char * sc_queryhtml (struct sc_query * q) { /* remember to free returned string in the caller */ /* caller takes care of locking */ size_t resultshtml_written = 0; size_t resultshtml_sizeof = SC_ALLOC_CHUNK; char * resultshtml = malloc(resultshtml_sizeof); resultshtml[0] = '\0'; for (size_t i = 0; i < q->results_length; i++) { #define SC_HRC(string, wanted) \ if (string##_written+wanted >= string##_sizeof) { \ string##_sizeof = (string##_written+wanted+1)*SC_REALLOC_K; \ string = realloc(string, string##_sizeof); \ } #define SC_HRF "

%s " \ "%s


" #define SC_HIF "" #define SC_HRA i, safeurl ? safeurl : SC_I18N_NO_HREFLINK, i, safetitle ? safetitle : SC_I18N_NO_TITLE, \ safebreadcrumbs ? safebreadcrumbs : safeurl ? safeurl : SC_I18N_NO_HREFLINK, safebody ? safebody : SC_I18N_NO_DESCRIPTION char * safetitle = htmlspecialchars(q->results[i]->title); /* htmlspecialchars returns NULL if input is null */ char * safebody = htmlspecialchars(q->results[i]->desc); char * safeurl = htmlspecialchars(q->results[i]->url); char * safebreadcrumbs = htmlspecialchars(q->results[i]->breadcrumbs); size_t ws; if (q->opt & SC_OPT_IMAGE) { ws = snprintf(NULL, 0, SC_HIF, SC_HRA); SC_HRC(resultshtml, ws); resultshtml_written += sprintf(resultshtml+resultshtml_written, SC_HIF, SC_HRA); } else { ws = snprintf(NULL, 0, SC_HRF, SC_HRA); SC_HRC(resultshtml, ws); resultshtml_written += sprintf(resultshtml+resultshtml_written, SC_HRF, SC_HRA); } free(safebreadcrumbs); free(safetitle); free(safebody); free(safeurl); } #define SC_HRS SC_I18N_NUMBER_OF_RESULTS ": %ld | " SC_I18N_QUERY_TIME ": %s" char formatted_time[128]; struct tm tm; localtime_r(&q->lookup_time, &tm); strftime(formatted_time, 128, SC_I18N_DATETIME_FORMAT, &tm); char queryinfo[256]; snprintf(queryinfo, 256, SC_HRS, q->results_length, formatted_time); char * safequery = htmlspecialchars(q->string); char * response = malloc(strlen((char *) sc_hp)+2*strlen(safequery)+strlen(queryinfo)+strlen(resultshtml)); sprintf(response, (char *) sc_hp, safequery, safequery, queryinfo, resultshtml); free(safequery); free(resultshtml); return response; } char * sc_logshtml (struct sc_cache * c) { /* remember to free on caller, remember not to report errors here whilst locked */ char * html = malloc(SC_ALLOC_CHUNK); html[0] = '\0'; size_t html_written = 0; size_t html_sizeof = 0; pthread_rwlock_rdlock(c->logentries_lock); if (!c->logentries) { free(html); return NULL; } for (size_t i = 0; i < c->logentries_length; i++) { #define SC_HLF "
[%s] %s " \ "%s()@%s:%lu: %s
" #define SC_HLA i, \ sc_log_str(c->logentries[i]->type), \ sc_log_str(c->logentries[i]->type), \ formatted_time, \ c->logentries[i]->file, \ c->logentries[i]->line, \ c->logentries[i]->function, /* compile-time burned in values are safe from xss :) */ \ c->logentries[i]->file, \ c->logentries[i]->line, \ safemessage /* ... whereas this might contain < */ struct tm tm; char formatted_time[128]; localtime_r(&c->logentries[i]->time, &tm); strftime(formatted_time, 128, SC_I18N_DATETIME_FORMAT, &tm); char * safemessage = htmlspecialchars(c->logentries[i]->message); size_t ws = snprintf(NULL, 0, SC_HLF, SC_HLA); SC_HRC(html, ws); html_written += sprintf(html+html_written, SC_HLF, SC_HLA); free(safemessage); } pthread_rwlock_unlock(c->logentries_lock); return html; } int sc_httpd (void * cls, struct MHD_Connection * connection, const char * url, const char * method, const