path: root/src/vehicles/Ferry.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/vehicles/Ferry.cpp')
1 files changed, 833 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/vehicles/Ferry.cpp b/src/vehicles/Ferry.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..339c2819
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/vehicles/Ferry.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,833 @@
+#include "common.h"
+#include "main.h"
+#include "Ferry.h"
+#include "AudioManager.h"
+#include "Camera.h"
+#include "Coronas.h"
+#include "FileMgr.h"
+#include "General.h"
+#include "Leeds.h"
+#include "Particle.h"
+#include "PlayerPed.h"
+#include "Streaming.h"
+#include "TempColModels.h"
+#include "WaterLevel.h"
+#include "World.h"
+#include "sampman.h"
+CFerryInst* CFerry::mspInst;
+#define FERRY_SPEED (0.1f)
+CFerry::CFerry(int32 id, uint8 owner) : CVehicle(owner)
+ m_bPlayerArrivedHorn = false;
+ m_nTimeAlongPath = 0;
+ CVehicleModelInfo* mi = (CVehicleModelInfo*)CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(id);
+ pHandling = mod_HandlingManager.GetHandlingData((tVehicleType)mi->m_handlingId);
+ SetModelIndex(id);
+ m_doors[0].Init(DEGTORAD(90.0f), 0.0f, 1, 0);
+ m_doors[1].Init(DEGTORAD(-95.0f), 0.0f, 1, 0);
+ m_doors[2].Init(DEGTORAD(-90.0f), 0.0f, 1, 0);
+ m_doors[3].Init(DEGTORAD(95.0f), 0.0f, 1, 0);
+ m_fTurnMass = 100000000.0f;
+ m_fAirResistance = 0.9994f;
+ m_fElasticity = 0.05f;
+ m_nNumMaxPassengers = 1;
+ m_fMass = 100000000.0f;
+ bInfiniteMass = true;
+ m_phy_flagA08 = true;
+ m_bFerryDocked = false;
+ bUsesCollision = true;
+ m_nDoorTimer = CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds();
+ m_nDoorState = FERRY_DOOR_CLOSED;
+ m_bApproachingDock = false;
+ m_nSkipFerryStatus = 0;
+ m_nCollision = 0;
+ m_pDefaultColModel = mi->GetColModel();
+ m_level = LEVEL_GENERIC;
+void CFerry::Init(void* pInstancePtr)
+ mspInst = (CFerryInst*)pInstancePtr;
+ if (mspInst)
+ return;
+ // the following code should be wrapped in a define
+ mspInst = new CFerryInst();
+ memset(mspInst, 0, sizeof(CFerryInst));
+ for (int k = 0; k < NUM_FERRY_PATHS; k++) {
+ mspInst->pPathData[k] = new CFerryPath();
+ mspInst->pPathData[k]->aLineBits = new CFerryInterpolationLine[NUM_FERRY_STATIONS * 4 + 2];
+ const char* filename = "Data\\PATHS\\FERRY1.DAT"; // actually base::cStringT<char> filename; filename += k+1; filename += ".DAT"
+ bool readingFile = false;
+ int bp, lp;
+ int i, tmp;
+ CFerryPath* pPath = mspInst->pPathData[k];
+ if (pPath->aTrackNodes == nil) {
+ readingFile = true;
+ CFileMgr::LoadFile(filename, work_buff, sizeof(work_buff), "r");
+ *gString = '\0';
+ for (bp = 0, lp = 0; work_buff[bp] != '\n'; bp++, lp++)
+ gString[lp] = work_buff[bp];
+ bp++;
+#ifdef FIX_BUGS
+ gString[lp] = '\0';
+ sscanf(gString, "%d", &tmp);
+ pPath->NumTrackNodes = tmp;
+ pPath->aTrackNodes = new CFerryNode[tmp];
+ for (i = 0; i < pPath->NumTrackNodes; i++) {
+ *gString = '\0';
+ for (lp = 0; work_buff[bp] != '\n'; bp++, lp++)
+ gString[lp] = work_buff[bp];
+ bp++;
+#ifdef FIX_BUGS
+ gString[lp] = '\0';
+ sscanf(gString, "%f %f %f", &pPath->aTrackNodes[i].x, &pPath->aTrackNodes[i].y, &pPath->aTrackNodes[i].z);
+ pPath->aTrackNodes[i].z = 0.0f;
+ }
+ }
+ // Calculate length of segments and track
+ float t = 0.0f;
+ for (i = 0; i < pPath->NumTrackNodes; i++) {
+ pPath->aTrackNodes[i].t = t;
+ t += Sqrt(SQR(pPath->aTrackNodes[(i + 1) % pPath->NumTrackNodes].x - pPath->aTrackNodes[i].x) +
+ (SQR(pPath->aTrackNodes[(i + 1) % pPath->NumTrackNodes].y - pPath->aTrackNodes[i].y)));
