path: root/utils/ParseForm.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'utils/ParseForm.php')
1 files changed, 326 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/utils/ParseForm.php b/utils/ParseForm.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d086ea5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/ParseForm.php
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+// Deluje pravilno le za eno formo
+// Mogoce bi tudi razsiril tako da bi podal form name
+// Zaenkrat le radio in checkbox.
+class ParseForm {
+ var $content; // vsebina strani
+ var $url;
+ // cookies
+ var $cookies;
+ // direktno dumpano
+ // [offset][0] -- name , [offset][1] -- value
+ var $inputs;
+ var $selects;
+ var $hidden;
+ var $checkboxes;
+ var $radio;
+ var $textbox;
+ // Kam kaze forma
+ var $method;
+ var $action;
+ // urejeno
+ var $arr_checkbox;
+ var $arr_radio;
+ var $arr_hidden;
+ function ParseForm ($url) {
+ $this->url = $url;
+ $fv = file_get_contents (str_replace('&amp;', '&', $url));
+ if (strpos ($fv, "<body") !== false) {
+ $fv = substr ($fv, strpos ($fv, "<body"), strpos ($fv, "</body>"));
+ }
+ $this->content = $fv;
+ }
+ function GetCookies () {
+ ob_start();
+ $ch = curl_init($this->url);
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, 1);
+ $ok = curl_exec($ch);
+ curl_close($ch);
+ $head = ob_get_contents();
+ ob_end_clean();
+ preg_match_all ("/Set-Cookie\:(.*?)\;/i", $head, $kukiji);
+ for ($x = 0; $x <= sizeof ($kukiji[1]); $x++) {
+ preg_match ("/\ (.*?)\=/i", $kukiji[1][$x], $ime);
+ $this->cookies[sizeof($this->cookies)][0] = str_replace (" ", "", str_replace ("=", "", $ime[0]));
+ $this->cookies[sizeof($this->cookies)-1][1] = str_replace ($ime[0], "", $kukiji[1][$x]);
+ }
+ }
+ function GetTarget () {
+ preg_match ("/\<form\ (.*?)>/i", $this->content, $forma);
+ preg_match ("/method\=\"(.*?)\"/i", $forma[1], $method);
+ $method = str_replace ('method="', '', $method[0]);
+ $this->method = str_replace ('"', '', $method);
+ preg_match ("/action\=\"(.*?)\"/i", $forma[1], $action);
+ $action = str_replace ('action="', '', $action[0]);
+ $this->action = str_replace ('"', '', $action);
+ echo 'METHOD: '.$this->method.'<br>';
+ echo 'ACTION: '.$this->action.'<br>';
+ }
+ function GetFields () {
+ preg_match_all ("/\<input\ (.*?)>/i", $this->content, $this->inputs);
+echo "<hr>KLican sem na getfields<hr>";
+ // najprej parsajmo inpute
+ for ($x = 0; $x <= sizeof ($this->inputs[1]); $x++) {
+ unset ($value);
+ unset ($type);
+ unset ($name);
+ preg_match ("/name\=\"(.*?)\"/i", $this->inputs[1][$x], $name);
+ $name = str_replace ('name="', '', $name[0]);
+ $name = str_replace ('"', '', $name);
+ preg_match ("/value\=\"(.*?)\"/i", $this->inputs[1][$x], $value);
+ $value = str_replace ('value="', '', $value[0]);
+ $value = str_replace ('"', '', $value);
+ preg_match ("/type\=\"(.*?)\"/i", $this->inputs[1][$x], $type);
+ $type = str_replace ('type="', '', $type[0]);
+ $type = str_replace ('"', '', $type);
+ if (strtolower ($type) == "checkbox") {
+ $this->checkboxes[sizeof($this->checkboxes)][0] = $name;
+ $this->checkboxes[sizeof($this->checkboxes)-1][1] = $value;
+ }
