#CC = avr-gcc #CFLAGS = -Wall -mmcu=atmega16 -Os -Wl,-Map,test.map #OBJCOPY = avr-objcopy CC = gcc LD = gcc CFLAGS = -Wall -Os -c LDFLAGS = -Wall -Os -Wl,-Map,test.map OBJCOPYFLAFS = -j .text -O ihex OBJCOPY = objcopy # include path to AVR library INCLUDE_PATH = /usr/lib/avr/include # splint static check SPLINT = splint test.c aes.c -I$(INCLUDE_PATH) +charindex -unrecog default: test.elf .SILENT: .PHONY: lint clean test.hex : test.elf echo copy object-code to new image and format in hex $(OBJCOPY) ${OBJCOPYFLAFS} $< $@ test.o : test.c aes.h aes.o echo [CC] $@ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $< aes.o : aes.c aes.h echo [CC] $@ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $< test.elf : aes.o test.o echo [LD] $@ $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^ clean: rm -f *.OBJ *.LST *.o *.gch *.out *.hex *.map lint: $(call SPLINT)