - jx / 2.0f;
- else if (Details.rightJustify)
- x = japX - jx;
- }
- for (s = start; s < end; s++) {
- if (*s == '~' || (IsJapanese() && *s == JAP_TERMINATION))
- s = ParseToken(s, &unused);
- if (NewLine && IsJapanese()) {
- NewLine = false;
- end = s;
- return true;
- }
- c = *s - ' ';
- if (Details.slant != 0.0f && !IsJapanese())
- y = (Details.slantRefX - x) * Details.slant + Details.slantRefY;
- PrintChar(x, y, c);
- x += GetCharacterSize(c);
- if (c == 0 && (!NewLine || !IsJapanese())) // space
- x += spwidth;
- }
- return false;
-CFont::PrintString(float x, float y, uint32, wchar *start, wchar *end, float spwidth)
- wchar *s;
- if ( != {
- RenderFontBuffer();
- =;
- }
- float dropShadowPosition = Details.dropShadowPosition;
- if (dropShadowPosition != 0.0f && ( == FONT_BANK || == FONT_STANDARD)) {
- CRGBA color = Details.color;
- Details.color = Details.dropColor;
- Details.dropShadowPosition = 0;
- Details.bIsShadow = true;
- if (Details.slant != 0.0f) {
- Details.slantRefX += SCREEN_SCALE_X(dropShadowPosition);
- Details.slantRefY += SCREEN_SCALE_Y(dropShadowPosition);
- PrintString(SCREEN_SCALE_X(dropShadowPosition) + x, SCREEN_SCALE_Y(dropShadowPosition) + y, Details.anonymous_25, start, end, spwidth);
- Details.slantRefX -= SCREEN_SCALE_X(dropShadowPosition);
- Details.slantRefY -= SCREEN_SCALE_Y(dropShadowPosition);
- } else {
- PrintString(SCREEN_SCALE_X(dropShadowPosition) + x, SCREEN_SCALE_Y(dropShadowPosition) + y, Details.anonymous_25, start, end, spwidth);
- }
- Details.color = color;
- Details.dropShadowPosition = dropShadowPosition;
- Details.bIsShadow = false;
- }
- if (FontRenderStatePointer.pStr >= (wchar*)&FontRenderStateBuf[ARRAY_SIZE(FontRenderStateBuf)] - (end - start + 26)) // why 26?
- RenderFontBuffer();
- CFontRenderState *pRenderState = FontRenderStatePointer.pRenderState;
- pRenderState->fTextPosX = x;
- pRenderState->fTextPosY = y;
- pRenderState->scaleX = Details.scaleX;
- pRenderState->scaleY = Details.scaleY;
- pRenderState->color = Details.color;
- pRenderState->fExtraSpace = spwidth;
- pRenderState->slant = Details.slant;
- pRenderState->slantRefX = Details.slantRefX;
- pRenderState->slantRefY = Details.slantRefY;
- pRenderState->bFontHalfTexture = Details.bFontHalfTexture;
- pRenderState->proportional = Details.proportional;
- pRenderState->style =;
- pRenderState->bIsShadow = Details.bIsShadow;
- FontRenderStatePointer.pRenderState++;
- for(s = start; s < end;){
- if (*s == '~') {
- for (wchar *i = ParseToken(s); s != i; FontRenderStatePointer.pStr++) {
- *FontRenderStatePointer.pStr = *(s++);
- }
- if (Details.bFlash) {
- if (CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds() - Details.nFlashTimer > 300) {
- Details.bFlashState = !Details.bFlashState;
- Details.nFlashTimer = CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds();
- }
- Details.color.a = Details.bFlashState ? 0 : 255;
- }
- } else
- *(FontRenderStatePointer.pStr++) = *(s++);
- }
- *(FontRenderStatePointer.pStr++) = '\0';