+ }
+ pPath->TotalLengthOfTrack = t;
+ // Find correct z values
+ if (readingFile) {
+ CColPoint colpoint;
+ CEntity* entity;
+ for (i = 0; i < pPath->NumTrackNodes; i++) {
+ CVector p(pPath->aTrackNodes[i].x, pPath->aTrackNodes[i].y, pPath->aTrackNodes[i].z + 1.0f);
+ if (CWorld::ProcessVerticalLine(p, p.z - 0.5f, colpoint, entity, true, false, false, false, true, false, nil))
+ pPath->aTrackNodes[i].z = colpoint.point.z;
+ pPath->aTrackNodes[i].z += 0.2f;
+ }
+ }
+ int nStationIndices[NUM_FERRY_STATIONS];
+ for (int i = 0; i < NUM_FERRY_STATIONS; i++)
+ nStationIndices[i] = 0;
+ int nCurrentStation = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < pPath->NumTrackNodes; i++) {
+ CFerryNode* pCurNode = &pPath->aTrackNodes[i];
+ CFerryNode* pNextNode = (i + 1 < pPath->NumTrackNodes) ? &pPath->aTrackNodes[i + 1] : &pPath->aTrackNodes[0];
+ CFerryNode* pPrevNode = (i - 1 >= 0) ? &pPath->aTrackNodes[i - 1] : &pPath->aTrackNodes[pPath->NumTrackNodes - 1];
+ if (pCurNode->x - pNextNode->x > 0.0f && pPrevNode->x - pCurNode->x < 0.0f)
+ nStationIndices[nCurrentStation++] = i;
+ if (pCurNode->x - pNextNode->x < 0.0f && pPrevNode->x - pCurNode->x > 0.0f)
+ nStationIndices[nCurrentStation++] = i;
+ }
+ float stationDists[NUM_FERRY_STATIONS];
+ for (i = 0; i < NUM_FERRY_STATIONS; i++)
+ stationDists[i] = pPath->aTrackNodes[nStationIndices[i]].t;
+ // Create animation for stopping at stations
+ float position = 0.0f;
+ float time = 0.0f;
+ int j = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < NUM_FERRY_STATIONS; i++) {
+ // Start at full speed
+ pPath->aLineBits[j].type = FERRY_CRUISING;
+ pPath->aLineBits[j].time = time;
+ pPath->aLineBits[j].position = position;
+ pPath->aLineBits[j].speed = FERRY_SPEED;
+ pPath->aLineBits[j].acceleration = 0.0f;
+ j++;
+ // distance to next keyframe
+ float dist = (stationDists[i] - FERRY_SLOWDOWN_DISTANCE) - position;
+ time += dist / FERRY_SPEED;
+ position += dist;
+ // Now slow down 50 units before stop
+ pPath->aLineBits[j].type = FERRY_SLOWING;
+ pPath->aLineBits[j].time = time;
+ pPath->aLineBits[j].position = position;
+ pPath->aLineBits[j].speed = FERRY_SPEED;
+ pPath->aLineBits[j].acceleration = -(FERRY_SPEED * FERRY_SPEED) / (4 * FERRY_SLOWDOWN_DISTANCE);
+ j++;
+ position += FERRY_SLOWDOWN_DISTANCE; // at station
+ // stopping
+ pPath->aLineBits[j].type = FERRY_STOPPED;
+ pPath->aLineBits[j].time = time;
+ pPath->aLineBits[j].position = position;
+ pPath->aLineBits[j].speed = 0.0f;
+ pPath->aLineBits[j].acceleration = 0.0f;
+ j++;
+ // accelerate again
+ pPath->aLineBits[j].type = FERRY_ACCELERATING;
+ pPath->aLineBits[j].time = time;
+ pPath->aLineBits[j].position = position;
+ pPath->aLineBits[j].speed = 0.0f;
+ pPath->aLineBits[j].acceleration = (FERRY_SPEED * FERRY_SPEED) / (4 * FERRY_SLOWDOWN_DISTANCE);
+ j++;
+ position += FERRY_SLOWDOWN_DISTANCE; // after station
+ }
+ // last keyframe
+ pPath->aLineBits[j].type = FERRY_CRUISING;
+ pPath->aLineBits[j].time = time;
+ pPath->aLineBits[j].position = position;
+ pPath->aLineBits[j].speed = FERRY_SPEED;
+ pPath->aLineBits[j].acceleration = 0.0f;
+ j++;
+ pPath->TotalDurationOfTrack = time + (pPath->TotalLengthOfTrack - position) / FERRY_SPEED;
+ // end
+ pPath->aLineBits[j].time = pPath->TotalDurationOfTrack;
+ }
+void CFerry::InitFerrys(void)
+ printf("init ferrys\n");
+ if (gIsMultiplayerGame)
+ SetupForMultiplayer();
+ if (!mspInst)
+ Init(nil);
+ for (int i = 0; i < NUM_FERRIES; i++)