+ if (strtolower ($type) == "radio") {
+ $this->radio[sizeof($this->radio)][0] = $name;
+ $this->radio[sizeof($this->radio)-1][1] = $value;
+ }
+ if (strtolower ($type) == "hidden") {
+ $this->hidden[sizeof($this->hidden)][0] = $name;
+ $this->hidden[sizeof($this->hidden)-1][1] = $value;
+ }
+ if (strtolower ($type) == "text") {
+ $this->textbox[sizeof($this->textbox)][0] = $name;
+ $this->textbox[sizeof($this->textbox)-1][1] = $value;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Izpise na zaslon vsa polja
+ function DumpFields () {
+ for ($a=0; $a<=sizeof($this->checkboxes); $a++) {
+ echo "Checkbox" .$this->checkboxes[$a][0] .", val: " .$this->checkboxes[$a][1] ."<br>";
+ }
+ for ($a=0; $a<=sizeof($this->radio); $a++) {
+ echo "Radio name=" .$this->radio[$a][0] .", val: " .$this->radio[$a][1] ."<br>";
+ }
+ for ($a=0; $a<=sizeof($this->hidden); $a++) {
+ echo "Radio name=" .$this->hidden[$a][0] .", val: " .$this->hidden[$a][1] ."<br>";
+ }
+ }
+ // Spravi elemente forme v array (arr[offset][0]--name, arr[offset][1..n]-- val)
+ function FieldsToArrays () {
+ $pre_name = "";
+ for ($a=0; $a<=sizeof($this->radio); $a++) {
+ if ($this->radio[$a][0] != $pre_name) {
+ $this->arr_radio[sizeof($this->arr_radio)][0] = $this->radio[$a][0];
+ $pre_name = $this->radio[$a][0];
+ }
+ $this->arr_radio[sizeof($this->arr_radio)-1][sizeof($this->arr_radio[sizeof($this->arr_radio)-1])] = $this->radio[$a][1];
+ }
+ for ($a=0; $a<=sizeof($this->hidden); $a++) {
+ if ($this->hidden[$a][0] != $pre_name) {
+ $this->arr_hidden[sizeof($this->arr_hidden)][0] = $this->hidden[$a][0];
+ $pre_name = $this->hidden[$a][0];
+ }
+ $this->arr_hidden[sizeof($this->arr_hidden)-1][sizeof($this->arr_hidden[sizeof($this->arr_hidden)-1])] = $this->hidden[$a][1];
+ }
+ for ($a=0; $a<=sizeof($this->checkboxes); $a++) {
+ if ($this->checkboxes[$a][0] != $pre_name) {
+ $this->arr_checkbox[sizeof($this->arr_checkbox)][0] = $this->checkboxes[$a][0];
+ $pre_name = $this->checkboxes[$a][0];
+ }
+ $this->arr_checkbox[sizeof($this->arr_checkbox)-1][sizeof($this->arr_checkbox[sizeof($this->arr_checkbox)-1])] = $this->checkboxes[$a][1];
+ }
+ }
+ // nakljucno izpolni in submita formo.
+ function RandomFill () {
+ $radios = "";
+ $checks = "";
+ $data = "";
+ // Najprej random radio
+ for ($a = 0; $a < sizeof($this->arr_radio); $a++) {
+ $radios .= "&" .$this->arr_radio[$a][0] ."=" .$this->arr_radio[$a][rand(1, sizeof($this->arr_radio[$a])-1)];
+ $data[$this->arr_radio[$a][0]] = $this->arr_radio[$a][rand(1, sizeof($this->arr_radio[$a])-1)];
+echo "Na ossfet " .$this->arr_radio[$a][0] ." nastavljam vrednost " .$this->arr_radio[$a][rand(1, sizeof($this->arr_radio[$a])-1)];
+ }
+ // hidden ni random
+ for ($a = 0; $a < sizeof($this->arr_hidden); $a++) {
+ $hidden .= "&" .$this->arr_hidden[$a][0] ."=" .$this->arr_hidden[$a][sizeof($this->arr_hidden[$a])-1];
+ $data[$this->arr_hidden[$a][0]] = $this->arr_hidden[$a][sizeof($this->arr_hidden[$a])-1];
+ }
+ // random checkbox
+ for ($a = 0; $a < sizeof($this->arr_checkbox); $a++) {
+ // Obkljukamo nakljucno kljukic
+ $kljukic = rand (1, sizeof($this->arr_checkbox[$a]));
+ for ($b = 0; $b < $kljukic; $b++) {