- FontRenderStatePointer.Align();
-CFont::PrintStringFromBottom(float x, float y, wchar *str)
- y -= (32.0f * Details.scaleY / 2.0f + 2.0f * Details.scaleY) * GetNumberLines(x, y, str);
- if (Details.slant == 0.0f)
- y -= ((Details.slantRefX - x) * Details.slant + Details.slantRefY);
- PrintString(x, y, str);
CFont::GetCharacterWidth(wchar c)
@@ -1252,6 +1336,118 @@ CFont::GetNextSpace(wchar *s)
return s;
+CFont::ParseToken(wchar* str, CRGBA &color, bool &flash, bool &bold)
+ Details.anonymous_23 = false;
+ wchar *s = str + 1;
+ if (Details.color.r || Details.color.g || Details.color.b)
+ {
+ switch (*s)
+ {
+ case 'B':
+ bold = !bold;
+ break;
+ case 'b':
+ color.r = 27;
+ color.g = 89;
+ color.b = 130;
+ break;
+ case 'f':
+ flash = !flash;
+ break;
+ case 'g':
+ color.r = 255;
+ color.g = 150;
+ color.b = 225;
+ break;
+ case 'h':
+ color.r = 225;
+ color.g = 225;
+ color.b = 225;
+ break;
+ case 'l':
+ color.r = 0;
+ color.g = 0;
+ color.b = 0;
+ break;
+ case 'o':
+ color.r = 229;
+ color.g = 125;
+ color.b = 126;
+ break;
+ case 'p':
+ color.r = 168;
+ color.g = 110;
+ color.b = 252;
+ break;
+ case 'q':
+ color.r = 199;
+ color.g = 144;
+ color.b = 203;
+ break;
+ case 'r':
+ color.r = 255;
+ color.g = 150;
+ color.b = 225;
+ break;
+ case 't':
+ color.r = 86;
+ color.g = 212;
+ color.b = 146;
+ break;
+ case 'w':
+ color.r = 175;
+ color.g = 175;
+ color.b = 175;
+ break;
+#ifdef FIX_BUGS
+ case 'x':
+ color.r = 0;
+ color.g = 255;
+ color.b = 255;
+ break;
+ case 'x':
+ color.r = 132;
+ color.g = 146;
+ color.b = 197;
+ break;
+ case 'y':
+ color.r = 255;
+ color.g = 227;
+ color.b = 79;
+ break;
+ case 'U': PS2Symbol = BUTTON_UP; break;
+ case 'D': PS2Symbol = BUTTON_DOWN; break;
+ case '<': PS2Symbol = BUTTON_LEFT; break;
+ case '>': PS2Symbol = BUTTON_RIGHT; break;
+ case 'X': PS2Symbol = BUTTON_CROSS; break;
+ case 'O': PS2Symbol = BUTTON_CIRCLE; break;
+ case 'Q': PS2Symbol = BUTTON_SQUARE; break;
+ case 'T': PS2Symbol = BUTTON_TRIANGLE; break;
+ case 'K': PS2Symbol = BUTTON_L1; break;
+ case 'M': PS2Symbol = BUTTON_L2; break;
+ case 'A': PS2Symbol = BUTTON_L3; break;
+ case 'J': PS2Symbol = BUTTON_R1; break;
+ case 'V': PS2Symbol = BUTTON_R2; break;
+ case 'C': PS2Symbol = BUTTON_R3; break;
+ case '(': PS2Symbol = BUTTON_RSTICK_LEFT; break;
+ case ')': PS2Symbol = BUTTON_RSTICK_RIGHT; break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ while (*s != '~')
+ ++s;
+ if (*(++s) == '~')
+ s = ParseToken(s, color, flash, bold);
+ return s;
CFont::ParseToken(wchar *s, bool japShit)
@@ -1313,7 +1509,7 @@ CFont::ParseToken(wchar *s)
case 'N':
case 'n':
- NewLine = 1;
+ NewLine = true;
case 'b':
Details.color.r = 27;
@@ -1424,116 +1620,22 @@ CFont::ParseToken(wchar *s)
-CFont::ParseToken(wchar* str, CRGBA &color, bool &flash, bool &bold)
+CFont::FilterOutTokensFromString(wchar *str)
- Details.anonymous_23 = false;
- wchar *s = str + 1;
- if (Details.color.r || Details.color.g || Details.color.b)
- {
- switch (*s)
- {
- case 'B':
- bold = !bold;
