path: root/private/crt32/string/i386/memcmp.asm
blob: cd419fd2ec6cdc68d7e690ee78ac55bc6f41ca82 (plain) (tree)

	page	,132
	title	memcmp - compare to blocks of memory
;memcmp.asm - compare two blocks of memory
;	Copyright (c) 1985-1991, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
;	defines memcmp() - compare two memory blocks lexically and
;	find their order.
;Revision History:
;	05-16-83  RN	initial version
;	07-20-87  SKS	rewritten for speed
;	05-17-88  SJM	Add model-independent (large model) ifdef
;	08-04-88  SJM	convert to cruntime/ add 32-bit support
;	08-23-88  JCR	386 cleanup
;	10-25-88  JCR	General cleanup for 386-only code
;	03-23-90  GJF	Changed to _stdcall. Also, fixed the copyright.
;	05-10-91  GJF	Back to _cdecl, sigh...


;int memcmp(buf1, buf2, count) - compare memory for lexical order
;	Compares count bytes of memory starting at buf1 and buf2
;	and find if equal or which one is first in lexical order.
;	Algorithm:
;	int
;	memcmp (buf1, buf2, count)
;		char *buf1, *buf2;
;		unsigned count;
;	{
;		if (!count)
;			return(0);
;		while (--count && *buf1 == *buf2)
;			{
;			buf1++;
;			buf2++;
;			}
;		return(*buf1 - *buf2);
;	}
;	char *buf1, *buf2 - pointers to memory sections to compare
;	unsigned count - length of sections to compare
;	returns -1 if buf1 < buf2
;	returns  0 if buf1 == buf2
;	returns +1 if buf1 > buf2


	public	memcmp
memcmp	proc \
	uses edi esi, \
	buf1:ptr byte, \
	buf2:ptr byte, \

	mov	esi,buf1	; si = buf1
	mov	edi,buf2	; di = buf2

; choose ds:si=buf1 and es:di=buf2 so that the CARRY flag
; gets the right way by the REP CMPSB instruction below.
	xor	eax,eax
	mov	ecx,count
	jecxz	short done

	repe	cmpsb		; compare while equal, at most "count" bytes
	je	short done	; buf1 == buf2?  (AX = 0)
				;	buf1 < buf2	buf1 > buf2
	sbb	eax,eax 	;	AX=-1, CY=1	AX=0, CY=0
	sbb	eax,-1		;	AX=-1		AX=1

ifdef	_STDCALL_
	ret	2*DPSIZE + ISIZE ; _stdcall return
	ret			; _cdecl return

memcmp	endp