+ $checks .= "&" .$this->arr_checkbox[$a][0] ."=" .$this->arr_checkbox[$a][rand(1, sizeof($this->arr_checkbox[$a])-1)];
+ $data[$this->arr_checkbox[$a][0]] = $this->arr_checkbox[$a][rand(1, sizeof($this->arr_checkbox[$a])-1)];
+ }
+ }
+echo "data[vrednost_2901] je " .$data['vrednost_2901'];
+echo "<br><br>PRVIC JE DATA ";
+echo var_dump($data);
+echo "<br><br>";
+ $content = str_replace ("&=", "", str_replace ("&=", "", substr ($radios . $checks .$hidden, 1)));
+echo "Izpolnil: $content";
+ if (strpos ($this->action, "http://")===false) {
+ if (strpos ($this->action, "/")===false) {
+ $url = substr ($this->url, 0, strrpos($this->url, "/")) ."/" .$this->action;
+ }
+ elseif (strpos ($this->action, "/") > 1) {
+ $url = substr ($this->url, 0, strrpos($this->url, "/")) .$this->action;
+ }
+ else {
+ $url = substr ($this->url, 0, strpos($this->url, "/")) .$this->action;
+ }
+ }
+ echo "<br>DRUGIC JE DATA: ";
+ echo var_dump($data);
+ echo "<hr>";
+ $url = 'dest.php';
+ if (strtolower ($this->method) == "post") {
+ $this->do_post_request ($url, $data);
+ }
+ else {
+// ponavljaj skripto.
+ }
+ }
+ function do_post_request ($url, $data) {
+ echo '<hr><hr>';
+ echo "VSEBINA STRANI KI JO POSILJAM JE " .$this->content ."<br>";
+ echo var_dump($data);
+ echo "<br>";
+ echo "POSTATI HOCEM NA $url";
+ foreach($data as $key => $param) {
+ if (empty($param)) {
+ unset($data[$key]);
+ }
+ }
+ // Create data
+ $data = http_build_query($data);
+ // Headers
+ $headers = "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n";
+ $headers .= "Content-Length: " . strlen($data) . "\r\n";
+ for ($x = 0; $x < sizeof ($this->cookies); $x++) {
+ if ($this->cookies[$x][0]!="") {
+ $kukis .= "; " .$this->cookies[$x][0] ."=" .$this->cookies[$x][1];
+ }
+ }
+ if (strlen ($kukis) > 1) $headers .= "Cookie: " .substr ($kukis, 2, strlen($kukis)) ."\r\n";
+ echo "<br>header: $headers<hr>";
+ // Create stream
+ $options = array(
+ 'http' => array(
+ 'method' => 'POST',
+ 'header' => $headers,
+ 'content' => $data
+ )
+ );
+ echo "tu poslal naprej ---_" ;
+ echo var_dump($data);
+ echo '_-----';
+ $context = stream_context_create($options);
+ // Get the result
+ $result = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
+ echo "<br><br><br>KAR DOBIM NAZAJ: $result";
+/* // Lahko bi malo izpopolnil!!!
+ if (strpos ($result, '<form') !== false) {
+ echo "Grem na naslednjo stran...";
+ $this->ParseNextPage ($result);
+ }
+*/ }
+ function ParseNextPage ($content) {
+ if (strpos ($content, "<body") !== false) {
+ $content = substr ($content, strpos ($content, "<body"), strpos ($content, "</body>"));
+ }
+ $this->inputs = "";
+ $this->selects= "";
+ $this->hidden= "";
+ $this->checkboxes= "";
+ $this->radio= "";
+ $this->textbox= "";
+ // Kam kaze forma
+ $this->method= "";
+ $this->action= "";
+ // urejeno
+ $this->arr_checkbox= "";
+ $this->arr_radio= "";
+ $this->arr_hidden= "";
+ $this->content = $content;
+ echo "Sem na parsenextpage, grem klicat getfields";
+ // kukijev na naslednjih straneh ne preverjam vec.
+ $this->GetTarget();
+ $this->GetFields();
+ $this->FieldsToArrays();
+ $this->RandomFill();
+ }
+?> \ No newline at end of file