- break;
- case 'b':
- color.r = 27;
- color.g = 89;
- color.b = 130;
- break;
- case 'f':
- flash = !flash;
- break;
- case 'g':
- color.r = 255;
- color.g = 150;
- color.b = 225;
- break;
- case 'h':
- color.r = 225;
- color.g = 225;
- color.b = 225;
- break;
- case 'l':
- color.r = 0;
- color.g = 0;
- color.b = 0;
- break;
- case 'o':
- color.r = 229;
- color.g = 125;
- color.b = 126;
- break;
- case 'p':
- color.r = 168;
- color.g = 110;
- color.b = 252;
- break;
- case 'q':
- color.r = 199;
- color.g = 144;
- color.b = 203;
- break;
- case 'r':
- color.r = 255;
- color.g = 150;
- color.b = 225;
- break;
- case 't':
- color.r = 86;
- color.g = 212;
- color.b = 146;
- break;
- case 'w':
- color.r = 175;
- color.g = 175;
- color.b = 175;
- break;
-#ifdef FIX_BUGS
- case 'x':
- color.r = 0;
- color.g = 255;
- color.b = 255;
- break;
- case 'x':
- color.r = 132;
- color.g = 146;
- color.b = 197;
- break;
- case 'y':
- color.r = 255;
- color.g = 227;
- color.b = 79;
- break;
- case 'U': PS2Symbol = BUTTON_UP; break;
- case 'D': PS2Symbol = BUTTON_DOWN; break;
- case '<': PS2Symbol = BUTTON_LEFT; break;
- case '>': PS2Symbol = BUTTON_RIGHT; break;
- case 'X': PS2Symbol = BUTTON_CROSS; break;
- case 'O': PS2Symbol = BUTTON_CIRCLE; break;
- case 'Q': PS2Symbol = BUTTON_SQUARE; break;
- case 'T': PS2Symbol = BUTTON_TRIANGLE; break;
- case 'K': PS2Symbol = BUTTON_L1; break;
- case 'M': PS2Symbol = BUTTON_L2; break;
- case 'A': PS2Symbol = BUTTON_L3; break;
- case 'J': PS2Symbol = BUTTON_R1; break;
- case 'V': PS2Symbol = BUTTON_R2; break;
- case 'C': PS2Symbol = BUTTON_R3; break;
- case '(': PS2Symbol = BUTTON_RSTICK_LEFT; break;
- case ')': PS2Symbol = BUTTON_RSTICK_RIGHT; break;
- default:
- break;
+ int newIdx = 0;
+ wchar copy[256], *c;
+ UnicodeStrcpy(copy, str);
+ for (c = copy; *c != '\0'; c++) {
+ if (*c == '~') {
+ c++;
+ while (*c != '~') c++;
+ } else {
+ str[newIdx++] = *c;
- while (*s != '~')
- ++s;
- if (*(++s) == '~')
- s = ParseToken(s, color, flash, bold);
- return s;
+ str[newIdx] = '\0';
@@ -1543,139 +1645,90 @@ CFont::DrawFonts(void)
+CFont::SetScale(float x, float y)
- if (FontRenderStatePointer.pRenderState == (CFontRenderState*)FontRenderStateBuf) return;
- float textPosX;
- float textPosY;
- CRGBA color;
- bool bBold = false;
- bool bFlash = false;
+ /*if (IsJapanese()) {
+ x *= 1.35f;
+ y *= 1.25f;
+ }*/
+ Details.scaleX = x;
+ Details.scaleY = y;
- Sprite[].SetRenderState();
- RenderState = *(CFontRenderState*)&FontRenderStateBuf[0];
- textPosX = RenderState.fTextPosX;
- textPosY = RenderState.fTextPosY;
- color = RenderState.color;
- tFontRenderStatePointer pRenderStateBufPointer;
- pRenderStateBufPointer.pRenderState = (CFontRenderState*)&FontRenderStateBuf[0];
- for (++pRenderStateBufPointer.pRenderState; pRenderStateBufPointer.pStr < FontRenderStatePointer.pStr; pRenderStateBufPointer.pStr++) {
- if (*pRenderStateBufPointer.pStr == '\0') {
- tFontRenderStatePointer tmpPointer = pRenderStateBufPointer;
- tmpPointer.pStr++;
