path: root/private/ntos/nbt/inc/timer.h
blob: 63c7e886f6f8d998154fb4060ff69d1ea8b07e67 (plain) (tree)

//  timer.h
//  This file contains the typedefinitions for the timer code

#ifndef __TIMERNBT_H
#define __TIMERNBT_H

// to convert a millisecond time to 100ns time
#define MILLISEC_TO_100NS       10000
// the completion routine that the client must define
                IN  PVOID,      // context
                IN  PVOID,      // context2
                IN  PVOID);     // timerqentry
                IN  PVOID,
                IN  NTSTATUS);

// Timer Queue Entry - this entry looks after a timer event.  It tracks who
// should be called when the timeout occurs, the time in the future of the
// timout, and a context value.
typedef struct
    CTETimer            VxdTimer ;
    LIST_ENTRY          Linkage;
    PVOID               Context;
    PVOID               Context2;
    COMPLETIONROUTINE   CompletionRoutine;
    PVOID               ClientContext;
    COMPLETIONCLIENT    ClientCompletion;
    PVOID               pCacheEntry;        // entry in Remote or local cache
    ULONG               DeltaTime;
    // this is set by the completionroutine to tell the timing system to
    // restart the timer again, as opposed to disposing of the timer
    USHORT              Flags;
    USHORT              Retries;    // number of times to restart the timer
    UCHAR               RefCount;   // to tell if the timer is expiring or not


// Flag bits for tTIMERQENTRY
#define TIMER_RESTART       0x0001
// to differentiate the broadcast timeouts from the timouts to the Name Service
#define TIMER_MNODEBCAST    0x0002
#define TIMER_DOING_EXPIRY  0x0004
#define TIMER_NOT_STARTED   0x0008
#define TIMER_RETIMED       0x0010  // timeout has changed, restart timer without any processing

// The timer Q itself
typedef struct
    LIST_ENTRY  ActiveHead;
    LIST_ENTRY  FreeHead;


// Function Prototype -  this function is only called locally to this file

//  TimerExpiry routine - Called by kernel upon timer expiration.  Note that
//      DeferredContext is the only argument used and must be named/used the
//      same between NT and WFW.
#ifndef VXD
    IN  PKDPC   Dpc,
    IN  PVOID   DeferredContext,
    IN  PVOID   SystemArg1,
    IN  PVOID   SystemArg2
    IN  CTEEvent * pCTEEvent,
    IN  PVOID      DeferredContext
    ) ;
