path: root/private/crt32/stdio/fputwchr.c
blob: 83587a506c06657456e1280930febf6a2bcfb6f9 (plain) (tree)

*fputwchr.c - write a wide character to stdout
*	Copyright (c) 1993, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
*	defines _fputwchar(), putwchar() - write a wide character to stdout,
*	function version
*Revision History:
*	04-26-93  CFW	Module created.
*	04-30-93  CFW	Bring wide char support from fputchar.c.
*	06-02-93  CFW	Wide get/put use wint_t.

#include <cruntime.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <tchar.h>

*wint_t _fputwchar(ch), putwchar() - put a wide character to stdout
*	Puts the given wide character to stdout.  Function version of macro
*	putwchar().
*	wint_t ch - character to output
*	returns character written if successful
*	returns WEOF if fails

wint_t _CRTAPI1 _fputwchar (
	REG1 wint_t ch
	return(putwc(ch, stdout));

#undef putwchar

wint_t _CRTAPI1 putwchar (
	REG1 wint_t ch