+ mspInst->m_apFerries[i] = nil;
+ CStreaming::LoadAllRequestedModels(false);
+ CStreaming::RequestModel(MI_FERRY, 0);
+ CStreaming::LoadAllRequestedModels(false);
+void CFerry::SwitchFerryCollision(int type)
+ for (int i = 0; i < NUM_FERRIES; i++) {
+ CFerry* pFerry = GetFerry(i);
+ if (pFerry && pFerry->m_nCollision != type) {
+ pFerry->m_nCollision = type;
+ CVehicleModelInfo* mi = pFerry->GetModelInfo();
+ if (type == 1)
+ mi->SetColModel(&CTempColModels::ms_colModelFerryDocked);
+ else
+ mi->SetColModel(pFerry->m_pDefaultColModel, true);
+ }
+ }
+void CFerry::UpdateFerrys(void)
+ int i, j;
+ float t, deltaT;
+ if (mspInst->m_bFerriesDisabled)
+ return;
+ for (i = 0; i < NUM_FERRIES; i++) {
+ CFerry* pFerry = GetFerry(i);
+ if (pFerry) {
+ pFerry->m_nTimeAlongPath += CTimer::GetTimeStepInMilliseconds();
+ t = mspInst->pPathData[i/2]->TotalDurationOfTrack * (float)((pFerry->m_nTimeAlongPath + (i & 1) * 0x20000) & 0x3FFFF) / 0x40000;
+ // find current frame
+ for (j = 0; t > mspInst->pPathData[i / 2]->aLineBits[j + 1].time; j++);
+ deltaT = t - mspInst->pPathData[i / 2]->aLineBits[j].time;
+ if (pFerry->m_bFerryDocked) {
+ if (mspInst->pPathData[i / 2]->aLineBits[j].type == FERRY_SLOWING) {
+ pFerry->m_nTimeAlongPath += (mspInst->pPathData[i / 2]->aLineBits[j + 1].time - mspInst->pPathData[i / 2]->aLineBits[j].time);
+ j++;
+ if (j > NUM_FERRY_STATIONS * 4 + 1)
+ j = 0;
+ pFerry->m_bApproachingDock = true;
+ if ((i & 1) == 0) {
+ GetFerry(i + 1)->m_bApproachingDock = true;
+ GetFerry(i + 1)->m_nTimeAlongPath += (mspInst->pPathData[i / 2]->aLineBits[j + 1].time - mspInst->pPathData[i / 2]->aLineBits[j].time);
+ }
+ else {
+ GetFerry(i - 1)->m_bApproachingDock = true;
+ GetFerry(i - 1)->m_nTimeAlongPath += (mspInst->pPathData[i / 2]->aLineBits[j + 1].time - mspInst->pPathData[i / 2]->aLineBits[j].time);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (pFerry->m_nSkipFerryStatus == 1) {
+ float fDelta = 0.0f;
+ pFerry->m_nSkipFerryStatus = 2;
+ while (mspInst->pPathData[i / 2]->aLineBits[j].type != FERRY_STOPPED) {
+ fDelta += (mspInst->pPathData[i / 2]->aLineBits[j + 1].time - mspInst->pPathData[i / 2]->aLineBits[j].time);
+ j++;
+ if (j > NUM_FERRY_STATIONS * 4)
+ j = 0;
+ }
+ pFerry->m_nTimeAlongPath += fDelta;
+ pFerry->m_bApproachingDock = true;
+ if ((i & 1) == 0) {
+ GetFerry(i + 1)->m_bApproachingDock = true;
+ GetFerry(i + 1)->m_nTimeAlongPath += fDelta;
+ }
+ else {
+ GetFerry(i - 1)->m_bApproachingDock = true;
+ GetFerry(i - 1)->m_nTimeAlongPath += fDelta;
+ }
+ }
+ switch (mspInst->pPathData[i / 2]->aLineBits[j].type) {
+ mspInst->m_afPositions[i] = mspInst->pPathData[i / 2]->aLineBits[j].position;
+ mspInst->m_afSpeeds[i] = 0.0f;
+ break;
+ mspInst->m_afPositions[i] = mspInst->pPathData[i / 2]->aLineBits[j].position + mspInst->pPathData[i / 2]->aLineBits[j].speed * deltaT;
+ mspInst->m_afSpeeds[i] = (mspInst->pPathData[i / 2]->TotalDurationOfTrack * 1000.0f / 0x40000) * mspInst->pPathData[i / 2]->aLineBits[j].speed;
+ break;
+ pFerry->m_bApproachingDock = (mspInst->pPathData[i / 2]->aLineBits[j].type == FERRY_SLOWING);
+ mspInst->m_afPositions[i] = mspInst->pPathData[i / 2]->aLineBits[j].position + (mspInst->pPathData[i / 2]->aLineBits[j].speed + mspInst->pPathData[i / 2]->aLineBits[j].acceleration * deltaT) * deltaT;
+ mspInst->m_afSpeeds[i] = (mspInst->pPathData[i / 2]->TotalDurationOfTrack * 1000.0f / 0x40000) * (mspInst->pPathData[i / 2]->aLineBits[j].speed + 2 * mspInst->pPathData[i / 2]->aLineBits[j].acceleration * deltaT);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void CFerry::SetModelIndex(uint32 mi)
