#include "common.h" #include "SpecialFX.h" #include "RenderBuffer.h" #include "Timer.h" #include "Sprite.h" #include "Font.h" #include "Text.h" #include "TxdStore.h" #include "FileMgr.h" #include "FileLoader.h" #include "Timecycle.h" #include "Lights.h" #include "ModelIndices.h" #include "VisibilityPlugins.h" #include "World.h" #include "PlayerPed.h" #include "Particle.h" #include "Shadows.h" #include "General.h" #include "Camera.h" #include "Shadows.h" #include "main.h" #include "ColStore.h" #include "Coronas.h" #include "Script.h" #include "DMAudio.h" RwIm3DVertex StreakVertices[4]; RwImVertexIndex StreakIndexList[12]; RwIm3DVertex TraceVertices[10]; static RwImVertexIndex TraceIndexList[48] = {0, 5, 7, 0, 7, 2, 0, 7, 5, 0, 2, 7, 0, 4, 9, 0, 9, 5, 0, 9, 4, 0, 5, 9, 0, 1, 6, 0, 6, 5, 0, 6, 1, 0, 5, 6, 0, 3, 8, 0, 8, 5, 0, 8, 3, 0, 5, 8 }; bool CSpecialFX::bVideoCam; bool CSpecialFX::bLiftCam; bool CSpecialFX::bSnapShotActive; int32 CSpecialFX::SnapShotFrames; static RwTexture* gpSmokeTrailTexture; void CSpecialFX::Init(void) { CBulletTraces::Init(); RwIm3DVertexSetU(&TraceVertices[0], 0.0); RwIm3DVertexSetV(&TraceVertices[0], 0.0); RwIm3DVertexSetU(&TraceVertices[1], 1.0); RwIm3DVertexSetV(&TraceVertices[1], 0.0); RwIm3DVertexSetU(&TraceVertices[2], 1.0); RwIm3DVertexSetV(&TraceVertices[2], 0.0); RwIm3DVertexSetU(&TraceVertices[3], 1.0); RwIm3DVertexSetV(&TraceVertices[3], 0.0); RwIm3DVertexSetU(&TraceVertices[4], 1.0); RwIm3DVertexSetV(&TraceVertices[4], 0.0); RwIm3DVertexSetU(&TraceVertices[5], 0.0); RwIm3DVertexSetU(&TraceVertices[6], 1.0); RwIm3DVertexSetU(&TraceVertices[7], 1.0); RwIm3DVertexSetU(&TraceVertices[8], 1.0); RwIm3DVertexSetU(&TraceVertices[9], 1.0); RwIm3DVertexSetU(&StreakVertices[0], 0.0f); RwIm3DVertexSetV(&StreakVertices[0], 0.0f); RwIm3DVertexSetU(&StreakVertices[1], 1.0f); RwIm3DVertexSetV(&StreakVertices[1], 0.0f); RwIm3DVertexSetU(&StreakVertices[2], 0.0f); RwIm3DVertexSetV(&StreakVertices[2], 0.0f); RwIm3DVertexSetU(&StreakVertices[3], 1.0f); RwIm3DVertexSetV(&StreakVertices[3], 0.0f); StreakIndexList[0] = 0; StreakIndexList[1] = 1; StreakIndexList[2] = 2; StreakIndexList[3] = 1; StreakIndexList[4] = 3; StreakIndexList[5] = 2; StreakIndexList[6] = 0; StreakIndexList[7] = 2; StreakIndexList[8] = 1; StreakIndexList[9] = 1; StreakIndexList[10] = 2; StreakIndexList[11] = 3; CMotionBlurStreaks::Init(); CBrightLights::Init(); CShinyTexts::Init(); CMoneyMessages::Init(); C3dMarkers::Init(); CSpecialFX::bSnapShotActive = false; CSpecialFX::bVideoCam = false; CSpecialFX::SnapShotFrames = 0; CSpecialFX::bLiftCam = false; CTxdStore::PushCurrentTxd(); CTxdStore::SetCurrentTxd(CTxdStore::FindTxdSlot("particle")); if(gpSmokeTrailTexture == nil) gpSmokeTrailTexture = RwTextureRead("smoketrail", 0); CTxdStore::PopCurrentTxd(); } void CSpecialFX::AddWeaponStreak(int type) { static CMatrix matrix; CVector start; CVector end; if (FindPlayerPed() != nil && FindPlayerPed()->m_pWeaponModel != nil) { switch (type) { case WEAPONTYPE_BASEBALLBAT: matrix = RwFrameGetLTM(RpAtomicGetFrame(FindPlayerPed()->m_pWeaponModel)); start = matrix * CVector(0.02f, 0.05f, 0.07f); end = matrix * CVector(0.246f, 0.0325f, 0.796f); break; case WEAPONTYPE_GOLFCLUB: matrix = RwFrameGetLTM(RpAtomicGetFrame(FindPlayerPed()->m_pWeaponModel)); start = matrix * CVector(0.02f, 0.05f, 0.07f); end = matrix * CVector(-0.054f, 0.0325f, 0.796f); break; case WEAPONTYPE_KATANA: matrix = RwFrameGetLTM(RpAtomicGetFrame(FindPlayerPed()->m_pWeaponModel)); start = matrix * CVector(0.02f, 0.05f, 0.07f); end = matrix * CVector(0.096f, -0.0175f, 1.096f); break; default: return; } CMotionBlurStreaks::RegisterStreak((uintptr)FindPlayerPed()->m_pWeaponModel, 100, 100, 100, start, end); } } RwObject* LookForBatCB(RwObject *object, void *data) { static CMatrix MatLTM; if(CVisibilityPlugins::GetAtomicModelInfo((RpAtomic*)object) == (CSimpleModelInfo*)data){ MatLTM = CMatrix(RwFrameGetLTM(RpAtomicGetFrame((RpAtomic*)object))); CVector p1 = MatLTM * CVector(0.02f, 0.05f, 0.07f); CVector p2 = MatLTM * CVector(0.246f, 0.0325f, 0.796f); CMotionBlurStreaks::RegisterStreak((uintptr)object, 100, 100, 100, p1, p2); } return nil; } void CSpecialFX::Update(void) { CMotionBlurStreaks::Update(); CBulletTraces::Update(); } void CSpecialFX::Shutdown(void) { C3dMarkers::Shutdown(); if (gpSmokeTrailTexture) { RwTextureDestroy(gpSmokeTrailTexture); gpSmokeTrailTexture = nil; } } void CSpecialFX::Render(void) { CMotionBlurStreaks::Render(); CBulletTraces::Render(); CBrightLights::Render(); CShinyTexts::Render(); CMoneyMessages::Render(); #ifdef NEW_RENDERER if(!(gbNewRenderer && FredIsInFirstPersonCam())) #endif C3dMarkers::Render(); } void CSpecialFX::Render2DFXs(void) { if (CSpecialFX::bVideoCam) { CFont::SetScale(SCREEN_SCALE_X(1.5f), SCREEN_SCALE_Y(1.5f)); CFont::SetJustifyOff(); CFont::SetBackgroundOff(); CFont::SetCentreSize(SCREEN_SCALE_X(620.0f)); // unused CFont::SetCentreOff(); CFont::SetPropOn(); CFont::SetColor(CRGBA(0, 255, 0, 200)); CFont::SetFontStyle(FONT_LOCALE(FONT_STANDARD)); sprintf(gString, "%d", CTimer::GetFrameCounter() & 0x3F); // mb % 63 AsciiToUnicode(gString, gUString); CFont::PrintString(SCREEN_WIDTH * 8 / 10, SCREEN_HEIGHT * 8 / 10, gUString); for (int32 i = 0; i < SCREEN_HEIGHT; i += 4) { RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATESRCBLEND, (void *)rwBLENDONE); RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATEDESTBLEND, (void *)rwBLENDONE); CSprite2d::Draw2DPolygon(0.0f, i, SCREEN_WIDTH, i, 0.0f, i+1, SCREEN_WIDTH, i+1, CRGBA(0, 100, 0, 100)); RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATESRCBLEND, (void*)rwBLENDSRCALPHA); RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATEDESTBLEND, (void*)rwBLENDINVSRCALPHA); CSprite2d::Draw2DPolygon(0.0f, i+2, SCREEN_WIDTH, i+2, 0.0f, i+3, SCREEN_WIDTH, i+3, CRGBA(0, 0, 0, 150)); } int32 tmp = (CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds() & 0x7ff) * (SCREEN_HEIGHT + 70.0f) / 2048 - 70.0f; //mb % 2048 RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATESRCBLEND, (void*)rwBLENDSRCALPHA); RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATEDESTBLEND, (void*)rwBLENDINVSRCALPHA); CSprite2d::Draw2DPolygon(0.0, tmp, SCREEN_WIDTH, tmp, 0.0, tmp + 70.0f, SCREEN_WIDTH, tmp + 70.0f , CRGBA(0, 100, 0, 60)); } if (CSpecialFX::bLiftCam) { CFont::SetScale(SCREEN_SCALE_X(1.5f), SCREEN_SCALE_Y(1.5f)); CFont::SetJustifyOff(); CFont::SetBackgroundOff(); CFont::SetCentreSize(SCREEN_SCALE_X(620.0f)); // unused CFont::SetCentreOff(); CFont::SetPropOn(); CFont::SetColor(CRGBA(100, 100, 100, 200)); CFont::SetFontStyle(FONT_LOCALE(FONT_STANDARD)); CFont::PrintString(SCREEN_WIDTH * 8 / 10, SCREEN_HEIGHT * 8 / 10, gUString); for (int32 i = 0; i < SCREEN_HEIGHT; i += 4) { RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATESRCBLEND, (void*)rwBLENDONE); RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATEDESTBLEND, (void*)rwBLENDONE); CSprite2d::Draw2DPolygon(0.0f, i, SCREEN_WIDTH, i, 0.0f, i + 1, SCREEN_WIDTH, i + 1, CRGBA(100, 100, 100, 100)); RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATESRCBLEND, (void*)rwBLENDSRCALPHA); RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATEDESTBLEND, (void*)rwBLENDINVSRCALPHA); CSprite2d::Draw2DPolygon(0.0f, i + 2, SCREEN_WIDTH, i + 2, 0.0f, i + 3, SCREEN_WIDTH, i + 3, CRGBA(0, 0, 0, 150)); } int32 tmp = (CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds() & 0x7ff) * (SCREEN_HEIGHT + 70.0f) / 2048 - 70.0f; //mb % 2048 RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATESRCBLEND, (void*)rwBLENDSRCALPHA); RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATEDESTBLEND, (void*)rwBLENDINVSRCALPHA); CSprite2d::Draw2DPolygon(0.0, tmp, SCREEN_WIDTH, tmp, 0.0, tmp + 70.0f, SCREEN_WIDTH, tmp + 70.0f, CRGBA(100, 100, 100, 60)); for (int32 i = 0; i < 200; i++) { int32 posX = CGeneral::GetRandomNumber() % (int32)SCREEN_WIDTH; int32 posY = CGeneral::GetRandomNumber() % (int32)SCREEN_HEIGHT; CSprite2d::DrawRect(CRect(posX, posY + 2, posX+20, posY), CRGBA(255, 255, 255, 64)); } } if (CSpecialFX::bSnapShotActive) { if (++CSpecialFX::SnapShotFrames > 20) { CSpecialFX::bSnapShotActive = false; CTimer::SetTimeScale(1.0f); } else { CTimer::SetTimeScale(0.0f); //in andro it's 0.00001 if (CSpecialFX::SnapShotFrames < 10) { int32 tmp = (255 - 255 * CSpecialFX::SnapShotFrames / 10) * 0.65f; RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATESRCBLEND, (void*)rwBLENDONE); RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATEDESTBLEND, (void*)rwBLENDONE); CSprite2d::Draw2DPolygon(0.0f, 0.0f, SCREEN_WIDTH, 0.0f, 0.0f, SCREEN_HEIGHT, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, CRGBA(tmp, tmp, tmp, tmp)); RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATESRCBLEND, (void*)rwBLENDSRCALPHA); RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATEDESTBLEND, (void*)rwBLENDINVSRCALPHA); } } } } CRegisteredMotionBlurStreak CMotionBlurStreaks::aStreaks[NUMMBLURSTREAKS]; void CRegisteredMotionBlurStreak::Update(void) { int i; bool wasUpdated; bool lastWasUpdated = false; for(i = 2; i > 0; i--){ m_pos1[i] = m_pos1[i-1]; m_pos2[i] = m_pos2[i-1]; m_isValid[i] = m_isValid[i-1]; wasUpdated = true; if(!lastWasUpdated && !m_isValid[i]) wasUpdated = false; lastWasUpdated = wasUpdated; } m_isValid[0] = false; if(!wasUpdated) m_id = 0; } void CRegisteredMotionBlurStreak::Render(void) { int i; int a1, a2; for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) if(m_isValid[i] && m_isValid[i+1]){ a1 = (255/3)*(3-i)/3; RwIm3DVertexSetRGBA(&StreakVertices[0], m_red, m_green, m_blue, a1); RwIm3DVertexSetRGBA(&StreakVertices[1], m_red, m_green, m_blue, a1); a2 = (255/3)*(3-(i+1))/3; RwIm3DVertexSetRGBA(&StreakVertices[2], m_red, m_green, m_blue, a2); RwIm3DVertexSetRGBA(&StreakVertices[3], m_red, m_green, m_blue, a2); RwIm3DVertexSetPos(&StreakVertices[0], m_pos1[i].x, m_pos1[i].y, m_pos1[i].z); RwIm3DVertexSetPos(&StreakVertices[1], m_pos2[i].x, m_pos2[i].y, m_pos2[i].z); RwIm3DVertexSetPos(&StreakVertices[2], m_pos1[i+1].x, m_pos1[i+1].y, m_pos1[i+1].z); RwIm3DVertexSetPos(&StreakVertices[3], m_pos2[i+1].x, m_pos2[i+1].y, m_pos2[i+1].z); LittleTest(); if(RwIm3DTransform(StreakVertices, 4, nil, rwIM3D_VERTEXUV)){ RwIm3DRenderIndexedPrimitive(rwPRIMTYPETRILIST, StreakIndexList, 12); RwIm3DEnd(); } } } void CMotionBlurStreaks::Init(void) { int i; for(i = 0; i < NUMMBLURSTREAKS; i++) aStreaks[i].m_id = 0; } void CMotionBlurStreaks::Update(void) { int i; for(i = 0; i < NUMMBLURSTREAKS; i++) if(aStreaks[i].m_id != 0) aStreaks[i].Update(); } void CMotionBlurStreaks::RegisterStreak(uintptr id, uint8 r, uint8 g, uint8 b, CVector p1, CVector p2) { int i; for(i = 0; i < NUMMBLURSTREAKS; i++){ if(aStreaks[i].m_id == id){ // Found a streak from last frame, update aStreaks[i].m_red = r; aStreaks[i].m_green = g; aStreaks[i].m_blue = b; aStreaks[i].m_pos1[0] = p1; aStreaks[i].m_pos2[0] = p2; aStreaks[i].m_isValid[0] = true; return; } } // Find free slot for(i = 0; aStreaks[i].m_id != 0 ; i++) if(i == NUMMBLURSTREAKS-1) return; // Create a new streak aStreaks[i].m_id = id; aStreaks[i].m_red = r; aStreaks[i].m_green = g; aStreaks[i].m_blue = b; aStreaks[i].m_pos1[0] = p1; aStreaks[i].m_pos2[0] = p2; aStreaks[i].m_isValid[0] = true; aStreaks[i].m_isValid[1] = false; aStreaks[i].m_isValid[2] = false; } void CMotionBlurStreaks::Render(void) { bool setRenderStates = false; int i; for(i = 0; i < NUMMBLURSTREAKS; i++) if(aStreaks[i].m_id != 0){ if(!setRenderStates){ RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATEZWRITEENABLE, (void*)FALSE); RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATEVERTEXALPHAENABLE, (void*)TRUE); RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATEFOGENABLE, (void *)TRUE); RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATEFOGCOLOR, (void*)RWRGBALONG(CTimeCycle::GetFogRed(), CTimeCycle::GetFogGreen(), CTimeCycle::GetFogBlue(), 255)); RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATESRCBLEND, (void*)rwBLENDSRCALPHA); RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATEDESTBLEND, (void*)rwBLENDINVSRCALPHA); RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATETEXTURERASTER, (void*)FALSE); setRenderStates = true; } aStreaks[i].Render(); } if(setRenderStates){ RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATEZWRITEENABLE, (void*)TRUE); RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATEVERTEXALPHAENABLE, (void*)FALSE); RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATEFOGENABLE, (void *)FALSE); } } CBulletTrace CBulletTraces::aTraces[NUMBULLETTRACES]; void CBulletTraces::Init(void) { for (int i = 0; i < NUMBULLETTRACES; i++) aTraces[i].m_bInUse = false; } void CBulletTraces::AddTrace(CVector* start, CVector* end, float thickness, uint32 lifeTime, uint8 visibility) { int32 enabledCount; uint32 modifiedLifeTime; int32 nextSlot; enabledCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < NUMBULLETTRACES; i++) if (aTraces[i].m_bInUse) enabledCount++; if (enabledCount >= 10) modifiedLifeTime = lifeTime / 4; else if (enabledCount >= 5) modifiedLifeTime = lifeTime / 2; else modifiedLifeTime = lifeTime; nextSlot = 0; for (int i = 0; nextSlot < NUMBULLETTRACES && aTraces[i].m_bInUse; i++) nextSlot++; if (nextSlot < 