#pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include int bvr_command_processor(FILE * page_source_file, FILE * temp_output_file) { char copy_buffer[COPY_BUFFER_SIZE]; copy_buffer[(ftell(page_source_file))% COPY_BUFFER_SIZE] = fgetc(page_source_file); char command_entered = copy_buffer[(ftell(page_source_file))% COPY_BUFFER_SIZE]; int command_handler_output = SUCCESS;; // argument_feed = fmemopen (argument_string, strlen (argument_string), "r"); switch (command_entered) { // switch command case 'g': command_handler_output = bvr_handle_get(page_source_file, temp_output_file); break; case 's': command_handler_output = bvr_handle_set(page_source_file, temp_output_file); break; case 'i': command_handler_output = bvr_handle_include(page_source_file, temp_output_file); break; case 'm': command_handler_output = bvr_handle_move(page_source_file, temp_output_file); break; case 'u': command_handler_output = bvr_handle_substring(page_source_file, temp_output_file); break; case 'b': // fprintf(stderr, "bunden %c\n", command_entered); command_handler_output = bvr_handle_info(page_source_file, temp_output_file); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "[tape.c] bvr_command_processor: unknown command %c\n", command_entered); fprintf(temp_output_file, "\nbVerbose unknown command %c\n", command_entered); } if(command_handler_output != SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "[tape.c] bvr_inline_command_processor: command handler for %c returned an error code.\n", command_entered); fprintf(temp_output_file, "\nbVerbose command handler for %c returned an error code.\n", command_entered); return FAILURE; } return SUCCESS; } int bvr_inline_command_processor(FILE * page_source_file, FILE * output_file, char copy_buffer[]) { FILE * temp_output_file = output_file; int what_to_return = SUCCESS; // for(int i = 1; i <= OPENING_COMMAND_TAG_LENGTH; i++) { // copy_buffer[ftell(page_source_file)% COPY_BUFFER_SIZE] = fgetc(page_source_file); // remove opening command tag characters // } int command_processor_status = WAITING_FOR_COMMAND; // int argument_length = 0; char command_entered; while(copy_buffer[(ftell(page_source_file)-1)% COPY_BUFFER_SIZE] != CLOSING_COMMAND_TAG_CHAR_1 || copy_buffer[ftell(page_source_file)% COPY_BUFFER_SIZE] != CLOSING_COMMAND_TAG_CHAR_2 || command_processor_status == PROCESSING_COMMAND) { copy_buffer[(ftell(page_source_file))% COPY_BUFFER_SIZE] = fgetc(page_source_file); if(copy_buffer[(ftell(page_source_file))% COPY_BUFFER_SIZE] == LINE_COMMENT_CHAR && command_processor_status == WAITING_FOR_COMMAND) { temp_output_file = fopen(THE_VOID, "w"); continue; } if(copy_buffer[(ftell(page_source_file))% COPY_BUFFER_SIZE] == LINE_COMMAND_CHAR && command_processor_status == WAITING_FOR_COMMAND) { // command_entered = copy_buffer[(ftell(page_source_file)-1)% COPY_BUFFER_SIZE]; if(bvr_command_processor(page_source_file, output_file) != SUCCESS) { fprintf(temp_output_file, "\nbVerbose command processor error.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "[tape.c] bvr_inline_command_processor: bvr_command_processor returned a non-success status.\n"); } copy_buffer[ftell(page_source_file)% COPY_BUFFER_SIZE] = '@'; // ker če command handler "poje" @ ne bomo izšli iz while. Nič pa ne } // moti ena dodatna @ v bufferju (hello, future self) if(copy_buffer[(ftell(page_source_file)-1)% COPY_BUFFER_SIZE] == EOF) { fprintf(temp_output_file, "\nbVerbose syntax error: EOF reached before closing command tag --- stopped with this bvr file\n"); fprintf(stderr, "[tape.c] bvr_inline_command_processor: syntax error: EOF reached before @> --- stopped with this bvr file\n"); return FAILURE; } } // copy_buffer[(ftell(page_source_file)% COPY_BUFFER_SIZE)] = fgetc(page_source_file); // remove closing command tag character return what_to_return; } int bvr_compose_stream(FILE * page_source_file, FILE * temp_output_file) { char