--- -- Autoconfiguration. -- Copyright (c) 2016 Blizzard Entertainment -- Enhanced by re3 --- local p = premake local autoconf = p.modules.autoconf autoconf.cache = {} autoconf.parameters = "" --- -- register autoconfigure api. --- p.api.register { name = "autoconfigure", scope = "config", kind = "table" } --- -- Check for a particular include file. -- -- @cfg : Current config. -- @variable : The variable to store the result, such as 'HAVE_STDINT_H'. -- @filename : The header file to check for. --- function check_include(cfg, variable, filename) local res = autoconf.cache_compile(cfg, variable, function () p.outln('#include <' .. filename .. '>') p.outln('int main(void) { return 0; }') end) if res.value then autoconf.set_value(cfg, variable, 1) end end --- -- Check for size of a particular type. -- -- @cfg : Current config. -- @variable : The variable to use, such as 'SIZEOF_SIZE_T', this method will also add "'HAVE_' .. variable". -- @type : The type to check. -- @headers : An optional array of header files to include. -- @defines : An optional array of defines to define. --- function check_type_size(cfg, variable, type, headers, defines) check_include(cfg, 'HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H', 'sys/types.h') check_include(cfg, 'HAVE_STDINT_H', 'stdint.h') check_include(cfg, 'HAVE_STDDEF_H', 'stddef.h') local res = autoconf.cache_compile(cfg, variable .. cfg.platform, function () if cfg.autoconf['HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H'] then p.outln('#include <sys/types.h>') end if cfg.autoconf['HAVE_STDINT_H'] then p.outln('#include <stdint.h>') end if cfg.autoconf['HAVE_STDDEF_H'] then p.outln('#include <stddef.h>') end autoconf.include_defines(defines) autoconf.include_headers(headers) p.outln("") p.outln("#define SIZE (sizeof(" .. type .. "))") p.outln("char info_size[] = {'I', 'N', 'F', 'O', ':', 's','i','z','e','[',") p.outln(" ('0' + ((SIZE / 10000)%10)),") p.outln(" ('0' + ((SIZE / 1000)%10)),") p.outln(" ('0' + ((SIZE / 100)%10)),") p.outln(" ('0' + ((SIZE / 10)%10)),") p.outln(" ('0' + (SIZE %10)),") p.outln(" ']', '\\0'};") p.outln("") p.outln("int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {") p.outln(" int require = 0;") p.outln(" require += info_size[argc];") p.outln(" (void)argv;") p.outln(" return require;") p.outln("}") end, function (e) -- if the compile step succeeded, we should have a binary with 'INFO:size[*****]' -- somewhere in there. local content = io.readfile(e.binary) if content then local size = string.find(content, 'INFO:size') if size then e.size = tonumber(string.sub(content, size+10, size+14)) end end end ) if res.size then autoconf.set_value(cfg, 'HAVE_' .. variable, 1) autoconf.set_value(cfg, variable, res.size) end end --- -- Check if the given struct or class has the specified member variable -- -- @cfg : current config. -- @variable : variable to store the result. -- @type : the name of the struct or class you are interested in -- @member : the member which existence you want to check -- @headers : an optional array of header files to include. -- @defines : An optional array of defines to define. --- function check_struct_has_member(cfg, variable, type, member, headers, defines) local res = autoconf.cache_compile(cfg, variable, function () autoconf.include_defines(defines) autoconf.include_headers(headers) p.outln('int main(void) {') p.outln(' (void)sizeof(((' .. type .. '*)0)->' .. member ..');') p.outln(' return 0;') p.outln('}') end) if res.value then autoconf.set_value(cfg, variable, 1) end end --- -- Check if a symbol exists as a function, variable, or macro -- -- @cfg : current config. -- @variable : variable to store the result. -- @symbol : The symbol to check for. -- @headers : an optional array of header files to include. -- @defines : An optional array of defines to define. --- function check_symbol_exists(cfg, variable, symbol, headers, defines) local h = headers local res = autoconf.cache_compile(cfg, variable, function () autoconf.include_defines(defines) autoconf.include_headers(headers) p.outln('int main(int argc, char** argv) {') p.outln(' (void)argv;') p.outln('#ifndef ' .. symbol) p.outln(' return ((int*)(&' .. symbol .. '))[argc];') p.outln('#else') p.outln(' (void)argc;') p.outln(' return 0;') p.outln('#endif') p.outln('}') end) if res.value then autoconf.set_value(cfg, variable, 1) end end --- -- try compiling a piece of c/c++ --- function autoconf.try_compile(cfg, cpp) local ts = autoconf.toolset(cfg) if ts then return ts.try_compile(cfg, cpp, autoconf.parameters) else p.warnOnce('autoconf', 'no toolset found, autoconf always failing.') end end function autoconf.cache_compile(cfg, entry, func, post) if not autoconf.cache[entry] then local cpp = p.capture(func) local res = autoconf.try_compile(cfg, cpp) if res then local e = { binary = res, value = true } if post then post(e) end autoconf.cache[entry] = e else autoconf.cache[entry] = { } end end return autoconf.cache[entry] end --- -- get the current configured toolset, or the default. --- function autoconf.toolset(cfg) local ts = p.config.toolset(cfg) if not ts then local tools = { -- Actually we always return nil on msc. see msc.lua ['vs2010'] = p.tools.msc, ['vs2012'] = p.tools.msc, ['vs2013'] = p.tools.msc, ['vs2015'] = p.tools.msc, ['vs2017'] = p.tools.msc, ['vs2019'] = p.tools.msc, ['gmake'] = premake.tools.gcc, ['gmake2'] = premake.tools.gcc, ['codelite'] = premake.tools.gcc, ['xcode4'] = premake.tools.clang, } ts = tools[_ACTION] end return ts end --- -- store the value of the variable in the configuration --- function autoconf.set_value(cfg, variable, value) cfg.autoconf[variable] = value end --- -- write the cfg.autoconf table to the file --- function autoconf.writefile(cfg, filename) if cfg.autoconf then local file = io.open(filename, "w+") for variable, value in pairs(cfg.autoconf) do file:write('#define ' .. variable .. ' ' .. tostring(value) .. (_eol or '\n')) end file:close() end end --- -- Utility method to add a table of headers. --- function autoconf.include_headers(headers) if headers ~= nil then if type(headers) == "table" then for _, v in ipairs(headers) do p.outln('#include <' .. v .. '>') end else p.outln('#include <' .. headers .. '>') end end end function autoconf.include_defines(defines) if defines ~= nil then if type(defines) == "table" then for _, v in ipairs(defines) do p.outln('#define ' .. v) end else p.outln('#define ' .. defines) end end end --- -- attach ourselfs to the running action. --- p.override(p.action, 'call', function (base, name) local a = p.action.get(name) -- store the old callback. local onBaseProject = a.onProject or a.onproject -- override it with our own. a.onProject = function(prj) -- go through each configuration, and call the setup configuration methods. for cfg in p.project.eachconfig(prj) do cfg.autoconf = {} if cfg.autoconfigure then verbosef('Running auto config steps for "%s/%s".', prj.name, cfg.name) for file, func in pairs(cfg.autoconfigure) do func(cfg) if not (file ~= "dontWrite") then os.mkdir(cfg.objdir) local filename = path.join(cfg.objdir, file) autoconf.writefile(cfg, filename) end end end end -- then call the old onProject. if onBaseProject then onBaseProject(prj) end end -- now call the original action.call methods base(name) end)