- tmpPointer.Align();
- if (tmpPointer.pStr >= FontRenderStatePointer.pStr)
- break;
+CFont::SetSlantRefPoint(float x, float y)
+ Details.slantRefX = x;
+ Details.slantRefY = y;
- RenderState = *(tmpPointer.pRenderState++);
+CFont::SetSlant(float s)
+ Details.slant = s;
- pRenderStateBufPointer = tmpPointer;
+CFont::SetColor(CRGBA col)
+ Details.color = col;
+ if (Details.alphaFade < 255.0f)
+ Details.color.a *= Details.alphaFade / 255.0f;
- textPosX = RenderState.fTextPosX;
- textPosY = RenderState.fTextPosY;
- color = RenderState.color;
- }
- if (*pRenderStateBufPointer.pStr == '~') {
- PS2Symbol = BUTTON_NONE;
- pRenderStateBufPointer.pStr = ParseToken(pRenderStateBufPointer.pStr, color, bFlash, bBold);
- if(PS2Symbol != BUTTON_NONE) {
- DrawButton(textPosX, textPosY);
- textPosX += Details.scaleY * 17.0f;
- PS2Symbol = BUTTON_NONE;
- }
- if (bFlash) {
- if (CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds() - Details.nFlashTimer > 300) {
- Details.bFlashState = !Details.bFlashState;
- Details.nFlashTimer = CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds();
- }
- Details.color.alpha = Details.bFlashState ? 0 : 255;
- }
- if (!RenderState.bIsShadow)
- RenderState.color = color;
- }
- wchar c = *pRenderStateBufPointer.pStr;
- c -= ' ';
- if (RenderState.bFontHalfTexture)
- c = FindNewCharacter(c);
- else if (c > 155)
- c = '\0';
+ Details.justify = true;
+ Details.centre = false;
+ Details.rightJustify = false;
- if (RenderState.slant != 0.0f)
- textPosY = (RenderState.slantRefX - textPosX) * RenderState.slant + RenderState.slantRefY;
- PrintChar(textPosX, textPosY, c);
- if (bBold) {
- PrintChar(textPosX + 1.0f, textPosY, c);
- PrintChar(textPosX + 2.0f, textPosY, c);
- textPosX += 2.0f;
- }
-#ifdef FIX_BUGS
- // PS2 uses different chars for some symbols
- if (!RenderState.bFontHalfTexture && c == 30) c = 61; // wanted star
- textPosX += RenderState.scaleX * GetCharacterWidth(c);
- if (c == '\0')
- textPosX += RenderState.fExtraSpace;
- }
- CSprite2d::RenderVertexBuffer();
- FontRenderStatePointer.pRenderState = (CFontRenderState*)FontRenderStateBuf;
+ Details.justify = false;
+ Details.rightJustify = false;
+ Details.centre = true;
+ Details.justify = false;
+ Details.rightJustify = false;
-CFont::SetFontStyle(int16 style)
- if (style == FONT_HEADING) {
- Details.bFontHalfTexture = true;
- } else {
- = style;
- Details.bFontHalfTexture = false;
- }
+ Details.centre = false;
-wchar CFont::FindNewCharacter(wchar c)
+CFont::SetWrapx(float x)
- if (c >= 16 && c <= 26) return c + 128;
- if (c >= 8 && c <= 9) return c + 86;
- if (c == 4) return c + 89;
- if (c == 7) return 206;
- if (c == 14) return 207;
- if (c >= 33 && c <= 58) return c + 122;
- if (c >= 65 && c <= 90) return c + 90;
- if (c >= 96 && c <= 118) return c + 85;
- if (c >= 119 && c <= 140) return c + 62;
- if (c >= 141 && c <= 142) return 204;
- if (c == 143) return 205;
- if (c == 1) return 208;
- return c;
+ Details.wrapX = x;
-CFont::character_code(uint8 c)
+CFont::SetCentreSize(float s)
