path: root/dxsdk/Include/Amvideo.h
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1 files changed, 433 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dxsdk/Include/Amvideo.h b/dxsdk/Include/Amvideo.h
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index 00000000..89339266
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+++ b/dxsdk/Include/Amvideo.h
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+// File: AMVideo.h
+// Desc: Video related definitions and interfaces for ActiveMovie.
+// Copyright (c) 1992 - 2001, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+#ifndef __AMVIDEO__
+#define __AMVIDEO__
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#endif // __cplusplus
+#include <ddraw.h>
+// This is an interface on the video renderer that provides information about
+// DirectDraw with respect to its use by the renderer. For example it allows
+// an application to get details of the surface and any hardware capabilities
+// that are available. It also allows someone to adjust the surfaces that the
+// renderer should use and furthermore even set the DirectDraw instance. We
+// allow someone to set the DirectDraw instance because DirectDraw can only
+// be opened once per process so it helps resolve conflicts. There is some
+// duplication in this interface as the hardware/emulated/FOURCCs available
+// can all be found through the IDirectDraw interface, this interface allows
+// simple access to that information without calling the DirectDraw provider
+// itself. The AMDDS prefix is ActiveMovie DirectDraw Switches abbreviated.
+#define AMDDS_NONE 0x00 // No use for DCI/DirectDraw
+#define AMDDS_DCIPS 0x01 // Use DCI primary surface
+#define AMDDS_PS 0x02 // Use DirectDraw primary
+#define AMDDS_RGBOVR 0x04 // RGB overlay surfaces
+#define AMDDS_YUVOVR 0x08 // YUV overlay surfaces
+#define AMDDS_RGBOFF 0x10 // RGB offscreen surfaces
+#define AMDDS_YUVOFF 0x20 // YUV offscreen surfaces
+#define AMDDS_RGBFLP 0x40 // RGB flipping surfaces
+#define AMDDS_YUVFLP 0x80 // YUV flipping surfaces
+#define AMDDS_ALL 0xFF // ALL the previous flags
+#define AMDDS_DEFAULT AMDDS_ALL // Use all available surfaces
+// be nice to our friends in C
+#define INTERFACE IDirectDrawVideo
+DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IDirectDrawVideo, IUnknown)
+ // IUnknown methods
+ STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(THIS_ REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppvObj) PURE;
+ // IDirectDrawVideo methods
+ STDMETHOD(GetSwitches)(THIS_ DWORD *pSwitches) PURE;
+ STDMETHOD(SetSwitches)(THIS_ DWORD Switches) PURE;
+ STDMETHOD(GetEmulatedCaps)(THIS_ DDCAPS *pCaps) PURE;
+ STDMETHOD(GetFourCCCodes)(THIS_ DWORD *pCount,DWORD *pCodes) PURE;
+ STDMETHOD(GetSurfaceType)(THIS_ DWORD *pSurfaceType) PURE;
+ STDMETHOD(UseScanLine)(THIS_ long UseScanLine) PURE;
+ STDMETHOD(CanUseScanLine)(THIS_ long *UseScanLine) PURE;
+ STDMETHOD(UseOverlayStretch)(THIS_ long UseOverlayStretch) PURE;
+ STDMETHOD(CanUseOverlayStretch)(THIS_ long *UseOverlayStretch) PURE;
+ STDMETHOD(UseWhenFullScreen)(THIS_ long UseWhenFullScreen) PURE;
+ STDMETHOD(WillUseFullScreen)(THIS_ long *UseWhenFullScreen) PURE;
+// be nice to our friends in C
+#define INTERFACE IQualProp
+ // IUnknown methods
+ STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(THIS_ REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppvObj) PURE;
+ // Compare these with the functions in class CGargle in gargle.h
+ STDMETHOD(get_FramesDroppedInRenderer)(THIS_ int *pcFrames) PURE; // Out
+ STDMETHOD(get_FramesDrawn)(THIS_ int *pcFramesDrawn) PURE; // Out
+ STDMETHOD(get_AvgFrameRate)(THIS_ int *piAvgFrameRate) PURE; // Out
+ STDMETHOD(get_Jitter)(THIS_ int *iJitter) PURE; // Out
+ STDMETHOD(get_AvgSyncOffset)(THIS_ int *piAvg) PURE; // Out
+ STDMETHOD(get_DevSyncOffset)(THIS_ int *piDev) PURE; // Out
+// This interface allows an application or plug in distributor to control a
+// full screen renderer. The Modex renderer supports this interface. When
+// connected a renderer should load the display modes it has available
+// The number of modes available can be obtained through CountModes. Then
+// information on each individual mode is available by calling GetModeInfo
+// and IsModeAvailable. An application may enable and disable any modes
+// by calling the SetEnabled flag with OATRUE or OAFALSE (not C/C++ TRUE
+// and FALSE values) - the current value may be queried by IsModeEnabled
+// A more generic way of setting the modes enabled that is easier to use
+// when writing applications is the clip loss factor. This defines the
+// amount of video that can be lost when deciding which display mode to
+// use. Assuming the decoder cannot compress the video then playing an
+// MPEG file (say 352x288) into a 320x200 display will lose about 25% of
+// the image. The clip loss factor specifies the upper range permissible.
