path: root/private/eventlog/elf.idl
blob: 8685828d35cccc757ced02a9462ec54c1ae4e3da (plain) (tree)


Copyright (c) 1990  Microsoft Corporation

Module Name:



    Contains the Elfr APIs which are used to remote the Elf APIs to
    the local or remote server via RPC.
    Also contains the RPC specific data structures for these API.


    Rajen Shah   (rajens)   02-Apr-1991

Revision History:

    02-Apr-1991     RajenS


// Interface Attributes

#ifdef __midl
#endif // __midl

// Interface Keyword

interface eventlog

// Interface Body


import "imports.idl"; // import all the include files
#include "event.h"

// ELF Generic Handle used to bind from client to server.

typedef [handle,unique] LPWSTR EVENTLOG_HANDLE_W;
typedef [handle,unique] LPSTR EVENTLOG_HANDLE_A;

// ELF RPC Context Handle (Internal definition of ELF_HANDLE)

typedef [context_handle] struct _IELF_HANDLE {
    LIST_ENTRY    Next;
    ULONG    Signature;    // BUGBUG - For debug only
    ULONG    Flags;        // e.g. "invalid"
    ULONG    GrantedAccess;
    ATOM     Atom;
    ULONG    SeekRecordPos;
    ULONG    SeekBytePos;
    ULONG    MajorVersion; // To identify caller
    ULONG    MinorVersion;
    ULONG    NameLength;
    [size_is(NameLength)] WCHAR Name[]; // Keep this as last field

// UNICODE Function Prototypes
// Only OpenEL and CloseEL need to take PIELF_HANDLE
// parameters since they are the only ones to modify the handle.
// The others will take IELF_HANDLE parameters instead.

// NOTE:
//    The names of the functions are short so that when RPC
//    prepends the interface name to the names, they are still
//    unique.

ElfrClearELFW (
    [in]           IELF_HANDLE LogHandle,
    [in,unique]    PRPC_UNICODE_STRING BackupFileName

ElfrBackupELFW (
    [in]         IELF_HANDLE LogHandle,
    [in]         PRPC_UNICODE_STRING BackupFileName

ElfrCloseEL (
    [in,out]        PIELF_HANDLE LogHandle

ElfrDeregisterEventSource (
    [in,out]        PIELF_HANDLE LogHandle

    [in]            IELF_HANDLE         LogHandle,
    [out]           PULONG              NumberOfRecords

    [in]            IELF_HANDLE         LogHandle,
    [out]           PULONG              OldestRecordNumber

   [in]             IELF_HANDLE         LogHandle,
   [in]             RPC_CLIENT_ID       ClientId,
   [in]             ULONG               Event

// The ModuleName is the one passed in by the caller of the API. This is
// the one that is written to the log file.
// RegModuleName is generated by the client stub, and is the name that is
// used to determine the default log file name from the registry. For
// NT Product1, this will be "Application". NOTE: It is necessary to do this
// now so that we can support viewing logs from a Product 2 system in the
// future if we change our logging mechanism.

ElfrOpenELW (
    [in]    EVENTLOG_HANDLE_W UNCServerName,
    [in]           PRPC_UNICODE_STRING ModuleName, // Passed in API call
    [in]           PRPC_UNICODE_STRING RegModuleName, // Used for registry
    [in]           ULONG MajorVersion,
    [in]           ULONG MinorVersion,
    [out]          PIELF_HANDLE LogHandle

ElfrRegisterEventSourceW (
    [in]          EVENTLOG_HANDLE_W UNCServerName,
    [in]          PRPC_UNICODE_STRING ModuleName, // Passed in API call
    [in]          PRPC_UNICODE_STRING RegModuleName, // Used for registry info
    [in]          ULONG MajorVersion,
    [in]          ULONG MinorVersion,
    [out]         PIELF_HANDLE LogHandle

ElfrOpenBELW (
    [in]          EVENTLOG_HANDLE_W UNCServerName,
    [in]          PRPC_UNICODE_STRING BackupFileName, // Passed in API call
    [in]          ULONG MajorVersion,
    [in]          ULONG MinorVersion,
    [out]         PIELF_HANDLE LogHandle

// BUGBUG - Fix this interface once RPC supports the ability to return
// zero bytes. Then, Buffer will have a length_is(*NumberOfBytesRead)
// added to it. For now, always transfer NumberOfBytesToRead bytes!
// The LogHandle is an [in,out] since the server side stores information
// in it that pertains to the current seek position.

