yeet <@?i assets/content/global.bvr @> <@?s testing krneki@> # <@?u -2 -1 ?g testing @> <@?s branch_name .git/refs/heads/master@> <@?s latest_commit ?u 0 6 ?i ?g branch_name@> <@?g latest_commit@> <@?f ?"1" <@?g ?"he@>llo!"@>@> <@?s stevilka 12@> <@?r- stevilka ?"1" @> <@?g stevilka@> <@?w stevilka <@<@?r- stevilka ?"1"@><@?g stevilka@>@>@> <@?m ?"<@?s s ?g a[#]@><@?w s <@<@?r- s ?\"1\"@><@?s b a@><@?j b ?\"[\"@><@?j b s@><@?j b ?\"]\"@><@?g z@><@?g ?g b@><@?g k@>@>@>" function_that_prints_array_elements_backwards@> <@?s a this,is,a,test,of,an,array@><@?e a ?","@> <@?s z {@> <@?s k }@> <@?i bvr://v/function_that_prints_array_elements_backwards@> <@?m ?"a very long string should surpass 128 characters. this should trigger the automatic or, in other words, dynamic memory allocation that should extend the variable space to support such a long string. yup, that's enough of text." longstring@> <@?g longstring@> <@?g longstring@>