+ CVehicle::SetModelIndex(mi);
+ for (int i = 0; i < NUM_FERRY_NODES; i++)
+ m_aFerryNodes[i] = nil;
+ CClumpModelInfo::FillFrameArray(GetClump(), m_aFerryNodes);
+void CFerry::PreRender(void)
+ CVehicleModelInfo* mi = GetModelInfo();
+ if (CGeneral::GetRandomTrueFalse())
+ CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_FERRY_CHIM_SMOKE, GetMatrix() * mi->m_positions[FERRY_POS_CHIM_LEFT], CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.2f));
+ CVector vVectorToCamera = GetPosition() - TheCamera.GetPosition();
+ CVector vDirectionToCamera;
+ float fDistanceToCamera = vVectorToCamera.Magnitude();
+ if (fDistanceToCamera == 0.0f)
+ vVectorToCamera = vDirectionToCamera = CVector(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
+ else
+ vDirectionToCamera = vVectorToCamera / fDistanceToCamera;
+ float dp = DotProduct(GetForward(), vDirectionToCamera);
+ if (dp < 0.0f) {
+ CVector vFrontLightPosition = GetMatrix() * mi->m_positions[FERRY_POS_LIGHT_FRONT];
+ CVector vFrontLightPosition2 = vFrontLightPosition - 2 * mi->m_positions[FERRY_POS_LIGHT_FRONT].x * GetRight();
+ float size = -dp + 1.0f;
+ float fIntensity = -dp * 0.4f + 0.2f;
+ if (dp < -0.9f && fDistanceToCamera < 35.0f) {
+ uint8 intensity = fIntensity * 255.0f;
+ CCoronas::RegisterCorona((uint32)(uintptr)this + 26, intensity, intensity, intensity, 255, vFrontLightPosition2, size, 80.0f, CCoronas::TYPE_NORMAL, CCoronas::FLARE_HEADLIGHTS, CCoronas::REFLECTION_ON, CCoronas::LOSCHECK_OFF, CCoronas::STREAK_ON, 0.0f);
+ CCoronas::RegisterCorona((uint32)(uintptr)this + 27, intensity, intensity, intensity, 255, vFrontLightPosition, size, 80.0f, CCoronas::TYPE_NORMAL, CCoronas::FLARE_HEADLIGHTS, CCoronas::REFLECTION_ON, CCoronas::LOSCHECK_OFF, CCoronas::STREAK_ON, 0.0f);
+ }
+ else {
+ uint8 intensity = fIntensity * 255.0f;
+ CCoronas::RegisterCorona((uint32)(uintptr)this + 26, intensity, intensity, intensity, 255, vFrontLightPosition2, size, 80.0f, CCoronas::TYPE_NORMAL, CCoronas::FLARE_NONE, CCoronas::REFLECTION_ON, CCoronas::LOSCHECK_OFF, CCoronas::STREAK_ON, 0.0f);
+ CCoronas::RegisterCorona((uint32)(uintptr)this + 27, intensity, intensity, intensity, 255, vFrontLightPosition, size, 80.0f, CCoronas::TYPE_NORMAL, CCoronas::FLARE_NONE, CCoronas::REFLECTION_ON, CCoronas::LOSCHECK_OFF, CCoronas::STREAK_ON, 0.0f);
+ }
+ }
+ CVector vRearLightPosition = GetMatrix() * mi->m_positions[FERRY_POS_LIGHT_REAR];
+ CVector vRearLightPosition2 = vRearLightPosition - 2 * mi->m_positions[FERRY_POS_LIGHT_REAR].x * GetRight();
+ CCoronas::RegisterCorona((uint32)(uintptr)this + 28, 255, 0, 0, 255, vRearLightPosition2, 1.0f, 80.0f, CCoronas::TYPE_NORMAL, CCoronas::FLARE_NONE, CCoronas::REFLECTION_ON, CCoronas::LOSCHECK_OFF, CCoronas::STREAK_ON, 0.0f);
+ CCoronas::RegisterCorona((uint32)(uintptr)this + 29, 255, 0, 0, 255, vRearLightPosition, 1.0f, 80.0f, CCoronas::TYPE_NORMAL, CCoronas::FLARE_NONE, CCoronas::REFLECTION_ON, CCoronas::LOSCHECK_OFF, CCoronas::STREAK_ON, 0.0f);
+void CFerry::Render(void)
+ m_bAlreadyRendered = true;
+ CEntity::Render();
+void CFerry::RenderAllRemaning(void)
+ if (gIsMultiplayerGame)
+ return;
+ for (int i = 0; i < NUM_FERRIES; i++) {
+ CFerry* pFerry = GetFerry(i);
+ if (pFerry) {
+ if (!pFerry->m_bAlreadyRendered)
+ pFerry->Render();
+ pFerry->m_bAlreadyRendered = false;
+ }
+ }
+void CFerry::FerryHitStuff(CPtrList& lst)
+ for (CPtrNode* pNode = lst.first; pNode != nil; pNode = pNode->next) {
