// Copyright (c) 2012- PPSSPP Project / Dolphin Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official git repository and contact information can be found at // https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/. #pragma once // Android #if defined(ANDROID) #include <sys/endian.h> #if _BYTE_ORDER == _LITTLE_ENDIAN && !defined(COMMON_LITTLE_ENDIAN) #define COMMON_LITTLE_ENDIAN 1 #elif _BYTE_ORDER == _BIG_ENDIAN && !defined(COMMON_BIG_ENDIAN) #define COMMON_BIG_ENDIAN 1 #endif // GCC 4.6+ #elif __GNUC__ >= 5 || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 6) #if __BYTE_ORDER__ && (__BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN__) && !defined(COMMON_LITTLE_ENDIAN) #define COMMON_LITTLE_ENDIAN 1 #elif __BYTE_ORDER__ && (__BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__) && !defined(COMMON_BIG_ENDIAN) #define COMMON_BIG_ENDIAN 1 #endif // LLVM/clang #elif __clang__ #if __LITTLE_ENDIAN__ && !defined(COMMON_LITTLE_ENDIAN) #define COMMON_LITTLE_ENDIAN 1 #elif __BIG_ENDIAN__ && !defined(COMMON_BIG_ENDIAN) #define COMMON_BIG_ENDIAN 1 #endif // MSVC #elif defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(COMMON_BIG_ENDIAN) && !defined(COMMON_LITTLE_ENDIAN) #define COMMON_LITTLE_ENDIAN 1 #endif // Worst case, default to little endian. #if !COMMON_BIG_ENDIAN && !COMMON_LITTLE_ENDIAN #define COMMON_LITTLE_ENDIAN 1 #endif template <typename T, typename F> struct swap_struct_t { typedef swap_struct_t<T, F> swapped_t; protected: T value; static T swap(T v) { return F::swap(v); } public: T const swap() const { return swap(value); } swap_struct_t() : value((T)0) {} swap_struct_t(const T &v): value(swap(v)) {} template <typename S> swapped_t& operator=(const S &source) { value = swap((T)source); return *this; } operator s8() const { return (s8)swap(); } operator u8() const { return (u8)swap(); } operator s16() const { return (s16)swap(); } operator u16() const { return (u16)swap(); } operator s32() const { return (s32)swap(); } operator u32() const { return (u32)swap(); } operator s64() const { return (s64)swap(); } operator u64() const { return (u64)swap(); } operator float() const { return (float)swap(); } operator double() const { return (double)swap(); } // +v swapped_t operator +() const { return +swap(); } // -v swapped_t operator -() const { return -swap(); } // v / 5 swapped_t operator/(const swapped_t &i) const { return swap() / i.swap(); } template <typename S> swapped_t operator/(const S &i) const { return swap() / i; } // v * 5 swapped_t operator*(const swapped_t &i) const { return swap() * i.swap(); } template <typename S> swapped_t operator*(const S &i) const { return swap() * i; } // v + 5 swapped_t operator+(const swapped_t &i) const { return swap() + i.swap(); } template <typename S> swapped_t operator+(const S &i) const { return swap() + (T)i; } // v - 5 swapped_t operator-(const swapped_t &i) const { return swap() - i.swap(); } template <typename S> swapped_t operator-(const S &i) const { return swap() - (T)i; } // v += 5 swapped_t& operator+=(const swapped_t &i) { value = swap(swap() + i.swap()); return *this; } template <typename S> swapped_t& operator+=(const S &i) { value = swap(swap() + (T)i); return *this; } // v -= 5 swapped_t& operator-=(const swapped_t &i) { value = swap(swap() - i.swap()); return *this; } template <typename S> swapped_t& operator-=(const S &i) { value = swap(swap() - (T)i); return *this; } // ++v swapped_t& operator++() { value = swap(swap()+1); return *this; } // --v swapped_t& operator--() { value = swap(swap()-1); return *this; } // v++ swapped_t operator++(int) { swapped_t old = *this; value = swap(swap()+1); return old; } // v-- swapped_t operator--(int) { swapped_t old = *this; value = swap(swap()-1); return old; } // Comparaison // v == i bool operator==(const swapped_t &i) const { return swap() == i.swap(); } template <typename S> bool operator==(const S &i) const { return swap() == i; } // v != i bool operator!