copy_buffer[COPY_BUFFER_SIZE]; int cycles = 0; for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(copy_buffer); i++) { // da garbage vrednosti ne bodo slučajno ukazi! copy_buffer[i] = '\n'; // čeprav OS verjetno nastavi ram na \0\0\0\0\0\0 preden ga da procesu } // ampak kaj pa, ko funkcijo zaženemo drugič, pointer bo kazal na isto mesto! // nočemo \0 // copy_buffer[ftell(page_source_file)% COPY_BUFFER_SIZE] = fgetc(page_source_file); // if(copy_buffer[ftell(page_source_file)% COPY_BUFFER_SIZE] == EOF) { // goto done_reading_write_file; // } while (1) { copy_buffer[ftell(page_source_file)% COPY_BUFFER_SIZE] = fgetc(page_source_file); if(copy_buffer[(ftell(page_source_file)-1)% COPY_BUFFER_SIZE] == OPENING_COMMAND_TAG_CHAR_1 && copy_buffer[ftell(page_source_file)% COPY_BUFFER_SIZE] == OPENING_COMMAND_TAG_CHAR_2) { if(bvr_inline_command_processor(page_source_file, temp_output_file, copy_buffer) == FAILURE) { fprintf(temp_output_file, "\nbvr_inline_command_processor returned an error status.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "[tape.c] bvr_inline_command_processor returned an error status.\n"); } copy_buffer[ftell(page_source_file)% COPY_BUFFER_SIZE] = fgetc(page_source_file); // remove last > that just wants to be there... OB1 continue; } if(copy_buffer[(ftell(page_source_file)-1)% COPY_BUFFER_SIZE] == '\n' && copy_buffer[ftell(page_source_file)% COPY_BUFFER_SIZE] == LINE_COMMENT_CHAR) { // copy_buffer[ftell(page_source_file)% COPY_BUFFER_SIZE] = fgetc(page_source_file); // idk, OB1 is a bitch while(copy_buffer[(ftell(page_source_file)-0)% COPY_BUFFER_SIZE] != '\n') { // idk, OB1 is a bitch copy_buffer[ftell(page_source_file)% COPY_BUFFER_SIZE] = fgetc(page_source_file); // idk, OB1 is a bitch } continue; } // if(copy_buffer[(ftell(page_source_file)-1)% COPY_BUFFER_SIZE] == '\n' && copy_buffer[ftell(page_source_file)% COPY_BUFFER_SIZE] == LINE_COMMAND_CHAR) { // if(bvr_command_processor(page_source_file, temp_output_file, copy_buffer) == FAILURE) { // fprintf(temp_output_file, "\nbvr_command_processor returned an error status whilst composing %s\n", page_source_file_path); // fprintf(stderr, "[tape.c] bvr_command_processor returned an error status whilst composing %s\n", page_source_file_path); // } // continue; // } if(copy_buffer[ftell(page_source_file)% COPY_BUFFER_SIZE] == EOF) { fputc('\n', temp_output_file); // NO POMEGRANTES! NO! NO! NO! NO POMEGRANTES! break; } if (cycles++ != 0) { // da ne napišemo prvega znaka bufferja, preden je sploh kaj v bufferju. fputc(copy_buffer[(ftell(page_source_file)-1)% COPY_BUFFER_SIZE], temp_output_file); } } return SUCCESS; } int bvr_compose_page(char page_source_file_path[], int this_is_a_top_level_page, char * temp_output_path) { if(temp_output_path != NULL) { char * temp_output_filename = randstring(16); char temp_output_path[80] = "tmp/"; strcat(temp_output_path, temp_output_filename); } FILE * temp_output_file = fopen_mkdir(temp_output_path, "w"); FILE * page_source_file = fopen(page_source_file_path, "r"); if(bvr_compose_stream(page_source_file, temp_output_file) != SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "[tape.c] bvr_compose_page: bvr_compose_stream returned a non-successful response whilst composing %s. Nevertheless, we are continuing.\n", page_source_file_path); } done_reading_write_file: if(this_is_a_top_level_page) { char folder_of_file[PATH_MAX]; strlcpy(folder_of_file, page_source_file_path, PATH_MAX); char * p; p = strrchr(folder_of_file, '/'); if (!p) { printf("[fopenmkdir.c] filename contains no slash.\n"); return FAILURE; } else { *p = '\0'; } char *type_of_page = strrchr(folder_of_file, '/'); if (type_of_page == NULL) { printf("[tape.c] bvr_compose_page: folder of file contains no slash, hope %s is a page category.", folder_of_file); type_of_page = folder_of_file; } else { type_of_page++; } // type_of_page+1 is a page category (skip delimeter pointer.) } return SUCCESS; }