#include "common.h" #include "patcher.h" #include "Phones.h" #include "Pools.h" #include "ModelIndices.h" #include "Ped.h" #include "Pad.h" #include "Messages.h" CPhoneInfo &gPhoneInfo = *(CPhoneInfo*)0x732A20; bool &CPhoneInfo::isPhonePickedUp = *(bool*)0x6283AC; uint32 &CPhoneInfo::phoneMessagesTimer = *(uint32*)0x6283A8; CPhone *&CPhoneInfo::pickedUpPhone = *(CPhone**)0x6283B0; bool &CPhoneInfo::isPhoneBeingPickedUp = *(bool*)0x6283B4; CPed *&CPhoneInfo::pedWhoPickingUpPhone = *(CPed**)0x6283B8; int CPhoneInfo::FindNearestFreePhone(CVector *pos) { int nearestPhoneId = -1; float nearestPhoneDist = 60.0f; for (int phoneId = 0; phoneId < m_nMax; phoneId++) { if (gPhoneInfo.m_aPhones[phoneId].m_nState == PHONE_STATE_FREE) { float phoneDist = (m_aPhones[phoneId].m_vecPos - *pos).Magnitude2D(); if (phoneDist < nearestPhoneDist) { nearestPhoneDist = phoneDist; nearestPhoneId = phoneId; } } } return nearestPhoneId; } bool CPhoneInfo::PhoneAtThisPosition(CVector pos) { for (int phoneId = 0; phoneId < m_nMax; phoneId++) { if (pos.x == m_aPhones[phoneId].m_vecPos.x && pos.y == m_aPhones[phoneId].m_vecPos.y) return true; } return false; } bool CPhoneInfo::HasMessageBeenDisplayed(int phoneId) { if (isPhonePickedUp) return false; int state = m_aPhones[phoneId].m_nState; return state == PHONE_STATE_REPEATED_MESSAGE_SHOWN_ONCE || state == PHONE_STATE_ONETIME_MESSAGE_SHOWN || state == PHONE_STATE_REPEATED_MESSAGE_SHOWN; } bool CPhoneInfo::IsMessageBeingDisplayed(int phoneId) { return pickedUpPhone == &m_aPhones[phoneId]; } void CPhoneInfo::Load(uint8 *buf, uint32 size) { INITSAVEBUF m_nMax = ReadSaveBuf(buf); m_nNum = ReadSaveBuf(buf); for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { m_aPhones[i] = ReadSaveBuf(buf); // It's saved as building pool index in save file, convert it to true entity if (m_aPhones[i].m_pEntity) { m_aPhones[i].m_pEntity = CPools::GetBuildingPool()->GetSlot((int)m_aPhones[i].m_pEntity - 1); } } VALIDATESAVEBUF(size) } void CPhoneInfo::SetPhoneMessage_JustOnce(int phoneId, wchar *msg1, wchar *msg2, wchar *msg3, wchar *msg4, wchar *msg5, wchar *msg6) { // If there is at least one message, it should be msg1. if (msg1) { m_aPhones[phoneId].m_apMessages[0] = msg1; m_aPhones[phoneId].m_apMessages[1] = msg2; m_aPhones[phoneId].m_apMessages[2] = msg3; m_aPhones[phoneId].m_apMessages[3] = msg4; m_aPhones[phoneId].m_apMessages[4] = msg5; m_aPhones[phoneId].m_apMessages[5] = msg6; m_aPhones[phoneId].m_nState = PHONE_STATE_ONETIME_MESSAGE_SET; } else { m_aPhones[phoneId].m_nState = PHONE_STATE_MESSAGE_REMOVED; } } void CPhoneInfo::SetPhoneMessage_Repeatedly(int phoneId, wchar *msg1, wchar *msg2, wchar *msg3, wchar *msg4, wchar *msg5, wchar *msg6) { // If there is at least one message, it should be msg1. if (msg1) { m_aPhones[phoneId].m_apMessages[0] = msg1; m_aPhones[phoneId].m_apMessages[1] = msg2; m_aPhones[phoneId].m_apMessages[2] = msg3; m_aPhones[phoneId].m_apMessages[3] = msg4; m_aPhones[phoneId].m_apMessages[4] = msg5; m_aPhones[phoneId].m_apMessages[5] = msg6; m_aPhones[phoneId].m_nState = PHONE_STATE_REPEATED_MESSAGE_SET; } else { m_aPhones[phoneId].m_nState = PHONE_STATE_MESSAGE_REMOVED; } } int CPhoneInfo::GrabPhone(float xPos, float yPos) { // "Grab" doesn't mean picking up the phone, it means allocating some particular phone to // whoever called the 024A opcode first with the position parameters closest to phone. // Same phone won't be available on next run of this function. int nearestPhoneId = -1; CVector pos(xPos, yPos, 0.0f); float nearestPhoneDist = 100.0f; for (int phoneId = m_nNum; phoneId < m_nMax; phoneId++) { float phoneDistance = (m_aPhones[phoneId].m_vecPos - pos).Magnitude2D(); if (phoneDistance < nearestPhoneDist) { nearestPhoneDist = phoneDistance; nearestPhoneId = phoneId; } } m_aPhones[nearestPhoneId].m_nState = PHONE_STATE_MESSAGE_REMOVED; CPhone