+// To allow typical MPEG video to be played in 320x200 it defaults to 25%
+// be nice to our friends in C
+#define INTERFACE IFullScreenVideo
+DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IFullScreenVideo, IUnknown)
+ // IUnknown methods
+ STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(THIS_ REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppvObj) PURE;
+ // IFullScreenVideo methods
+ STDMETHOD(CountModes)(THIS_ long *pModes) PURE;
+ STDMETHOD(GetModeInfo)(THIS_ long Mode,long *pWidth,long *pHeight,long *pDepth) PURE;
+ STDMETHOD(GetCurrentMode)(THIS_ long *pMode) PURE;
+ STDMETHOD(IsModeAvailable)(THIS_ long Mode) PURE;
+ STDMETHOD(IsModeEnabled)(THIS_ long Mode) PURE;
+ STDMETHOD(SetEnabled)(THIS_ long Mode,long bEnabled) PURE;
+ STDMETHOD(GetClipFactor)(THIS_ long *pClipFactor) PURE;
+ STDMETHOD(SetClipFactor)(THIS_ long ClipFactor) PURE;
+ STDMETHOD(SetMessageDrain)(THIS_ HWND hwnd) PURE;
+ STDMETHOD(GetMessageDrain)(THIS_ HWND *hwnd) PURE;
+ STDMETHOD(SetMonitor)(THIS_ long Monitor) PURE;
+ STDMETHOD(GetMonitor)(THIS_ long *Monitor) PURE;
+ STDMETHOD(HideOnDeactivate)(THIS_ long Hide) PURE;
+ STDMETHOD(IsHideOnDeactivate)(THIS) PURE;
+ STDMETHOD(SetCaption)(THIS_ BSTR strCaption) PURE;
+ STDMETHOD(GetCaption)(THIS_ BSTR *pstrCaption) PURE;
+// This adds the accelerator table capabilities in fullscreen. This is being
+// added between the original runtime release and the full SDK release. We
+// cannot just add the method to IFullScreenVideo as we don't want to force
+// applications to have to ship the ActiveMovie support DLLs - this is very
+// important to applications that plan on being downloaded over the Internet
+// be nice to our friends in C
+#define INTERFACE IFullScreenVideoEx
+DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IFullScreenVideoEx, IFullScreenVideo)
+ // IUnknown methods
+ STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(THIS_ REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppvObj) PURE;
+ // IFullScreenVideo methods
+ STDMETHOD(CountModes)(THIS_ long *pModes) PURE;
+ STDMETHOD(GetModeInfo)(THIS_ long Mode,long *pWidth,long *pHeight,long *pDepth) PURE;
+ STDMETHOD(GetCurrentMode)(THIS_ long *pMode) PURE;
+ STDMETHOD(IsModeAvailable)(THIS_ long Mode) PURE;
+ STDMETHOD(IsModeEnabled)(THIS_ long Mode) PURE;
+ STDMETHOD(SetEnabled)(THIS_ long Mode,long bEnabled) PURE;
+ STDMETHOD(GetClipFactor)(THIS_ long *pClipFactor) PURE;
+ STDMETHOD(SetClipFactor)(THIS_ long ClipFactor) PURE;
+ STDMETHOD(SetMessageDrain)(THIS_ HWND hwnd) PURE;
+ STDMETHOD(GetMessageDrain)(THIS_ HWND *hwnd) PURE;
+ STDMETHOD(SetMonitor)(THIS_ long Monitor) PURE;
+ STDMETHOD(GetMonitor)(THIS_ long *Monitor) PURE;
+ STDMETHOD(HideOnDeactivate)(THIS_ long Hide) PURE;
