#!/bin/bash echo " I think that install and configure should be deprecated." echo " use sudo make prepare and make generate instead and fix any of yours git-pre-add hooks or whatever." echo " --sijanec" ./bin/compose-html assets/pages-src/ dist/pages/ .html cp -r assets/css dist/ cp -r assets/fonts dist/ cp -r assets/img dist/ find assets/root/ -type f \( ! -name "*.bvr" \) -exec cp -r "{}" dist/ \; find assets/root/ -name "*.bvr" -printf "%f\n" | xargs -I % bash -c "FILE='%'; FILE_DST="dist/\${FILE/.bvr/}"; ./bin/compose-single \"assets/root/\$FILE\" \"\$FILE_DST\"" # js bvr fajli mkdir -p dist/js # js ne znam te magije find assets/js/ -name "*.bvr" -printf "%f\n" | xargs -I % bash -c "FILE='%'; FILE_DST="dist/js/\${FILE/.bvr/}"; ./bin/compose-single \"assets/js/\$FILE\" \"\$FILE_DST\"" find assets/js/ -name "*.js" -printf "%P\n" | xargs -I % bash -c "FILE='%'; FILE_DST="dist/js/\${FILE/.bvr/}"; ./bin/jsmin assets/js/\"\$FILE\" \"\$FILE_DST\"" cp -r assets/root/.well-known dist/