#include "common.h"

#include "Bones.h"
#include "Camera.h"
#include "PedIK.h"
#include "Ped.h"
#include "General.h"
#include "RwHelper.h"

//--MIAMI: file done

LimbMovementInfo CPedIK::ms_torsoInfo = { DEGTORAD(50.0f), DEGTORAD(-50.0f), DEGTORAD(8.0f), DEGTORAD(45.0f), DEGTORAD(-45.0f), DEGTORAD(5.0f) };
LimbMovementInfo CPedIK::ms_headInfo = { DEGTORAD(90.0f), DEGTORAD(-90.0f), DEGTORAD(15.0f), DEGTORAD(45.0f), DEGTORAD(-45.0f), DEGTORAD(8.0f) };
LimbMovementInfo CPedIK::ms_headRestoreInfo = { DEGTORAD(90.0f), DEGTORAD(-90.0f), DEGTORAD(10.0f), DEGTORAD(45.0f), DEGTORAD(-45.0f), DEGTORAD(5.0f) };
LimbMovementInfo CPedIK::ms_upperArmInfo = { DEGTORAD(5.0f), DEGTORAD(-120.0f), DEGTORAD(20.0f), DEGTORAD(70.0f), DEGTORAD(-70.0f), DEGTORAD(20.0f) };
LimbMovementInfo CPedIK::ms_lowerArmInfo = { DEGTORAD(60.0f), DEGTORAD(0.0f), DEGTORAD(15.0f), DEGTORAD(90.0f), DEGTORAD(-90.0f), DEGTORAD(10.0f) };

const RwV3d XaxisIK = { 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
const RwV3d YaxisIK = { 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f};
const RwV3d ZaxisIK = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f};

CPedIK::CPedIK(CPed *ped)
	m_ped = ped;
	m_flags = 0;
	m_headOrient.yaw = 0.0f;
	m_headOrient.pitch = 0.0f;
	m_torsoOrient.yaw = 0.0f;
	m_torsoOrient.pitch = 0.0f;
	m_upperArmOrient.yaw = 0.0f;
	m_upperArmOrient.pitch = 0.0f;
	m_lowerArmOrient.yaw = 0.0f;
	m_lowerArmOrient.pitch = 0.0f;

inline RwMatrix*
GetBoneMatrix(CPed *ped, int32 bone)
	RpHAnimHierarchy *hier = GetAnimHierarchyFromSkinClump(ped->GetClump());
	int idx = RpHAnimIDGetIndex(hier, bone);
	RwMatrix *mats = RpHAnimHierarchyGetMatrixArray(hier);
	return &mats[idx];
inline RwMatrix*
GetComponentMatrix(CPed *ped, int32 node)
	return GetBoneMatrix(ped, ped->m_pFrames[node]->nodeID);

CPedIK::RotateTorso(AnimBlendFrameData *node, LimbOrientation *limb, bool changeRoll)
	RtQuat *q = &node->hanimFrame->q;
	RtQuatRotate(q, &XaxisIK, RADTODEG(limb->yaw), rwCOMBINEREPLACE);
	RtQuatRotate(q, &ZaxisIK, RADTODEG(limb->pitch), rwCOMBINEPRECONCAT);
	m_ped->bDontAcceptIKLookAts = true;

CPedIK::GetComponentPosition(RwV3d &pos, uint32 node)
	pos = GetComponentMatrix(m_ped, node)->pos;

CPedIK::MoveLimb(LimbOrientation &limb, float targetYaw, float targetPitch, LimbMovementInfo &moveInfo)

	// yaw

	if(Abs(limb.yaw-targetYaw) < moveInfo.yawD){
		limb.yaw = targetYaw;
		if (limb.yaw > targetYaw) {
			limb.yaw -= moveInfo.yawD;
		} else if (limb.yaw < targetYaw) {
			limb.yaw += moveInfo.yawD;

	if (limb.yaw > moveInfo.maxYaw || limb.yaw < moveInfo.minYaw) {
		limb.yaw = clamp(limb.yaw, moveInfo.minYaw, moveInfo.maxYaw);
		result = ANGLES_SET_TO_MAX;

	// pitch

	if (Abs(limb.pitch - targetPitch) < moveInfo.pitchD){
		limb.pitch = targetPitch;
		if (limb.pitch > targetPitch) {
			limb.pitch -= moveInfo.pitchD;
		} else if (limb.pitch < targetPitch) {
			limb.pitch += moveInfo.pitchD;

	if (limb.pitch > moveInfo.maxPitch || limb.pitch < moveInfo.minPitch) {
		limb.pitch = clamp(limb.pitch, moveInfo.minPitch, moveInfo.maxPitch);
		result = ANGLES_SET_TO_MAX;
	return result;