+ CPhysical* pEntity = (CPhysical*)pNode->item;
+ if (pEntity != this && Abs(GetPosition().x - pEntity->GetPosition().z) < 1.5f)
+ pEntity->bHitByTrain = true;
+ }
+void CFerry::ProcessControl(void)
+ if (gbModelViewer)
+ return;
+ PruneWakeTrail();
+ if (m_isFarAway && (m_nFerryId + CTimer::GetFrameCounter() & 0xF) != 0)
+ return;
+ CFerryPath* pPath = mspInst->pPathData[m_nFerryId / 2];
+ float fPosition = mspInst->m_afPositions[m_nFerryId];
+ float fSpeed = mspInst->m_afSpeeds[m_nFerryId];
+ if (fPosition < 0.0f)
+ fPosition += pPath->TotalLengthOfTrack;
+ CFerryNode* trackNodes = mspInst->pPathData[m_nFerryId / 2]->aTrackNodes;
+ int16 numTrackNodes = mspInst->pPathData[m_nFerryId / 2]->NumTrackNodes;
+ float totalLengthOfTrack = mspInst->pPathData[m_nFerryId / 2]->TotalLengthOfTrack;
+ float trackPosition = mspInst->m_afPositions[m_nFerryId];
+ float trackSpeed = mspInst->m_afSpeeds[m_nFerryId];
+ float trackPositionRear = trackPosition;
+ if (trackPositionRear < 0.0f)
+ trackPositionRear += totalLengthOfTrack;
+ // Advance current node to appropriate position
+ float pos1, pos2;
+ int nextTrackNode = m_nCurTrackNode + 1;
+ pos1 = trackNodes[m_nCurTrackNode].t;
+ if (nextTrackNode < numTrackNodes)
+ pos2 = trackNodes[nextTrackNode].t;
+ else {
+ nextTrackNode = 0;
+ pos2 = totalLengthOfTrack;
+ }
+ while (trackPositionRear < pos1 || trackPositionRear > pos2) {
+ m_nCurTrackNode = (m_nCurTrackNode + 1) % numTrackNodes;
+ nextTrackNode = m_nCurTrackNode + 1;
+ pos1 = trackNodes[m_nCurTrackNode].t;
+ if (nextTrackNode < numTrackNodes)
+ pos2 = trackNodes[nextTrackNode].t;
+ else {
+ nextTrackNode = 0;
+ pos2 = totalLengthOfTrack;
+ }
+ }
+ float dist = trackNodes[nextTrackNode].t - trackNodes[m_nCurTrackNode].t;
+ if (dist < 0.0f)
+ dist += totalLengthOfTrack;
+ float f = (trackPositionRear - trackNodes[m_nCurTrackNode].t) / dist;
+ CVector posRear = (1.0f - f) * CVector(trackNodes[m_nCurTrackNode].x, trackNodes[m_nCurTrackNode].y, trackNodes[m_nCurTrackNode].z) +
+ f * CVector(trackNodes[nextTrackNode].x, trackNodes[nextTrackNode].y, trackNodes[nextTrackNode].z);
+ // Now same again for the front
+ float trackPositionFront = trackPositionRear + 20.0f;
+ if (trackPositionFront > totalLengthOfTrack)
+ trackPositionFront -= totalLengthOfTrack;
+ int curTrackNodeFront = m_nCurTrackNode;
+ int nextTrackNodeFront = curTrackNodeFront + 1;
+ pos1 = trackNodes[curTrackNodeFront].t;
+ if (nextTrackNodeFront < numTrackNodes)
+ pos2 = trackNodes[nextTrackNodeFront].t;
+ else {
+ nextTrackNodeFront = 0;
+ pos2 = totalLengthOfTrack;
+ }
+ while (trackPositionFront < pos1 || trackPositionFront > pos2) {
+ curTrackNodeFront = (curTrackNodeFront + 1) % numTrackNodes;
+ nextTrackNodeFront = curTrackNodeFront + 1;
+ pos1 = trackNodes[curTrackNodeFront].t;
+ if (nextTrackNodeFront < numTrackNodes)
+ pos2 = trackNodes[nextTrackNodeFront].t;
+ else {
+ nextTrackNodeFront = 0;
+ pos2 = totalLengthOfTrack;
+ }
+ }
+ dist = trackNodes[nextTrackNodeFront].t - trackNodes[curTrackNodeFront].t;
+ if (dist < 0.0f)
+ dist += totalLengthOfTrack;
+ f = (trackPositionFront - trackNodes[curTrackNodeFront].t) / dist;
+ CVector posFront = (1.0f - f) * CVector(trackNodes[curTrackNodeFront].x, trackNodes[curTrackNodeFront].y, trackNodes[curTrackNodeFront].z) +
+ f * CVector(trackNodes[nextTrackNodeFront].x, trackNodes[nextTrackNodeFront].y, trackNodes[nextTrackNodeFront].z);
+ // Now set matrix
+ SetPosition((posRear + posFront) / 2.0f);
+ CVector fwd = posFront - posRear;