- if(c < 128)
- return c;
- return foreign_table[c-128];
+ Details.centreSize = s;
+ Details.background = true;
-CFont::SetScale(float x, float y)
- /*if (IsJapanese()) {
- x *= 1.35f;
- y *= 1.25f;
- }*/
- Details.scaleX = x;
- Details.scaleY = y;
+ Details.background = false;
@@ -1685,11 +1738,67 @@ CFont::SetBackgroundColor(CRGBA col)
-CFont::SetColor(CRGBA col)
- Details.color = col;
- if (Details.alphaFade < 255.0f)
- Details.color.a *= Details.alphaFade / 255.0f;
+ Details.backgroundOnlyText = true;
+ Details.backgroundOnlyText = false;
+ Details.rightJustify = true;
+ Details.justify = false;
+ Details.centre = false;
+ Details.rightJustify = false;
+ Details.justify = false;
+ Details.centre = false;
+ Details.proportional = false;
+ Details.proportional = true;
+CFont::SetFontStyle(int16 style)
+ if (style == FONT_HEADING) {
+ Details.bFontHalfTexture = true;
+ } else {
+ = style;
+ Details.bFontHalfTexture = false;
+ }
+CFont::SetRightJustifyWrap(float wrap)
+ Details.rightJustifyWrap = wrap;
+CFont::SetAlphaFade(float fade)
+ Details.alphaFade = fade;
@@ -1701,19 +1810,32 @@ CFont::SetDropColor(CRGBA col)
-CFont::FilterOutTokensFromString(wchar *str)
+CFont::SetDropShadowPosition(int16 pos)
- int newIdx = 0;
- wchar copy[256], *c;
- UnicodeStrcpy(copy, str);
+ Details.dropShadowPosition = pos;
- for (c = copy; *c != '\0'; c++) {
- if (*c == '~') {
- c++;
- while (*c != '~') c++;
- } else {
- str[newIdx++] = *c;
- }
- }
- str[newIdx] = '\0';
+wchar CFont::FindNewCharacter(wchar c)
+ if (c >= 16 && c <= 26) return c + 128;
+ if (c >= 8 && c <= 9) return c + 86;
+ if (c == 4) return c + 89;
+ if (c == 7) return 206;
+ if (c == 14) return 207;
+ if (c >= 33 && c <= 58) return c + 122;
+ if (c >= 65 && c <= 90) return c + 90;
+ if (c >= 96 && c <= 118) return c + 85;
+ if (c >= 119 && c <= 140) return c + 62;
+ if (c >= 141 && c <= 142) return 204;
+ if (c == 143) return 205;
+ if (c == 1) return 208;
+ return c;
+CFont::character_code(uint8 c)
+ if(c < 128)
+ return c;
+ return foreign_table[c-128];
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/render/Font.h b/src/render/Font.h
index 36424bf5..4b2dda2b 100644
--- a/src/render/Font.h
+++ b/src/render/Font.h
@@ -14,28 +14,28 @@ struct CFontDetails
float slant;
float slantRefX;
float slantRefY;
- bool justify;
- bool centre;
- bool rightJustify;
- bool background;
- bool backgroundOnlyText;
- bool proportional;
- bool bIsShadow;
- bool bFlash;
- bool bBold;
+ bool8 justify;
+ bool8 centre;
+ bool8 rightJustify;
+ bool8 background;
+ bool8 backgroundOnlyText;
+ bool8 proportional;
+ bool8 bIsShadow;
+ bool8 bFlash;
+ bool8 bBold;
float alphaFade;
CRGBA backgroundColor;
float wrapX;
float centreSize;
float rightJustifyWrap;
int16 style;
- bool bFontHalfTexture;
+ bool8 bFontHalfTexture;
uint32 bank;
int16 dropShadowPosition;
CRGBA dropColor;
- bool bFlashState;
+ bool8 bFlashState;
int nFlashTimer;
- bool anonymous_23;
+ bool8 anonymous_23;
uint32 anonymous_25;