	LimbMoveStatus limbStatus = MoveLimb(m_torsoOrient, 0.0f, 0.0f, ms_torsoInfo);
	RotateTorso(m_ped->m_pFrames[PED_MID], &m_torsoOrient, false);
	return limbStatus == ANGLES_SET_EXACTLY;

CPedIK::LookInDirection(float targetYaw, float targetPitch)
	bool success = true;
	float yaw, pitch;
	if (!(m_ped->m_pFrames[PED_HEAD]->flag & AnimBlendFrameData::IGNORE_ROTATION)) {
		m_ped->m_pFrames[PED_HEAD]->flag |= AnimBlendFrameData::IGNORE_ROTATION;
		RwMatrix *m = GetComponentMatrix(m_ped, PED_NECK);
		m_headOrient.yaw = Atan2(-m->at.y, -m->at.x);
		m_headOrient.yaw -= m_ped->m_fRotationCur;
		m_headOrient.yaw = CGeneral::LimitRadianAngle(m_headOrient.yaw);
		float up = clamp(m->up.z, -1.0f, 1.0f);
		m_headOrient.pitch = Atan2(-up, Sqrt(1.0f - SQR(-up)));

	// parent of head is neck
	RwMatrix *m = GetComponentMatrix(m_ped, PED_NECK);
	yaw = CGeneral::LimitRadianAngle(Atan2(-m->at.y, -m->at.x));
	float up = clamp(m->up.z, -1.0f, 1.0f);
	pitch = Atan2(-up, Sqrt(1.0f - SQR(-up)));
	float headYaw = CGeneral::LimitRadianAngle(targetYaw - (yaw + m_torsoOrient.yaw));
	float headPitch = CGeneral::LimitRadianAngle(targetPitch - pitch) * Cos(Min(Abs(headYaw), HALFPI));

	LimbMoveStatus headStatus = MoveLimb(m_headOrient, headYaw, headPitch, ms_headInfo);
	if (headStatus == ANGLES_SET_TO_MAX)
		success = false;

	if (headStatus != ANGLES_SET_EXACTLY && !(m_flags & LOOKAROUND_HEAD_ONLY))
		if (MoveLimb(m_torsoOrient, CGeneral::LimitRadianAngle(targetYaw-m_ped->m_fRotationCur), targetPitch, ms_torsoInfo))
			success = true;

	// This was RotateHead
	RtQuat *q = &m_ped->m_pFrames[PED_HEAD]->hanimFrame->q;
	RtQuatRotate(q, &ZaxisIK, RADTODEG(m_headOrient.pitch), rwCOMBINEREPLACE);
	RtQuatRotate(q, &XaxisIK, RADTODEG(m_headOrient.yaw), rwCOMBINEPRECONCAT);
	m_ped->bDontAcceptIKLookAts = true;

	if (!(m_flags & LOOKAROUND_HEAD_ONLY))
		RotateTorso(m_ped->m_pFrames[PED_MID], &m_torsoOrient, false);
	return success;

CPedIK::LookAtPosition(CVector const &pos)
	RwV3d *pedpos = &GetComponentMatrix(m_ped, PED_MID)->pos;
	float yawToFace = CGeneral::GetRadianAngleBetweenPoints(
		pos.x, pos.y,
		pedpos->x, pedpos->y);

	float pitchToFace = CGeneral::GetRadianAngleBetweenPoints(
		// BUG? not using pedpos here
		pos.z, (m_ped->GetPosition() - pos).Magnitude2D(),
		pedpos->z, 0.0f);

	return LookInDirection(yawToFace, pitchToFace);

CPedIK::PointGunInDirection(float targetYaw, float targetPitch)
	bool result = true;
	bool armPointedToGun = false;
	targetYaw = CGeneral::LimitRadianAngle(targetYaw - m_ped->GetForward().Heading());
	if (m_flags & AIMS_WITH_ARM) {
		armPointedToGun = PointGunInDirectionUsingArm(targetYaw, targetPitch);
		targetYaw = CGeneral::LimitRadianAngle(targetYaw - (m_upperArmOrient.yaw + m_lowerArmOrient.yaw));
	if (armPointedToGun) {
		if (m_flags & AIMS_WITH_ARM && m_torsoOrient.yaw * m_upperArmOrient.yaw < 0.0f)
			MoveLimb(m_torsoOrient, 0.0f, m_torsoOrient.pitch, ms_torsoInfo);
	} else {
		// Unused code
		RwMatrix *matrix;
		float yaw, pitch;
		matrix = RwMatrixCreate();
		*matrix = *GetComponentMatrix(m_ped, PED_CLAVICLER);
		ExtractYawAndPitchWorld(matrix, &yaw, &pitch);