+ m_vecForwardSpeed = fwd;
+ fwd.Normalise();
+ float dp = DotProduct(fwd, GetForward());
+ if (Abs(dp) > 1.001f || Abs(dp) < 0.999f) {
+ CVector df = CrossProduct(fwd, GetForward());
+ CMatrix tmp;
+ float angle;
+ if (m_nSkipFerryStatus == 2) {
+ m_nSkipFerryStatus = 0;
+ angle = (fwd.x < 0.0f && GetForward().x < 0.0f) ? PI - Acos(dp) : Acos(dp);
+ }
+ else {
+ angle = 0.001f;
+ }
+ if (dp > 0.0f && df.z < 0.0f || dp <= 0.0f && df.z > 0.0f)
+ angle = -angle;
+ tmp.SetRotateZ(angle);
+ fwd = Multiply3x3(GetForward(), tmp);
+ }
+ else
+ fwd = GetForward();
+ CVector right = CrossProduct(fwd, CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));
+ right.Normalise();
+ CVector up = CrossProduct(right, fwd);
+ GetRight() = right;
+ GetUp() = up;
+ GetForward() = fwd;
+ // Set speed
+ m_vecMoveSpeed = fwd * trackSpeed / 60.0f;
+ m_fSpeed = trackSpeed / 60.0f;
+ m_vecTurnSpeed = CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
+ if (m_vecMoveSpeed.MagnitudeSqr() > 0.001f || !m_bApproachingDock) {
+ m_bFerryDocked = false;
+ m_bPlayerArrivedHorn = false;
+ m_nTimeLeftStation = CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds();
+ }
+ else {
+ PlayArrivedHorn();
+ m_bFerryDocked = true;
+ }
+ m_isFarAway = !((posFront - TheCamera.GetPosition()).Magnitude2D() < sq(1000.0f));
+ switch (m_nDoorState) {
+ break;
+ if (CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds() < m_nDoorTimer) {
+ OpenFerryDoor(1.0f - (m_nDoorTimer - CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds()) / 1000.0f);
+ }
+ else {
+ OpenFerryDoor(1.0f);
+ m_nDoorState = FERRY_DOOR_OPEN;
+ }
+ break;
+ break;
+ if (CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds() < m_nDoorTimer) {
+ OpenFerryDoor((m_nDoorTimer - CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds()) / 1000.0f);
+ }
+ else {
+ OpenFerryDoor(0.0f);
+ m_nDoorState = FERRY_DOOR_CLOSED;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ CVector wn = CWaterLevel::GetWaterNormal(GetPosition().x, GetPosition().y);
+ float fRollAngle = wn.x - GetUp().x;
+ if (fRollAngle < 0.0f)
+ fRollAngle = Max(-0.05f, fRollAngle);
+ else
+ fRollAngle = Min(0.05f, fRollAngle);
+ CVector oldPos = GetPosition();
+ SetPosition(-GetPosition());
+ CMatrix tmp2;
+ tmp2.SetRotateX(fRollAngle);
+ tmp2 = tmp2 * GetMatrix();
+ tmp2.SetTranslateOnly(oldPos);
+ GetMatrix() = tmp2;
+ GetMatrix().UpdateRW();
+ UpdateRwFrame();
+ RemoveAndAdd();
+ bIsStuck = false;
+ bIsInSafePosition = true;
+ bWasPostponed = false;
+ // request/remove model
+ if (m_isFarAway) {
+ if (m_rwObject)
+ DeleteRwObject();
+ }
+ else if (CStreaming::HasModelLoaded(MI_FERRY)) {
+ if (m_rwObject == nil) {
+ m_modelIndex = -1;
+ SetModelIndex(MI_FERRY);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (FindPlayerCoors().z * GetPosition().z >= 0.0f)
+ }
+ // Hit stuff
+ if (GetStatus() == STATUS_TRAIN_MOVING) {
+ CVector nfwd = GetForward() * GetColModel()->boundingBox.max.y;
+ if (m_vecForwardSpeed.x > 0.0f)
+ nfwd = -nfwd;
+ if ((m_nFerryId & 1) == 0)
+ nfwd = -nfwd;
+ int x, xmin, xmax;
+ int y, ymin, ymax;
+ CVector front = GetPosition() + nfwd + m_vecMoveSpeed * CTimer::GetTimeStep();
+ if (!m_isFarAway && m_vecMoveSpeed.Magnitude2D() > 0.05f)
+ AddWakePoint(nfwd * 0.85f + GetPosition());
+ xmin = CWorld::GetSectorIndexX(front.x - 3.0f);
+ if (xmin < 0) xmin = 0;
+ xmax = CWorld::GetSectorIndexX(front.x + 3.0f);
+ if (xmax > NUMSECTORS_X - 1) xmax = NUMSECTORS_X - 1;
+ ymin = CWorld::GetSectorIndexY(front.y - 3.0f);