char * version, const char * upload_data, size_t * upload_data_size, void ** ptr) { struct sc_cache * c = (struct sc_cache *) cls; static int dummy; struct MHD_Response * httpd_response; int ret; if (0 != strcmp(method, "GET")) return MHD_NO; /* unexpected method */ if (&dummy != *ptr) { /* the first time only the headers are valid, do not respond in the first round ... */ *ptr = &dummy; return MHD_YES; } if (0 != *upload_data_size) return MHD_NO; /* upload data in a GET?! */ *ptr = NULL; /* clear context pointer */ char * response = NULL; enum MHD_ResponseMemoryMode mhdrmm = MHD_RESPMEM_MUST_FREE; const char * query = MHD_lookup_connection_value(connection, MHD_GET_ARGUMENT_KIND, "q"); const char * host = MHD_lookup_connection_value(connection, MHD_HEADER_KIND, "Host"); char * location = "//"; char * content_type = "text/html"; int status_code = MHD_HTTP_OK; SC_OPT_TYPE opt = 0; if (MHD_lookup_connection_value(connection, MHD_GET_ARGUMENT_KIND, "i")) opt |= SC_OPT_IMAGE; if (!host) host = ""; struct sc_query * q = NULL; if (!query) { if (url[0] == '/') switch (url[1]) { case 's': /* security.txt */ case '.': /* .well-known/security.txt */ mhdrmm = MHD_RESPMEM_PERSISTENT; response = sc_securitytxt; content_type = "text/plain"; break; case 'r': /* robots.txt */ mhdrmm = MHD_RESPMEM_PERSISTENT; response = sc_robotstxt; content_type = "text/plain"; break; case 'o': /* osdd.xml - opensearch description document */ response = malloc(strlen(sc_osdd)+strlen(host)); sprintf(response, sc_osdd, host); content_type = "application/opensearchdescription+xml"; break; case 'l': /* logs.html */ { char * logshtml = sc_logshtml(c); response = malloc(strlen((char *) sc_hp)+strlen(SC_I18N_LOGS)+strlen(logshtml ? logshtml : SC_I18N_LOGS_ERROR)); sprintf(response, (char *) sc_hp, "", "", SC_I18N_LOGS, logshtml ? logshtml : SC_I18N_LOGS_ERROR); free(logshtml); } break; } if (!response) { response = malloc(strlen((char *) sc_hp)+strlen(SC_I18N_HP_HEADING)+strlen(SC_I18N_HP_BODY)); sprintf(response, (char *) sc_hp, "", "", SC_I18N_HP_HEADING, SC_I18N_HP_BODY); } } else { int already_retried = 0; retry: SC_CRLE(c, c->queries_lock); for (size_t i = 0; i < c->queries_length; i++) if (!strcmp(c->queries[i]->string, query) && c->queries[i]->opt == opt) q = c->queries[i]; if (q) { response = sc_queryhtml(q); /* MHD_create_response_from_buffer will free response (; */ if (MHD_lookup_connection_value(connection, MHD_GET_ARGUMENT_KIND, "f") && q->results_length > 0) { status_code = 307; location = q->results[0]->url ? q->results[0]->url : SC_I18N_NO_HREFLINK; } SC_CUE(c, c->queries_lock); } else { SC_CUE(c, c->queries_lock); sc_query_google(query, c, NULL, opt); if (already_retried++) { char * safequery = htmlspecialchars(query); response = malloc(strlen((char*) sc_hp)+strlen(safequery)*2+strlen(SC_I18N_HP_ERROR_HEADING)+strlen(SC_I18N_HP_ERROR_BODY)); sprintf(response, (char *) sc_hp, safequery, safequery, SC_I18N_HP_ERROR_HEADING, SC_I18N_HP_ERROR_BODY); free(safequery); } else goto retry; } } httpd_response = MHD_create_response_from_buffer (strlen(response), (void *) response, mhdrmm); MHD_add_response_header(httpd_response, "Content-Type", content_type); if (status_code >= 300 && status_code <= 399) MHD_add_response_header(httpd_response, "Location", location); ret = MHD_queue_response(connection, status_code, httpd_response); MHD_destroy_response(httpd_response); return ret; }