@@ -51,10 +51,10 @@ struct CFontRenderState
float slant;
float slantRefX;
float slantRefY;
- bool bIsShadow;
- bool bFontHalfTexture;
- bool proportional;
- bool anonymous_14;
+ bool8 bIsShadow;
+ bool8 bFontHalfTexture;
+ bool8 proportional;
+ bool8 anonymous_14;
int16 style;
@@ -168,72 +168,33 @@ public:
static uint16 *ParseToken(wchar *s, bool japShit = false);
static uint16 *ParseToken(wchar *s);
- static uint16* ParseToken(wchar *s, CRGBA &color, bool &flash, bool &bold);
+ static uint16 *ParseToken(wchar *s, CRGBA &color, bool &flash, bool &bold);
static void DrawFonts(void);
static void RenderFontBuffer(void);
static uint16 character_code(uint8 c);
- static CFontDetails GetDetails() { return Details; }
static void SetScale(float x, float y);
- static void SetSlantRefPoint(float x, float y) { Details.slantRefX = x; Details.slantRefY = y; }
- static void SetSlant(float s) { Details.slant = s; }
- static void SetJustifyOn(void) {
- Details.justify = true;
- Details.centre = false;
- Details.rightJustify = false;
- }
- static void SetJustifyOff(void) {
- Details.justify = false;
- Details.rightJustify = false;
- }
- static void SetRightJustifyOn(void) {
- Details.rightJustify = true;
- Details.justify = false;
- Details.centre = false;
- }
- static void SetRightJustifyOff(void) {
- Details.rightJustify = false;
- Details.justify = false;
- Details.centre = false;
- }
- static void SetCentreOn(void) {
- Details.centre = true;
- Details.justify = false;
- Details.rightJustify = false;
- }
- static void SetCentreOff(void) {
- Details.centre = false;
- }
- static void SetAlignment(uint8 alignment) {
- if (alignment == ALIGN_LEFT) {
- CFont::Details.justify = true;
- CFont::Details.centre = false;
- CFont::Details.rightJustify = false;
- }
- else if (alignment == ALIGN_CENTER) {
- CFont::Details.justify = false;
- CFont::Details.centre = true;
- CFont::Details.rightJustify = false;
- }
- else if (alignment == ALIGN_RIGHT) {
- CFont::Details.justify = false;
- CFont::Details.centre = false;
- CFont::Details.rightJustify = true;
- }
- }
- static void SetWrapx(float x) { Details.wrapX = x; }
- static void SetCentreSize(float s) { Details.centreSize = s; }
- static void SetBackgroundOn(void) { Details.background = true; }
- static void SetBackgroundOff(void) { Details.background = false; }
- static void SetBackGroundOnlyTextOn(void) { Details.backgroundOnlyText = true; }
- static void SetBackGroundOnlyTextOff(void) { Details.backgroundOnlyText = false; }
- static void SetPropOn(void) { Details.proportional = true; }
- static void SetPropOff(void) { Details.proportional = false; }
+ static void SetSlantRefPoint(float x, float y);
+ static void SetSlant(float s);
+ static void SetJustifyOn(void);
+ static void SetJustifyOff(void);
+ static void SetRightJustifyOn(void);
+ static void SetRightJustifyOff(void);
+ static void SetCentreOn(void);
+ static void SetCentreOff(void);
+ static void SetWrapx(float x);
+ static void SetCentreSize(float s);
+ static void SetBackgroundOn(void);