+ STDMETHOD(IsHideOnDeactivate)(THIS) PURE;
+ STDMETHOD(SetCaption)(THIS_ BSTR strCaption) PURE;
+ STDMETHOD(GetCaption)(THIS_ BSTR *pstrCaption) PURE;
+ // IFullScreenVideoEx
+ STDMETHOD(SetAcceleratorTable)(THIS_ HWND hwnd,HACCEL hAccel) PURE;
+ STDMETHOD(GetAcceleratorTable)(THIS_ HWND *phwnd,HACCEL *phAccel) PURE;
+ STDMETHOD(KeepPixelAspectRatio)(THIS_ long KeepAspect) PURE;
+ STDMETHOD(IsKeepPixelAspectRatio)(THIS_ long *pKeepAspect) PURE;
+// The SDK base classes contain a base video mixer class. Video mixing in a
+// software environment is tricky because we typically have multiple streams
+// each sending data at unpredictable times. To work with this we defined a
+// pin that is the lead pin, when data arrives on this pin we do a mix. As
+// an alternative we may not want to have a lead pin but output samples at
+// predefined spaces, like one every 1/15 of a second, this interfaces also
+// supports that mode of operations (there is a working video mixer sample)
+// be nice to our friends in C
+#define INTERFACE IBaseVideoMixer
+DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IBaseVideoMixer, IUnknown)
+ STDMETHOD(SetLeadPin)(THIS_ int iPin) PURE;
+ STDMETHOD(GetLeadPin)(THIS_ int *piPin) PURE;
+ STDMETHOD(GetInputPinCount)(THIS_ int *piPinCount) PURE;
+ STDMETHOD(IsUsingClock)(THIS_ int *pbValue) PURE;
+ STDMETHOD(SetUsingClock)(THIS_ int bValue) PURE;
+ STDMETHOD(GetClockPeriod)(THIS_ int *pbValue) PURE;
+ STDMETHOD(SetClockPeriod)(THIS_ int bValue) PURE;
+#define iPALETTE_COLORS 256 // Maximum colours in palette
+#define iEGA_COLORS 16 // Number colours in EGA palette
+#define iMASK_COLORS 3 // Maximum three components
+#define iTRUECOLOR 16 // Minimum true colour device
+#define iRED 0 // Index position for RED mask
+#define iGREEN 1 // Index position for GREEN mask
+#define iBLUE 2 // Index position for BLUE mask
+#define iPALETTE 8 // Maximum colour depth using a palette
+#define iMAXBITS 8 // Maximum bits per colour component
+// Used for true colour images that also have a palette
+typedef struct tag_TRUECOLORINFO {
+// The BITMAPINFOHEADER contains all the details about the video stream such
+// as the actual image dimensions and their pixel depth. A source filter may
+// also request that the sink take only a section of the video by providing a
+// clipping rectangle in rcSource. In the worst case where the sink filter
+// forgets to check this on connection it will simply render the whole thing
+// which isn't a disaster. Ideally a sink filter will check the rcSource and
+// if it doesn't support image extraction and the rectangle is not empty then
+// it will reject the connection. A filter should use SetRectEmpty to reset a
+// rectangle to all zeroes (and IsRectEmpty to later check the rectangle).