=(const swapped_t &i) const { return swap() != i.swap(); } template <typename S> bool operator!=(const S &i) const { return swap() != i; } // v > i bool operator>(const swapped_t &i) const { return swap() > i.swap(); } template <typename S> bool operator>(const S &i) const { return swap() > i; } // v < i bool operator<(const swapped_t &i) const { return swap() < i.swap(); } template <typename S> bool operator<(const S &i) const { return swap() < i; } // v >= i bool operator>=(const swapped_t &i) const { return swap() >= i.swap(); } template <typename S> bool operator>=(const S &i) const { return swap() >= i; } // v <= i bool operator<=(const swapped_t &i) const { return swap() <= i.swap(); } template <typename S> bool operator<=(const S &i) const { return swap() <= i; } // logical swapped_t operator !() const { return !swap(); } // bitmath swapped_t operator ~() const { return ~swap(); } swapped_t operator &(const swapped_t &b) const { return swap() & b.swap(); } template <typename S> swapped_t operator &(const S &b) const { return swap() & b; } swapped_t& operator &=(const swapped_t &b) { value = swap(swap() & b.swap()); return *this; } template <typename S> swapped_t& operator &=(const S b) { value = swap(swap() & b); return *this; } swapped_t operator |(const swapped_t &b) const { return swap() | b.swap(); } template <typename S> swapped_t operator |(const S &b) const { return swap() | b; } swapped_t& operator |=(const swapped_t &b) { value = swap(swap() | b.swap()); return *this; } template <typename S> swapped_t& operator |=(const S &b) { value = swap(swap() | b); return *this; } swapped_t operator ^(const swapped_t &b) const { return swap() ^ b.swap(); } template <typename S> swapped_t operator ^(const S &b) const { return swap() ^ b; } swapped_t& operator ^=(const swapped_t &b) { value = swap(swap() ^ b.swap()); return *this; } template <typename S> swapped_t& operator ^=(const S &b) { value = swap(swap() ^ b); return *this; } template <typename S> swapped_t operator <<(const S &b) const { return swap() << b; } template <typename S> swapped_t& operator <<=(const S &b) const { value = swap(swap() << b); return *this; } template <typename S> swapped_t operator >>(const S &b) const { return swap() >> b; } template <typename S> swapped_t& operator >>=(const S &b) const { value = swap(swap() >> b); return *this; } // Member /** todo **/ // Arithmetics template <typename S, typename T2, typename F2> friend S operator+(const S &p, const swapped_t v); template <typename S, typename T2, typename F2> friend S operator-(const S &p, const swapped_t v); template <typename S, typename T2, typename F2> friend S operator/(const S &p, const swapped_t v); template <typename S, typename T2, typename F2> friend S operator*(const S &p, const swapped_t v); template <typename S, typename T2, typename F2> friend S operator%(const S &p, const swapped_t v); // Arithmetics + assignements template <typename S, typename T2, typename F2> friend S operator+=(const S &p, const swapped_t v); template <typename S, typename T2, typename F2> friend S operator-=(const S &p, const swapped_t v); // Bitmath template <typename S, typename T2, typename F2> friend S operator&(const S &p, const swapped_t v); // Comparison template <typename S, typename T2, typename F2> friend bool operator<(const S &p, const swapped_t v); template <typename S, typename T2, typename F2> friend bool operator>(const S &p, const swapped_t v); template <typename S, typename T2, typename F2> friend bool operator<=(const S &p, const swapped_t v); template <typename S, typename T2, typename F2> friend bool operator>=(const S &p, const swapped_t v); template <typename S, typename T2, typename F2> friend bool operator!