16) { aTraces[nextSlot].m_vecStartPos = *start; aTraces[nextSlot].m_vecEndPos = *end; aTraces[nextSlot].m_bInUse = true; aTraces[nextSlot].m_nCreationTime = CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds(); aTraces[nextSlot].m_fVisibility = visibility; aTraces[nextSlot].m_fThickness = thickness; aTraces[nextSlot].m_nLifeTime = modifiedLifeTime; } float startProjFwd = DotProduct(TheCamera.GetForward(), *start - TheCamera.GetPosition()); float endProjFwd = DotProduct(TheCamera.GetForward(), *end - TheCamera.GetPosition()); if (startProjFwd * endProjFwd < 0.0f) { //if one of point behind us and second before us float fStartDistFwd = Abs(startProjFwd) / (Abs(startProjFwd) + Abs(endProjFwd)); float startProjUp = DotProduct(TheCamera.GetUp(), *start - TheCamera.GetPosition()); float endProjUp = DotProduct(TheCamera.GetUp(), *end - TheCamera.GetPosition()); float distUp = (endProjUp - startProjUp) * fStartDistFwd + startProjUp; float startProjRight = DotProduct(TheCamera.GetRight(), *start - TheCamera.GetPosition()); float endProjRight = DotProduct(TheCamera.GetRight(), *end - TheCamera.GetPosition()); float distRight = (endProjRight - startProjRight) * fStartDistFwd + startProjRight; float dist = Sqrt(SQR(distUp) + SQR(distRight)); if (dist < 2.0f) { if(distRight < 0.0f) DMAudio.PlayFrontEndSound(SOUND_BULLETTRACE_2, 127 * (1.0f - dist * 0.5f)); else DMAudio.PlayFrontEndSound(SOUND_BULLETTRACE_1, 127 * (1.0f - dist * 0.5f)); } } } void CBulletTraces::AddTrace(CVector* start, CVector* end, int32 weaponType, class CEntity* shooter) { CPhysical* player; float speed; int16 camMode; if (shooter == (CEntity*)FindPlayerPed() || (FindPlayerVehicle() != nil && FindPlayerVehicle() == (CVehicle*)shooter)) { camMode = TheCamera.Cams[TheCamera.ActiveCam].Mode; if (camMode == CCam::MODE_M16_1STPERSON || camMode == CCam::MODE_CAMERA || camMode == CCam::MODE_SNIPER || camMode == CCam::MODE_M16_1STPERSON_RUNABOUT || camMode == CCam::MODE_ROCKETLAUNCHER || camMode == CCam::MODE_ROCKETLAUNCHER_RUNABOUT || camMode == CCam::MODE_SNIPER_RUNABOUT || camMode == CCam::MODE_HELICANNON_1STPERSON) { player = FindPlayerVehicle() ? (CPhysical*)FindPlayerVehicle() : (CPhysical*)FindPlayerPed(); speed = player->m_vecMoveSpeed.Magnitude(); if (speed < 0.05f) return; } } switch (weaponType) { case WEAPONTYPE_PYTHON: case WEAPONTYPE_SHOTGUN: case WEAPONTYPE_SPAS12_SHOTGUN: case WEAPONTYPE_STUBBY_SHOTGUN: CBulletTraces::AddTrace(start, end, 0.7f, 1000, 200); break; case WEAPONTYPE_M4: case WEAPONTYPE_RUGER: case WEAPONTYPE_SNIPERRIFLE: case WEAPONTYPE_LASERSCOPE: case WEAPONTYPE_M60: case WEAPONTYPE_MINIGUN: case WEAPONTYPE_HELICANNON: CBulletTraces::AddTrace(start, end, 1.0f, 2000, 220); break; default: CBulletTraces::AddTrace(start, end, 0.4f, 750, 150); break; } } void CBulletTraces::Render(void) { for (int i = 0; i < NUMBULLETTRACES; i++) { if (!aTraces[i].m_bInUse) continue; RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATEZWRITEENABLE, (void*)FALSE); RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATESRCBLEND, (void*)rwBLENDSRCALPHA); RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATEDESTBLEND, (void*)rwBLENDINVSRCALPHA); RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATETEXTURERASTER, RwTextureGetRaster(gpSmokeTrailTexture)); float timeAlive = CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds() - aTraces[i].m_nCreationTime; float traceThickness = aTraces[i].m_fThickness * timeAlive / aTraces[i].m_nLifeTime; CVector horizontalOffset = aTraces[i].m_vecEndPos - aTraces[i].m_vecStartPos; horizontalOffset.Normalise(); horizontalOffset *= traceThickness; //then closer trace to die then it more transparent uint8 nAlphaValue = aTraces[i].m_fVisibility * (aTraces[i].m_nLifeTime - timeAlive) / aTraces[i].m_nLifeTime; CVector start = aTraces[i].m_vecStartPos; CVector end = aTraces[i].m_vecEndPos; float startProj = DotProduct(start - TheCamera.GetPosition(), TheCamera.GetForward()) - 0.7f; float endProj = DotProduct(end - TheCamera.GetPosition(), TheCamera.GetForward()) - 0.7f; if (startProj < 0.0f && endProj < 0.0f) //we dont need render trace behind us continue; if (startProj < 0.0f) { //if strat behind us move it closer float absStartProj = Abs(startProj); float absEndProj = Abs(endProj); start = (absEndProj * start + absStartProj * end) / (absStartProj + absEndProj); } else if (endProj < 0.0f) { float absStartProj = Abs(startProj); float absEndProj = Abs(endProj); end = (absEndProj * start + absStartProj * end) / (absStartProj + absEndProj); } //we divide trace at three parts CVector start2 = (7.0f * start + end) / 8; CVector end2 = (7.0f * end + start) / 8; RwIm3DVertexSetV(&TraceVertices[5], 10.0f); RwIm3DVertexSetV(&TraceVertices[6], 10.0f); RwIm3DVertexSetV(&TraceVertices[7], 10.0f); RwIm3DVertexSetV(&TraceVertices[8], 10.0f); RwIm3DVertexSetV(&TraceVertices[9], 10.0f); RwIm3DVertexSetRGBA(&TraceVertices[0], 255, 255, 255, nAlphaValue); RwIm3DVertexSetRGBA(&TraceVertices[1], 255, 255, 255, nAlphaValue); RwIm3DVertexSetRGBA(&TraceVertices[2], 255, 255, 255, nAlphaValue); RwIm3DVertexSetRGBA(&TraceVertices[3], 255, 255, 255, nAlphaValue); RwIm3DVertexSetRGBA(&TraceVertices[4], 255, 255, 255, nAlphaValue); RwIm3DVertexSetRGBA(&TraceVertices[5], 255, 255, 255, nAlphaValue); RwIm3DVertexSetRGBA(&TraceVertices[6], 255, 255, 255, nAlphaValue); RwIm3DVertexSetRGBA(&TraceVertices[7], 255, 255, 255, nAlphaValue); RwIm3DVertexSetRGBA(&TraceVertices[8], 255, 255, 255, nAlphaValue); RwIm3DVertexSetRGBA(&TraceVertices[9], 255, 255, 255, nAlphaValue); //two points in center RwIm3DVertexSetPos(&TraceVertices[0], start2.x, start2.y, start2.z); RwIm3DVertexSetPos(&TraceVertices[5], end2.x, end2.y, end2.z); //vertical planes RwIm3DVertexSetPos(&TraceVertices[1], start2.x, start2.y, start2.z + traceThickness); RwIm3DVertexSetPos(&TraceVertices[3], start2.x, start2.y, start2.z - traceThickness); RwIm3DVertexSetPos(&TraceVertices[6], end2.x, end2.y, end2.z + traceThickness); RwIm3DVertexSetPos(&TraceVertices[8], end2.x, end2.y, end2.z - traceThickness); //horizontal planes RwIm3DVertexSetPos(&TraceVertices[2], start2.x + horizontalOffset.y, start2.y - horizontalOffset.x, start2.z); RwIm3DVertexSetPos(&TraceVertices[7], end2.x + horizontalOffset.y, end2.y - horizontalOffset.x, end2.z); #ifdef FIX_BUGS //this point calculated wrong for some reason RwIm3DVertexSetPos(&TraceVertices[4], start2.x - horizontalOffset.y, start2.y + horizontalOffset.x, start2.z); RwIm3DVertexSetPos(&TraceVertices[9], end2.x - horizontalOffset.y, end2.y + horizontalOffset.x, end2.z); #else RwIm3DVertexSetPos(&TraceVertices[4], start2.x - horizontalOffset.y, start2.y - horizontalOffset.y, start2.z); RwIm3DVertexSetPos(&TraceVertices[9], end2.x - horizontalOffset.y, end2.y - horizontalOffset.y, end2.z); #endif if (RwIm3DTransform(TraceVertices, ARRAY_SIZE(TraceVertices), nil, 1)) { RwIm3DRenderIndexedPrimitive(rwPRIMTYPETRILIST, TraceIndexList, ARRAY_SIZE(TraceIndexList)); RwIm3DEnd(); } RwIm3DVertexSetV(&TraceVertices[5], 2.0f); RwIm3DVertexSetV(&TraceVertices[6], 2.0f); RwIm3DVertexSetV(&TraceVertices[7], 2.0f); RwIm3DVertexSetV(&TraceVertices[8], 2.0f); RwIm3DVertexSetV(&TraceVertices[9], 2.0f); RwIm3DVertexSetRGBA(&TraceVertices[0], 255, 255, 255, 0); RwIm3DVertexSetRGBA(&TraceVertices[1], 255, 255, 255, 0); RwIm3DVertexSetRGBA(&TraceVertices[2], 255, 255, 255, 0); RwIm3DVertexSetRGBA(&TraceVertices[3], 255, 255, 255, 0); RwIm3DVertexSetRGBA(&TraceVertices[4], 255, 255, 255, 0); RwIm3DVertexSetPos(&TraceVertices[0], start.x, start.y, start.z); RwIm3DVertexSetPos(&TraceVertices[1], start.x, start.y, start.z + traceThickness); RwIm3DVertexSetPos(&TraceVertices[3], start.x, start.y, start.z - traceThickness); RwIm3DVertexSetPos(&TraceVertices[2], start.x + horizontalOffset.y, start.y - horizontalOffset.x, start.z); RwIm3DVertexSetPos(&TraceVertices[5], start2.x, start2.y, start2.z); RwIm3DVertexSetPos(&TraceVertices[6], start2.x, start2.y, start2.z + traceThickness); RwIm3DVertexSetPos(&TraceVertices[8], start2.x, start2.y, start2.z - traceThickness); RwIm3DVertexSetPos(&TraceVertices[7], start2.x + horizontalOffset.y, start2.y - horizontalOffset.x, start2.z); #ifdef FIX_BUGS RwIm3DVertexSetPos(&TraceVertices[4], start.x - horizontalOffset.y, start.y + horizontalOffset.x, start.z); RwIm3DVertexSetPos(&TraceVertices[9], start2.x - horizontalOffset.y, start2.y + horizontalOffset.x, start2.z); #else RwIm3DVertexSetPos(&TraceVertices[4], start.x - horizontalOffset.y, start.y - horizontalOffset.y, start.z); RwIm3DVertexSetPos(&TraceVertices[9], start2.x - horizontalOffset.y, start2.y - horizontalOffset.y, start2.z); #endif if (RwIm3DTransform(TraceVertices, ARRAY_SIZE(TraceVertices), nil, rwIM3D_VERTEXUV)) { RwIm3DRenderIndexedPrimitive(rwPRIMTYPETRILIST, TraceIndexList, ARRAY_SIZE(TraceIndexList)); RwIm3DEnd(); } RwIm3DVertexSetPos(&TraceVertices[1], end.x, end.y, end.z); RwIm3DVertexSetPos(&TraceVertices[2], end.x, end.y, end.z + traceThickness); RwIm3DVertexSetPos(&TraceVertices[4], end.x, end.y, end.z - traceThickness); RwIm3DVertexSetPos(&TraceVertices[3], end.x + horizontalOffset.y, end.y - horizontalOffset.x, end.z); RwIm3DVertexSetPos(&TraceVertices[5], end2.x, end2.y, end2.z); RwIm3DVertexSetPos(&TraceVertices[6], end2.x, end2.y, end2.z + traceThickness); RwIm3DVertexSetPos(&TraceVertices[8], end2.x, end2.y, end2.z - traceThickness); RwIm3DVertexSetPos(&TraceVertices[7], end2.x + horizontalOffset.y, end2.y - horizontalOffset.x, end2.z); #ifdef FIX_BUGS RwIm3DVertexSetPos(&TraceVertices[5], end.x - horizontalOffset.y, end.y + horizontalOffset.x, end.z); RwIm3DVertexSetPos(&TraceVertices[9], end2.x - horizontalOffset.y, end2.y + horizontalOffset.x, end2.z); #else RwIm3DVertexSetPos(&TraceVertices[5], end.x - horizontalOffset.y, end.y - horizontalOffset.y, end.z); RwIm3DVertexSetPos(&TraceVertices[9], end2.x - horizontalOffset.y, end2.y - horizontalOffset.y, end2.z); #endif if (RwIm3DTransform(TraceVertices, ARRAY_SIZE(TraceVertices), nil, rwIM3D_VERTEXUV)) { RwIm3DRenderIndexedPrimitive(rwPRIMTYPETRILIST, TraceIndexList, ARRAY_SIZE(TraceIndexList)); RwIm3DEnd(); } } RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATEZWRITEENABLE, (void*)TRUE); RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATESRCBLEND, (void*)rwBLENDSRCALPHA); RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATEDESTBLEND, (void*)rwBLENDINVSRCALPHA); } void CBulletTraces::Update(void) { for (int i = 0; i < NUMBULLETTRACES; i++) { if (aTraces[i].m_bInUse) aTraces[i].Update(); } } void CBulletTrace::Update(void) { if (CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds() - m_nCreationTime >= m_nLifeTime) m_bInUse = false; } RpAtomic * MarkerAtomicCB(RpAtomic *atomic, void *data) { *(RpAtomic**)data = atomic; return atomic; } bool C3dMarker::AddMarker(uint32 identifier, uint16 type, float fSize, uint8 r, uint8 g, uint8 b, uint8 a, uint16 pulsePeriod, float pulseFraction, int16 rotateRate) { m_nIdentifier = identifier; m_Matrix.SetUnity(); RpAtomic *origAtomic; origAtomic = nil; RpClumpForAllAtomics(C3dMarkers::m_pRpClumpArray[type], MarkerAtomicCB, &origAtomic); RpAtomic *atomic = RpAtomicClone(origAtomic); RwFrame *frame = RwFrameCreate(); RpAtomicSetFrame(atomic, frame); CVisibilityPlugins::SetAtomicRenderCallback(atomic, nil); RpGeometry *geometry = RpAtomicGetGeometry(atomic); RpGeometrySetFlags(geometry, RpGeometryGetFlags(geometry) | rpGEOMETRYMODULATEMATERIALCOLOR); m_pAtomic = atomic; m_Matrix.Attach(RwFrameGetMatrix(RpAtomicGetFrame(m_pAtomic))); m_pMaterial = RpGeometryGetMaterial(geometry, 0); m_fSize = fSize; m_fStdSize = m_fSize; m_Color.red = r; m_Color.green = g; m_Color.blue = b; m_Color.alpha = a; m_nPulsePeriod = pulsePeriod; m_fPulseFraction = pulseFraction; m_nRotateRate = rotateRate; m_nStartTime = CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds(); m_nType = type; return m_pAtomic != nil; } void C3dMarker::DeleteMarkerObject() { RwFrame *frame; m_nIdentifier = 0; m_nStartTime = 0; m_bIsUsed = false; m_bFindZOnNextPlacement = false; m_nType = MARKERTYPE_INVALID; frame = RpAtomicGetFrame(m_pAtomic); RpAtomicDestroy(m_pAtomic); RwFrameDestroy(frame); m_pAtomic = nil; } void C3dMarker::Render() { if (m_pAtomic == nil) return; RpMaterialSetColor(m_pMaterial, &m_Color); m_Matrix.UpdateRW(); CMatrix matrix; matrix.Attach(m_Matrix.m_attachment); matrix.Scale(m_fSize); matrix.UpdateRW(); RwFrameUpdateObjects(RpAtomicGetFrame(m_pAtomic)); SetBrightMarkerColours(m_fBrightness); if (m_nType != MARKERTYPE_ARROW) RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATEZWRITEENABLE, (void*)FALSE); RpAtomicRender(m_pAtomic); if (m_nType != MARKERTYPE_ARROW) RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATEZWRITEENABLE, (void*)TRUE); ReSetAmbientAndDirectionalColours(); } C3dMarker C3dMarkers::m_aMarkerArray[NUM3DMARKERS]; int32 C3dMarkers::NumActiveMarkers; RpClump* C3dMarkers::m_pRpClumpArray[NUMMARKERTYPES]; void C3dMarkers::Init() { for (int i = 0; i < NUM3DMARKERS; i++) { m_aMarkerArray[i].m_pAtomic = nil; m_aMarkerArray[i].m_nType = MARKERTYPE_INVALID; m_aMarkerArray[i].m_bIsUsed = false; m_aMarkerArray[i].m_bFindZOnNextPlacement = false; m_aMarkerArray[i].m_nIdentifier = 0; m_aMarkerArray[i].m_Color.red = 