		if(m_flags & AIMS_WITH_ARM){
			if(targetPitch > 0.0f)
				targetPitch = Max(targetPitch - Abs(targetYaw), 0.0f);
				targetPitch = Min(targetPitch + Abs(targetYaw), 0.0f);
		LimbMoveStatus status = MoveLimb(m_torsoOrient, targetYaw, targetPitch, ms_torsoInfo);
		if (status == ANGLES_SET_TO_MAX)
			result = false;
		else if (status == ANGLES_SET_EXACTLY)
	RwMatrix *m = GetBoneMatrix(m_ped, BONE_spine);	// BUG: game uses index 2 directly, which happens to be identical to BONE_spine
	RwV3d axis = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
	float axisangle = -CGeneral::LimitRadianAngle(Atan2(-m->at.y, -m->at.x) - m_ped->m_fRotationCur);
	axis.y = -Sin(axisangle);
	axis.z = Cos(axisangle);

	// this was RotateTorso
	RtQuat *q = &m_ped->m_pFrames[PED_MID]->hanimFrame->q;
	RtQuatRotate(q, &axis, RADTODEG(m_torsoOrient.pitch), rwCOMBINEPOSTCONCAT);
	RtQuatRotate(q, &XaxisIK, RADTODEG(m_torsoOrient.yaw), rwCOMBINEPOSTCONCAT);
	m_ped->bDontAcceptIKLookAts = true;

	return result;

CPedIK::PointGunInDirectionUsingArm(float targetYaw, float targetPitch)
	bool result = false;
	RwMatrix *matrix;
	float yaw, pitch;

	float uaRoll = 45.0f;
	float handRoll = 30.0f;

	matrix = GetComponentMatrix(m_ped, PED_CLAVICLER);
	yaw = CGeneral::LimitRadianAngle(Atan2(matrix->right.y, matrix->right.x) - m_ped->m_fRotationCur);
	pitch = Atan2(matrix->up.z, Sqrt(1.0f - SQR(matrix->up.z)));

	float uaYaw, uaPitch;
	uaYaw = CGeneral::LimitRadianAngle(targetYaw - yaw - DEGTORAD(15.0f));
	uaPitch = CGeneral::LimitRadianAngle(targetPitch - pitch + DEGTORAD(10.0f));
	LimbMoveStatus uaStatus = MoveLimb(m_upperArmOrient, uaYaw, uaPitch, ms_upperArmInfo);
	if (uaStatus == ANGLES_SET_EXACTLY) {
		result = true;

	if (uaStatus == ANGLES_SET_TO_MAX) {
		float laYaw = uaYaw - m_upperArmOrient.yaw;

		LimbMoveStatus laStatus;
		if (laYaw > 0.0f){
			float rollReduce = laYaw/DEGTORAD(30.0f);
			uaRoll *= 1.0f - Min(rollReduce, 1.0f);
			handRoll *= 1.0f - Min(rollReduce, 1.0f);

			laYaw *= 1.9f;
			laStatus = MoveLimb(m_lowerArmOrient, laYaw, 0.0f, ms_lowerArmInfo);

			// some unused statics here
			float uaPitchAmount = 1.0f - (m_lowerArmOrient.yaw + m_upperArmOrient.yaw) * 0.34f;
			float f1 = ms_upperArmInfo.maxPitch * Max(uaPitchAmount, 0.0f);
			float f2 = 0.2f*m_lowerArmOrient.yaw + m_upperArmOrient.pitch;
			m_upperArmOrient.pitch = Min(f1, f2);
			laStatus = MoveLimb(m_lowerArmOrient, laYaw, 0.0f, ms_lowerArmInfo);

		if (laStatus == ANGLES_SET_EXACTLY) {
			result = true;

		// game does this stupidly by going through the clump extension...
		RtQuat *q = &m_ped->m_pFrames[PED_FOREARMR]->hanimFrame->q;
		RtQuatRotate(q, &ZaxisIK, -RADTODEG(m_lowerArmOrient.yaw), rwCOMBINEREPLACE);
		RtQuatRotate(q, &XaxisIK, -RADTODEG(m_lowerArmOrient.pitch), rwCOMBINEPOSTCONCAT);
		m_ped->bDontAcceptIKLookAts = true;