ElfrReadELW (
    [in]         IELF_HANDLE     LogHandle,
    [in]         ULONG ReadFlags,
    [in]         ULONG RecordOffset,
    [in]         ULONG NumberOfBytesToRead,
    [out,size_is(NumberOfBytesToRead)] PBYTE Buffer,
    [out]        PULONG NumberOfBytesRead,
    [out]        PULONG MinNumberOfBytesNeeded

ElfrReportEventW (
    [in]         IELF_HANDLE LogHandle,
    [in]         ULONG Time,
    [in]         USHORT EventType,
    [in]         USHORT EventCategory,
    [in]         ULONG EventID,
    [in]         USHORT NumStrings,
    [in]         ULONG DataSize,
    [in]         PRPC_UNICODE_STRING ComputerName,
    [in, unique] PRPC_SID UserSID,
    [in, size_is(NumStrings), unique] PRPC_UNICODE_STRING Strings[*],
    [in, size_is(DataSize), unique] PBYTE Data,
    [in]         USHORT Flags,
    [in,out,unique] PULONG RecordNumber,
    [in,out,unique] PULONG TimeWritten

// ANSI Function Prototypes
// Only OpenEL needs to take PIELF_HANDLE
// parameters since they are the only ones to modify the handle.
// The others will take IELF_HANDLE parameters instead.
// NOTE that there is only one api for CloseEL since there are no
// strings involved.

ElfrClearELFA (
    [in]         IELF_HANDLE LogHandle,
    [in,unique]  PRPC_STRING BackupFileName

ElfrBackupELFA (
    [in]         IELF_HANDLE LogHandle,
    [in]         PRPC_STRING BackupFileName

// The ModuleName is the one passed in by the caller of the API. This is
// the one that is written to the log file.
// RegModuleName is generated by the client stub, and is the name that is
// used to determine the default log file name from the registry. For
// NT Product1, this will be "Application". NOTE: It is necessary to do this
// now so that we can support viewing logs from a Product 2 system in the
// future if we change our logging mechanism.

ElfrOpenELA (
    [in]     EVENTLOG_HANDLE_A UNCServerName,
    [in]     PRPC_STRING ModuleName, // Passed in API call
    [in]     PRPC_STRING RegModuleName, // Used for registry info
    [in]     ULONG MajorVersion,
    [in]     ULONG MinorVersion,
    [out]    PIELF_HANDLE LogHandle

ElfrRegisterEventSourceA (
    [in]     EVENTLOG_HANDLE_A UNCServerName,
    [in]     PRPC_STRING ModuleName, // Passed in API call
    [in]     PRPC_STRING RegModuleName, // Used for registry info
    [in]     ULONG MajorVersion,
    [in]     ULONG MinorVersion,
    [out]    PIELF_HANDLE LogHandle

ElfrOpenBELA (
    [in]     EVENTLOG_HANDLE_A UNCServerName,
    [in]     PRPC_STRING FileName, // Passed in API call
    [in]     ULONG MajorVersion,
    [in]     ULONG MinorVersion,
    [out]    PIELF_HANDLE LogHandle

// BUGBUG - Fix this interface once RPC supports the ability to return
// zero bytes. Then, Buffer will have a length_is(*NumberOfBytesRead)
// added to it. For now, always transfer NumberOfBytesToRead bytes!
// The LogHandle is an [in,out] since the server side stores information
// in it that pertains to the current seek position.

ElfrReadELA (
    [in]    IELF_HANDLE LogHandle,
    [in]    ULONG ReadFlags,
    [in]    ULONG RecordOffset,
    [in]    ULONG NumberOfBytesToRead,
    [out,size_is(NumberOfBytesToRead)] PBYTE Buffer,
    [out]   PULONG NumberOfBytesRead,
    [out]   PULONG MinNumberOfBytesNeeded

ElfrReportEventA (
    [in]    IELF_HANDLE LogHandle,
    [in]    ULONG Time,
    [in]    USHORT EventType,
    [in]    USHORT EventCategory,
    [in]    ULONG EventID,
    [in]    USHORT NumStrings,
    [in]    ULONG DataSize,
    [in]    PRPC_STRING ComputerName,
    [in, unique] PRPC_SID UserSID,
    [in, size_is(NumStrings), unique] PRPC_STRING Strings[*],
    [in, size_is(DataSize), unique] PBYTE Data,
    [in]    USHORT Flags,
    [in,out,unique] PULONG RecordNumber,
    [in,out,unique] PULONG TimeWritten