+ if (ymin < 0) ymin = 0;
+ ymax = CWorld::GetSectorIndexY(front.y + 3.0f);
+ if (ymax > NUMSECTORS_Y - 1) ymax = NUMSECTORS_X - 1;
+ CWorld::AdvanceCurrentScanCode();
+ for (y = ymin; y <= ymax; y++)
+ for (x = xmin; x <= xmax; x++) {
+ CSector* s = CWorld::GetSector(x, y);
+ FerryHitStuff(s->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_VEHICLES]);
+ FerryHitStuff(s->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_VEHICLES_OVERLAP]);
+ FerryHitStuff(s->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_PEDS]);
+ FerryHitStuff(s->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_PEDS_OVERLAP]);
+ }
+ }
+void CFerry::OpenFerryDoor(float ratio)
+ if (!m_rwObject)
+ return;
+ int door1 = 0;
+ int door2 = 1;
+ if (!m_bUseFrontDoor) {
+ door1 = 2;
+ door2 = 3;
+ }
+ int node1 = m_bUseFrontDoor ? FERRY_DOOR_FRONT : FERRY_DOOR_BACK;
+ int node2 = m_bUseFrontDoor ? FERRY_RAMP_FRONT : FERRY_RAMP_BACK;
+ CMatrix doorL(RwFrameGetMatrix(m_aFerryNodes[node1]));
+ CMatrix doorR(RwFrameGetMatrix(m_aFerryNodes[node2]));
+ CVector posL = doorL.GetPosition();
+ CVector posR = doorR.GetPosition();
+ bool isClosed = m_doors[0].IsClosed(); // useless
+ m_doors[door1].Open(ratio);
+ m_doors[door2].Open(ratio);
+ doorL.SetRotateXOnly(m_doors[door1].m_fAngle);
+ doorR.SetRotateXOnly(m_doors[door2].m_fAngle);
+ doorL.UpdateRW();
+ doorR.UpdateRW();
+CVector CFerry::GetBoardingSpace(CFerry::eSpaceUse use, CFerry::eSpaceStyle style, uint8 position)
+ CVehicleModelInfo* pModelInfo = GetModelInfo();
+ CVector space;
+ if (m_nFerryId & 1) {
+ if (style == FERRY_SPACE_STYLE_0)
+ style = FERRY_SPACE_STYLE_1;
+ else
+ style = FERRY_SPACE_STYLE_0;
+ }
+ switch (use) {
+ space = pModelInfo->m_positions[FERRY_POS_PED_POINT];
+ break;
+ space = pModelInfo->m_positions[FERRY_POS_CAR1 + position];
+ break;
+ }
+ switch (style) {
+ space = GetMatrix() * space;
+ break;
+ space = GetMatrix() * space - (2 * space.x) * GetRight() - (2 * space.y) * GetForward();
+ break;
+ }
+ return space;
+CFerry* CFerry::GetClosestFerry(float x, float y)
+ int closest = -1;
+ float mindist = 9999.9f;
+ for (int i = 0; i < NUM_FERRIES; i++) {
+ CFerry* pFerry = GetFerry(i);
+ if (pFerry) {
+ float dist = ((CVector2D)pFerry->GetPosition() - CVector2D(x, y)).Magnitude();
+ if (dist < 300.0f && dist < mindist) {
+ mindist = dist;
+ closest = i;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (closest == -1)
+ return nil;
+ return GetFerry(closest);
+bool CFerry::IsDocked(void)
+ return m_bFerryDocked;
+void CFerry::OpenDoor(void)
+ printf("opening the ferry door\n");
+ m_nDoorState = FERRY_DOOR_OPENING;
+ m_nDoorTimer = CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds() + 10000;
+ CVehicleModelInfo* pModelInfo = GetModelInfo();
+ CVector2D vPlayerPos = FindPlayerPed()->GetPosition();
+ float fDistToCar4 = (vPlayerPos - GetMatrix() * pModelInfo->m_positions[FERRY_POS_CAR4]).Magnitude();
+ float fDistToCar1 = (vPlayerPos - GetMatrix() * pModelInfo->m_positions[FERRY_POS_CAR1]).Magnitude();
+ m_bUseFrontDoor = true;
+ if (fDistToCar4 < fDistToCar1)
+ m_bUseFrontDoor = false;
+ AudioManager.DirectlyEnqueueSample(SFX_GATE_START_CLU, SFX_BANK_0, 0, 1, 22050, 127, 20);
+void CFerry::CloseDoor(void)
+ printf("closing the ferry door\n");
+ m_nDoorState = FERRY_DOOR_CLOSING;
+ m_nDoorTimer = CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds() + 10000;
+ AudioManager.DirectlyEnqueueSample(SFX_GATE_START_CLU, SFX_BANK_0, 0, 1, 22050, 127, 20); // shouldn't this be SFX_GATE_STOP_CLU?