+// The rcTarget specifies the destination rectangle for the video, for most
+// source filters they will set this to all zeroes, a downstream filter may
+// request that the video be placed in a particular area of the buffers it
+// supplies in which case it will call QueryAccept with a non empty target
+typedef struct tagVIDEOINFOHEADER {
+ RECT rcSource; // The bit we really want to use
+ RECT rcTarget; // Where the video should go
+ DWORD dwBitRate; // Approximate bit data rate
+ DWORD dwBitErrorRate; // Bit error rate for this stream
+ REFERENCE_TIME AvgTimePerFrame; // Average time per frame (100ns units)
+// make sure the pbmi is initialized before using these macros
+#define TRUECOLOR(pbmi) ((TRUECOLORINFO *)(((LPBYTE)&((pbmi)->bmiHeader)) \
+ + (pbmi)->bmiHeader.biSize))
+#define COLORS(pbmi) ((RGBQUAD *)(((LPBYTE)&((pbmi)->bmiHeader)) \
+ + (pbmi)->bmiHeader.biSize))
+#define BITMASKS(pbmi) ((DWORD *)(((LPBYTE)&((pbmi)->bmiHeader)) \
+ + (pbmi)->bmiHeader.biSize))
+// All the image based filters use this to communicate their media types. It's
+// centred principally around the BITMAPINFO. This structure always contains a
+// BITMAPINFOHEADER followed by a number of other fields depending on what the
+// BITMAPINFOHEADER contains. If it contains details of a palettised format it
+// will be followed by one or more RGBQUADs defining the palette. If it holds
+// details of a true colour format then it may be followed by a set of three
+// DWORD bit masks that specify where the RGB data can be found in the image
+// (For more information regarding BITMAPINFOs see the Win32 documentation)
+// The rcSource and rcTarget fields are not for use by filters supplying the
+// data. The destination (target) rectangle should be set to all zeroes. The
+// source may also be zero filled or set with the dimensions of the video. So
+// if the video is 352x288 pixels then set it to (0,0,352,288). These fields
+// are mainly used by downstream filters that want to ask the source filter
+// to place the image in a different position in an output buffer. So when
+// using for example the primary surface the video renderer may ask a filter
+// to place the video images in a destination position of (100,100,452,388)
+// on the display since that's where the window is positioned on the display
+// !!! WARNING !!!
+// DO NOT use this structure unless you are sure that the BITMAPINFOHEADER
+// has a normal biSize == sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) !
+// !!! WARNING !!!
+typedef struct tagVIDEOINFO {
+ RECT rcSource; // The bit we really want to use
+ RECT rcTarget; // Where the video should go
+ DWORD dwBitRate; // Approximate bit data rate
+ DWORD dwBitErrorRate; // Bit error rate for this stream
+ REFERENCE_TIME AvgTimePerFrame; // Average time per frame (100ns units)
+ union {
+ RGBQUAD bmiColors[iPALETTE_COLORS]; // Colour palette
+ DWORD dwBitMasks[iMASK_COLORS]; // True colour masks
+ TRUECOLORINFO TrueColorInfo; // Both of the above
+ };
+// These macros define some standard bitmap format sizes
+#define SIZE_MASKS (iMASK_COLORS * sizeof(DWORD))
+// !!! for abnormal biSizes
+// #define SIZE_VIDEOHEADER(pbmi) ((pbmi)->bmiHeader.biSize + SIZE_PREHEADER)
+// DIBSIZE calculates the number of bytes required by an image
+#define WIDTHBYTES(bits) ((DWORD)(((bits)+31) & (~31)) / 8)
+#define DIBWIDTHBYTES(bi) (DWORD)WIDTHBYTES((DWORD)(bi).biWidth * (DWORD)(bi).biBitCount)
+#define _DIBSIZE(bi) (DIBWIDTHBYTES(bi) * (DWORD)(bi).biHeight)
