path: root/private/inc/seopaque.h
blob: b42828f5489ac846acea22b9c4e637036ed315a7 (plain) (tree)

/*++ BUILD Version: 0002    // Increment this if a change has global effects

Copyright (c) 1989  Microsoft Corporation

Module Name:



    This module contains definitions of opaque Security data structures.

    These structures are available to user and kernel security routines

    This file is not included by including "ntos.h".


    Jim Kelly (Jimk) 23-Mar-1990

Revision History:


#ifndef _SEOPAQUE_
#define _SEOPAQUE_
//                                                                       //
//  Private Structures                                                   //
//                                                                       //

// Generic ACE structures, to be used for casting ACE's of known types

typedef struct _KNOWN_ACE {
    ACE_HEADER Header;
    ULONG SidStart;

typedef struct _KNOWN_COMPOUND_ACE {
    ACE_HEADER Header;
    USHORT CompoundAceType;
    USHORT Reserved;
    ULONG SidStart;

//typedef struct _KNOWN_IMPERSONATION_ACE {
//    ACE_HEADER Header;
//    ACCESS_MASK Mask;
//    USHORT DataType;
//    USHORT Argument;
//    ULONG Operands;

//                                                                       //
//  Miscellaneous support macros                                         //
//                                                                       //

//  Given a pointer return its word aligned equivalent value

#define WordAlign(Ptr) (                       \
    (PVOID)((((ULONG)(Ptr)) + 1) & 0xfffffffe) \

//  Given a pointer return its longword aligned equivalent value

#define LongAlign(Ptr) (                       \
    (PVOID)((((ULONG)(Ptr)) + 3) & 0xfffffffc) \

//  Given a pointer return its quadword aligned equivalent value

#define QuadAlign(Ptr) (                       \
    (PVOID)((((ULONG)(Ptr)) + 7) & 0xfffffff8) \

//  This macro returns TRUE if a flag in a set of flags is on and FALSE
//  otherwise

#define FlagOn(Flags,SingleFlag) (               \
    ((Flags) & (SingleFlag)) != 0 ? TRUE : FALSE \

//  This macro clears a single flag in a set of flags

#define ClearFlag(Flags,SingleFlag) { \
    (Flags) &= ~(SingleFlag);         \

//  Get a pointer to the first ace in an acl

#define FirstAce(Acl) ((PVOID)((PUCHAR)(Acl) + sizeof(ACL)))

//  Get a pointer to the following ace

#define NextAce(Ace) ((PVOID)((PUCHAR)(Ace) + ((PACE_HEADER)(Ace))->AceSize))

//  Determine if an ace is a standard ace

#define IsCompoundAceType(Ace) (                                           \

// A "known" ACE is one of the types that existed before the introduction of
// compound ACEs.  While the name is no longer as accurate as it used to be,
// it's convenient.

#define IsKnownAceType(Ace) (                                     \
    (((PACE_HEADER)(Ace))->AceType == ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE) || \
    (((PACE_HEADER)(Ace))->AceType == ACCESS_DENIED_ACE_TYPE)  || \
    (((PACE_HEADER)(Ace))->AceType == SYSTEM_AUDIT_ACE_TYPE)   || \
    (((PACE_HEADER)(Ace))->AceType == SYSTEM_ALARM_ACE_TYPE)      \

// Update this macro as new MS-Defined ACE types are added.

#define IsMSAceType(Ace) (                                              \
    (((PACE_HEADER)(Ace))->AceType == ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE) ||       \
    (((PACE_HEADER)(Ace))->AceType == ACCESS_DENIED_ACE_TYPE)  ||       \
    (((PACE_HEADER)(Ace))->AceType == SYSTEM_AUDIT_ACE_TYPE)   ||       \
    (((PACE_HEADER)(Ace))->AceType == SYSTEM_ALARM_ACE_TYPE)   ||       \

// Update this macro as new ACL revisions are defined.

#define ValidAclRevision(Acl) ((Acl)->AclRevision == ACL_REVISION2 || (Acl)->AclRevision == ACL_REVISION3)

//  Macro to determine if an ace is to be inherited by a subdirectory

#define ContainerInherit(Ace) (                      \
    FlagOn((Ace)->AceFlags, CONTAINER_INHERIT_ACE) \

//  Macro to determine if an ace is to be proprogate to a subdirectory.
//  It will if it is inheritable by either a container or non-container
//  and is not explicitly marked for no-propagation.

#define Propagate(Ace) (                                              \
    !FlagOn((Ace)->AceFlags, NO_PROPAGATE_INHERIT_ACE)  &&            \
    (FlagOn(( Ace )->AceFlags, OBJECT_INHERIT_ACE) ||                 \
     FlagOn(( Ace )->AceFlags, CONTAINER_INHERIT_ACE) )               \

//  Macro to determine if an ACE is to be inherited by a sub-object

#define ObjectInherit(Ace) (                      \
    FlagOn(( Ace )->AceFlags, OBJECT_INHERIT_ACE) \

#endif // _SEOPAQUE_