oldFirstPhone = m_aPhones[m_nNum]; m_aPhones[m_nNum] = m_aPhones[nearestPhoneId]; m_aPhones[nearestPhoneId] = oldFirstPhone; m_nNum++; return m_nNum - 1; } void CPhoneInfo::Initialise(void) { CBuildingPool *pool = CPools::GetBuildingPool(); pedWhoPickingUpPhone = nil; isPhonePickedUp = false; isPhoneBeingPickedUp = false; pickedUpPhone = nil; m_nMax = 0; m_nNum = 0; for (int v5 = pool->GetSize() - 1; v5 >= 0; v5--) { CBuilding *building = pool->GetSlot(v5); if (building) { if (building->m_modelIndex == MI_PHONEBOOTH1) { CPhone *maxPhone = &m_aPhones[m_nMax]; maxPhone->m_nState = PHONE_STATE_FREE; maxPhone->m_vecPos = *(building->GetPosition()); maxPhone->m_pEntity = building; m_nMax++; } } } } void CPhoneInfo::Save(uint8 *buf, uint32 *size) { *size = sizeof(CPhoneInfo); INITSAVEBUF WriteSaveBuf(buf, m_nMax); WriteSaveBuf(buf, m_nNum); for(int phoneId = 0; phoneId < 50; phoneId++) { CPhone* phone = WriteSaveBuf(buf, m_aPhones[phoneId]); // Convert entity pointer to building pool index while saving if (phone->m_pEntity) { phone->m_pEntity = (CEntity*) (CPools::GetBuildingPool()->GetJustIndex((CBuilding*)phone->m_pEntity) + 1); } } VALIDATESAVEBUF(*size) } void CPhoneInfo::Shutdown(void) { m_nMax = 0; m_nNum = 0; } void PhonePutDownCB(CAnimBlendAssociation *assoc, void *arg) { assoc->flags |= ASSOC_DELETEFADEDOUT; assoc->blendDelta = -1000.0f; CPad::GetPad(0)->DisablePlayerControls &= ~PLAYERCONTROL_DISABLED_40; CPed *ped = (CPed*)arg; if (assoc->blendAmount > 0.5f) ped->bUpdateAnimHeading = true; if (ped->m_nPedState == PED_MAKE_CALL) ped->m_nPedState = PED_IDLE; } void PhonePickUpCB(CAnimBlendAssociation *assoc, void *arg) { CPhone *phone = (CPhone*)arg; int messagesDisplayTime = 0; for(int i=0; i < 6; i++) { wchar *msg = phone->m_apMessages[i]; if (msg) { CMessages::AddMessage(msg, 3000, 0); messagesDisplayTime += 3000; } } CPhoneInfo::isPhoneBeingPickedUp = false; CPhoneInfo::isPhonePickedUp = true; CPhoneInfo::pickedUpPhone = phone; CPhoneInfo::phoneMessagesTimer = CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds() + messagesDisplayTime; if (phone->m_nState == PHONE_STATE_ONETIME_MESSAGE_SET) { phone->m_nState = PHONE_STATE_ONETIME_MESSAGE_SHOWN; } else { phone->m_nState = PHONE_STATE_REPEATED_MESSAGE_SHOWN; phone->m_lastTimeRepeatedMsgShown = CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds(); } CPed *ped = CPhoneInfo::pedWhoPickingUpPhone; ped->m_nMoveState = PEDMOVE_STILL; CAnimManager::BlendAnimation(ped->GetClump(), ASSOCGRP_STD, ANIM_IDLE_STANCE, 8.0f); if (assoc->blendAmount > 0.5f && ped) CAnimManager::BlendAnimation(ped->GetClump(), ASSOCGRP_STD, ANIM_PHONE_TALK, 8.0f); CPhoneInfo::pedWhoPickingUpPhone = nil; } STARTPATCHES InjectHook(0x42F720, &CPhoneInfo::FindNearestFreePhone, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x42FD50, &CPhoneInfo::PhoneAtThisPosition, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x42FFF0, &CPhoneInfo::HasMessageBeenDisplayed, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x430030, &CPhoneInfo::IsMessageBeingDisplayed, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x430120, &CPhoneInfo::Load, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x42FF90, &CPhoneInfo::SetPhoneMessage_JustOnce, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x42FF30, &CPhoneInfo::SetPhoneMessage_Repeatedly, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x430060, &CPhoneInfo::Save, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x42F710, &CPhoneInfo::Shutdown, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x42F640, &CPhoneInfo::Initialise, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x42FDB0, &CPhoneInfo::GrabPhone, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x42F570, &PhonePutDownCB, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x42F470, &PhonePickUpCB, PATCH_JUMP); ENDPATCHES