=(const S &p, const swapped_t v); template <typename S, typename T2, typename F2> friend bool operator==(const S &p, const swapped_t v); }; // Arithmetics template <typename S, typename T, typename F> S operator+(const S &i, const swap_struct_t<T, F> v) { return i + v.swap(); } template <typename S, typename T, typename F> S operator-(const S &i, const swap_struct_t<T, F> v) { return i - v.swap(); } template <typename S, typename T, typename F> S operator/(const S &i, const swap_struct_t<T, F> v) { return i / v.swap(); } template <typename S, typename T, typename F> S operator*(const S &i, const swap_struct_t<T, F> v) { return i * v.swap(); } template <typename S, typename T, typename F> S operator%(const S &i, const swap_struct_t<T, F> v) { return i % v.swap(); } // Arithmetics + assignements template <typename S, typename T, typename F> S &operator+=(S &i, const swap_struct_t<T, F> v) { i += v.swap(); return i; } template <typename S, typename T, typename F> S &operator-=(S &i, const swap_struct_t<T, F> v) { i -= v.swap(); return i; } // Logical template <typename S, typename T, typename F> S operator&(const S &i, const swap_struct_t<T, F> v) { return i & v.swap(); } template <typename S, typename T, typename F> S operator&(const swap_struct_t<T, F> v, const S &i) { return (S)(v.swap() & i); } // Comparaison template <typename S, typename T, typename F> bool operator<(const S &p, const swap_struct_t<T, F> v) { return p < v.swap(); } template <typename S, typename T, typename F> bool operator>(const S &p, const swap_struct_t<T, F> v) { return p > v.swap(); } template <typename S, typename T, typename F> bool operator<=(const S &p, const swap_struct_t<T, F> v) { return p <= v.swap(); } template <typename S, typename T, typename F> bool operator>=(const S &p, const swap_struct_t<T, F> v) { return p >= v.swap(); } template <typename S, typename T, typename F> bool operator!=(const S &p, const swap_struct_t<T, F> v) { return p != v.swap(); } template <typename S, typename T, typename F> bool operator==(const S &p, const swap_struct_t<T, F> v) { return p == v.swap(); } template <typename T> struct swap_64_t { static T swap(T x) { return (T)bswap64(*(u64 *)&x); } }; template <typename T> struct swap_32_t { static T swap(T x) { return (T)bswap32(*(u32 *)&x); } }; template <typename T> struct swap_16_t { static T swap(T x) { return (T)bswap16(*(u16 *)&x); } }; template <typename T> struct swap_float_t { static T swap(T x) { return (T)bswapf(*(float *)&x); } }; template <typename T> struct swap_double_t { static T swap(T x) { return (T)bswapd(*(double *)&x); } }; #if COMMON_LITTLE_ENDIAN typedef u32 u32_le; typedef u16 u16_le; typedef u64 u64_le; typedef s32 s32_le; typedef s16 s16_le; typedef s64 s64_le; typedef float float_le; typedef double double_le; typedef swap_struct_t<u64, swap_64_t<u64> > u64_be; typedef swap_struct_t<s64, swap_64_t<s64> > s64_be; typedef swap_struct_t<u32, swap_32_t<u32> > u32_be; typedef swap_struct_t<s32, swap_32_t<s32> > s32_be; typedef swap_struct_t<u16, swap_16_t<u16> > u16_be; typedef swap_struct_t<s16, swap_16_t<s16> > s16_be; typedef swap_struct_t<float, swap_float_t<float> > float_be; typedef swap_struct_t<double, swap_double_t<double> > double_be; #else typedef swap_struct_t<u64, swap_64_t<u64> > u64_le; typedef swap_struct_t<s64, swap_64_t<s64> > s64_le; typedef swap_struct_t<u32, swap_32_t<u32> > u32_le; typedef swap_struct_t<s32, swap_32_t<s32> > s32_le; typedef swap_struct_t<u16, swap_16_t<u16> > u16_le; typedef swap_struct_t< s16, swap_16_t<s16> > s16_le; typedef swap_struct_t<float, swap_float_t<float> > float_le; typedef swap_struct_t<double, swap_double_t<double> > double_le; typedef u32 u32_be; typedef u16 u16_be; typedef u64 u64_be; typedef s32 s32_be; typedef s16 s16_be; typedef s64 s64_be; typedef float float_be; typedef double double_be; #endif