255; m_aMarkerArray[i].m_Color.green = 255; m_aMarkerArray[i].m_Color.blue = 255; m_aMarkerArray[i].m_Color.alpha = 255; m_aMarkerArray[i].m_nPulsePeriod = 1024; m_aMarkerArray[i].m_nRotateRate = 5; m_aMarkerArray[i].m_nStartTime = 0; m_aMarkerArray[i].m_fPulseFraction = 0.25f; m_aMarkerArray[i].m_fStdSize = 1.0f; m_aMarkerArray[i].m_fSize = 1.0f; m_aMarkerArray[i].m_fBrightness = 1.0f; m_aMarkerArray[i].m_fCameraRange = 0.0f; } NumActiveMarkers = 0; int txdSlot = CTxdStore::FindTxdSlot("particle"); CTxdStore::PushCurrentTxd(); CTxdStore::SetCurrentTxd(txdSlot); CFileMgr::ChangeDir("\\"); m_pRpClumpArray[MARKERTYPE_ARROW] = CFileLoader::LoadAtomicFile2Return("models/generic/arrow.dff"); m_pRpClumpArray[MARKERTYPE_CYLINDER] = CFileLoader::LoadAtomicFile2Return("models/generic/zonecylb.dff"); CTxdStore::PopCurrentTxd(); } void C3dMarkers::Shutdown() { for (int i = 0; i < NUM3DMARKERS; i++) { if (m_aMarkerArray[i].m_pAtomic != nil) m_aMarkerArray[i].DeleteMarkerObject(); } for (int i = 0; i < NUMMARKERTYPES; i++) { if (m_pRpClumpArray[i] != nil) RpClumpDestroy(m_pRpClumpArray[i]); } } void C3dMarkers::Render() { NumActiveMarkers = 0; ActivateDirectional(); for (int i = 0; i < NUM3DMARKERS; i++) { if (m_aMarkerArray[i].m_bIsUsed) { if (m_aMarkerArray[i].m_fCameraRange < 150.0f) { m_aMarkerArray[i].Render(); if (m_aMarkerArray[i].m_nType == MARKERTYPE_ARROW) { CCoronas::RegisterCorona((uintptr)&m_aMarkerArray[i], SPHERE_MARKER_R, SPHERE_MARKER_G, SPHERE_MARKER_B, 192, m_aMarkerArray[i].m_Matrix.GetPosition(), 1.2f * m_aMarkerArray[i].m_fSize, 50.0f * TheCamera.LODDistMultiplier, CCoronas::TYPE_STAR, CCoronas::FLARE_NONE, CCoronas::REFLECTION_OFF, CCoronas::LOSCHECK_OFF, CCoronas::STREAK_ON, 0.0f, false); } } NumActiveMarkers++; m_aMarkerArray[i].m_bIsUsed = false; } else if (m_aMarkerArray[i].m_pAtomic != nil) { m_aMarkerArray[i].DeleteMarkerObject(); } } } C3dMarker * C3dMarkers::PlaceMarker(uint32 identifier, uint16 type, CVector &pos, float size, uint8 r, uint8 g, uint8 b, uint8 a, uint16 pulsePeriod, float pulseFraction, int16 rotateRate) { C3dMarker *pMarker; CVector2D playerPos = FindPlayerCentreOfWorld(0); pMarker = nil; float dist = ((CVector2D)pos - playerPos).Magnitude(); if (type != MARKERTYPE_ARROW && type != MARKERTYPE_CYLINDER) return nil; for (int i = 0; i < NUM3DMARKERS; i++) { if (!m_aMarkerArray[i].m_bIsUsed && m_aMarkerArray[i].m_nIdentifier == identifier) { pMarker = &m_aMarkerArray[i]; break; } } if (pMarker == nil) { for (int i = 0; i < NUM3DMARKERS; i++) { if (m_aMarkerArray[i].m_nType == MARKERTYPE_INVALID) { pMarker = &m_aMarkerArray[i]; break; } } } if (pMarker == nil && type == MARKERTYPE_ARROW) { for (int i = 0; i < NUM3DMARKERS; i++) { if (dist < m_aMarkerArray[i].m_fCameraRange && m_aMarkerArray[i].m_nType == MARKERTYPE_ARROW && (pMarker == nil || m_aMarkerArray[i].m_fCameraRange > pMarker->m_fCameraRange)) { pMarker = &m_aMarkerArray[i]; break; } } if (pMarker != nil) pMarker->m_nType = MARKERTYPE_INVALID; } if (pMarker == nil) return pMarker; pMarker->m_fCameraRange = dist; if (pMarker->m_nIdentifier == identifier && pMarker->m_nType == type) { if (type == MARKERTYPE_ARROW) { if (dist < 25.0f) { if (dist > 5.0f) pMarker->m_fStdSize = size - (25.0f - dist) * (0.3f * size) / 20.0f; else pMarker->m_fStdSize = size - 0.3f * size; } else { pMarker->m_fStdSize = size; } } else if (type == MARKERTYPE_CYLINDER) { if (dist < size + 12.0f) { if (dist > size + 1.0f) pMarker->m_Color.alpha = (1.0f - (size + 12.0f - dist) * 0.7f / 11.0f) * (float)a; else pMarker->m_Color.alpha = (float)a * 0.3f; } else { pMarker->m_Color.alpha = a; } } float someSin = Sin(TWOPI * (float)((pMarker->m_nPulsePeriod - 1) & (CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds() - pMarker->m_nStartTime)) / (float)pMarker->m_nPulsePeriod); pMarker->m_fSize = pMarker->m_fStdSize - pulseFraction * pMarker->m_fStdSize * someSin; if (type == MARKERTYPE_ARROW) { pos.z += 0.25f * pMarker->m_fStdSize * someSin; } else if (type == MARKERTYPE_0) { if (someSin > 0.0f) pMarker->m_Color.alpha = (float)a * 0.7f * someSin + a; else pMarker->m_Color.alpha = (float)a * 0.4f * someSin + a; } if (pMarker->m_nRotateRate != 0) { CVector pos = pMarker->m_Matrix.GetPosition(); pMarker->m_Matrix.RotateZ(DEGTORAD(pMarker->m_nRotateRate * CTimer::GetTimeStep())); pMarker->m_Matrix.GetPosition() = pos; } if (type == MARKERTYPE_ARROW) pMarker->m_Matrix.GetPosition() = pos; if (pMarker->m_bFindZOnNextPlacement) { if ((playerPos - pos).MagnitudeSqr() < sq(100.f) && CColStore::HasCollisionLoaded(pos)) { float z = CWorld::FindGroundZFor3DCoord(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z + 1.0f, nil); if (z != 0.0f) pMarker->m_Matrix.GetPosition().z = z - 0.05f * size; pMarker->m_bFindZOnNextPlacement = false; } } pMarker->m_bIsUsed = true; return pMarker; } if (pMarker->m_nIdentifier != 0) pMarker->DeleteMarkerObject(); pMarker->AddMarker(identifier, type, size, r, g, b, a, pulsePeriod, pulseFraction, rotateRate); if (type == MARKERTYPE_CYLINDER || type == MARKERTYPE_0 || type == MARKERTYPE_2) { if ((playerPos - pos).MagnitudeSqr() < sq(100.f) && CColStore::HasCollisionLoaded(pos)) { float z = CWorld::FindGroundZFor3DCoord(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z + 1.0f, nil); if (z != 0.0f) pos.z = z - 0.05f * size; pMarker->m_bFindZOnNextPlacement = false; } else { pMarker->m_bFindZOnNextPlacement = true; } } pMarker->m_Matrix.SetTranslate(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z); if (type == MARKERTYPE_2) { pMarker->m_Matrix.RotateX(PI); pMarker->m_Matrix.GetPosition() = pos; } pMarker->m_Matrix.UpdateRW(); if (type == MARKERTYPE_ARROW) { if (dist < 25.0f) { if (dist > 5.0f) pMarker->m_fStdSize = size - (25.0f - dist) * (0.3f * size) / 20.0f; else pMarker->m_fStdSize = size - 0.3f * size; } else { pMarker->m_fStdSize = size; } } else if (type == MARKERTYPE_CYLINDER) { if (dist < size + 12.0f) { if (dist > size + 1.0f) pMarker->m_Color.alpha = (1.0f - (size + 12.0f - dist) * 0.7f / 11.0f) * (float)a; else pMarker->m_Color.alpha = (float)a * 0.3f; } else { pMarker->m_Color.alpha = a; } } pMarker->m_bIsUsed = true; return pMarker; } void C3dMarkers::PlaceMarkerSet(uint32 id, uint16 type, CVector &pos, float size, uint8 r, uint8 g, uint8 b, uint8 a, uint16 pulsePeriod, float pulseFraction, int16 rotateRate) { PlaceMarker(id, type, pos, size, r, g, b, a, pulsePeriod, pulseFraction, 1); PlaceMarker(id, type, pos, size * 0.93f, r, g, b, a, pulsePeriod, pulseFraction, 2); PlaceMarker(id, type, pos, size * 0.86f, r, g, b, a, pulsePeriod, pulseFraction, -1); } void C3dMarkers::Update() { } #define