+bool CFerry::IsDoorOpen(void)
+ return m_nDoorState == FERRY_DOOR_OPEN;
+bool CFerry::IsDoorClosed(void)
+ return m_nDoorState == FERRY_DOOR_CLOSED;
+void CFerry::CompleteDorrMovement(void)
+ m_nDoorTimer = 0;
+void CFerry::DissableFerryPath(int)
+void CFerry::EnableFerryPath(int path)
+ CStreaming::LoadAllRequestedModels(false);
+ CStreaming::RequestModel(MI_FERRY, 0);
+ CStreaming::LoadAllRequestedModels(false);
+ for (int i = path * 2; i < path * 2 + 2; i++) {
+ CFerry* pFerry = new CFerry(MI_FERRY, PERMANENT_VEHICLE);
+ bool bDirect = i & 1;
+ mspInst->m_apFerries[i] = pFerry;
+ pFerry->SetPosition(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
+ pFerry->SetStatus(STATUS_ABANDONED);
+ pFerry->bIsLocked = true;
+ pFerry->SetHeading(bDirect ? HALFPI : 3 * HALFPI);
+ pFerry->m_nFerryId = i;
+ pFerry->m_nCurTrackNode = 0;
+ CWorld::Add(pFerry);
+ }
+void CFerry::SkipFerryToNextDock(void)
+ m_nSkipFerryStatus = 1;
+void CFerry::PruneWakeTrail(void)
+ int16 num_remaining = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < NUM_WAKE_POINTS; i++) {
+ if (mspInst->m_afWakePointTimer[m_nFerryId][i] <= 0.0f)
+ break;
+ if (mspInst->m_afWakePointTimer[m_nFerryId][i] <= CTimer::GetTimeStep()) {
+ mspInst->m_afWakePointTimer[m_nFerryId][i] = 0.0f;
+ break;
+ }
+ mspInst->m_afWakePointTimer[m_nFerryId][i] -= CTimer::GetTimeStep();
+ num_remaining++;
+ }
+ mspInst->m_anNumWakePoints[m_nFerryId] = num_remaining;
+void CFerry::AddWakePoint(CVector point)
+ if (mspInst->m_afWakePointTimer[m_nFerryId][0] > 0.0f) {
+ int nNewWakePoints = Min(NUM_WAKE_POINTS - 1, mspInst->m_anNumWakePoints[m_nFerryId]);
+ for (int i = 0; i < nNewWakePoints; i++) {
+ mspInst->m_avWakePoints[m_nFerryId][i + 1] = mspInst->m_avWakePoints[m_nFerryId][i];
+ mspInst->m_afWakePointTimer[m_nFerryId][i + 1] = mspInst->m_afWakePointTimer[m_nFerryId][i];
+ }
+ }
+ mspInst->m_avWakePoints[m_nFerryId][0] = point;
+ mspInst->m_afWakePointTimer[m_nFerryId][0] = 900.0f; // TODO: define
+ mspInst->m_anNumWakePoints[m_nFerryId] += 1;
+void CFerry::PlayArrivedHorn(void)
+ if (m_bPlayerArrivedHorn)
+ return;
+ m_bPlayerArrivedHorn = true;
+ float fDistToCamera = (GetPosition() - TheCamera.GetPosition()).Magnitude();
+ if (fDistToCamera < 200.0f) {
+ uint8 volume = (200.0f - fDistToCamera) / 200.0f * 127;
+ AudioManager.DirectlyEnqueueSample(SFX_CAR_HORN_TRUCK, SFX_BANK_0, 0, 1, 18000, volume, 50);
+ }
+CVector CFerry::GetNearestDoor(CVector)
+ return CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
+void CFerry::SetupForMultiplayer(void)
+ for (int i = 0; i < NUM_FERRIES; i++)
+ mspInst->m_apFerries[i] = nil;
+ printf("setting up the ferrys for multiplayer\n");
+ CStreaming::SetModelIsDeletable(MI_FERRY);
+void CFerry::Write(base::cRelocatableChunkWriter& writer)
+ writer.AllocateRaw(mspInst, sizeof(*mspInst), 4);
+ if (!mspInst)
+ return;
+ for (int i = 0; i < NUM_FERRY_PATHS; i++) {
+ writer.AllocateRaw(mspInst->pPathData[i], sizeof(*mspInst->pPathData[i]), 4);
+ writer.AddPatch(&mspInst->pPathData[i]);
+ writer.AllocateRaw(mspInst->pPathData[i]->aTrackNodes, mspInst->pPathData[i]->NumTrackNodes * sizeof(CFerryNode), 4);
+ writer.AddPatch(&mspInst->pPathData[i]->aTrackNodes);
+ writer.AllocateRaw(mspInst->pPathData[i]->aLineBits, (NUM_FERRY_STATIONS * 4 + 2) * sizeof(CFerryInterpolationLine), 4);
+ writer.AddPatch(&mspInst->pPathData[i]->aTrackNodes);
+ }