+#define DIBSIZE(bi) ((bi).biHeight < 0 ? (-1)*(_DIBSIZE(bi)) : _DIBSIZE(bi))
+// This compares the bit masks between two VIDEOINFOHEADERs
+#define BIT_MASKS_MATCH(pbmi1,pbmi2) \
+ (((pbmi1)->dwBitMasks[iRED] == (pbmi2)->dwBitMasks[iRED]) && \
+ ((pbmi1)->dwBitMasks[iGREEN] == (pbmi2)->dwBitMasks[iGREEN]) && \
+ ((pbmi1)->dwBitMasks[iBLUE] == (pbmi2)->dwBitMasks[iBLUE]))
+// These zero fill different parts of the VIDEOINFOHEADER structure
+// Only use these macros for pbmi's with a normal BITMAPINFOHEADER biSize
+#define RESET_MASKS(pbmi) (ZeroMemory((PVOID)(pbmi)->dwBitFields,SIZE_MASKS))
+#define RESET_HEADER(pbmi) (ZeroMemory((PVOID)(pbmi),SIZE_VIDEOHEADER))
+#define RESET_PALETTE(pbmi) (ZeroMemory((PVOID)(pbmi)->bmiColors,SIZE_PALETTE));
+#if 0
+// !!! This is the right way to do it, but may break existing code
+#define RESET_MASKS(pbmi) (ZeroMemory((PVOID)(((LPBYTE)(pbmi)->bmiHeader) + \
+ (pbmi)->bmiHeader.biSize,SIZE_MASKS)))
+#define RESET_HEADER(pbmi) (ZeroMemory((PVOID)(pbmi), SIZE_PREHEADER + \
+#define RESET_PALETTE(pbmi) (ZeroMemory((PVOID)(((LPBYTE)(pbmi)->bmiHeader) + \
+ (pbmi)->bmiHeader.biSize,SIZE_PALETTE))
+// Other (hopefully) useful bits and bobs
+#define PALETTISED(pbmi) ((pbmi)->bmiHeader.biBitCount <= iPALETTE)
+#define PALETTE_ENTRIES(pbmi) ((DWORD) 1 << (pbmi)->bmiHeader.biBitCount)
+// Returns the address of the BITMAPINFOHEADER from the VIDEOINFOHEADER
+#define HEADER(pVideoInfo) (&(((VIDEOINFOHEADER *) (pVideoInfo))->bmiHeader))
+// MPEG variant - includes a DWORD length followed by the
+// video sequence header after the video header.
+// The sequence header includes the sequence header start code and the
+// quantization matrices associated with the first sequence header in the
+// stream so is a maximum of 140 bytes long.
+typedef struct tagMPEG1VIDEOINFO {
+ VIDEOINFOHEADER hdr; // Compatible with VIDEOINFO
+ DWORD dwStartTimeCode; // 25-bit Group of pictures time code
+ // at start of data
+ DWORD cbSequenceHeader; // Length in bytes of bSequenceHeader
+ BYTE bSequenceHeader[1]; // Sequence header including
+ // quantization matrices if any
+#define SIZE_MPEG1VIDEOINFO(pv) (FIELD_OFFSET(MPEG1VIDEOINFO, bSequenceHeader[0]) + (pv)->cbSequenceHeader)
+#define MPEG1_SEQUENCE_INFO(pv) ((const BYTE *)(pv)->bSequenceHeader)
+// Analog video variant - Use this when the format is FORMAT_AnalogVideo
+// rcSource defines the portion of the active video signal to use
+// rcTarget defines the destination rectangle
+// both of the above are relative to the dwActiveWidth and dwActiveHeight fields
+// dwActiveWidth is currently set to 720 for all formats (but could change for HDTV)
+// dwActiveHeight is 483 for NTSC and 575 for PAL/SECAM (but could change for HDTV)
+typedef struct tagAnalogVideoInfo {
+ RECT rcSource; // Width max is 720, height varies w/ TransmissionStd
+ RECT rcTarget; // Where the video should go
+ DWORD dwActiveWidth; // Always 720 (CCIR-601 active samples per line)
+ DWORD dwActiveHeight; // 483 for NTSC, 575 for PAL/SECAM
+ REFERENCE_TIME AvgTimePerFrame; // Normal ActiveMovie units (100 nS)
+// AM_KSPROPSETID_FrameStep property set definitions
+typedef enum {
+ // Step
+ // S_OK for these 2 means we can - S_FALSE if we can't
+typedef struct _AM_FRAMESTEP_STEP
+ // 1 means step 1 frame forward
+ // 0 is invalid
+ // n (n > 1) means skip n - 1 frames and show the nth
+ DWORD dwFramesToStep;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif // __cplusplus
+#endif // __AMVIDEO__