	RtQuat *q = &m_ped->m_pFrames[PED_UPPERARMR]->hanimFrame->q;
	RtQuatRotate(q, &XaxisIK, uaRoll, rwCOMBINEREPLACE);
	RtQuatRotate(q, &YaxisIK, -RADTODEG(m_upperArmOrient.pitch), rwCOMBINEPOSTCONCAT);
	RtQuatRotate(q, &ZaxisIK, -RADTODEG(m_upperArmOrient.yaw+HALFPI), rwCOMBINEPOSTCONCAT);
	m_ped->bDontAcceptIKLookAts = true;

	q = &m_ped->m_pFrames[PED_HANDR]->hanimFrame->q;
	RtQuatRotate(q, &XaxisIK, handRoll, rwCOMBINEPRECONCAT);

	return result;

CPedIK::PointGunAtPosition(CVector const& position)
	CVector startPoint;
	if (m_ped->GetWeapon()->m_eWeaponType == WEAPONTYPE_SPAS12_SHOTGUN || m_ped->GetWeapon()->m_eWeaponType == WEAPONTYPE_STUBBY_SHOTGUN)
		startPoint = m_ped->GetPosition();
	else {
		RwV3d armPos;
		GetComponentPosition(armPos, PED_UPPERARMR);
		startPoint.x = m_ped->GetPosition().x;
		startPoint.y = m_ped->GetPosition().y;
		startPoint.z = armPos.z;

	return PointGunInDirection(
		CGeneral::GetRadianAngleBetweenPoints(position.x, position.y, startPoint.x, startPoint.y),
		CGeneral::GetRadianAngleBetweenPoints(position.z, Distance2D(m_ped->GetPosition(), position.x, position.y), startPoint.z, 0.0f));

	bool result = false;
	float yaw, pitch;

	if (m_ped->m_pFrames[PED_HEAD]->flag & AnimBlendFrameData::IGNORE_ROTATION) {
		m_ped->m_pFrames[PED_HEAD]->flag &= (~AnimBlendFrameData::IGNORE_ROTATION);
	} else {
		ExtractYawAndPitchLocalSkinned(m_ped->m_pFrames[PED_HEAD], &yaw, &pitch);
		if (MoveLimb(m_headOrient, yaw, pitch, ms_headRestoreInfo) == ANGLES_SET_EXACTLY)
			result = true;

	// This was RotateHead
	RtQuat *q = &m_ped->m_pFrames[PED_HEAD]->hanimFrame->q;
	RtQuatRotate(q, &XaxisIK, RADTODEG(m_headOrient.yaw), rwCOMBINEREPLACE);
	RtQuatRotate(q, &ZaxisIK, RADTODEG(m_headOrient.pitch), rwCOMBINEPRECONCAT);
	m_ped->bDontAcceptIKLookAts = true;

	if (!(m_flags & LOOKAROUND_HEAD_ONLY))
		MoveLimb(m_torsoOrient, 0.0f, 0.0f, ms_torsoInfo);
	if (!(m_flags & LOOKAROUND_HEAD_ONLY))
		RotateTorso(m_ped->m_pFrames[PED_MID], &m_torsoOrient, false);
	return result;

CPedIK::ExtractYawAndPitchWorld(RwMatrix *mat, float *yaw, float *pitch)
	float f = clamp(DotProduct(mat->up, CVector(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)), -1.0f, 1.0f);
	*yaw = Acos(f);
	if (mat->up.x > 0.0f) *yaw = -*yaw;

	f = clamp(DotProduct(mat->right, CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)), -1.0f, 1.0f);
	*pitch = Acos(f);
	if (mat->up.z > 0.0f) *pitch = -*pitch;

CPedIK::ExtractYawAndPitchLocal(RwMatrix *mat, float *yaw, float *pitch)
	float f = clamp(DotProduct(mat->at, CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)), -1.0f, 1.0f);
	*yaw = Acos(f);
	if (mat->at.y > 0.0f) *yaw = -*yaw;

	f = clamp(DotProduct(mat->right, CVector(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)), -1.0f, 1.0f);
	*pitch = Acos(f);
	if (mat->up.x > 0.0f) *pitch = -*pitch;

CPedIK::ExtractYawAndPitchLocalSkinned(AnimBlendFrameData *node, float *yaw, float *pitch)
	RwMatrix *mat = RwMatrixCreate();
	RtQuatConvertToMatrix(&node->hanimFrame->q, mat);
	ExtractYawAndPitchLocal(mat, yaw, pitch);