BRIGHTLIGHTS_MAX_DIST (60.0f) // invisible beyond this #define BRIGHTLIGHTS_FADE_DIST (45.0f) // strongest between these two #define CARLIGHTS_MAX_DIST (30.0f) #define CARLIGHTS_FADE_DIST (15.0f) // 31 for close lights int CBrightLights::NumBrightLights; CBrightLight CBrightLights::aBrightLights[NUMBRIGHTLIGHTS]; void CBrightLights::Init(void) { NumBrightLights = 0; } void CBrightLights::RegisterOne(CVector pos, CVector up, CVector side, CVector front, uint8 type, uint8 red, uint8 green, uint8 blue) { if(NumBrightLights >= NUMBRIGHTLIGHTS) return; aBrightLights[NumBrightLights].m_camDist = (pos - TheCamera.GetPosition()).Magnitude(); if(aBrightLights[NumBrightLights].m_camDist > BRIGHTLIGHTS_MAX_DIST) return; aBrightLights[NumBrightLights].m_pos = pos; aBrightLights[NumBrightLights].m_up = up; aBrightLights[NumBrightLights].m_side = side; aBrightLights[NumBrightLights].m_front = front; aBrightLights[NumBrightLights].m_type = type; aBrightLights[NumBrightLights].m_red = red; aBrightLights[NumBrightLights].m_green = green; aBrightLights[NumBrightLights].m_blue = blue; NumBrightLights++; } static float TrafficLightsSide[6] = { -0.09f, 0.09f, 0.162f, 0.09f, -0.09f, -0.162f }; static float TrafficLightsUp[6] = { 0.162f, 0.162f, 0.0f, -0.162f, -0.162f, 0.0f }; static float LongCarHeadLightsSide[8] = { -0.2f, 0.2f, -0.2f, 0.2f, -0.2f, 0.2f, -0.2f, 0.2f }; static float LongCarHeadLightsFront[8] = { 0.1f, 0.1f, -0.1f, -0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, -0.1f, -0.1f }; static float LongCarHeadLightsUp[8] = { 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, -0.1f, -0.1f, -0.1f, -0.1f }; static float SmallCarHeadLightsSide[8] = { -0.08f, 0.08f, -0.08f, 0.08f, -0.08f, 0.08f, -0.08f, 0.08f }; static float SmallCarHeadLightsFront[8] = { 0.08f, 0.08f, -0.08f, -0.08f, 0.08f, 0.08f, -0.08f, -0.08f }; static float SmallCarHeadLightsUp[8] = { 0.08f, 0.08f, 0.08f, 0.08f, -0.08f, -0.08f, -0.08f, -0.08f }; static float BigCarHeadLightsSide[8] = { -0.15f, 0.15f, -0.15f, 0.15f, -0.15f, 0.15f, -0.15f, 0.15f }; static float BigCarHeadLightsFront[8] = { 0.15f, 0.15f, -0.15f, -0.15f, 0.15f, 0.15f, -0.15f, -0.15f }; static float BigCarHeadLightsUp[8] = { 0.15f, 0.15f, 0.15f, 0.15f, -0.15f, -0.15f, -0.15f, -0.15f }; static float TallCarHeadLightsSide[8] = { -0.08f, 0.08f, -0.08f, 0.08f, -0.08f, 0.08f, -0.08f, 0.08f }; static float TallCarHeadLightsFront[8] = { 0.08f, 0.08f, -0.08f, -0.08f, 0.08f, 0.08f, -0.08f, -0.08f }; static float TallCarHeadLightsUp[8] = { 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, -0.2f, -0.2f, -0.2f, -0.2f }; static float SirenLightsSide[6] = { -0.04f, 0.04f, 0.06f, 0.04f, -0.04f, -0.06f }; static float SirenLightsUp[6] = { 0.06f, 0.06f, 0.0f, -0.06f, -0.06f, 0.0f }; static RwImVertexIndex TrafficLightIndices[4*3] = { 0, 1, 5, 1, 2, 3, 1, 3, 4, 1, 4, 5 }; static RwImVertexIndex CubeIndices[12*3] = { 0, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 5, 1, 3, 7, 5, 2, 7, 3, 2, 6, 7, 4, 0, 1, 4, 1, 5, 6, 0, 4, 6, 2, 0, 6, 5, 7, 6, 4, 5 }; void CBrightLights::Render(void) { int i, j; CVector pos; if(NumBrightLights == 0) return; RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATEVERTEXALPHAENABLE, (void*)TRUE); RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATEZWRITEENABLE, (void*)TRUE); RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATESRCBLEND, (void*)rwBLENDSRCALPHA); RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATEDESTBLEND, (void*)rwBLENDINVSRCALPHA); RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATETEXTURERASTER, nil); TempBufferVerticesStored = 0; TempBufferIndicesStored = 0; for(i = 0; i < NumBrightLights; i++){ if(TempBufferIndicesStored > TEMPBUFFERINDEXSIZE-40 || TempBufferVerticesStored > TEMPBUFFERVERTSIZE-40) RenderOutGeometryBuffer(); int r, g, b, a; float flicker = (CGeneral::GetRandomNumber()&0xFF) * 0.2f; switch(aBrightLights[i].m_type){ case BRIGHTLIGHT_TRAFFIC_GREEN: r = flicker; g = 255; b = flicker; break; case BRIGHTLIGHT_TRAFFIC_YELLOW: r = 255; g = 128; b = flicker; break; case BRIGHTLIGHT_TRAFFIC_RED: r = 255; g = flicker; b = flicker; break; case BRIGHTLIGHT_FRONT_LONG: case BRIGHTLIGHT_FRONT_SMALL: case BRIGHTLIGHT_FRONT_BIG: case BRIGHTLIGHT_FRONT_TALL: r = 255; g = 255; b = 255; break; case BRIGHTLIGHT_REAR_LONG: case BRIGHTLIGHT_REAR_SMALL: case BRIGHTLIGHT_REAR_BIG: case BRIGHTLIGHT_REAR_TALL: r = 255; g = flicker; b = flicker; break; case BRIGHTLIGHT_SIREN: r = aBrightLights[i].m_red; g = aBrightLights[i].m_green; b = aBrightLights[i].m_blue; break; #ifdef FIX_BUGS //just to make sure that color never will be undefined default: return; #endif } if(aBrightLights[i].m_camDist < BRIGHTLIGHTS_FADE_DIST) a = 255; else a = 255*(1.0f - (aBrightLights[i].m_camDist-BRIGHTLIGHTS_FADE_DIST)/(BRIGHTLIGHTS_MAX_DIST-BRIGHTLIGHTS_FADE_DIST)); // fade car lights down to 31 as they come near if(aBrightLights[i].m_type >= BRIGHTLIGHT_FRONT_LONG && aBrightLights[i].m_type <= BRIGHTLIGHT_REAR_TALL){ if(aBrightLights[i].m_camDist < CARLIGHTS_FADE_DIST) a = 31; else if(aBrightLights[i].m_camDist < CARLIGHTS_MAX_DIST) a = 31 + (255-31)*((aBrightLights[i].m_camDist-CARLIGHTS_FADE_DIST)/(CARLIGHTS_MAX_DIST-CARLIGHTS_FADE_DIST)); } switch(aBrightLights[i].m_type){ case BRIGHTLIGHT_TRAFFIC_GREEN: case BRIGHTLIGHT_TRAFFIC_YELLOW: case BRIGHTLIGHT_TRAFFIC_RED: for(j = 0; j < 6; j++){ pos = TrafficLightsSide[j]*aBrightLights[i].m_side + TrafficLightsUp[j]*aBrightLights[i].m_up + aBrightLights[i].m_pos; RwIm3DVertexSetRGBA(&TempBufferRenderVertices[TempBufferVerticesStored+j], r, g, b, a); RwIm3DVertexSetPos(&TempBufferRenderVertices[TempBufferVerticesStored+j], pos.x, pos.y, pos.z); } for(j = 0; j < 4*3; j++) TempBufferRenderIndexList[TempBufferIndicesStored+j] = TrafficLightIndices[j] + TempBufferVerticesStored; TempBufferVerticesStored += 6; TempBufferIndicesStored += 4*3; break; case BRIGHTLIGHT_FRONT_LONG: case BRIGHTLIGHT_REAR_LONG: for(j = 0; j < 8; j++){ pos = LongCarHeadLightsSide[j]*aBrightLights[i].m_side + LongCarHeadLightsUp[j]*aBrightLights[i].m_up + LongCarHeadLightsFront[j]*aBrightLights[i].m_front + aBrightLights[i].m_pos; RwIm3DVertexSetRGBA(&TempBufferRenderVertices[TempBufferVerticesStored+j], r, g, b, a); RwIm3DVertexSetPos(&TempBufferRenderVertices[TempBufferVerticesStored+j], pos.x, pos.y, pos.z); } for(j = 0; j < 12*3; j++) TempBufferRenderIndexList[TempBufferIndicesStored+j] = CubeIndices[j] + TempBufferVerticesStored; TempBufferVerticesStored += 8; TempBufferIndicesStored += 12*3; break; case BRIGHTLIGHT_FRONT_SMALL: case BRIGHTLIGHT_REAR_SMALL: for(j = 0; j < 8; j++){ pos = SmallCarHeadLightsSide[j]*aBrightLights[i].m_side + SmallCarHeadLightsUp[j]*aBrightLights[i].m_up + SmallCarHeadLightsFront[j]*aBrightLights[i].m_front + aBrightLights[i].m_pos; RwIm3DVertexSetRGBA(&TempBufferRenderVertices[TempBufferVerticesStored+j], r, g, b, a); RwIm3DVertexSetPos(&TempBufferRenderVertices[TempBufferVerticesStored+j], pos.x, pos.y, pos.z); } for(j = 0; j < 12*3; j++) TempBufferRenderIndexList[TempBufferIndicesStored+j] = CubeIndices[j] + TempBufferVerticesStored; TempBufferVerticesStored += 8; TempBufferIndicesStored += 12*3; break; case BRIGHTLIGHT_FRONT_BIG: case BRIGHTLIGHT_REAR_BIG: for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { pos = BigCarHeadLightsSide[j] * aBrightLights[i].m_side + BigCarHeadLightsUp[j] * aBrightLights[i].m_up + BigCarHeadLightsFront[j] * aBrightLights[i].m_front + aBrightLights[i].m_pos; RwIm3DVertexSetRGBA(&TempBufferRenderVertices[TempBufferVerticesStored + j], r, g, b, a); RwIm3DVertexSetPos(&TempBufferRenderVertices[TempBufferVerticesStored + j], pos.x, pos.y, pos.z); } for (j = 0; j < 12 * 3; j++) TempBufferRenderIndexList[TempBufferIndicesStored + j] = CubeIndices[j] + TempBufferVerticesStored; TempBufferVerticesStored += 8; TempBufferIndicesStored += 12 * 3; break; case BRIGHTLIGHT_FRONT_TALL: case BRIGHTLIGHT_REAR_TALL: for(j = 0; j < 8; j++){ pos = TallCarHeadLightsSide[j]*aBrightLights[i].m_side + TallCarHeadLightsUp[j]*aBrightLights[i].m_up + TallCarHeadLightsFront[j]*aBrightLights[i].m_front + aBrightLights[i].m_pos; RwIm3DVertexSetRGBA(&TempBufferRenderVertices[TempBufferVerticesStored+j], r, g, b, a); RwIm3DVertexSetPos(&TempBufferRenderVertices[TempBufferVerticesStored+j], pos.x, pos.y, pos.z); } for(j = 0; j < 12*3; j++) TempBufferRenderIndexList[TempBufferIndicesStored+j] = CubeIndices[j] + TempBufferVerticesStored; TempBufferVerticesStored += 8; TempBufferIndicesStored += 12*3; break; case BRIGHTLIGHT_SIREN: for(j = 0; j < 6; j++){ pos = SirenLightsSide[j] * TheCamera.GetRight() + SirenLightsUp[j] * TheCamera.GetUp() + aBrightLights[i].m_pos; RwIm3DVertexSetRGBA(&TempBufferRenderVertices[TempBufferVerticesStored+j], r, g, b, a); RwIm3DVertexSetPos(&TempBufferRenderVertices[TempBufferVerticesStored+j], pos.x, pos.y, pos.z); } for(j = 0; j < 4*3; j++) TempBufferRenderIndexList[TempBufferIndicesStored+j] = TrafficLightIndices[j] + TempBufferVerticesStored; TempBufferVerticesStored += 6; TempBufferIndicesStored += 4*3; break; } } RenderOutGeometryBuffer(); RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATEVERTEXALPHAENABLE, (void*)FALSE); NumBrightLights = 0; } void CBrightLights::RenderOutGeometryBuffer(void) { if(TempBufferIndicesStored != 0){ LittleTest(); if(RwIm3DTransform(TempBufferRenderVertices, TempBufferVerticesStored, nil, rwIM3D_VERTEXUV)){ RwIm3DRenderIndexedPrimitive(rwPRIMTYPETRILIST, TempBufferRenderIndexList, TempBufferIndicesStored); RwIm3DEnd(); } TempBufferVerticesStored = 0; TempBufferIndicesStored = 0; } } int CShinyTexts::NumShinyTexts; CShinyText CShinyTexts::aShinyTexts[NUMSHINYTEXTS]; void CShinyTexts::Init(void) { NumShinyTexts = 0; } void CShinyTexts::RegisterOne(CVector p0, CVector p1, CVector p2, CVector p3, float u0, float v0, float u1, float v1, float u2, float v2, float u3, float v3, uint8 type, uint8 red, uint8 green, uint8 blue, float maxDist) { if(NumShinyTexts >= NUMSHINYTEXTS) return; aShinyTexts[NumShinyTexts].m_camDist = (p0 - TheCamera.GetPosition()).Magnitude(); if(aShinyTexts[NumShinyTexts].m_camDist > maxDist) return; aShinyTexts[NumShinyTexts].m_verts[0] = p0; aShinyTexts[NumShinyTexts].m_verts[1] = p1; aShinyTexts[NumShinyTexts].m_verts[2] = p2; aShinyTexts[NumShinyTexts].m_verts[3] = p3; aShinyTexts[NumShinyTexts].m_texCoords[0].x = u0; aShinyTexts[NumShinyTexts].m_texCoords[0].y = v0; aShinyTexts[NumShinyTexts].m_texCoords[1].x = u1; aShinyTexts[NumShinyTexts].m_texCoords[1].y = v1; aShinyTexts[NumShinyTexts].m_texCoords[2].x = u2; aShinyTexts[NumShinyTexts].m_texCoords[2].y = v2; aShinyTexts[NumShinyTexts].m_texCoords[3].x = u3; aShinyTexts[NumShinyTexts].m_texCoords[3].y = v3; aShinyTexts[NumShinyTexts].m_type = type; aShinyTexts[NumShinyTexts].m_red = red; aShinyTexts[NumShinyTexts].m_green = green; aShinyTexts[NumShinyTexts].m_blue = blue; // Fade out at half the max dist float halfDist = maxDist*0.5f; if(aShinyTexts[NumShinyTexts].m_camDist > halfDist){ float f = 1.0f - (aShinyTexts[NumShinyTexts].m_camDist - halfDist)/halfDist; aShinyTexts[NumShinyTexts].m_red *= f; aShinyTexts[NumShinyTexts].m_green *= f; aShinyTexts[NumShinyTexts].m_blue *= f; } NumShinyTexts++; } void CShinyTexts::Render(void) { int i, ix, v; RwTexture *lastTex = nil; if(NumShinyTexts == 0) return; RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATEVERTEXALPHAENABLE, (void*)TRUE); RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATEZWRITEENABLE, (void*)FALSE); RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATESRCBLEND, (void*)rwBLENDONE); RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATEDESTBLEND, (void*)rwBLENDONE); TempBufferVerticesStored = 0; TempBufferIndicesStored = 0; for(i = 0; i < NumShinyTexts; i++){ if(TempBufferIndicesStored > TEMPBUFFERINDEXSIZE-64 || TempBufferVerticesStored > TEMPBUFFERVERTSIZE-62) RenderOutGeometryBuffer(); uint8 r = aShinyTexts[i].m_red; uint8 g = aShinyTexts[i].m_green; uint8 b = aShinyTexts[i].m_blue; switch(aShinyTexts[i].m_type){ case SHINYTEXT_WALK: if(lastTex != gpWalkDontTex){ RenderOutGeometryBuffer(); RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATETEXTURERASTER, RwTextureGetRaster(gpWalkDontTex)); lastTex = gpWalkDontTex; } quad: v = TempBufferVerticesStored; RwIm3DVertexSetRGBA(&TempBufferRenderVertices[v+0], r, g, b, 255); RwIm3DVertexSetPos(&TempBufferRenderVertices[v+0], aShinyTexts[i].m_verts[0].x, aShinyTexts[i].m_verts[0].y, aShinyTexts[i].m_verts[0].z); RwIm3DVertexSetU(&TempBufferRenderVertices[v+0], aShinyTexts[i].m_texCoords[0].x); RwIm3DVertexSetV(&TempBufferRenderVertices[v+0], aShinyTexts[i].m_texCoords[0].y); RwIm3DVertexSetRGBA(&TempBufferRenderVertices[v+1], r, g, b, 255); RwIm3DVertexSetPos(&TempBufferRenderVertices[v+1], aShinyTexts[i].m_verts[1].x, aShinyTexts[i].m_verts[1].y, aShinyTexts[i].m_verts[1].z); RwIm3DVertexSetU(&TempBufferRenderVertices[v+1], aShinyTexts[i].m_texCoords[1].x); RwIm3DVertexSetV(&TempBufferRenderVertices[v+1], aShinyTexts[i].m_texCoords[1].y); RwIm3DVertexSetRGBA(&TempBufferRenderVertices[v+2], r, g, b, 255); RwIm3DVertexSetPos(&TempBufferRenderVertices[v+2], aShinyTexts[i].m_verts[2].x, aShinyTexts[i].m_verts[2].y, aShinyTexts[i].m_verts[2].z); RwIm3DVertexSetU(&TempBufferRenderVertices[v+2], aShinyTexts[i].m_texCoords[2].x); RwIm3DVertexSetV(&TempBufferRenderVertices[v+2], aShinyTexts[i].m_texCoords[2].y); RwIm3DVertexSetRGBA(&TempBufferRenderVertices[v+3], r, g, b, 