#!/usr/bin/python3 from sys import stderr, stdout from dns.resolver import resolve, LifetimeTimeout from dns.query import udp from dns.message import make_query from dns.exception import Timeout from dns.rcode import NXDOMAIN from requests import get from random import sample candidates = [] # for d in get("https://data.iana.org/TLD/tlds-alpha-by-domain.txt").content.split(b"\n"): for d in [b"ac", b"af", b"ag", b"ai", b"am", b"bo", b"by", b"bz", b"cm", b"cn", b"co", b"cr", b"cx", b"cz", b"de", b"dk", b"fm", b"gd", b"gg", b"gl", b"gp", b"gs", b"gt", b"gy", b"hn", b"hr", b"ht", b"ie", b"im", b"io", b"is", b"je", b"kg", b"ki", b"kw", b"la", b"lb", b"lc", b"ly", b"md", b"mg", b"mk", b"mp", b"ms", b"mw", b"mx", b"mu", b"nf", b"np", b"nz", b"pe", b"ph", b"pk", b"pl", b"pn", b"pr", b"pw", b"ro", b"sh", b"st", b"tc", b"tl", b"tt", b"to", b"tv", b"ua", b"vc", b"vg", b"vn", b"vu", b"ws"]: if d.startswith(b"# ") or d == b"": continue if len(d) != 2: continue d = d.decode() # print(d, file=stderr) ips = [] try: for ns in resolve(d, "NS"): for ip in resolve(ns.to_text()): ips.append(ip.to_text()) except LifetimeTimeout: print(f"{d} timeout resolving tld ns") continue nx = [] has = None for c in "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ": try: tries_left = 5 while True: try: ip = sample(ips, 1)[0] r = udp(make_query(c + "." + d, "NS"), ip, 1, raise_on_truncation=False) except Timeout: print(f"{c}.{d} timeout with ip {ip}", file=stderr) ips.remove(ip) tries_left -= 1 if tries_left < 0: raise Timeout else: break except Timeout: print(f"{c}.{d} timeouted, skipping TLD") break except ValueError: print(f"{d} is unreachable -- all ips timeouted") continue if r.rcode() == NXDOMAIN: nx.append(c) else: # TODO check if NS points to an unregistered domain # print(f"{c}.{d} resolves to {r.sections}") has = c else: if has is not None: print(f"{d} nxdomains are {nx}") for n in nx: candidates.append(n + "." + d) else: print(f"{d} doesn't have") stdout.flush() print("*************** SCRIPT EXEC FINISHED, candidate list:") for candidate in candidates: print(candidate)