path: root/private/ntos/nthals/halncr/i386/ncripi.asm
blob: ebbea00d8b5bc3960a0b3f47e39780a827dc38a5 (plain) (tree)


        title "Interprocessor Interrupt"
;Copyright (c) 1992  NCR Corporation
;Module Name:
;    ncripi.asm
;    Provides the HAL support for Interprocessor Interrupts.
;    Richard Barton (o-richb) 24-Jan-1992
;Revision History:
include i386\
include                    ; calling convention macros
include i386\
include i386\

        EXTRNP  Kei386EoiHelper,0,IMPORT
        EXTRNP  _KiCoprocessorError,0,IMPORT
        EXTRNP  _KeRaiseIrql,2
        EXTRNP  _HalBeginSystemInterrupt,3
        EXTRNP  _HalEndSystemInterrupt,2
        EXTRNP  _KiIpiServiceRoutine,2,IMPORT
        EXTRNP  _HalEnableSystemInterrupt,3
        EXTRNP  _NCRClearQicIpi,1
        extrn   _NCRLogicalNumberToPhysicalMask:DWORD

        page ,132
        subttl  "Post InterProcessor Interrupt"

; NCR3360EnableNmiButtoni(
;       VOID
;       );
;Routine Description:
;    Programs the recessed button on the 3360 to generate an NMI.
;    3360 SPECIFIC CODE ONLY !!!!!
;    Mask - Supplies a mask of the processors to interrupt
;Return Value:
;    None.

; in NMI handler, if you are interested in making sure button was source of
; NMI, check bit 6 (of 0 thru 7) of IO port 0xf820. If 0, button was pressed,
; 1 means NMI came from somewhere else.
; Also, in NMI interrupt handler, if NMI came fo...

cPublicProc _NCR3360EnableNmiButton, 0

        mov     ah, 41h         ; start with processor ASIC 0 (FRED ASIC)
        mov     cx, 2           ; loop through 2 processor cards

        mov     al, ah          ; get ASIC select data
        out     97h, al         ; select ASIC through CAT Access port
        mov     dx, 0f800h      ; read CAT ID
        in      al, dx          ; 
        cmp     al, 0ffh        ; 0xff means no processor card is present
        je      @f

                                ; setup processor ASICs for g_nmi

        mov     dx, 0f80dh      ; turn on GNMI in FRED ASIC
        in      al, dx
        or      al, 1
        out     dx, al

        add     ah, 20h         ; go to next processor card

        loop    PollAsics       ; loop 'til done

        mov     al, 0c1h        ; select arbiter ASIC
        out     97h, al

        mov     dx, 0f80bh      ; enable EXP_FALCON_NMI (pushbutton NMI)
        in      al, dx
        or      al, 8
        out     dx, al

        mov     al, 0ffh        ; take CAT subsystem out of setup
        out     97h, al

        mov     dx, 0f823h      ; enable pushbutton NMI by disabling, then
        in      al, dx          ; reenable
        and     al, 11011111b   ; disable by setting MEM_DIS_L to 0
        out     dx, al
        or      al, 00100000b   ; enable by setting MEM_DIS_L to 0
        out     dx, al

        stdRET  _NCR3360EnableNmiButton
stdENDP _NCR3360EnableNmiButton

; HalVicRequestIpi(
;       IN ULONG Mask
;       );
;Routine Description:
;    Requests an interprocessor interrupt using the VIC
;    Mask - Supplies a mask of the processors to interrupt
;Return Value:
;    None.

cPublicProc _HalVicRequestIpi  ,1
        mov   eax, dword ptr 4[esp]
        VIC_WRITE CpiLevel0Reg, al
        stdRET    _HalVicRequestIpi
stdENDP _HalVicRequestIpi

        page ,132
        subttl  "80387 Irq13 Interrupt Handler"

; HalpIrq13Handler (
;    );
; Routine Description:
;    When the 80387 detects an error, it raises its error line.  This
;    was supposed to be routed directly to the 386 to cause a trap 16
;    (which would actually occur when the 386 encountered the next FP
;    instruction).
;    However, the ISA design routes the error line to IRQ13 on the
;    slave 8259.  So an interrupt will be generated whenever the 387
;    discovers an error.
;    This routine handles that interrupt and passes control to the kernel
;    coprocessor error handler.
; Arguments:
;    None.
;    Interrupt is disabled.
; Return Value:
;    None.