255); RwIm3DVertexSetPos(&TempBufferRenderVertices[v+3], aShinyTexts[i].m_verts[3].x, aShinyTexts[i].m_verts[3].y, aShinyTexts[i].m_verts[3].z); RwIm3DVertexSetU(&TempBufferRenderVertices[v+3], aShinyTexts[i].m_texCoords[3].x); RwIm3DVertexSetV(&TempBufferRenderVertices[v+3], aShinyTexts[i].m_texCoords[3].y); ix = TempBufferIndicesStored; TempBufferRenderIndexList[ix+0] = 0 + TempBufferVerticesStored; TempBufferRenderIndexList[ix+1] = 1 + TempBufferVerticesStored; TempBufferRenderIndexList[ix+2] = 2 + TempBufferVerticesStored; TempBufferRenderIndexList[ix+3] = 2 + TempBufferVerticesStored; TempBufferRenderIndexList[ix+4] = 1 + TempBufferVerticesStored; TempBufferRenderIndexList[ix+5] = 3 + TempBufferVerticesStored; TempBufferVerticesStored += 4; TempBufferIndicesStored += 6; break; case SHINYTEXT_FLAT: if(lastTex != nil){ RenderOutGeometryBuffer(); RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATETEXTURERASTER, nil); lastTex = nil; } goto quad; } } RenderOutGeometryBuffer(); NumShinyTexts = 0; RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATEVERTEXALPHAENABLE, (void*)FALSE); RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATEZWRITEENABLE, (void*)TRUE); RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATESRCBLEND, (void*)rwBLENDSRCALPHA); RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATEDESTBLEND, (void*)rwBLENDINVSRCALPHA); } void CShinyTexts::RenderOutGeometryBuffer(void) { if(TempBufferIndicesStored != 0){ LittleTest(); if(RwIm3DTransform(TempBufferRenderVertices, TempBufferVerticesStored, nil, rwIM3D_VERTEXUV)){ RwIm3DRenderIndexedPrimitive(rwPRIMTYPETRILIST, TempBufferRenderIndexList, TempBufferIndicesStored); RwIm3DEnd(); } TempBufferVerticesStored = 0; TempBufferIndicesStored = 0; } } #define MONEY_MESSAGE_LIFETIME_MS 2000 CMoneyMessage CMoneyMessages::aMoneyMessages[NUMMONEYMESSAGES]; void CMoneyMessage::Render() { const float MAX_SCALE = 4.0f; uint32 nLifeTime = CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds() - m_nTimeRegistered; if (nLifeTime >= MONEY_MESSAGE_LIFETIME_MS) { m_nTimeRegistered = 0; } else { float fLifeTime = (float)nLifeTime / MONEY_MESSAGE_LIFETIME_MS; RwV3d vecOut; float fDistX, fDistY; if (CSprite::CalcScreenCoors(m_vecPosition + CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, fLifeTime), &vecOut, &fDistX, &fDistY, true)) { fDistX *= (0.7f * fLifeTime + 2.0f) * m_fSize; fDistY *= (0.7f * fLifeTime + 2.0f) * m_fSize; CFont::SetPropOn(); CFont::SetBackgroundOff(); float fScaleY = Min(fDistY / 100.0f, MAX_SCALE); float fScaleX = Min(fDistX / 100.0f, MAX_SCALE); #ifdef FIX_BUGS CFont::SetScale(SCREEN_SCALE_X(fScaleX), SCREEN_SCALE_Y(fScaleY)); #else CFont::SetScale(fScaleX, fScaleY); #endif CFont::SetCentreOn(); CFont::SetCentreSize(SCREEN_WIDTH); CFont::SetJustifyOff(); CFont::SetColor(CRGBA(m_Colour.r, m_Colour.g, m_Colour.b, (255.0f - 255.0f * fLifeTime) * m_fOpacity)); CFont::SetBackGroundOnlyTextOff(); FONT_LOCALE(FONT_STANDARD); CFont::PrintString(vecOut.x, vecOut.y, m_aText); } } } void CMoneyMessages::Init() { for (int32 i = 0; i < NUMMONEYMESSAGES; i++) aMoneyMessages[i].m_nTimeRegistered = 0; } void CMoneyMessages::Render() { for (int32 i = 0; i < NUMMONEYMESSAGES; i++) { if (aMoneyMessages[i].m_nTimeRegistered != 0) aMoneyMessages[i].Render(); } } void CMoneyMessages::RegisterOne(CVector vecPos, const char *pText, uint8 bRed, uint8 bGreen, uint8 bBlue, float fSize, float fOpacity) { uint32 i; #ifdef FIX_BUGS for(i = 0; i < NUMMONEYMESSAGES && aMoneyMessages[i].m_nTimeRegistered != 0; i++); #else for(i = 0; aMoneyMessages[i].m_nTimeRegistered != 0 && i < NUMMONEYMESSAGES; i++); #endif if(i < NUMMONEYMESSAGES) { // Add data of this money message to the array AsciiToUnicode(pText, aMoneyMessages[i].m_aText); aMoneyMessages[i].m_nTimeRegistered = CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds(); aMoneyMessages[i].m_vecPosition = vecPos; aMoneyMessages[i].m_Colour.red = bRed; aMoneyMessages[i].m_Colour.green = bGreen; aMoneyMessages[i].m_Colour.blue = bBlue; aMoneyMessages[i].m_fSize = fSize; aMoneyMessages[i].m_fOpacity = fOpacity; } } CRGBA FoamColour(255, 255, 255, 255); unsigned int CSpecialParticleStuff::BoatFromStart; void CSpecialParticleStuff::CreateFoamAroundObject(CMatrix* pMatrix, float innerFw, float innerRg, float innerUp, int32 particles) { float outerFw = innerFw + 5.0f; float outerRg = innerRg + 5.0f; float outerUp = innerUp + 5.0f; for (int attempts = 0; particles > 0 && attempts < 1000; attempts++) { CVector pos; int rnd = CGeneral::GetRandomNumber(); pos.x = (int8)(rnd - 128) * innerFw / 110.0f; pos.y = (int8)((rnd >> 8) - 128) * innerFw / 110.0f; pos.z = 0.0f; if (DotProduct2D(pos, TheCamera.GetForward()) >= 0) continue; // was there any point in adding it here? pos += pMatrix->GetPosition(); pos.z = 2.0f; float fw = Abs(DotProduct(pMatrix->GetForward(), pos - pMatrix->GetPosition())); if (fw >= outerFw) continue; float rg = Abs(DotProduct(pMatrix->GetRight(), pos - pMatrix->GetPosition())); if (rg >= outerRg) continue; float up = Abs(DotProduct(pMatrix->GetUp(), pos - pMatrix->GetPosition())); if (up >= outerUp) continue; if (fw > innerFw || rg > innerRg || up > innerUp) { CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_STEAM2, pos, CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), nil, 4.0f, FoamColour, 1, 0, 0, 0); particles--; } } } void CSpecialParticleStuff::StartBoatFoamAnimation() { BoatFromStart = CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds(); } void CSpecialParticleStuff::UpdateBoatFoamAnimation(CMatrix* pMatrix) { static int32 FrameInAnimation = 0; static float X, Y, Z, dX, dY, dZ; CreateFoamAroundObject(pMatrix, 107.0f, 24.1f, 30.5f, 2); uint32 prev = CTimer::GetPreviousTimeInMilliseconds(); uint32 cur = CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds(); if (FrameInAnimation != 0) { X += dX; Y += dY; Z += dZ; CVector pos = *pMatrix * CVector(X, Y, Z); CParticle::AddParticle(PARTICLE_STEAM_NY, pos, CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), nil, FrameInAnimation * 0.5f + 2.0f, FoamColour, 1, 0, 0, 0); if (++FrameInAnimation > 15) FrameInAnimation = 0; } if ((cur & 0x3FF) < (prev & 0x3FF)) { FrameInAnimation = 1; int rnd = CGeneral::GetRandomNumber(); X = (int8)(rnd - 128) * 0.2f; Y = (int8)((rnd >> 8) - 128) * 0.2f; Z = 10.0f; rnd = CGeneral::GetRandomNumber(); dX = (int8)(rnd - 128) * 0.02f; dY = (int8)((rnd >> 8) - 128) * 0.02f; dZ = 2.0f; } }