+ static void SetBackgroundOff(void);
+ static void SetBackGroundOnlyTextOn(void);
+ static void SetBackGroundOnlyTextOff(void);
+ static void SetPropOn(void);
+ static void SetPropOff(void);
static void SetFontStyle(int16 style);
- static void SetRightJustifyWrap(float wrap) { Details.rightJustifyWrap = wrap; }
- static void SetAlphaFade(float fade) { Details.alphaFade = fade; }
- static void SetDropShadowPosition(int16 pos) { Details.dropShadowPosition = pos; }
+ static void SetRightJustifyWrap(float wrap);
+ static void SetAlphaFade(float fade);
+ static void SetDropShadowPosition(int16 pos);
static void SetBackgroundColor(CRGBA col);
static void SetColor(CRGBA col);
static void SetDropColor(CRGBA col);
diff --git a/src/render/Hud.cpp b/src/render/Hud.cpp
index 350e8c45..f3181fa8 100644
--- a/src/render/Hud.cpp
+++ b/src/render/Hud.cpp
@@ -449,10 +449,10 @@ void CHud::Draw()
if (m_WeaponState != FADED_OUT) {
CWeapon *weapon = playerPed->GetWeapon();
- uint32 AmmoAmount = CWeaponInfo::GetWeaponInfo((eWeaponType)WeaponType)->m_nAmountofAmmunition;
- uint32 AmmoInClip = weapon->m_nAmmoInClip;
- uint32 TotalAmmo = weapon->m_nAmmoTotal;
- uint32 Ammo, Clip;
+ int32 AmmoAmount = CWeaponInfo::GetWeaponInfo((eWeaponType)WeaponType)->m_nAmountofAmmunition;
+ int32 AmmoInClip = weapon->m_nAmmoInClip;
+ int32 TotalAmmo = weapon->m_nAmmoTotal;
+ int32 Ammo, Clip;
if (AmmoAmount <= 1 || AmmoAmount >= 1000)
sprintf(sTemp, "%d", TotalAmmo);
diff --git a/src/weapons/Weapon.cpp b/src/weapons/Weapon.cpp
index e2213399..940a6b98 100644
--- a/src/weapons/Weapon.cpp
+++ b/src/weapons/Weapon.cpp
@@ -911,7 +911,7 @@ CWeapon::FireInstantHit(CEntity *shooter, CVector *fireSource)
CWorld::bIncludeDeadPeds = true;
CWorld::bIncludeBikers = true;
- CWorld::ProcessLineOfSight(*fireSource, target, point, victim, true, true, true, true, true, false, false, true);
+ ProcessLineOfSight(*fireSource, target, point, victim, m_eWeaponType, shooter, true, true, true, true, true, false, false);
CWorld::bIncludeDeadPeds = false;
CWorld::bIncludeBikers = false;
@@ -924,7 +924,7 @@ CWeapon::FireInstantHit(CEntity *shooter, CVector *fireSource)
shooterPed->TransformToNode(target, PED_HANDR);
CWorld::bIncludeBikers = true;
- CWorld::ProcessLineOfSight(*fireSource, target, point, victim, true, true, true, true, true, false, false, true);
+ ProcessLineOfSight(*fireSource, target, point, victim, m_eWeaponType, shooter, true, true, true, true, true, false, false);
CWorld::bIncludeBikers = false;
@@ -935,7 +935,7 @@ CWeapon::FireInstantHit(CEntity *shooter, CVector *fireSource)
CWorld::bIncludeBikers = true;
CWorld::bIncludeDeadPeds = true;
CWorld::bIncludeCarTyres = true;
- CWorld::ProcessLineOfSight(source, target, point, victim, true, true, true, true, true, false, false, true);
+ ProcessLineOfSight(source, target, point, victim, m_eWeaponType, shooter, true, true, true, true, true, false, false);
CWorld::bIncludeBikers = false;
CWorld::bIncludeDeadPeds = false;
CWorld::bIncludeCarTyres = false;
