\BOOKMARK [1][-]{1.1}{FRONT PAGE}{}% 1 \BOOKMARK [0][-]{2.0}{SECTION A}{}% 2 \BOOKMARK [1][-]{2.1}{This is the heading of a piece of news expanded over three columns.}{2.0}% 3 \BOOKMARK [1][-]{2.1}{This is the heading of a piece of news expanded over four columns and two pages.}{2.0}% 4 \BOOKMARK [0][-]{3.0}{SECTION B}{}% 5 \BOOKMARK [1][-]{3.1}{This is a very short heading.}{3.0}% 6 \BOOKMARK [1][-]{4.1}{This is an example of ``editorial'' type of news.}{3.0}% 7 \BOOKMARK [1][-]{5.1}{SHORT NEWS ENVIRONMENT}{3.0}% 8