        ENTER_DR_ASSIST Hi13_a, Hi13_t

cPublicProc _HalpIrq13Handler       ,0

; Save machine state in trap frame

        ENTER_INTERRUPT Hi13_a, Hi13_t  ; (ebp) -> Trap frame

; HalBeginSystemInterrupt will save previous IRQL
        push    13 + PRIMARY_VECTOR_BASE
        sub     esp, 4                          ; placeholder for OldIrql

        stdCall   _HalBeginSystemInterrupt, <I386_80387_IRQL,13 + PRIMARY_VECTOR_BASE,esp>

        or      al,al                   ; check for spurious interrupt
        jz      SpuriousIrq13

        stdCall   _KiCoprocessorError     ; call CoprocessorError handler

;       Clear the busy latch so that the 386 doesn't mistakenly think
;       that the 387 is still busy.

        xor     al,al
        out     I386_80387_BUSY_PORT, al

        INTERRUPT_EXIT                  ; will return to caller

        add     esp, 8                  ; spurious, no EndOfInterrupt
        SPURIOUS_INTERRUPT_EXIT         ; exit interrupt without eoi

stdENDP _HalpIrq13Handler

        page ,132
        subttl  "Interprocessor Interrupt Handler"

; NCRVicIPIHandler (
;    );
; Routine Description:
;    This routine handles an incoming cross-processor interrupt.
; Arguments:
;    None.
;    Interrupt is disabled.
; Return Value:
;    None.

        ENTER_DR_ASSIST Ipi_a, Ipi_t

cPublicProc _NCRVicIPIHandler,0

; Save machine state in trap frame

        ENTER_INTERRUPT Ipi_a, Ipi_t  ; (ebp) -> Trap frame

; HalBeginSystemInterrupt will save previous IRQL

        sub     esp, 4                          ; placeholder for OldIrql

        stdCall   _HalBeginSystemInterrupt, <IPI_LEVEL,NCR_CPI_VECTOR_BASE+NCR_IPI_LEVEL_CPI,esp>

        or      al,al                   ; check for spurious interrupt
        jz      short SpuriousIpi

; Pass TrapFrame to Ipi service rtn
; Pass Null ExceptionFrame

        stdCall   _KiIpiServiceRoutine, <ebp,0>

; BUGBUG shielint ignore returncode

        INTERRUPT_EXIT                  ; will return to caller

        align   4
        add     esp, 8                  ; spurious, no EndOfInterrupt
        SPURIOUS_INTERRUPT_EXIT         ; exit interrupt without eoi

stdENDP _NCRVicIPIHandler

; NCRQicIPIHandler (
;    );
; Routine Description:
;    This routine handles an incoming cross-processor interrupt for the Quad Processor.
; Arguments:
;    None.
;    Interrupt is disabled.
; Return Value:
;    None.

        ENTER_DR_ASSIST QicIpi_a, QicIpi_t

cPublicProc _NCRQicIPIHandler,0

; Save machine state in trap frame

        ENTER_INTERRUPT QicIpi_a, QicIpi_t  ; (ebp) -> Trap frame

; HalBeginSystemInterrupt will save previous IRQL

        sub     esp, 4                          ; placeholder for OldIrql

        stdCall   _HalBeginSystemInterrupt, <IPI_LEVEL,NCR_QIC_CPI_VECTOR_BASE+NCR_IPI_LEVEL_CPI,esp>

        or      al,al                   ; check for spurious interrupt
        jz      short SpuriousQicIpi

; Pass TrapFrame to Ipi service rtn
; Pass Null ExceptionFrame

        stdCall   _KiIpiServiceRoutine, <ebp,0>

; BUGBUG shielint ignore returncode

        INTERRUPT_EXIT                  ; will return to caller

        align   4
        add     esp, 8                  ; spurious, no EndOfInterrupt
        SPURIOUS_INTERRUPT_EXIT         ; exit interrupt without eoi

stdENDP _NCRQicIPIHandler