@@ -981,7 +981,7 @@ CWeapon::FireInstantHit(CEntity *shooter, CVector *fireSource)
target *= info->m_fRange;
target += *fireSource;
CWorld::pIgnoreEntity = shooter;
- CWorld::ProcessLineOfSight(*fireSource, target, point, victim, true, true, true, true, true, false, false, true);
+ ProcessLineOfSight(*fireSource, target, point, victim, m_eWeaponType, shooter, true, true, true, true, true, true, false);
CWorld::pIgnoreEntity = nil;
int32 rotSpeed = 1;
@@ -1014,7 +1014,7 @@ CWeapon::FireInstantHit(CEntity *shooter, CVector *fireSource)
CWorld::bIncludeBikers = true;
- CWorld::ProcessLineOfSight(*fireSource, target, point, victim, true, true, true, true, true, false, false, true);
+ ProcessLineOfSight(*fireSource, target, point, victim, m_eWeaponType, shooter, true, true, true, true, true, false, false);
CWorld::bIncludeBikers = false;
int32 rotSpeed = 1;
@@ -1683,7 +1683,7 @@ CWeapon::FireShotgun(CEntity *shooter, CVector *fireSource)
CWorld::bIncludeCarTyres = true;
CWorld::bIncludeBikers = true;
CWorld::bIncludeDeadPeds = true;
- CWorld::ProcessLineOfSight(source, target, point, victim, true, true, true, true, true, false, false, true);
+ ProcessLineOfSight(source, target, point, victim, m_eWeaponType, shooter, true, true, true, true, true, false, false);
CWorld::bIncludeDeadPeds = false;
CWorld::bIncludeCarTyres = false;
@@ -1716,7 +1716,7 @@ CWeapon::FireShotgun(CEntity *shooter, CVector *fireSource)
CWorld::bIncludeDeadPeds = true;
CWorld::bIncludeBikers = true;
- CWorld::ProcessLineOfSight(*fireSource, target, point, victim, true, true, true, true, true, false, false, true);
+ ProcessLineOfSight(*fireSource, target, point, victim, m_eWeaponType, shooter, true, true, true, true, true, false, false);
CWorld::bIncludeDeadPeds = false;
CWorld::bIncludeBikers = false;
@@ -2329,7 +2329,7 @@ CWeapon::FireM16_1stPerson(CEntity *shooter)
CVector source = cam->Source;
CVector target = cam->Front*info->m_fRange + source;
- if (CWorld::ProcessLineOfSight(source, target, point, victim, true, true, true, true, true, false, false, true)) {
+ if (ProcessLineOfSight(source, target, point, victim, m_eWeaponType, shooter, true, true, true, true, true, true, false)) {
CheckForShootingVehicleOccupant(&victim, &point, m_eWeaponType, source, target);
CWorld::pIgnoreEntity = nil;
@@ -3176,7 +3176,7 @@ CPed::IsPedDoingDriveByShooting(void)
CWeapon::ProcessLineOfSight(CVector const &point1, CVector const &point2, CColPoint &point, CEntity *&entity, eWeaponType type, CEntity *shooter, bool checkBuildings, bool checkVehicles, bool checkPeds, bool checkObjects, bool checkDummies, bool ignoreSeeThrough, bool ignoreSomeObjects)
- return CWorld::ProcessLineOfSight(point1, point2, point, entity, checkBuildings, checkVehicles, checkPeds, checkObjects, checkDummies, ignoreSeeThrough, ignoreSomeObjects);
+ return CWorld::ProcessLineOfSight(point1, point2, point, entity, checkBuildings, checkVehicles, checkPeds, checkObjects, checkDummies, false, ignoreSomeObjects, true);